~wei yun: I'm sure it will be better sooner or later! Be patient kay? You can call me anytime you know, like last time! ((: I'm using my 92***** no. now.
~aminah: I have no idea too!
~your senior: Thanks! But, I don't think I'm chio... hehe. Btw, who are you?
Hello people!
Yay! Finally found a problem for pbl! ((: Haha.
Nishan made it to the finals of crezawards! YAY for NISHAN! xD The goners are coming down to support you mann! Do your best!! Rock on!! (((: To the others, it's okay! There's still next year. So, don't be too disappointed okay?
I have completed CME project! Kuddos to my group mann! Hehe. Slept at 2+ just to finish it up. Luckily, I stayed awake in school today.
D&T rocks!
We played this leaning tower of pisa game and also to build a skyscraper using only newspaper and masking tape. It was sure hard! My group, consists of Jayasree, Geraldine and I, wasn't the highest but I think it was the coolest! (ego-ing!) lol. But great job done by the other groups! It was a very fun activity don't you people agree?? ((((: This was the best theory lesson so far! & I didn't say the other theory lessons are bad okay I'm just saying it's the best cos we played games!!
Oh! Another short post then. Off to homework!
Lizzy in pink... out!
when darkness turns to light
Hello earthlings!! xD
My week wasn't bad. It's just the many projects that I have to complete that's making me kinda stress!! -faints- hehe.
Well, for angklung's syf, we're going to be the first to perform! oh no! Nvrm. We shall set a high standard for the rest! WE CAN DO IT!! ((:
Ytd, my class had to do a short skit about a certain crime that was randomly picked for us. Our group had to do on mugging. It was a good effort done! Joan's group was cool mann! They had to it while miming. So, their skit it is a very quiet one which was awesome! Kuddos to them!
Haha! Well done to THE STEPPERS! I would say a good job done completing the dance in 2 hrs or so. Even if we make it in or not, we should not be very disappointed. Well, we put our heart and soul in it so don't be too upset if we don't make it in kay? But, of course we're hoping for the best! I'm proud of our team spirit. ((: So, let's hope we'll make it through! & also to the singers, good luck! G1 G1 all the way!! xD
Wow! I have nothing to talk about now. Hehe.
Oh yea! I got back my Madrasah PSLE results. Heh. I scored 332.5 / 400! YAY! I didn't fail! Haha. The highest was 386.5!!!!!! The difference....... wow! haha. But anw, well done to everyone! & it was fun during madrasah just now. Laughing and stuff!! xD
I think I'm gonna stop here. & if anyone doesn't approve of me putting up your pictures on my blog, you can tag me so I will take down or not put up your pictures in future. Sorry if I have done so.
Lizzy in pink... out!
you can count on me
~asyikin: Thanks! & okay. I love you! ((:
~vivien: Haha! Yea you... Congrats mann! & okay... ((:
~one-of-the-sabs: Hello! Eheh, next time can you specify your name. Like, Sabrina Selamat or Nur Sabrina. HEHE. Giving me suspense or what? Hah. YA! PINK RULESSSSS!!!
~siti f.: Yo! Haha. It's okay.
~fikaCHU: Hey you! HIIIIIII!!! ((:
~Izzah: Same... *sobs* We shall cry together when we get back our results. hehe.
Hello people!
YAY! At least today, I have time to use the com for a short while. ((((:
Things have been very weird lately. It's like, I've been trying to control my feelings but sometimes I just had to let it go. Sighs. Now I know & I can see. I mean, I do feel guilty when I think of it but you can't just push people around and expect them to have no feelings right? I agree with your decision but we all got to think of other factors as well mann. Grahhhh. Shouldn't think of it! I wanna go sleep now. Have been burning midnight oil lately. BYE!!
Lizzy in pink... out!
it's you
~ain: Haha! Yay! Yep yep... I agree!! ((((((((:
~fer: bdk ni dah giler la. eheh salah! dier mmg giler dan slenge! xD
~Izzah: Omg!! I also didn't study mann!! I'm gonna faillllll.... I didn't know a single theory question! LOL.
~farah: Hi anyway!! haha. ((:
~hanisah323: Hello!! Yay!! Another pink fan!! xD & okay!
~asyikin: HEYLO!! hahaha. Which Siti? && YES! TUN FATIMAH BATUUUUU!!! Haha. Go Bawang merah! && Go angklung!! ((:Go insert a tagboard la.............

TUN FATIMAH IS <3333333333333333
Well... that's all I edited so far. Hehe. BYE! ((:
Lizzy in pink... out!
i'm stuck on you
~GER'dine: Haha. Yes... you are! ((((((:
~Aqeela: Who isn't? Sighs.
~Ain: Blobblob. Ohoh! Panas panas!! Blobblob. Hehe.
~Aqilah: Hello! Blobblob. Haha!
Yoohoo!! ((:
Yessss. I'm left with Science, malay, eng articles, compo and compre! I woke up early to finish up at least half of my hmwk! Hopefully, after this I can do the articles. omgosh la! I don't understand the geog topics. heh. & especially the eng toolkit! Luckily, mummy explained! Phew! I have not even read up on d&t!! CT on mon. !!!! hah. & I have a camp to attend. oh no! -faints-
Okay! I'm alright now. ((((: Well, ytd. had some dance thingy and it was funnnnn. ((((((: stepping up ya'll! xD
Ohoh! On Tues, Nurul, Addie, Geraldine, Sherry, Jiaqi and I went out for our my grp's project thingy to take pictures. Ended up camwhoring and yesssss!!! I beat su!! YAY!!!! I took 100+ pictures. wheeeeeee! That excludes for the project stuff okay. hahaha! -jumps around- lalalala~ ((:
Today, I gotta go for that rehearsal thingy before the camp. I don't know if there's time or not cos Adelia can't go neither can Siti. Afiqah also cannot. I have no idea what it Lu Khei's no.!! Sheesh! So yea... I'm doomed!
Oh.. I know another person who is going to be doom but has nothing to do with school. It's FERDAUS BTE MOHAMED RASHID!!! YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!! whatever you said on your blog is NOT TRUE! NOT TRUE!! (((: hahahahahaha. org disitu dah gile kot... hehehehehehe!!!! i don't love syahir okayyyyyyyyy. heh. & syahir doesn't love me. SO YEA! don't be crazy woman! hehehe. But you can still be your slenge self cos it's fun, i know! ((((: oh well.... fer fer. tsk tsk!
Oh well, I better get going. Need to try and finish 3/4 of my hmwk now! BYEEEE!!
Lizzy in pink... off!
step up mann
~aminah: I'm glad you all had fun at the picnic!! ((:
~fikag3: Hehehe. Sorry sorry! Oh, she's better now. But is in high dependacy (sp?) ward.
~fer: GRAHH YOU!! hehe
AMINAH!! <3333
~amalina: haha! hello! ya!! SHE ROCKS MANN!! lol
~fikag3: i visited her today when i went to little india! she transfered to KKH. oh yea... i'll tell you more when i see you soon.
~aqeela: the shirts you bring is for sleeping and activities...
~siti f. : haha! yo! goooo retards!! ((:
~fer: omgosh you! what did you do eh??
okay... i have not much time to blog cos i have ALOT of hmwk to do. so yea... tell everything tmr or something. hehe. BYE!!
~aqeela: You always do that!! & eheh... you just reminded me of my LP!! I miss her!!!! D:
~aulydia: Wokay! ((:
~fikag3: You arh!! Thanks arh! You know, I came late but was the only gal there... in the end, quraisyah came also. It's so boring with so few gals okayyy! & now, you can't tell me stories! OMGosh!! Do you know how I felt yesterday?? Sheesh! I bet all the gals will transfer to sunday somehow. Bleagh! hah.
~sulas: My dear cuzzy!!!! I MISS YOU TOO!! <333333333333333
~fer: haha! makcik is still not as bad... ((((:
The week was not bad. But, my dear friend, I'm still confused! Is there any proper explanation for such things?
Anyway, today I attended the malay thingy again. Not many sec 1's came. Only 14 of us. ((:
During the first break, we all sat together and ate in a circle. Like as though there was a kenduri! And Hanisah was getting married!! Hahahaha!! Nisfira! ((: Then, the second break, we all went all the way back of the PAT and started dancing and camwhoring!!! ((((: It was ultra-super funnn!
Basically, those who came were, Nadiah Aqilah, Jannatul, Sabrina Selamat (Sabb 2), Hazwani, Syahirah, Siti Faatihah, Nurulhuda, Adlina, Siti Rasyidah, Hanisah, Laila, Izzah, Natasha and me! ((: (Siti Nur Atiqah had to leave veryyy early! :)
The PAT was damn cold and like I sat beside Sabb and I rummaged through her bag for stuff to keep me warm. The only thing left was her jeans, as her jacket, shirt was taken so I used it to cover my arms. HEHE. In the end, we both used the selendang! haha & Jannatul was sooo cute! She used her bag to cover her arms. DARN CUTE!!!
We were like the craziest level in the PAT! All the other levels were just relaxing and we were hyper-ventilating!! Hehehehe. I love them to bits!! After the whole thing, went out with the retards. Sabb, Syahirah, Siti Faatihah and Rasyidah, Nurul and Adlina! We were like deciding, tiong, jec? tiong, jec??? Cos we all had to go home at a certain time so yea. So funny! We planned to go jec then adlina couldn't go and Nadiah too! Nadiah had to go home while addie just didn't want to go jec so when she alighted, we rushed out! hahaha. Ended up eating at clementi. IT WAS SO CROWDED!! Seriously! Very kecoh mann!! Hahaha. So, another outing okay?? & then we can achieve our *dream* of taking neos! ((((:
Oh yea! At the PAT we did a group cheer and I was leading. I kept spelling retards wrongly!! omgosh! so embarrasing! Now, I'm officially known as the girl who don't know how to spell. OMG!! Aqeela's right!! She's such a sweet thangggg. She could sense the future! LOL. My future at least. hahhaha. ok lame.
Hmmm... Niki and Inka's sleeping over today!! ((: So yea... cik ogy's here too! Eyer.. the whole family la. hahaha. So i g2g! BYE!!
Lizzy in pink... off!!
don't forget to remember me
~Liyana: Yep! I'm going!! You?? My whole class going except Siti.

Aqeela and Lizzy!!

Me, Aqeela and Wei Yun motivating!
Arfynna's going to race!!

Me and Dal at the stands. BFF!

Olivia and I! best buds!
MY OH-SO-CUTE JUNIORS!!! (coming to cgs right? yay! lol)

Let's pose!!! ((:

Let's kill tessa!! hahahaha.
Mrs Lim reuntites with her students
Dal, her cousin n me Posers?!? haha.
Group pic 2!
Group pic 3! Yay!! That's muchhhh better! ((:

Anna and Kakak!

Fikqri, Farhan, me and acap! (we camwhored like crazyyy! hey! we have not met for like what? a year??)
I lost DAMN ALOT OF PICS!! Don't know who went to delete those pics saved to the camera. *sobs* And I seriously wanted one of the pics!! Wanted it baddddlyyyy. *sobs again* Well, no point crying over spilt milk so anw, bye!!!! ((:
Lizzy in pink... off!
-no idea-
aku inginkan secebis harapan
To you;
I didn't know it would be this way.
I'm confused but you shouldn't.
It shows the the side of you I've never seen.
The best side ever.
Caring. Understanding. Mature.
Some of the words I could think of now.
It's weird, I agree.
But I don't know why.
Just what is the reason.
Never shall I take things for granted.
It's going to be tough.
I can sense it well.
But don't ever give up whatever dreams you have.
Overcome these obstacles and fight on.
Stand right back up after you fall.
But always remember,
I'll always be there for you!
Eheh! One more thing, I've been waiting for 3 hours or so already! haha. OK. That's random! lol.
Hello people!
Kak Ayu dah tunang!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! ((:
Met my 2nd cousins as well ytd. haha. Just how much they have grown. Especially fazri! You're P6!! WOW! The twins, haha. Sec 2 already mann. Not much of a difference eh? Still the same playful self just that now more ehem what?? Mature eh?? haha. Bella is still so cute! ((: Du-uh acap came. Lisa too!! heh. Took lots of pictures! Esp, with the guys. Hey! They're my cousins!!! haha. o0o0o0o0o. Got gf's or not?? Hmmm.... Don't lie la! haha. Don't bother asking me please. Stop begging for an answer, I DON'T HAVE!! Get that clear in your head people. haha. Bla bla bla. I need to go now. More than 30 mins alr! Oops!! So, post the pictures soon I hope! hehe
Lizzy in pink... off!
"loving you loving me"
It was fun I guess. Met up with Emira, Adlina and Sofea to go there together. Once there, haha! we were seperated cos of the houses. Saw, Sharenya, Olivia, Melody and Tessa!! Tessa hugged me like so looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. SERIOUSLY! lol. But who cares! I miss my crazyyyy friend oh-so-dearly too!
At NJC. The ex-rafflesians of the yellow house helped out with the cheers and stuff. Saw JANICE SIE!!! YAY!! hahaha. Gave her a not soooooo long but a little long hug. Lol. Then came, Wei Yun and Freda (always and forever will be a minah to me and aqeela)!!! Followed by Steph (she's so pretty!!) and Min Hui. I saw Tammy!! Omgosh! You look damn hotttt okay! haha. Admit it woman!! I know you want to. lol. Haha. I was kidding about Freda being a minah part. She's damn pretty too!! My giler and blur bestie!!!! Love you la.
Took part in the "old-girl's race". 4 x 100m. My team consisted of (according to how we ran) Olivia, Freda, Tessa and me. We're THE ZEST! ((: haha. Raced against three senior teams and two sec 1 teams. Sec 3 team came in first. Followed by, the crescentians who are in sec 2 (rachel competed!!!) then the blue house team (sec 1). My group came in fourth. Me and Lynn were neck to neck at the end mann. Haha. Anyway, it was for the fun of it! (:
We camwhored ALOT at njc. As in, olivia, sharenya, dal, wei yun, freda and me. Haha. But apparently, my camera space was limited. *sobs* Anyway, the hockey girls (cgs one who are ex-rafflesians) came! Jiaqi, Aqeela, Joanne and Joey! Walk around to find Mrs Lim and Cikgu and Mdm Tng. Cheered and cheered and cheered. Seriously! Yellow house aka the lions! You people must be more enthu!! haha.
Went home with quite a no. of people. Then, went macs with janice and dal! YAY!! finallyyyyy. I miss you two lots and lots! Stop by at Janice's house for like 10 mins or so. Heh. I needed to go for my religious class. Found out I was late so I ask mummy if I could go dal's house. She said YES! YAY! & Dal is gonna give me her i-mode phone! OH YEA!! I just need the charger la. haha. So, she reserving for me the phone first since she's not using. LOL. How NICE!! I love her mann!! xD But not cnfrm yet la.
Oh anw, now I'm home. Janice said she thinks we're closer now. haha. Maybe it's cos I have not talk to you for sooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooong. Yepyep! oh how I miss you now. I miss you too Dal!! I miss your room too!! Haha. I love your room!!!!! It's so comfy. sighs. lol. But I love you more don't worry! haha. Grahhh. We all must go out another day okay?? Love youuuuuuuuuuu guys!! OK. Shall post the pictures later or tmr.... xD
Lizzy in pink... off!
i don't feel the bond between us anymore.
it's march already!!
~Izzah: yes! im going YAY!! ((:
~Wei Yun: okay!!
~Aqeela: Haha! okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
~Su: I have not talk to you since last week. *sobs* I miss you too!!!
~Annette: Olla!! yea... pinkilicious... lol!
~Jessie: i'm not pretty and i'm still denying it......... :P
~Liyana : hi awak! yea!! haha. tag lagi bnyk arh! hehe.
~Sulas: hello cuzzyyyyy!!! I miss you n i love you!! i'm fine thanks. you?? ((:
~Janice: ahaha. sorry!!! n you're still cute as ever!! ((:
~Izzah: hi again! haha.
Hello again!! haha. yay yay yay!! I'm happy with my malay CT results!! yay yay yay! hahahaha. i'm high! lol. but i think i should have done much better. oh well. ok. Well, feb is over! omgosh! How time flies... and my class won cleanest classroom for weeks 7 & 8. hahaha. Just found out about that. Lol. So, how has evenrybody been?? I'm kind of struggling to stablelise (sp????) with the curriculum. Like, I must buck up for my exams after looking at my CT scores. But anyway, this is also the year in which I have to enjoy myself too! ((:
Hmm... the week was okayyy. There was the usual ups and downs. Things have been kinda weird too. But overall, it was not that bad I must say. Unlike, *coughcough* sometime back when *coughcough* i *coughcough* lost my *coughcough* phone. Heh. omgosh! B is hottttt!! haha. How unfortunate, they're just too far away! heh! ok ok. I'm talking crap so only Addie understands. ((: I'm so random can. haha!
Going back to rgps tmr for their annual sports day meet. GO THE LIONS OF YELLOW!! does it even make sense? hehe. It makes no difference actually if I wear the cgs uniform or curie t-shirt cos it's all YELLOW!! hah. I was just meant to be in yellowan. However, ger'dine and I were like, I want to be in bronte on the 2nd day of school when we found out what the houses were. hahaha. And now, both of us are in curie! WOW! haha.
Do you know that it is so irritating if the teacher scolded some people but instead those who were not scolded assume it's you who is being scolded and thus, look at you and give you that, "omgosh! how could you! tsktsk!!" look *sobs* so, the moral of the story is, always think twice or simply, don't bother about it. hah. ok. lame. sorry! being random again.
Grahhhh.... it's only 9.45 and I'm feelind dammit sleepy!! haha. Can't wait to see aliens again tmr! and Janice!! YAY!! I finally can see you. ohoh! I found out the asst., vice, and head prefect of rgps! I predicted correctly!! omgosh! around of applause for me! yay! haha.
Asst-head prefect: Sarah Tay and Amanda Kang
Vice-head prefect: Melissa and Janelle
Head prefect: Tay Wei Ling
I hope rgps will be the same good old school I was in before with GRACIOUS girls.((: one of our school values! hehe. I'm not saying that the committee is not leading well okayyyy. It's already good the way it is! ((: So yea! Excited to meet up with friends la, basically that. haha! That's why memories flow back. lol. oh well, g2g! BYE! ((:
Lizzy in pink... out!
i longed for that moment to come