Tuesday, 27 February 2007 18:24
Harlow people!
Hehe. Gosh! I just realised how Janice have not been tagging my blog since i started sec school. D: but nevertheless, she's my CUTE,minus the ugly part, lil sister!! ((: i can't wait to see her this sat!! Yay yay yay! haha. ok ok. In nurul's words, "stop being retarded alyssa! but then again, you are!" ouch! but true. HAHA. ok lame. anyway, I'm still excited! ok wtv. xP
Went for the _______. There were two boys after me so, they sat next to me la. Gosh! This Siti was so engrossed in reading her wtv that she "abandoned" me. *sobs* Therefore, I would like to thank the two guys who were kinda encouraging me endlessly; moses (sp?) and urm... some malay guy. heh. sorry! ((: lol. Seriously! They were two nice human beings. Hehe. Good luck anyway! see siti so mean! LOL. kidding kidding!
Su and Niqqi went before us and they were so kind to tell us what we have to expect. Thank youuuu!! Haha.
Niki slept over on Sunday night so yea. She went home ytd. night. Hmm... oh yea! my class won cleanest classroom of the week! I think they got mixed up or something. No offence! haha. But when I went to G3, it was damn neat okayyy compared to our class. haha. Maybe it's luck! ((: lol. But now, it's ptah! MESSY!! heh. Maths common test. Bleagh! *sobs*
Sci CT. *sobs again* sighs. Ohoh!!!
The STRAITS TIMES PHOTOGRAPHER came. LOL. ok. I'm so showing that one off with the cap letters and all. omgosh alyssa! hehe. anyway, it was damn cool. The thing is, it's so uncomfortable to walk in front of a crowd of 100 (??) people in casual wear whent the rest are in uniform. WEIRD i tell you. Sheesh! heh.
Well then, yadda yadda yadda. Photographer came we were in action!! ((: He took ALOT of pics & like for my part, aunty joy and mum, i laughed at the part i fainted! Darn it! Silly me. But seriously, adelia, who acted as dad, nigel and uncle joe, was so funny when she had to catch me fall! hehehehe. Luckily for her, we both had to fall so she won't have to carry the burden of really catching me cos you know, me, heh, heavy! hahahaha.
Wtv! xP
Went home with, Jasmine, Myra and Nurul. & I realised Myra's fav word was spastic and mine and Nurul's are retard! haha. Poor Jasmine. But the trip back home was fun. You Myra! Always side Nurul and Jasmine! You never thought I could be so retarded righttt?? haha. So cute to see them see me being retarded! LOL. You guys rock mann. xD
sighs. this is so argh!! i'm stressed out at learning the conjugations and the feminine, masculine thingy and the other je, vous, le thingy. sighs sighs sighs. I'm DYING!! HELPPPP!! haix. nvrm. must be confident! I hope. hehe. ok la. I need to go now peeps. byeeeeeee <33
Lizzy in pink... out!
you threw me aside now that you don't need me. how could you?!
~addie: Hello kakak!! yea mann!! RETARDS!! hehe. xD
~mummy: what?!?! you went also okay!! hahaha!! so retarded la you. oopsies. -quickly covers mouth-
~aminah: haha. it was just a slip of my mind.
~amanda and katherine: okay!
~rachel: haha! cos i'm using blogger now. LOL.
Sunday, 25 February 2007 11:20
Heya! Today's the day. Excited mann!! Hahaha. Oh well, good luck to siti, su and her bro!
Anway, cik ogy has given birth to a baby boy today!! CONGRATS!! ((: I still don't know what she named him. I can't wait to find out!! I'm going to see her later. OMGOSH! I have to go and tell Siti I can't fetch her. Ok ok. After this. Hmm... I don't know what else to say.
Oh yea!! I'm going to attend the pbmc camp during the March Holidays!! 3days 2 nights. Yay! It seems exciting!! There'll be an amazing race around Singapore!! So cool!! Looking forward to that.
Freda! You can do it!! Just tell what's within. ((: Hmm... I gotta go now. Adios amigos!! ((:
Lizzy in pink... out!
~Fadilah: Thank you!! ((:
~Nisa: Oh!!
~Aqilah: Omgosh! Yea...!! Grahhhh. My malay's getting from bad to worse!!! Haha.
~Sulas: Heylo!!! Tulah... takpe. We'll meet up soon okay? I MISS YOU LOADS!!!!!!!!!! xD
~Fiqag3: Sorry la. I had to go somewhere ytd. omgosh! Serious?? Okayyyy...
Saturday, 24 February 2007 19:10
Hello people! Hahaha. Today was funnn!
Attended the sajak and debate thingy today. I helped Aishah out! I was an EMO businesswoman! ((: heh. Apparently, I expected Addie and Nurul to say "you and Dini were so emo la!" but they said "omg! You were so cute!" HAHA! What?!?! I was supposed to be emo not cute!!!! Heh. Apadah! Anyway, the rest of the sajak contestants were very good!! -around of applause- Btw, Aishah got third position!! KUDDOS TO AISHAH!! ((: You should have seen us backstage. Me and Dini were "sad" *winksdiniwinks* hehehehe.
Then, the debate thing was cool! Sec 3's debated about; Rancangan-rancangan MTV tidak berpendidikan. Fadilah's group had to debate about that! Mira and Nasuha's group had to debate about it being educational. Woah! It's sure a tough one but anyway, they survived! Fadilah was goooooood but Mira won best debator! & SO, THE CAMEL DID IT! Yay! Haha. Addie, Nurul and I shouted GO CAMEL and I was like the only one who shouted for Fadilah!! ((: Haha! Anyway, Addie, Nurul, Siti and I had to leave early for an _______ so we missed a bit of the sec 4's debate.
Omgosh!! We didn't expect to see a loooooooooooong queue okay. Then, we saw Sulastri and her bro!! So cool!! Haha. We all queued up together and boyyyyyyy was it looooooooooooooooong! After the wait, we went to eat and guess who we saw!? CIKGU with *ehem* hehehehe. She kept looking at us and we were scared she got the wrong impression of us about leaving early!! *sobs* But anyway, we are not doing anything wrong so why worry right? ((:
Grahhhhh. Today the four of us were being damn retarded!! && I kept laughing like crazyyyyy. Seriously!! It's so funny!! Eyer... "toooo emo that we became retarded". - quote from addie. haha! Met her sis too cos she went for the _______. We were al like hyper-ventilating please! Hah! Oh well, I wanna go and do my hmwk now. BYESSSS!! Oh... ELIAS ROCKS!! xD
Lizzy in pink... off!
~Fadilah: YES! I totally agree with you mann. ELIAS BABES ROCK TO THE CORE!!! haha. And I cheered for you today. The only one...........
~Nisa: Haha! Oh! I see. Then what school did you go to after that?
Friday, 23 February 2007 20:33
Tag replies
~Jiaqi: RAWR!!! ((:
~Keerthana: Thanks! xD
~Nisa: Serious??? OMG!! So cool!! Which centre? What class?
~Siti: Yep! Clap hands!! hahaha.
~Emira: Haha! It's okay. I love butterflies too!!!
~Xin Yi: Haha! I'm not ALI okayyyy. hahaha. & thanks!!
~Aminah: Cool!! Yea... too bad we didn't see each other.
~Wei Yun: Okay!
~What the heck: Oh! Thank you so much!
~Aqeela: Thanks Aqeela!! I love youuu! Hahahaha. Anyway, I was a netballer for half-a-year what! Hehehe. & yea! I lost my phone! *sobs*
~ERA: Yo gurl! You changed your name huh?? hahahaha.
~Sabb: Hi! Now... which sabb are you?? Hehe.
~Xin Yi: Hahaha! Hello!!
~Huda: Haha! Decided to change. But I still like that songgg!!! xD
~Fadilah: Hello youuuuuu!!!! ((:
~Azura: Yes ma'am! haha
~Geraldine: I'm not Siti Ali mann. Haha! Anyway, you're so cheeky eh?? Haha!
~Izzah: ((: Helloooooooooooo!!!!!
the day goes by...
The day goes by...
Hello people!!
Okay. Firstly, about my phone. I think the person who found it should have return it to the information counter or something rather than taking it for himself. hey! I found a phone too in a bus before and it's sooooo nice! I wanted that phone model but I obviously I returned it. Me and Sofea gave it to the driver and he wrote down what we said. See!! Isn't that what you call respect for other people's feelings and also integrity! Sighs. Anyway, I think I would never get my phone back but there's still a little hope in me that I will.
Anyway, my day have been great. I was a little emo yesterday though. But went a little high when we got to try out the costumes for the SYF!! It's a purple kebaya. Actually everyone was high la! Even Sherry! Yes, sherry! That Ncc gal. Hahahahaha. She took a pic of our kebaya! Thanks prawn!! My beloved prawn. Hahahahahahahaha. Ok shuddup alyssa!! Oh yea!! Dini was super high! Omgosh. Me, Dini and Jayasree were like. We're international! Yes!! I'm the most international!! HEY! JAYASREE!! INTERNATIONAL WAS FUN TODAY!! hehehehe. (sorry! Inside joke!) Haha!
Today was okay. We had computer art and were told to get into groups for this upcoming project. My group name is *Daa Dee Doo*. ((:
Adlina, Nurul, Geraldine and I! ((: Then, we have to go out one day to take pictures of cultural things & we were like...
Adlina: Okay! We have to take a picture of ourselves in the four races.
Alyssa: okay!!! -smileeeeeeeee-
Geraldine: Okay!
Adlina: Geraldine will be the chinese and alyssa the eurasion. Me malay and Nurul!!
Nurul: Yes?
Alyssa: Do you mind being the Indian?
Nurul: No! I'm of a different race now!!! Cool! haha.
Ger: I want to be eurasion!
Alyssa: I'm the eurasion one.
Ger: No!! Me!! Who looks more eurasion?
Adlina & Nurul: Alyssa!
Ger: Haha! Fine!
Hehehehehehe. So, I'm the eurasion girl in our project, Geraldine!! ((: Haha. Anyway, stayed till about 3.45. We talked and talked and talked and did GEOG!! ((: see! What good girls! Hahahaha. hey! I worte down ALOT of notes okayyy. I don't want to fail my geog test! Maths common test on Mon. Grahhhhh. Must STUDY! Omg!! French test on Wed! -faints-
Monday: Maths common test
Tuesday: Sci common test
Wed: French test
Fri: Geog test
At least not as bad as having one test after another right? I had it that time. oh! & I think the sec 3 and 4's had to do that for their common test! Awwww. Hmm... omg!! Mdm Kala said that the Straits Times people are going to come on Tuesday to watch the skit my class is putting up. It's a Lit thing. & they're going to take pictures of us in action!! How cool!!!! ((: I can't wait!!!! Haha. Everyone was like... Yay!! -everyone felt happy. Isn't that good!! Cos alot of people were emo and the news made them happy. Yay! haha. ok ok. Tmr have the sajak and bahas thing and ________. So exciting! Nurul!! You must join _______ okay!! Hehe. But you're following siti, addie and I right??? Oh well! All the best to the sec 2's, 3's and 4's taking part tmr!! Have a blast and gooooood luck!! ((:
Lizzy in pink... off!
fading slowly away.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007 20:14
Argh!! Okayyy... to tell you people, you don't have to read this post.
Seriously, don't need to read you know. I'm just expressing my feelings.
It started off ARGH!!! & yessss... it ended off the same or should I say WORSE!! ARGH!!! So far, I hate this day like shit!! It's so bleagh! I HATE HATE HATE IT!! & oh boyyyy am i happy that i LOST my phone! ARGH!!!! Stupid stupid stupid meeeeeeeeeeeeee. Why the heck am I so careless... I hate myself!! ARGH!!!!!! Idiot la me. argh argh argh. WTV la... BYE!
Tuesday, 20 February 2007 12:04
Pemergian seorang hamba Allah yang amat mulia. Innalillah wa innalillahi raji'un.
2 Safar
Monday, 19 February 2007 16:39
You knew?!?!
Hello!! Grahhh... Amelia knows!! The embarrasment. -blushes- hahaha! Gosh! This is really a SMALL world but it's cool to know that you can twist things here and there but eventually we know. Amelia, you better shush about it eh?? Hahaha! ((:
Anyway, I'm supposed to be out now. D: Apparently, my mum said no. Sighs. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SORRY SU. D: I had to go johor for a while and now that I'm home, it's kinda late. Sighs. But i PROMISE one day we will okay?
My bro's sick. High fever. He seem so lethargic! I pity him. He was just doing fine yesterday. But actually ALOT of people are sick today. Went to the clinic with him and like there were quite a no. of people. (another reason why i can't go out today. sighs.) Then, we went to eat. OMGOSH! All the coffee shop we went to said there were no more pratas!! seriously!! ALL!! I was like... grahhh. I'm craving for it. But decided to eat maggie goreng. Bleagh! This is the first time I have ever heard all the coffee shops we went to didn't sell prata at that time. Hah!
Damn! I'm bored. I seriously want to go out okayyy. Sighs. Omg!! I know AZALEA!! My kindergaten bestie!!! The one who's from elias kindergaten then westgrove pri and currently in commonwealth sec!! If you, Azalea, ever chanced upon my blog, please add me on msn!! pink_sweet94@hotmail.comor you can just ask shasha la. haha! This is sooo cool mann!! haha. Anyway, I wanna do blog hopping now! hehe. Byeeeeeee! <33
Lizzy in pink... out!
this is suffiently awkward, my love.
~Sherry: Hello my darling prawn!! Haha. <33
~Chocolategerl aka tessa: Hey tessa!! ((:
~Siti: Hey! No prob! You too!!! ((:
~Shir-Lynn: Eh kanchiong woman! Hah. I don't care la. To you, everything I do also ugly what! Even my handwriting... so yea. Haha. You BETTER come on the 16th of march arh!!! PICNIC HERE WE COME!!
~fiqag3: Thanks! & sorry... but I have linked you already! ((:
~Nisa: Cool!! ((:
~Khaliesah: Haha!! but i still LOVE your blogskin!!! It rocks!!!! ((:
~Raihan: hahaha... who cares! MAN U rules!!!!
~NuR*L: NURUL!!!! you you you... love talking crap like me huh?? haha... & butterflies rule! hehe
~AmeLia: hahaha... ssshhh. *wink* goody-goody!!! xD
~Nazreen: YA!! not enough normal things...!! hahaha
Sunday, 18 February 2007 17:09

Heylo!! I just came back from East Coast Park. Grahhh. My bro's whining about not getting to use the com cos I'm using it. Hehehe. Sheesh! It's not my fault I bathed first and switched the com on first. Bleagh! Sighs. Nvrm. He shall use it later!! Hehe.
Everything started out well. I saw Cik Bari, Abg Fauzul and Kak Mardiyah (abg fauzul's gf) putting up the tents. Bla bla bla. I started eating the kueh tarts cik ijan made. Woah!! It's so damn nice mann. I'm craving for it now. Heh. Kak 'long' and I ate it non-stop la! Haha. Then, talk and talk and talk. Soon, Cik 'Ban's' family came. Wan was being emo! Cheh. Haven't warm up yet la. Haha. Then, we sang birthday songs for, Cik Ahmad, Cik Ijan, Ilyana Batrisya (sp?) and me! Trisya have the same bdae as me!! Wheeeee. That cute little baby has the same bdae as me! YAY! haha. && I took a pic with her! Finalyyyyy. -clap hands-
Found out the small chocolate cake was 'basi' so had to throw it away. D: But still had the mango cake. So yea. Then, walk around with Tashriff, Iqah and Wan. Guess what?! I'm like the oldest among our generation. Tashriff a.k.a. Tachip is P5. Iqah and Wan (who's real name is Kurniawan Adeyanto!! Nice right? haha) are P6 and I'm sec 1. Hah! Still have Sulastri who's sec 1 but she didn't come arh. Anw, then we all talk crap! Hello... they all so young and are *coughattachedcough*. Okay... maybe wan not really. I'm not sure actually. Haha! Then, went back and while they were playing I fell asleep! Bleagh! Silly me.
Woke up and found that almost everyone was asleep! Haha. I was like.. "make sure I wake up when the sun rises!!" but eventually I didn't. Typical! Haha. & I was like, is there any more kueh tarts?? *sobs* Unfortunately for me there were no more left. Haha. Laku seh!! (: Then, moved to another spot. Stayed there for veryyyy longggg. I finally got to wash my hair!! ((: While we were resting, kak 'long' suddenly woke up and said it's going to rain heavily! Everyone packed up but eventually stayed for about 1-2 more hours! Haha! She most probably was dreaming about the place raining heavily. Hehe.
Now, I'm home. Surprisingly not feeling that tired. Haha! & I'm thinking maybe I should do a TAG REPLY part after every post. Grahh... my itchy fingers did something again and now I have to edit this post! Bleagh! haha. Anw, I'm off la! Byeeeeeee!
Lizzy in pink... off!
usah biarku bersendirian
~Aqeela: Yes! & I don't care cos I love pink! haha. & okay...
~Kopite: You arh! Still don't want to reveal yourself! Tsk! haha. Anw, I'm keeping to man utd! You're not going to change my mind! haha.
~Adlina: Ya, who doesn't?!? Anw.. it reminds me of the time when I tried being a detective but failed! haha
~Raihan: Yes.. yay!!!! xD
~Durga: Hello you! & remember NOT TO GROW!! hehehe.
~Liyana: No prob! That's what friends are for anyway! ((:
~Huda: Yesss!! I gotta taggie!! -clap hands- xD
~Fadilah: HELLO FADILAH! Happy chinese new year to you too!! ((:
~Nisa: Hi!! Happy hols to you too!!
~Fer: Ya ya... emo rocks!! ((:
Saturday, 17 February 2007 17:11
Hello!! haha. Finally, I did it! ((: I was such a blur-sotong! Nyeahhh.
I can't wait for later! I'm going to East Coast Park with my relatives and we're gonna overnight there. & at the same time celebrate my bdae! Wheeeeeeeee. Haha! I love the song on my blog. ((: Lalalala. I'll change it once in a while though. I know what to put up next already. Haha. OK. Wtv!
I just heard the song, Deep and Meaningless by Rooster & I think it's niceeee!! Well, I'm boreddd. Grahhh. There's maths common tests coming up! && I suck at the subject. MUST buck up!! MUST! Sighs.
Hmm... I'm still thinking about yesterday. I miss the aliens alot. & I'm SO SO SORRY to those who went to cold storage!! I seriously didn't know! OMG OMG! Soryyyyyy. I thought you all left. Grahhhh. I feel bad. Sorry yea peeps?? (:
Somewhere deep in me lies the answer. It would be stuck in there forever. Sighs. It was just that one thing... one thing that blew it all off! Now, regrets are all useless! Consequences is what we had faced. Sighs. The end. D:
Wtv la! I shouldn't even be thinking about it! GRAHHHHHHH. Anw, I'm excited for later. & I finally remembered where i put my camera! Argh!! Stupid me. If I had remembered about it yesterday!! Sheesh! Anw, here are a few pics my friends and I took yesterday... (Edited by Cassy!! ((: )

I personally like the last pic the most! ((: No wait... I love them all!! Hehe. Okayyy. Hmm... people! We all gotta cheer up aitez? That includes me too. Emo-ness have been taking over the world!! AHHH!! haha. ok ok. I g2g now... Blog about later, tmr! BYE!
Lizzy in pink... out!
we belong together
Friday, 16 February 2007 18:32
Not now
Sighs. I'm missing the aliens already. Met them after school. I hugged all of them! Miss them like crazyyyy! Sighs. I almost cried when we all were leaving. This was how my day went...
Had CNY celebration in school. The concert was niceeee! How fortunate of I to sit in between Laila and Siti cos they rock!! Totally fun to sit with them cos they will go wild! Esp Laila! Haha! We were both complaining to each other about how we missed performing and being emcees. Gosh! I sure missed those days.... Oh! Then, ms ong allowed each class to SCREAM! So we took turns. So cool right??? Haha.
Started with 1c1.. then when it was my class's turn... we shouted "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO G1!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Haha! Actually wanted to do the, "G1 oi! oi! G1 oi!! oi! G1 oi! oiiiiiii!!! Ahhh!!" Hehe. Anyway, it was funnnnn la today.
Then, went to raffles!! Met SO many people. I was a little sad Janice wasn't there. *sobs* I wanted to see her but nvrm. I shall go back, (at least, I hope) during her birthday week. ((: We, the aliens duh!, (haha) joined in the celebration. We could practically blend it with them arh. I felt SHORT! But nvrm. Haha! But I still think cgs cny concert was nicer! Hehe. No offence! I didn't say it wasn't nice okay... it was! I just prefered cgs one. Wtv it is...Mdm Tng made us sit with the 6B pupils. I felt like I betrayed my juniors!! 6A'07 is a quiet bunch but they're nice! Haha. 6ALIENS, which is 6A'06, ROCKS THE MOST though!! xD
We went around the classroom block, even though we're not allowed to, and saw Mrs Lim!! At first, we passed by 5C and we were like... that's not Mrs Lim. But when she turned around, Annette realised it was her!! Then, we all shouted... "One great cause of failure is the lack of concentration" Mrs Lim's FAV phrase! Anw, mrs lim dyed her hair! Omgosh!! So coooooool!! She didn't allow us to sit through her art lesson but instead gave us 2 mins to tell the class on how to be together.
I mean, 6aliens were so close!! & her form-class this year obviously isn't. No offence though. But... isn't that why she told us to talk about that to the class?!? Haha! So yea, told them that during recess must sit together at the same table everyday, like what we did, and so no one would be a loner. It's such a pity that some innocent people who may be shy don't belong to a certain clique in the class. It's just unfair! So, we gave them more tips about how to make the class more together!! Mrs lim, you missed the 6a spirit right? admit it! i know you want to! xD
Walk around after that. Then, saw so many other ex-schoolmates! Gave them each a hug! Miss each of them alotttt! Got to know more about their school... promoted our school to the P6's! Haha.
Me and cassy were like: come to CRESCENT! IT ROCKS! Annette: no no!! Come to IJ TP!! Gerbera: NANYANG ROCKS MORE!
Hehe. Very funnn. Collected my Eagles award money together with Yimin!! YAY! & in the process, I dropped my neoprints that I took with shasha! Now, it's somewhere in rgps! OMG!! But Jonas said it was with Mrs Huang. Omgosh!! I seriously hope it's with her. grahhh. The embarassment! Luckily, I was not wearing cgs uniform in those pics. ((: It was my bdae present from Shasha okayyyy. Now, I feel bad. I already dropped my SUPER CUTE "bookmark" somewhere in cgs after the concert & it still had the "happy birthday" written on it. Sighs. I bet no one would know it's mine and would most probably not return it. *SOBS*
Grahhhhh. I feel damn bad okayyyy. Sighs sighs sighs. Okay, hopefully, it would be back with me one day. (trying to cheer myself up!) Bleagh!
Went to KAP with the aliens. VERY NOISY! haha. I was trying to control them okay. I was like... G1!! Eh wrong! 6A!!! ssssshhhhh. hehe.
Su going port dickson today! Nooooooo!! I wanna go! I have not been there for ages! & I miss it! Hmph! Haha. Wtv alyssa! One day, just one day, I'll get to go again. Yay!! sheesh. I'm sooooooo LAME. Bla bla bla.
Sighs. I miss all of you aliens ALOT! even you Janice. Yes you! I didn't see you today!!! *sobs* Aqeela and Tessa, cheer up okay? Don't cry! I know it's very disappointing but remember, we're going to meet up another day!
Oh.. aqeela's announcement to all 6Aliens: Is anyone willing to go for lunch and then go watch a movie on this coming Monday since there's no school and all? <3>
Yep. I wanna go! But I'm broke! hehe. Eyer... i need to go now. TATA!
Lizzy in pink... out!
the answer is now deep within me. thank you (:
~Khaliesah: It's okay. ((: People may say we look alike but that doesn't mean I'm prettier!! You are prettier!! Hands Down!! xD
~Darling Emira: haha! Relax mann... it's okay! & MCR rocks! ((:
Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:51
Don't say I didn't warned you!
Don't say I didn't warned you!
Hey ho hello!!
It's total defence day! The school gave us coupons for a small packet of biscuits and NeWater. Hey! I survived! Haha. Hmm... good way for me to start dieting! Hahaha. Ok ok... just kidding!! But to know that you didn't spent a single cent in school today was unbelievable!! Haha. I mean, I'm almost broke mann!! So yay!! ((:
During art today, I was picky about which picture I should choose for my Cd cover- as in for my art project. So cool right?? We're making an album about ourselves!! Hehe. Anyway, Dini sure had a hard time helping me choose! Cos I was like, maybe should choose emo picture, maybe not. Maybe should... bla bla bla! Finally! I chose one! It's very pink I tell you! Hah! Thanks NUR DINI!! xD Her's is very very nice mann. I likeeee it alot! Unfortunately for me, I can't copy her. If not, where's the originality right?? Haha.
-Part 2-
Yo! I just came back from IMM with my family excluding my mum. Bought groceries... bla bla bla. Then then, I saw earrings!! & if you might not know, my mum and I can go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over accesories!! Hehe. I just love them!! ((: Anyway, papa bought for me three pairs of earrings!! Woot!! xD So happy~~ Lalala. Went to accompany siblings at playground while I was munching on joliebean pancakes. Yummmm. (: Bla bla bla. Had to go fetch mum from NIE. bla bla bla.
& tada! I'm home! Hehe. OK. Lame. Anyway, my sis just gave me a prezzie! So cute la. A Fred (from flinstones) keychain and a.... letter V eraser. Haha! thanks my dearest sister!! xD Sighs. I'm tired and i still have yet to link people! Bleagh! Sorry sorry!! I'll try to do it ASAP.
YAY!! I can't wait for tmr. Gonna meet up the 6Aliens!! Even though not everyone but still... yay!!! xD Miss them ALOT mann. *sobs* Sugar Honey Iced Tea... now where on Earth did I put my camera!! Grahhhh. Gotta find it. So yea, blog again soon yea? Toodles!!
Lizzy in pink.. off!
i am still the same old me. you?
~Fadilah: haha! Yea.. HAPPY DAYS!! xD
~Raihan: It's okay! You gotta chill mann! Haha. Thanks anw! ((:
~Nadiah: You rock too!! Go nadiahhhh. Thanks! ((:
Wednesday, 14 February 2007 21:11
Hey people!!
Yay!! I turned 13 today! Haha. Ok. Wtv!
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-e.
Happy birthday to me!
Hahaha! THANK YOU GUYS for making this day such a special one for me. Regardless you gave me a present or not (please don't feel bad ok!! eyer.. you people must chill la. hehe), THANK YOU!!! I love you guys mann. I really can't thank you people enough. I mean... the THANK YOU can just go on and on and on and on~~~. Hehe. Even by your sweet sms-es or your small little cute letter, I appreciate them all!! It's the thought that counts. ((: So, please don't have to say sorry!!!! PLEASE! Haha.
I still feel bad about one thing though. I owe su an outing!! Grahhh. Nvrm. Shall find one day. One fine day. Haha! Sorryyyy!!! Anw, I wanted to meet my angel, but I didn't see her. D: So saddd. Nvrm. I shall wait for tmr and I gotta bring her, her prezzie! It's still with me. Haha. Buttercup... you're gonna reveal yourself to me tmr yea? xD
At French class, Syahirah and amirah was like.. woah! You got so many valentines arh?? Aiyoh!! Haha. Then she was like, oh! Your birthday!! So cuteeee! Wanted to take neoprints aft class but decided it was too late and we should go home. So yea. Next time kay people? So it will be... me, syahirah, amirah, mardiyyah, mary and nadiah! OH!! I TOTALLY forgot that girl's name who was supposed to be crescentian but ended up in jurong west sec. She's cool can!! Haha.
Thank you all!! ALL of you made my day!! THANKS!! -hugs- Haha. Oh, & to those who tried contacting me, I'm so sorry if I didn't answer. My batt was damn low. Sorry okay?? But I tried to reply to as many as I could. So if I didn't... I'm SOOO SOOO SORRY!! love you all!! muacks!!
What a hectic day mann. I rush here and there! But it was great overall. Do you know I didn't collect the flowers from 3S1.. darn!! I bet I'm going people are going to scream at me tmr. Hehe. Sorry sorry!! I was damn busy la. I seriously was!! sorry okay??
Sighs. I'm dead tired. Hopefully you people had a wonderful day too!!! I'm just happy cos I never really expected this to happen. Haha. So well, sleep well. Rest well. HAHA. Byeeeeeeeeee!!
Lizzy in pink... out!
xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
i'm so happy for you.
~Jiaqi; Of course I know you!!! haha.. okay!!
~Your DJ; Haha!! You arh... happy valentines day to you too!! Even though I know I'm late... hehe...
~Natasha; Hello!! Thanks!! Finally, I know your name! haha.
~Emira; Gosh you darling... you're so silly you know that!! HAHA. Thanks for the cookies!! It was damn nice!!!!!! LOVEEE IT!! -hugs- xD *winksi'magar-agar* remember?? hehehe!!
Monday, 12 February 2007 21:31
you made my day!
Hey Earthlings!!
Haha. Woah! Today, had fun playing chords for angklung. LOL. Oh yea.. gonna put up a tagboard here so meanwhile you people can just go to the comment part. && I have a whole longggg list of links. So, I'll continue another day. Sorry!!
Haha! I just watched a video... it's so damn cute! I suddenly remembered of the days when I was still so young like around 5. I missed those times!! Sighs. Nevermind.. should look ahead! Yep yep! xD
Here's the url for the video...
Watch it!! It's sooo damn cute!! Really!!! Haha.
Today, I was high during Science. Adelia and I were laughing at NOTHING! Hah. & I started singing songs. Then NDP songs came across my mind! & when I sang it, Adelia followed too! haha! Omgosh! What a true singaporean spirit! Hehe. It's not even August!! Hahahaha.
Then, we started looking at the pics we took for our ez-link and stuff and we laughed like CRAZY!! Cos why adelia?? We look retarded right?? hahaha. I look very retarded okay!! Grahhhh. && I found out Su don't have to run tmr!! Omgosh!! Not fairrrr!! Just cos she's in Ncc and have to help out and stuff. Boo hoo hoo. Lol. Okay, I'm being lame. AHH!! I'm supposed to be asleep by now. Have to meet the rest at 6.15 tmr. So yea... better go!! If not, I can't wake up and they'll start calling me!! Haha.
Wokay, byeeeee!!
Lizzy in pink.. off!
i had to accept it. now i know you. that's sweet honey and hugs for you. (:
Sunday, 11 February 2007 21:36
Xanga account
Hey people!! I'm currently am confused on which account I should use... Blogger or Xanga. But anyways... I'm in the process of learning how to make a blogskin of my own. So yep yep yep! My xanga account is...
Uhuh!! So yea... temporarily using both i guess!! wahahaha. Ok.. i'm officially MAD! So i better get going before i collapsed to the floor. BYEEEEE
Today was fun fun fun! At first, I totally forgot that izzah, shasha, nadiah and jannatul were supposed to come to my house to practice our sketsa thingy but then they started sms-ing in the morning and I was like.. "omg! I forgot!" Haha. It turned out I went at our meeting place earlier to meet shasha to buy mrs heng a prezzie!! In the end, couldn't find so we walk round and round. Finally, had to give up cos the rest were waiting for us. HEHE. SORRY!!
In the bus, I found out jannatul made props and it was so damn cool!! It seemed so real mann!! I found out it wasn't real when I realised it wasn't heavy! haha. How slow was I?? VERY! Bleagh! Anw, went to my house... bla bla bla.
Omgosh! I never expected them to be such a fun bunch! We were laughing like crazy, like almost every minute. && I fell in love with izzah's bangles!! Hehe. I just loveeeeee it!! xD Took quite a no. of pics with them. & they're totally in love with my fan! HAHA. Posing here and there using the fan as the hair blower thingy. Eyer... you know like those models. hahahaha. Then rehearsed, more pics, rehearsed again. Haha!
*Sob sob* Time really do flies. So after they went home, the house was quiet cos my family went JB to see tuk yang. Hmm... common test tmr!! Sugar honey Iced Tea!! I'm not prepared... but then again. What would be tested?? Hehe. DIE! Well, hope for the best! & good luck everyone!! Oh yea... x-country on tues!! oooooooh. ((:
are you avoiding me?