Tuesday, 29 May 2007 10:28
I'll stand by you
when you're standing at the crossroads
and don't know which path to choose
let me come along
cos even if you're wrong
i'll stand by you
omgosh. That song made me cry. Seriously! D: Ger cried too. heh. It's such a super touching song cn. DDD: I'll stand by you by carrie underwood. It's love. [although we cried] heh.
Went to lib with ger. We chatted through msn although we were next to each other. hahahaha. Ger couldn't stop complaining about her hand just cos her laptop was heavy blablabla. lol. & we did quite a lot of work for pbl kayyy! Kuddos to us. Heh. That's why I say, my gf is love! :DD [although, i know, i am loved more] hahahaha. ok. egoego. tsktsk.
Nurul came up with a name for us... small-eyed couple! haha. WOW. Ger said i am an immitator. Wth?!? I am not okayyy. My eyes do get smaller but not SO SMALL unlike yours. hah.
OH YES! FINALLY i uploaded the 267 pics okay. & I bought the batteries with my savings! :DDD hahah.
& this is my now
There was a time I packed my dreams away
Living in a shell, hiding from myself.
There was a time when I was so afraid
I thought I'd reached the end.
Baby, that was then.
I am made of more than my yesterdays.
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now.
I had to decide,
If I'd go and play it safe.
Or that somewhere deep inside,
Try to turn the tide,
And find the strength to take that step of faith.
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now.
I have a courage like never before, yeah.
I settled for less,
but I'm ready for more.
Ready for more.
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can't believe the love I see.
My fear's behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can't believe the love I see.
My fear's behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now.
This is my now.
Monday, 28 May 2007 20:39
why was I the last to know
Today's class outing was DA BOMB! I took a total of 267 pictures!! hahahaha. It was super fun! YAY! & you know, I am currently uploading the pictures. :DDDD
OMGOSH! My batt just died. I have to get new batt before I can upload it again. WTH!?!?! ehhhh. Noooooooooooooooo~~~~~!!!!! -faints-
Darn it la. I spent my don't know how much money on the two packets of batt already. Sighs. Oh well... Shall wait for tmr. D:
Hmm, I have so much to talk about just now but lazy uhhhh. I will upload pictures on the photoblog and just look from there. haha. Well, pictures can tell a million things. So yep. Wait for it kayy??
Anw, it was such an adventure from the begg. Me, dini, darsheni, handsome, ger and nat were lost. Went like round and round but afee's dad came to the rescue! haha. THANK YOU! Oh yes... afee's family is so warm. VERY NICE PEOPLE! Thank you!!!!!
Once there, party started. Seperated into 3 groups. My grp's name is pink furricko. Ger's grp was bananians. Addie's grp was wati [actually, there's more to that but nvrm.] haha. My grp's cheer was the best la. Given half-an-hour to come up with all the cheers and stuff.. here it goes!
We gotta think pink
We gotta think strong
We gotta think positive
& nothing can go wrong
F is for fun
U is for unique
R is for responsible &
R is RAWR in the middle of furricko
I is for intelligent
C is for cute
K is for karate &
O is for.............................~~~ Oh my gosh we're so hot!
Psst. Psst. Psst.
We're so hot!!
hahaha. cool cool cool. It was totally random.
Time to go home. Wati won 1st. My grp won 2nd. Bananians won 3rd. :DD It was a close fight but our game point pulled us down always getting 3rd or 2nd. haha. Cheer pulled us up like crazy. DUH! it's so unique. LOL. okok. Ego ego. hahahaha.
Ok. SLEEPOVER was love. :DDD hahaha. Oh wells, OFF!
~raihan: no prob! :DD
~hudaa: hehehe. yesyes. Sorryyyy. LOL.
~aqeela: That's cos I decided to be nice and transfer all my cuteness to her and leave the hotness for myself! :DDDDD
~J Lo: She's ALWAYS mean. hahahahhaha
~aqilah: haha. So cute! STM huh? hahaha.
~dini: really arh? LOL
Sunday, 27 May 2007 22:56
tag replies
~dini: I don't suck lolipop. OH WAIT! I DO! hahahaha. OMGOSH! It sounds so wrong please. lol.
~nuruul: I love fri too!! It was awesome! Esp. the movie right?? GOSH! AWESOME! hehe.
~aqeela: ohhh!! I knew that. Really! hehehe. & I am not slow okay. [then again, maybe i am AT TIMES. hah]
~addie: YA! Now, I can't tag AGAIN. Awwwww. D:
~sitira: hahaha. YEAH! I know too! High-5! lol. Anw, I'm not a stalker kayyy. xP heh
~hudaa: You finally know what it means! YAY! haha. I LOVE YOU TOO
~hazzie: I'm bored too! D: heh. Hmm, I'm still trying mann. :DD Maybe, you could sponsor me some money?? $$-kechingkeching-$$ hehehehe
~ger: Finally, I shall conclude, Geraldine is dumb! hahahahaha. But i love the pics you edited. I love you,
runaway love
Through the winding roads
With hurricanes and tornadoes in the way
You've seen the ups and downs
& always stood by me
Lazing around,
Thinking about what you've said
Just shoo away all the insecurities
& I finally understood
I finally did. :DD
Currently lazing around at Kakak Yayah's house! xD Sleeping over! xD Abg ijam and acap's asleep. Kakak's busyyyy sms-ingggg. EHEMEHEM. I am beside her blogging! haha. I had attacked her lovely laptop. hehe. Feeling mean now but well, she doesn't need it right. & I just gave her a massage! I know I'm good... haha! Gosh! We're totally in love with the song, Last Night. Kk.
Today was awesome including the last min. prep for sessi buzz.
What I did today at Madrasah. Haha.
I was supposed to go with someone else but ended up going with Sarmini.
That someone else arrived 5 mins later so I told that someone else that it didn't make any difference. Hahaha. kekekesiannnn.
Then, found out that we had to talk about the misunderstanding [it didn't state in the paper kay. but nvrm. we managed to do it! heh]. So, we had to change ALMOST everything. Lucky for Nadyrha and Syafiqah cos they didn't have to. Sarmini and I had to change our whole thing. Oh! The sadness. That someone else is not in my group and was apparently lazy to do the project. I was nice and gave motivation. LOL. Ohoh, then when it was our group's turn, gosh! Seriously, I didn't know why I felt super duper nervous. I had never felt that way when I present in school but boyyyyy, it's totally different during madrasah. My hands were shaking and I tried oh-so-hard to look and feel calm. Decided to look at ustaz and groupmates. OUR WORK TOTALLY PAID OFF! Satisfied and we managed to answer the questions that were given to us. :DDDDDD Haha.
Then, at the end of the whole thing, he told us about this individual project in which we have to write at least 3 pages long. Ustaz told everyone this; [translated in eng] You must write like a composition. Just like how Alyssa present her project just now. Alyssa, you like to write stories right?. I just smiled widely. hahahahaha. Gosh! I guess, I do maybe? hehe. Cool cool. LOL. okok. STOPPPPP.
Anw, just now kakak asked abg something and he gave an answer super whole-heartedly. cheh cheh. Stand up for all the guys in the world eh? lol. Singing sessions are love! :DDDDD
& don't worry acap. You look hot, seriously. :DDD
OH YES. [since it's already 27/5]
I wrote something very long but don't feel like putting it here. hehe. Anw, I LOVE YOU MUMMY!! YOU ROCK!! LOVELOVELOVE! <333333333333333333333333333
Hehe. Shall blog soon. OFF!
[tag replies SOON]
Friday, 25 May 2007 20:47
& things just got a little more complicated
ok. long title. hehe.
Today was fun. School ended at 10.05.
The day began with me emo-ing throughout the whole train ride and in school. I made sitira felt so lonely and worried. OMGOSH!! SORRY SITIRA! I shall stick to my promise kayyy. Erase all those insecurities. Sorry for failing at being a good friend and for not thinking about how you would feel. [public apology. hehe] & I'm happy that you're feeling all better now! We shall go out someday... somehow... we will! :DDD I LOVE YOU!!!!!! [but nahh.. i don't wanna stalk you. hehe]
ok. Anw, then reached school... mass run! OK. I kinda cheered up. *winkswinks* Stop it with the laughing fits. kk. The cutest thing happened. hahahaha. yaddayaddayadda.
Had a 2kg mousse cake! :DDDD
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to thirteen-ers~~~!
Happy birthday to you!
xDD Invited ALL our teachers. Cikgu came a bit late but nvrm, she still came! Haha. FUN FUN! We spent practically most of our time in the canteen. From 8.30 to about 9.55! hahaha. Had a good talk with mdm kala. Yes! I am going to prove that I can do it! I can achieve such marks. :DD Strive for the best for Sa2!
Played at the see-saw area. Played limbo, broken telephone, running away from addie [is that counted? hahaa] Cool! I can still bend that much for limbo [ok. ego-ing] haha. Played and played and played and then it was time to go back to class... & just spent my 10mins wisely.
Plaza Sing-ed with Addie, Nurul, Ger, Afiqah, Dini, Handsome, Darsheni and Jayasree. D,D,H,J watched Pirates of The Carriebean. So, we decided to buy class deco stuff first before they went. Handsome was mine for a while. LOL. Addie has great friends, US, cos we helped her look for her phone and we called it like so many times! haha. I love the big pillows we bought for the class! :DD
Trip home with Ger was great! We talk about the randomest things. haha. & omgosh la! Chilli alert! lol.
French day was alright. Making les crempes/les prempes [darn it. i forgot again. heh] was ok. Luciano made mine for me and he was kind enough to let me eat it first! YAY! haha. thank you thank you. So, only me, luciano and geng jie were the only ones at first. Gosh! We stared at the pancake look-alike [hehe] and there were silence but fortunately, luciano, as usual, talked about how to flip the pancake. hahaha. C'est une jolie! hah. & he's officially my drink recommender. Too bad I didn't try any juice. hahaha. Then, Nurul came to the rescue! Finally! Another girl. lol. Then, break...
Last activity was movie! We sat in this SUPER SUPER COLD room. Brrrrrrr. Nurul took Geng Jie's pic! Candid! haha. Everyone agreed it was cuteness [ok. i am using that word too much today. tsk] It was such a funny movie! I want to watch it again but not in that SUPER SUPER COLD room. A jacket was not much of a help. heh. So yea... THE MOVIE WAS THE BOMB! heh.
Ok. Home. I'm still happy that sitira is feeling much better cos I caused her to think so much of what had happened. Gosh. She's love la. As she said, WE ROCK! cheh cheh. haha.
& i'm gonna miss your guys company during the hols!
I'm gonna miss making Ger cry as often as possible.
I'm gonna miss sad-ing when addie's around.
I'm gonna miss learning new things from my retard sifu, Nurul.
I'm gonna miss my mrt rides which is always full of stories and hyper-ventilating [alone] with sitira around.
I'm gonna miss my motivational international partner, Dini.
I'm gonna miss 1G1's chaos.
I'm gonna miss laughing fits which usually happens in school.
OK.STOP! Practically, I will miss EVERYONE. haha.
Sheesh. I sound like as if I am migrating. LOL. Heh. & Gosh! I am not going to promise that I can go out with so many people during the hols kayy. hehe. Cos, I am kinda broke and I need to catch up in my studies! So, sorry in advance!
should I?
~ger: It's ALWAYS your fault! hahaha. xP
~dini: haha.
~nat: hehe. ok... & darn it! I didn't pass you letter. D:
~janice: serious?? Voucher?? omgosh! Lucky youuuu! haha. The bears are so cute mann! & I didn't label you la... hehe.
~hudaa: Ehhh! My heart pain la... SOBS
~J Lo: Heyy! haha. I didn't do too well but I am a little satisfied. Hmm, maybe I just don't get your name right everytime so yea... hehe. & I am VERY CERTAIN you did much better than me!
~shasha: Shall tell you soon!
~aqeela: Who is slow?? Ehhh!! Anw, who IS J LO? hah.
~debb: kkkk. ASAP!
~hanisah: WOW! You know my dirty little secret huh?? Hahahaha. I know YOURS A LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago. hahaha! & my secrets are clean! Very clean! :DDDD hahahaha
Wednesday, 23 May 2007 21:01
oh! the guilt!
I want Michael Buble's album mann! His songs totally rocks! Ok. I am random.
I scared Queen today. SORRYYYYYY!!
According to Nurul, we had
Addie, Dini, Ger, Nurul and Shasha. Our efforts went down the drain again cos we had to ask our class specifically what they really want. Sighs. So yep. Maybe we shall go Ikea tmr! ((:
Omgosh! Hotness hotness! Addie's eyecandy... batman! ohh! How sinful her act was! I am shocked mann! tsktsk. hahaha. && the newly-wed bears was super cute! :DD I was so amazed at the make-your-own-bear store too. Super cool!
I was always "ehem-ed" at when we were there. You people arh... sheesh! It's not my fault kayy! It's all GER'S fault. [ give me a few min. I shall think of why it is her fault. ] && you know, hotness overwhelms me! Actually, more of spongebob! :DD [great! I am not making sense! heh]
I saw this lady selling food and her food was HOT as in it is still nice and fresh. Then when I passed by, she shouted, PANAS PANAS PANAS! hahahahahaha. Co-incidentally, I was sms-ing Nurul and I told her ALL about it la. hahaha. Cool right?? I meant, Hot right?? hehehe. [omgosh! lameness. heh]
Ok! I know why it is all Ger's fault. Basically, she's the girlfriend and she's such a nice person so she SHOULD take all the blame. Yesyes! :DD
Omggggg. Totally saving up to buy THAT bag. Heh.
Karel. Super sickkkk. hahaha. Some immature 15 yr-old girl who kept making me laugh in the train like some crazy woman although I tried oh-so-hard to maintain coolness. HAHAHAHA. [omg i am mean] haha. But it's true kayyy. lol. "twinkle twinkle little stars".... "REPUNZAL"[wait.. how do you spell that princess's name again? hahaha] okok. I am an INNOCENT kid remember?? heh. hmm... I don't recall that the definition of hotness is karel [although I gotta admit.. gino is la. I mean, everyone knows that woman! ] heh. But that doesn't mean you are okayyyy. E to the G to the O. hahahahahahaha. OH!! I SEE TWINKLING STARS! lol. Karelllllllll. see la! NADIAHHHHHH!! see la! Oh gosh. Help me mann. These people have made me insane. haha.
darn it! i'm still wondering how that person got to know about it. D: heh. nvrmnvrm. KESABARAN! [ learnt that from my retard sifu. cheh cheh. haha ]
~dini: haha. yes it wassss!! :DD Today and two days ago! haha.
~nurul : that's why... you should lead by example. [cheh cheh.] haha.
~janice: the good side of 11?? wow! hahaha. ehh.. cheer up la! Don't be so emo. Not good. Not good. D:
~khaliesah: It's ok. Anw, he will definitely be blown away by your pretty pretty face so, I am super sure he will want you. :DDD
~nat: sorry sorry! I thought you knew I was inside. hehe. Ohhh... get well soon! [you seriously sick eh??]
~Ger: KK ULTIMATE LOSERRRRRRR!! urm, you still have to teach me la. Grrrrr. heh
~tessa: TESSAN! :DDD
Tuesday, 22 May 2007 19:31
Definition of losers;
okok. I am in such a lazy mood. Just met up with my "Tiada guna ada nama" group members for madrasah's sessi buzz. Let's just say I'm freaking out for Sat cos of the sessi buzz presentation.
However, I had a great trip home with Siti [who loves tupai] cos we ended up taking same bus home. Sarmini was oh-so-pretty! cheh cheh. don't kembang arh! Siti's my "junior"! Gosh. She's so cute. haha. I really felt like as though I was her senior even though her French was superbly good when we were talking about it otw home & she's actually sec 2. haha! Yesyes. You grew la! :DDDD
I realised, or more like, they realised, how lame I can be. :D ehh! They are lame too kayyy. Sarmini's neutral la. She's cool but sarcastic! haha.
ok. GER! Can you teach me?? pleaaaaseeeeee. --shows my most innocent-iest face-- kk? Please! Ok. OFF!
Beneath this mask
Of cool indifference
Under the sweet smile
Of chilling aloofness
There is a person.
Wriggling out from my shell.
Struggling to get out.
But bound inside
By your mocking words
and the label of Weird.
[ i edited the original piece which was written by stone ]
We never once stuck like glue,
Although the promises were made.
I guess it's been letting me feel blue,
Cos the friendship was never as precious as jade.
I thought I could lean on you
But the dream never came true
How am I supposed to say HEY YOU
When you don't even give me the cue
I feel hopeless,
Yes I do.
Cos through those eyes,
I see lies coming through.
You think you're the only one in pain
Look at those around you who's weaker.
You think you're the only one feeling all the angst
Look at those around you who's trying oh-so-hard to persevere.
I don't get you.
I really don't.
I'm just trying to be me.
But you never really appreciated as much as others do.
& when all the trouble awaits you
don't come running to me
cos I have respect for myself
& not something which can be recycled
so what's that for the respect i tried giving you
has it all gone to waste?
so what's that when promises were meant to be kept
it's definitely, wasted!
[ i have no idea if this is supposed to be a poem or not cos i plainly type it out for no particular reason, really. heh ]
Monday, 21 May 2007 20:31
your selfish lies
ok. I am currently addicted to poems and michael buble's songs. haha.
& let's see, I'm chatting to queen! I know we, lame lame people, rocks! [ & i'm gonna blog abt her in the later part of the post. HEH ] :DD Nurul [farida] who is superly high! :DD & crazy janice sie who's been calling me alyPHANT! bleagh!! haha Not forgetting my bestest slenger-er.. afiqah! :DDDD hehe.
[okayy.. you guys didn't have to know that. LOL]
TODAY WAS KINDA FUN! [i meant, after school la] hehe.
ok. Ran 2.4km for P.E. & i am happy for nurul who finally passed!! :DDDDD Motivated Hui Fang. She was kinda close to passing it la. But i don't blame her. She felt like vomitting since the time she started. [i think] so yea. It's ok. You can do it next time! JIAYOU! :DDDDD
After school was jp trip for lunch. Went with, Dini, Nurul, Ger and Afee. Fun fun. We were being super random mann. haha. Dini's super healthy! Grahhh. I am so jealous. :/ hah. Saw Aqilah, Khaliesah, Nat and Sharah when we were leaving the place. Khaliesah had three boyfriends! Aqilah, Nat and Sharah! Unfortunately, I think they dumped her [ how evil! tsktsk ] & she IS attached to THAT person. hahaha. okok. kidding kidding! hehe.
Bought Famous Amos with Afee! Yumyum! && we are deaf whenever dini, nurul and ger says something about those super yummy cookies! HAHA! They are jealous and I know it. hehehehe.
Went lib, borrowed this AWESOME POETRY BOOK! :DDDDD
nice nice. im almost finishing reading the book. heh.
then, visited dini's and nurul's pri school! Gosh! Their cikgu rocks mann!! She's veryyyy nice and cool! haha. Omgosh la! We gotta do something okayy! I know, i don't even know them, but still. WE NEED TO! ASAP!
Hah. Caught Nurul's cousin staringggggg. hahahahahaha! He and his "SO?!?". Cute but hahahahaha. Nurul and Dini[i think] knows what I mean. xD KL is whooooo. panas. hah! I agree la people! SEE! :D & they were like, this is what happens when you are deprived of being in a co-ed school. haha! :/ Whatever mann!! hahaha. && do you know that my back still hurts due to the... ok nvrm. It's ok la. They are still children and Nurul told me not to be childish! EHEH! look who's talking la. :/ hehehe.
Met mummy and went to the clinic. GET WELL SOON MUMMY!! :DDDD
Hmm... ok. Sessi Buzz meeting tmr!! Impt impt to get all my info prepared!!!!
OH YES. This one's for Nat.
Nat is so lame that she kembang-ed until so tsktsk. Like wanna explode! & she says I am not sane. D: Haha. her handwriting looks like her. "ehem ehem" I bet she is kembang-ing now! hehe. No matter what, she's the best QUEEN [of lameness] EVERRRR!!! cheh cheh. haha! :DDDD
ok. Wanna Hikmah-ing now. LOL. i am so lame that I don't make sense. HEH. OFF!
Tag replies;
~nisa: okayy!! :DD
~kacang jr: It took you soooo long! HAH. okok. lol
~afika: OK! :DD
~asyikin: hehe. sorry sorry. I shall reply them ASAP next time! Happy??? hahahahaha. & My siblings are way cuter when you see them in person! hahaha. cheh cheh. I stood up for my siblings! lol.
~natasha: a DEAD blog. lol
~ger: THE MORE YOU CAN'T EAT! grrrrrr. excuses excuses! hehe.
~aqilah: awwww. don't be angry! yes yes! you are growing! OMG! yes you did! I see you growing now! hehe. [fine! actually you did grew la. :/ ] haha!
Sunday, 20 May 2007 19:35
just picture it; you and me
ok. I am back. Firstly, I am so sorry Sarmini and Yaseen. Semua yang sedang membaca ini, please sedeqahkan al-fatihah for their dads yang baru menghembuskan nafas terakhir mereka. innalillah. You guys must be strong okay? No matter what, I will be here for you guys. Just hold on! & to sitira, you too be strong okay?? I love you guys many2! :DD
This have proved to me that I have been taking things for granted. Your loved ones can just leave this place anytime. I must start appreciating those little things that I have not been appreciating that much. Just, just now mummy told me; "See what mother's do to make their children happy? See what mother's do to see those smiles on their children's face?" She kept repeating it several times. & it made me realised that no matter what, she's the one who have been with me through the ups and downs and made super many sacrifices; even those little ones too. She's my true best friend that I always had! :DD
Through Sarmini's words, I could feel her pain. She was the one who made me realised all these. & that was when it struck me. My dad has been endlessly working to make sure our family has a stable life. He was the one who tried his best to make sure everything goes well. okok.
OK. Anyway, went to safra yishun. ROCK-CLIMBED! :DD (yep! It was a rock-climbing party! FUN FUN!)
haha. && my camera died on me halfway through the party! Hmph! :/ Irritating la. lol. Anyway, I camwhored with mummy! HEHE. Eyer... she kept saying not nice! Not nice! So funny la... In the end, deleted quite a no. of pics. HEH. Cik Ogy tried taking a picture then it died! hahahahahah. Funny funny.
Oh! This P6 girl came, she's Chloe's sister. Cool cool. Mdm Tng's student! :DD Good luck!! Hopefully you can get into Rivervalley! :DDDD
I was like the eldest child. LOL. Had fun playing with the 9 yr-olds. & the ones below 9 too. hehe. They asked me to run around the basement like some drunken kid. NO WAY! Chillies alert! haha. DUH it was a no-no! hahahaha. Gosh! How I wish I was that age again. Ohhh! The memories are flooding back!! hah.
So yep. I took more videos than pictures! So I doubt I will be posting it on the photoblog. haha.
ok then again, maybe i will. Shall update is soon! So check it out aitez? [click]
~Hazzie: chill mann! :DDD What's with tmr???
~raihan: You guys freaked me out kayy! Obviously I didn't want to stare at you guys back. hehe.
& i can call it an end

Haha. Such a lazy

Candid! xD

& that's why I love him
& that's why I love her too!

I was fooling around by myself. :/ Thanks arh! heh.

Hidden shadows.
As expected, went to Liang Court yesterday and bought that camera!! :DD haha.
I swear I love my siblings. They are the sweetest! haha. Camwhored at home. & arfynna trying to be the reporter, martin the cameraman and me?? The extra!? Booooo. heh. Got hold of the camera when the television distracted them. hahahaha!
Anna didn't want to take picture with me D: hah. But I managed to in the end! Martin busy with the tripod stand. heh. Ohhh!! Gonna celebrate Anna's birthday later & I will be the wonderful camera-lady! :DDD hehe. Definitely will be taking alot of candids. :DDD
So... I shall update later! & Most probably I will upload her birthday party pics on my shared PHOTOBLOG [click it] hehe.
kkkkkkkkkk. OUT!
& i don't care about whatever happened anymore. hwh
~Izzah: my results suck big time too! hehe. && Let's see... We shall plan together okayyy?? :DDD ohh! Remember the hot pink neoprint booth! It rocks mann! hehehe
~hudaa: Chill mann. I'm sure it's not that bad kan? & NOO!! A gay husband. DD: HELPPPP MEEEE!! ohhh!! SAVEEEE MEEEE!! haha
~fadilah: HELLO! So, are you trying to say you're not a budak also eh? hahaha. Tsktsk! So, you never passed ejaan before? TSKTSK! kekekesiannnn... hahaha!
~sitira: YA! My ejaan also fail mann. haha. malu2. The part when i say HER RESULTS NOT GOOD was not refering to cheesecake la. heh. & Cheesecake finally replied but heck la. k. nvrm... heh. & NO PROB! :D
~aqeela: DUH! You know me too well. LOL.
~dini: YAY YAY! :DDDDD ohhhhh!! Now I am addicted to Michael Buble's songs. hahaha!
~janice: Ohh. SEE! 11 so doesn't rock!! & Are you trying to say you want to go to scgs?? cool cool. I wanted to go there though. But it's ok. Crescent rocks! :DDD haha
~aqilah: Cos fun shot you can stand anywhere you like. HAHAHA!
Friday, 18 May 2007 21:23
the last lap
& i could be your favourite girl
Ok. Sorry for that random post. Heh.
OH YESSSS ( i am happy :/ ) !! Today, Ger and Addie didn't come to school. (i bet they planned it) hahaha. So yep! Stuck with nurul the whole day but it was fun & she totally made my day! (& i made her day too) :DDD
Started out with mass run. Since Ger didn't come, decided to run with Nurul but unfortunately she had to run 2.4 D: So I gave her endless motivation and during warm-ups kept telling her, don't walk! don't walk! & I know she felt like slapping my face then. Hey! At least now she improved kayyy. :DDD You can do it mann. A few more seconds and you are there!! :DDD
Used geog lessons for intensive french revision. I can't believe how I managed to do it with the class being so havoc! hehe. THANKS TO THE MANY PEOPLE WHO GAVE ME ENDLESS MOTIVATION AND STOOD BY ME ALTHOUGH IT WAS TIME FOR YOU GUYS TO RELAX. THANK YOUUUUU!! I LOVE YOU GUYS MANY MANY MANY! & TO DINI; YOU ROCK MANN!! SAYA SAYANG AWAK BANYAK BANYAK! hahaha.
& found out sponge was wriggling like some cuttlefish. hahaha!
Hml was fun sitting in between camel and emmy & behind dini! Watched a movie about love and it was kinda funny. Freaked emmy and dini out by being such an oh-so-gentle
lady. HAHA. Toilet trip was funny!! I laughed all the way back to class. NURUL! see la. You did that "click click" sound and got us embarrassed! Oh! The embarrassement! heh. & YES! N was there. & yelah tu. Go open the back door again! GO GO! Retarded la you! But it's ok. You made my day! Laughed like some hyena! Haha.
Lunch was awesome! Hyper-ventilated too much! Yes! I needed that before going back to my last-min revision. Anyway, sat around with nurul, afee and emmy. Yes yes. I couldn't stop laughing.
-quote from nurul
HAHA. oh! & i totally jumped around like this bunga. LOL. :DDDD Nurul went to buy something and realised that she left her wallet somewhere else. LOSER!! hahahaha. okok. Laughing fits! hehehe. sheesh! Stop it alyssa. Grrrrr.
I love seeing newspapers being stacked up but can't be too complaisant. Must still bring more yea? :DDDD
[ranting starts now]
Oh greattt! French was killer. I stared at the listening compre part & didn't understand the time part. 5 people talking consecutively one after the other and obviously, me, being slow, was so confused that I only wrote 3. :/ Pathetic mann. & I know 10 marks are gone just like that cos of that "write the question" part. D: Had no idea what to write for the fill-in-the-blanks section and had quite a no. of blanks. :/ Should have read up super much more and memorised as much words as I could. :/ Ok. I shall not talk about the paper anymore.
Sa1 overall results were horrible. & I mean superly horrible. Ok. At least Lit pulled me up! (amazingly, yes, lit! heh) Physics was just the one that brought myself down. It was my fault anyway for getting such pathetic results. Sitting there feeling that sense of guilt was an irritating feeling which bugged me the whole day. There's nothing I can do to turn back time. It's just toooooo late. All I gotta do know, is just to have super good time management. Learn from my mistakes. & thank you Menakah, Geraldine, Felicia, Adelia, Katty and Ms Loo! (:
[end of ranting]
Ok. Cheesecake is obviously ignoring. Totally obvious. But nvrm. Endurance! heh.
Darn! & she says her results not good! Boo youuu! hahahaha.
killing me in silence
~raihan: Who?? Ignored?? EH?? haha.
~asyikin: I am not an evil stalker. I don't even stalk you! Pfft! hahahahaha! Yes yes! :DD & why was today a bad bad day?
~janice: 14 rocks no matter what!! :P
~narisha: Shall check out the details. :DD
~huda: But you are supposed to miss me! haha. Spongebob Squarepants!! LALALA~~ I forgot the next part of the song too! haha. && YES! She should help go take it!! YAY!!
~sitira: ahahaha! Grahh you! Get goooooood marks for Sa1! D: haha. Congrats congrats! :DD
~jemie: KK! :D
~siti(fa): hahaha! I didn't betray geraldine. I just wanted to knowwww. LOL.
~nuruul: EHH! You are supposed to love me too! hahaha.
~amiin: WHY? lol. Does he really look THAT different? hahahaha
~Ger: Cos you are my gf and i tell you to do so! HAHAHAHAHA! & LOSER! You owe me chocolates for not coming to school today and making me run by myself for mass run. :P
~xin yi: Hi!! Really? cool! I love the song. haha. :DD
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 19:11
Hey people! :DD
I just don't feel like talking about today cos it was really downright horrbile! DDD: okayy. So I did the blogthings again & I shall just post up the results! xD
You Mostly Have Your Emotions in Check |
![]() Sometimes your emotions get out of control, but you usually are a pretty stable person. You can find a lot to be happy about, as long as things are going your way. But if a few bad things happen to you, you tend to go in a bit of a downward spiral. Luckily, you usually come out of it okay and no worse for the wear. |
Your Cell Phone Etiquette is 19% Bad, 81% Good |
![]() You are practically a cell phone saint. You never annoy the people around you. Everyone should have phone manners as good as yours. And you sure wish they did! |
Your French Name is: |
![]() |
Your Stress Level is: 57% |
![]() You are somewhat prone to stress, especially when life gets hard. When things are good, you resist stressing over little problems. But when things are difficult, you tend to freak out and find it hard to calm down. |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence |
![]() You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together. Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination. There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language. You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands). You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan. |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 20:19
Received most of my CA marks. D: So, I depended on Malay SA to cheer me up.
Found out my malay marks. :/ Depressing. Way to go mann! D:
But the news cikgu gave us, after receiving our marks kinda cheered me up cos the class went quite high. Cikgu getting married!! :DDDD cheh cheh. & we were cordially invited. xD hahahaha. Congrats to cikgu!! & yesss. It was the same guy me, addie, nurul and siti saw that day right right right?? hahaha.
Then, planned the intinery for class outing. :DD Yay yay! haha. Dear goners, wear class tee kay?
Had to do some kind of survey after that.
Then waited sooooo looooong just to take pbmc photo. It was fun la. HAHAHAHA. Aqilah had to sit down in the end. Seeeee! Don't ego so much next time. xP & YAY YAY! okok. shut up. heh.
OHHH YEA! Went to tanglin mall for lunch with sitira, nurul, addie, ger and afee. OH YESS! We walked all the way from tanglin mall to school. What an achievement! xD I gave ger the motivation to carry on la. What a nice girlfriend I am eh? :DDDD
Nurul and I totally retarded during photo-taking. (omgosh! random-ness has conqured me once again. heh) Yes la nurul. Smile... smile... smile.. smile.. smile.. hahaha. I wondered what addie did. Didn't stand with her during the formal one. haha.
Oh well. French mid-yrs this Fri! DARN! I am so D.E.A.D.! ok. BYE!!
~janice: OMGOSH! NO! heh. & 14 is nicer than 11! xP
~huda: EH! you are supposed to miss me, NOT K.HUDA! hahahahahha. & flood my tagboard eh?? let's see what crap, i mean lobsters, you will come up with. hahahahah! && YES! Commonwealth ade air la. S.L.O.W. hehehehehehe!
~dini: YAY YAY! Then, now must take care of yourself! :DD
~hazzie: Ohhhh!! youuuu!! Grahhh!!! I don't care. I shall secretly go and get your bag when you are not looking. Put your stuff into a plastic bag & shall put it outside your class. & then... muahahahaha! NO BAG FOR YOU! xPP (darn! did i just reveal what I was going to do? heh. DUMB!. lol)
~geraldine: YES YES! DATE DATE! First week kayyy?? xDDD && I don't care! You must help her get the hp back to its nice and original state. xP
Monday, 14 May 2007 21:13
Oh yes!
I am happy.
Happy indeed to be left hanging.
what did i do to make you love me?
what did i do, to be hurt?
what do i say when this's all over?
sorry seems to be the hardest word...
YO!! :DD
okok. Today was funnn! I hope mommy had a great day herself! :D
Off we went to Liang Court! They had sales. :DDDD Mum bought a portable DVD player. YAY YAY! & she gave me a choice in wheather to buy the lcd monitor or camera. It's obvious I chose the latter. haha. So yep! Collecting it on Sat so that we can take candids during arfynna's birthday party! xD
Then, went to vivo. Mum was so cute! While at LJS;
Mum: Where's the 7-eleven?
Me: You go out. Then go straight. Turn to your left. Go straight. Then turn left again. Then turn right.
Mum: Uhhhh. okayyyy
-after a while-
Mum: ok.
Me: Where's the newspaper?
Mum: I couldn't find the 7-eleven!
Me: hahahahahaha!! sorry! My directions were confusing. hehe
okok. It's not funny here cos I can't show you the expressions and all. So nvrm. xD
Arfynna & Martin went to play so we sat around. Papa couldn't accept the fact that children will always be children! hehe. CUTE!
Saw JOY! WOAH!! Some girl here arh... super damn hot arh. Change so much arh. hahaha. LOL. & you know what, I save your no. as alyssa & now I can't edit the name cos apparently there's something wrong with it. HEH. silly me! Pfft!
Then walked around, saw Cik Ban! hahaha. HE's one of the FUNNIEST uncles mann. Had a good laugh and then went shoppingggg. Lalalala~~
Went home. & YES! I had a movie marathon all by myself in my room. Three movies consecutively. xD hahaha. Nice nice. A funny story, followed by a touching story then a sad sad story. heheh.
GER! If he did drop his hp over there *winks*, I suggest, you go help him pick it up & then I will just treat you for lunch for being such a kind kind soul. HAHAHAHAHA. pathetic ain't I? LOL.
&& we have to save up to buy THAT bag that hazwani owns! BOO HAZZIE! YOUR BAG WILL BE MINE ONE DAY! xP
ok. Gotta fetch arfynna soon. Hopefully she has grown and gain weight mann!! (so that in future don't need to go for anymore check-ups) hehe. :DDDD
I found the pictures adelia took during the rocket workshop! :D
Many thanks to adelia! :DD
~debb: thanks! YOU TOO! <333333333
~addie: Serious?? cool-ness! YAY!! :DDD
~huda: PINK ROCKS! xP Of course chameu loves alyssa! xDDDD
~ger: Don't let cheesecake occupy your brain! I SHALL DO THE HONOURS! xDDDD
~hazzie: MEANIE! hahahahahha! & never! Our love is too strong!! We are unbreakable! haha. omgosh! i'm lame. hehe.
~dini: Awwww. GET WELL SOON! Must take care of yourself. saya sayang awak! :DDDD
Sunday, 13 May 2007 11:37
Nothing's better than this. :D
First things first.
YAY! I love my mama super super much!! xD anyway, I did this blogthings thingy & I shall tell you SOME of the results.
Syahirah is your soulmate.
You consider Adlina your true friend.
You know that Geraldine is always thinking of you. (omgosh! DUH!)
You secretly think Nurul is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Sitira is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
OK! That's all I'm going to show. hahahahaha!
Urm, I'm sorry Sarmini. Be patient & strong okayyy? You can come to me if you feel superly low. It's ok. I understand. But hold on alright?
& roslina just wished me happy mothers' day! noooo!! I am not a mother! hahaha!!
I am on a font spree with nat; the lame one! :DDDD Apparently, I don't know how to tell her the font I like cos she showed me super many fonts! haha!!
YAY! We found the font!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hahahahahaha. Getting-to-know-you sessions are fun! & pfft! I feel so badddd! Sorry queen! D:
Urm, yesterday's late night show on Tv3, i think, made me super emo! *sobs* So yes! Always cherish the people around you before it's too late. & your mother's unconditional love can never be replaced by anything in the world! :DDDDDDDDDDD
GRAHH! Abg Izam! Put that pic away! hahaha. Malu-ating! DDD: hahahahaha! YES YES! THE THREE OF US MUST HAVE ANOTHER OUTING AGAIN!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD & you gotta treat me to famous amos! xP YAY YAY! & i told you! P6 to sec 1 is a big jump although you were right about sec 3 to sec 4 is like... bleagh! haha. Nvrm nvrm! You can do it for your O-lvls!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Ohhh! Mum bought pink chairs for me and arfynna!! It's like the one in the faraday lab but this one has rollers! YAY!!! xDDDDDDDD Pink is total love! <333333333333
okayy. I am yay-ing too much! I need to go get going now. BYE!
ohhh! p.s. to YOU! where are you?? please please at least tell me. sighs.
~huda: TAK FAHAM! hahahahaha. & why not on a birthday?? okok. AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY?? :D
~afika: eyer... just do your best! & at least read something! lol
~geraldine: YA LA! You made me cry! OMGOSH! I can't believe la.. tsktsk! heh. & CHEESECAKE! DON'T YOU DARE MANN!! Grahhhh!! I will tell you la. Don't worry!
~dini: :DDDDDDD
~nisa; junior: YO! my junior-who-somewhat-behaves-like-me. (according to mrs lim) hahahaha! yea! I have not tagged yours for a loooooooooooong time too!
~sitira: OMGOSH! We did?? hahahahaha! How dumb can i be? Tsk! Cheesecake not pirated D: && I love you for coming at the same time~~~ & that we stood at THAT cabin! hahaha
~beverliee: HEYY!!!! YAY YAY! My P1 partner! (i think) LOL. I MISS YOU TOO!! & THE OTHER ALIENS! ALIENS FOREVER!!
~hazzie: OMGOSH! Noooo! You can never seperate me with your bag! D: *sings the Don't matter song* Nobody wants to see us together~~~~ hehe.
Friday, 11 May 2007 20:18
If i were in france right now, I would be the first few to be lost.
Today. Hmm, it was such a great way to start the day! (sitira! i'm loving you for that too okayyyy. be honoured! hehe) Train ride to school rocks mann! <33333333 It was ultimate love la! heh. okok. enough enough. heh. CHEESECAKE IS NEVER PIRATED SITIRA! NO! hah.
ROCKET WORKSHOP WAS FUN! :DDDDDD My skirt got wet when I had to launch the rocket! IT WAS SUPER FUN! haha.
We got paired up with our partners & i had to work with ego lady, geraldine. ILOVEOURROCKET! <3333 && i totally love G1's spirit. We were the FIRST to cheer at the field even although none of us won anything. Mainly cos we were at the side. heh. But nvrm. 1G1's objective was to have FUN! & we totally did! We cheered for every single pair who had to launch their rocket at that particular moment. YAY YAY! We did all our G1 cheers. & thought the the outer space one suites it all but cheered anyway! hehe. It was super super fun! To see our rockets go oh-so-high was super cool! It was seriously... superly superly COOL! :DDDD
Then when it was our turn, ger chose to pump the water and I launch. Thanks arh! heh. But i think launching is more fun! xDDD Although you will get wet, it's more fun! My skirt got super wet! The worse was shasha. I pity her. hehe. Totally drenched! hehe.
After that, attended vision care talk.
Then, when I thought they all going for lunch they decided to go home. So i was super early for french that when I came, there were no classes held (as there are no 2.30 classes on fri) & the only ones there were the staff. Pfft! It was only around 2.50 mann! My class starts at 4.30 so yea... I waited that long. heh. & YAY! controle will be postponed to next friday. sighs. but phew! heh
JANICE SIE! You arh! Tsktsk. You dare dOo diIshh again, I will kill you! heh. nvrm nvrm. Patience alyssa, patience. :DD
pleaseee woman! don't corrupt my innocent mind anymore. it must not take up anymore space. tsktsk. heh.
~geraldine: EGO EGO EGO! heh. yesyes! cos 615 train rocks my world! :DDD hehe. & I think 6Helen is cool but i didn't say YOU contributed to the coolness. HEHEHEHE. & Mon's date! Let's watch a movie?? kay kay?? But, k nvrm. Tell you personally. CALL ME WOMAN! heh. k. nvrm. i shall be the nice kid & call you. :DDD
~dini: okay! Let's do cip together sometime kay kay??? xDD
~sitira: cheh cheh. without fail eh? we didn't take 0600 train today you know. we took the later one. heh. but nvrm. IT WAS A SUPERLY NICE RIDE! xDDDDDD
~janice: 11!!! hello!! You got that no. stuck on my head! bleagh! heh. ok lame. & YOU! 14 nicer xDDDDD
~izzah: it's ok izzah. you tried your best right? xDD yesyes! WE SHALL! <333
~asyikin: gooooooood! take care aitez? xDD
~shahera: haha. i told you whaaat. lol. nvrm. yesyes! It was fun hanging out with you people! :DDDD Shahira/Shahera's rocks! haha.
~emmy: YO EMMY!! :DD
~Hazzie: haha! i also know you since a looooooong time ago! It's just that we NEVER talk before. Awww.. no matter what.. YOUR BAG IS STILL LOVE! hehe. :DDDDDDDDD
~huda: hahahaha! ohhh. Our date yea? hmm, I am thinking real hard. I KNOW! YOUR BIRTHDAY! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Thursday, 10 May 2007 17:46
And im sitting here,
With this blank expression.
And the way i feel,
I wanna curl up like a child
Hi again! hehe.
Today's talk was fun! No, seriously! It was! :DD
CLASS JERSEY!! YAY YAY! I LOVE IT! BLACK WITH GOLD LETTERS! NICE NICE! :DDD Even though it absorbs alot of heat, it radiates the fastest too! :DDDDDD
&& i don't belong to the first row addie!! No offence to anyone. I DON'T! heh. Class phototaking was nice. Wore the jersey for fun shot! :DDDDDDDDD I LOVE MINE! hehe. 02! xDDD
Then, had the planting talk. Those chosen had to do mass planting! It started with index no. 1 then add 5, which is 6, then add 5, which is 11, then add 5, which is 16 etc etc. You get the point! haha. I somewhat wanted to plant the seeds. nvrm. D: heh.
After that, decided to do cip with nurul, sabb and izzah (ger just followed) but realised we didn't make any appointments. D: So yea. We will do it soon! :DD
Decided to follow ger meet her ex-classmates, 6Helen. Nice nice bunch of people! :DD
I forgot that guy's name but yes ger! Go help him and fold!! Hahaha. Damn cute la! hahaha.
& I didn't survive! I got high! BOO!! I told ger I will be low but nahh.. I was high! Bleagh! heh. Anyway, HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY SHAHERA! :DDDDDDD
I was loved! cheh cheh. ego. haha. I felt awkward at first then I succeeded in their plans! I HOPE IT WORKS! GOOD LUCK!! xDD
Then then, GER SAW ehemhahaehem somewhere! BOO!! GER!! YOUUUUU!! grahhhhh. sobs sobs.
&& tmr, 615!! I don't care ger! 615! hehehehe. :P
Tell me what..
What else to say,
To make you comeback
And break me like that?
~karel: haha! feel the love mann!! ahaha. <333 :DD
~janice: WOW! you think i can forget you easily arh? hah. Fat hope! lol.
~afee: Afee! <33333 I'm alright! You?? hehe/
~aida: Yo Aidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :DDDDD
Wednesday, 9 May 2007 20:36
YOU! <3333333
Firstyly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARFYNNA!! <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
may all your wishes come true! Must behave okayy? Your 9 already you know! heh. & i love you!!!! xDDD
Science was bleagh!
It was grahhhh. heh
ok. wtv. I shall not think about it. :/
Went to causeway point with, Addie, chameu and shasha.
Haha. We walked round and round and up and up then down and down. :D
Decided to go home.
NO! Chameu followed me to go to jec to do french hmwk.
We shall learn more french words together kay kay kay??? <3333
French class was ok. GOSH! I JUST FOUND OUT that french mid-yr exam is next week! OMGOSH!! nonono! I thought it was the monthly test. Darn!! URGH! I.AM.DEAD.SO.SO.DEAD. bleagh!
Anw, went back home with the usual wed people. hehe. KAREL! YOUUU!! Take my pics so randomly. Tsk! heh. But I still like your last shot, the artistic one. MY NECK! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!! & YES! We, random people, ROCK!! xDD (i pity mardiyyah & nadiah for tolerating our nonsense. heh) But puh-lease la... don't ego! hehe. && Mary!! You drunken person! hahaha. We laughed a hell lot today eh? &&... don't get that song stuck on my head even more! You meanie... heh. jkjk. xP
YAY YAY! We are going to get class tee tmr! WOOTS!! oh well, I shall go now...
~janice: IT DID?? & no! Why should I? hehe.
~ger: you so did!! hehe.
~asyikin: ok. Hey! Cheer up aitez? Be strong! :D
~jiaqi: Yo hottie!!! :DDD
~sitira: desperate no more... heh.
~aqilah: thank you! <33 & yes! I need boosting up self-esteem lessons from you. Hehe.
~50 cents: YO! YAY! HI! haha.
~addie: awww... kesian. I didn't remember having a crush in kindergaten! haha. oh wait! I DID! lol. nvrm. it was loooong looooong looooong time ago when we were still so so so so soooooo young! hahahaha.
~nat: ok. I replied your letter!! (but i need to find where i put it. hehe)
~huda: haha. me toO!! <33333333 lol
Tuesday, 8 May 2007 18:00
Sighs. Maths today. Paper 2 was terrible! I didn't know how to do a hell lot of questions. Darn! Didn't want to talk about it when I had study sessions at the lib with Ger, Camel and Addie. Heh.
Science tmr! Yea mann! The last lap to go and then it's overrr! I have to sprint! But then again, i wasted too much time doing my maths that I realised, I neglected science! OH THE HORROR! Plus, there's art to hand in tmr if not I will get fail art! Noooooooo!!! okok. I shall start VERY VERY SOON!
Sunday, 6 May 2007 14:34
ok. I want to say I love my twin! & you must cheer up kayy. You don't deserve such things so just forget about it. Don't be so emo aitez? Not good! tsktsk. hehe. No matter what, I'll be there for you~~ Ily amirah! -hugs- : DDD
Ladidadida~~ I am supposed to be revising. tsk! ehhh, but it's my free time whaat. okok. I am speaking to myself. heh.
Yes pea....nut. Kita boleh maju! Kita harus cuba dengan sedaya-upaya untuk mencapai impian kita! Kita tidak boleh putus asa. Jika kita putus asa, kita tidak boleh maju. Jadi, kita harus ada keyakinan diri! Kita boleh! :DD hehe
apa yang kau cari?
apa yang kau mahu?
apa dengan diriku, tak sempurna?
apa yang kau rasa, hanya sementara.
itu pasti...
apapun yang kau lalui...
apapun yang telah terjadi..
semua itu aku, ku tak peduli...
Omgosh! I just did the 2004 maths mid-yr. Grahhhh. It's tough alright! Danggg! I don't want to fail for mid-yrs!! okok. Intensive revision now. BYE!
Lizzy in pink... out!
~adlina: YES! A happy balloon indeed! :DD (yea right)
~Aqeela: I HAVE TWO OKAY! the sessi buzz one and another one is an individual project. A REPORT CONSISTING OF 5 PAGES! Nvrm. I CAN DO IT! YOU TOO! :DDDDDDDDD
~nasuha: haha!
Saturday, 5 May 2007 22:22
Ok. I am going to make this clear! Heh. I am not PRO AT FRENCH! & I had ALOT & ALOT of help for that post (& i practically did minor stuff) hehehehehehe. okayyy. lol.
Anyway, I hate myself for being so bad in my studies esp maths and science! Grahhh! & they are like the two most imp. subjects if you want to get a superly good job in the future. (according to ceratin sources) Sighs. Even when I tried oh-so-hard & studied for tests, I get a just-pass mark cos of carelessness. Tsktsk! hate it hate it!
i have a low self-esteem. what can you do about it mann? i'm just trying to build it up slowly.
uhhhh... WOW?!? heh.
ok. wtv la alyssa! you're just being pathetic. bleagh!
On a lighter note, madrasah was fun. haha. Ok. Omgosh! Project! Project!
Sesi Buzz groupmates;
ahhh! it's due in 3 weeks time! -faints- we have to like... urm... start? heh. ohhh wellll~~
& cheh cheh. group leader arh... cannot come. tsktsk! hehehe
ok. alyssa has to breathe and keep in mind what the motivator said;
without stress we wont be able to stand like the balloon. you gotta blow into it for it to get all stiff and strong straight.
thats what we gotta do; get strong like the balloon.
OMGOSH! That is sooo true!
But. If you blow it too hard, it will pop!
So, too much stress is also not good because you will break down.
& this will affect you.
so ok. I shall start not feeling soooo stressed out. Just like a quote from Akeelah & The Bee;
"You are afraid because you know too much"
ok. Practically, this is a self-motivation post. hehehe. sorry peeps! & I WANNA SAY THANK YOU TO ADLINA!! you're such a sweet thanggggg. Thanks for motivating me and the love! Yesyes! I'm boosted up with quite a bit of esteem now. hehe.
Ok. I am going to make this clear! Heh. I am not PRO AT FRENCH! & I had ALOT & ALOT of help for that post (& i practically did minor stuff) hehehehehehe. okayyy. lol.
Anyway, I hate myself for being so bad in my studies esp maths and science! Grahhh! & they are like the two most imp. subjects if you want to get a superly good job in the future. (according to ceratin sources) Sighs. Even when I tried oh-so-hard & studied for tests, I get a just-pass mark cos of carelessness. Tsktsk! hate it hate it!
i have a low self-esteem. what can you do about it mann? i'm just trying to build it up slowly.
uhhhh... WOW?!? heh.
ok. wtv la alyssa! you're just being pathetic. bleagh!
On a lighter note, madrasah was fun. haha. Ok. Omgosh! Project! Project!
Sesi Buzz groupmates;
ahhh! it's due in 3 weeks time! -faints- we have to like... urm... start? heh. ohhh wellll~~
& cheh cheh. group leader arh... cannot come. tsktsk! hehehe
ok. alyssa has to breathe and keep in mind what the motivator said;
without stress we wont be able to stand like the balloon. you gotta blow into it for it to get all stiff and strong straight.
thats what we gotta do; get strong like the balloon.
OMGOSH! That is sooo true!
But. If you blow it too hard, it will pop!
So, too much stress is also not good because you will break down.
& this will affect you.
so ok. I shall start not feeling soooo stressed out. Just like a quote from Akeelah & The Bee;
"You are afraid because you know too much"
ok. Practically, this is a self-motivation post. hehehe. sorry peeps! & I WANNA SAY THANK YOU TO ADLINA!! you're such a sweet thanggggg. Thanks for motivating me and the love! Yesyes! I'm boosted up with quite a bit of esteem now. hehe.

snag has created a photoblog! cool cool! haha. check it out! :DDD CREDITS TO LIYANA!! thank you thank you!! <3333333
Lizzy in pink.. out!
~sitira: hahaha! YESYES! Must wait for us : DDD Lol. & yep! She does have a blog.
~ain: alah. Don't terasalah. haha.
~raihan: hahaha. merci! (but i didn't do it all by myself la. hehe)
~aqeela: NO! It is so not true! Be proud for once to say that your malay is MUCH BETTER THAN my french. REALLY!!! I am SO NOT KIDDING! : DDDDDD
~geraldine: But isn't that what the new paper wrote about in their reports?? Then if I buy the new paper and don't read what's in it... what's the point my dear lady.... hahahaha! yes! YOU DID! xP
Ok. You know whaaaat. I shall translate the post back to english. hehe. Ger wants to know so badly what I wrote cos she saw her name like, too many times LOL.
//edited from previous post;
Today was ok. I went for lunch with (snag), sabb and her friends. At first, I did not want to go but after the very much persuasions from the rest, I went. Tsktsk! Aisyah, Sabb and Sitifa went to the library while me and Ger went for lunch! Well, sort of lunch. Hehe. Omgosh! On
the way to lj, we met Inda and ruiling! ! : DD It was such a coincidence! We spoke so much that I felt bad for Inda's friends who kindly waited. hehe. Sighs! Oh! Inda knows cheesecake! So cool right? Yay yay! Feeling high~~ : DDD That is why, 615 train rocks! hehe. I am not two timing kayy Ger. You arh! Tsktsk! hehe. Ruiling was super hilarious as usual! Inda's your girlfriend huh? Hahahahahaha! Then, Ger is mine! Omg! I cannot believe that I said just that. heh.
Then went to lj! Yay! Oh the pleasure of Ger treating me for lunch- at least for the moment. Heh. Nothing is better than to make Ger cry during lunch! Haha. It was so funny. I didn't do anything but she kept on laughing and laughing. We had random conversations and I think that that is ultimate love! After that, we walked around for ten minutes because ger did not want to go home. hehe. We saw a shop that sold jerseys for $17! Grahhh!! then, we called the rest and they were on their way to jp to have their lunch. Ger wanted to get high with them and so we have returned to jp. Initially they wanted to eat at lj but changed their minds and went to kfc. Omgosh! The most coolest thing happened at kfc!! THE MOST COOLEST AND SUPERB THING HAPPENED!! ok. I will speak in English now.
Heh. okok. That's for Ger! LOL. Be honoured mann. hahahaha
Where is Sitifa?? I need the pictures now. Heh. okok. LOL. sorry sorry. Sitifa's phone is love mann! Not forgetting, Ger's phone too! Hahaha. Yay yay yay! Nurul !!! You started the blog already or not? HEH. Nvrm nvrm. Patience(((:
Ohoh! My runny nose is irritating! Sniffing everytime during exams! Ish! Soar throat's just adding on to the problem! Grahhhhh.
Darn it! Maths maths maths! I don't even want to see a C6 on my report book for Sa1 mann! NO C6! ARGH! ok. End of hiatus!
Lizzy in pink... out!
~dini: hahaha. It's ok la. I blame it on me for getting such pathetic marks!
~sitifa: Oops. Haha! & yep! Her face was red a couple of times! :D Uhuh! Another random outing after exams! Oh yea! Don't forget to pass me the pics :DDD
~lorraine: Ahhh! hehe. ok((:
~nuwu: hahahh! Azalea loves sitifa huh?? OoOoOoo~~ ahahahahahha! & have you even start the blog?
~nat: haha! No la. Had a lot of help for that one. hahahaha. & QUEEN! I want chocolates! : DDD
Friday, 4 May 2007 19:57
Yo people!!
I am a happy person. Gosh! This com is lagging! Tsktsk. "Takpe. Kesabaran" -nurul. & it is lagging very badly that I can't even chat with people on msn properly. Maybe it's trying to tell me somethingggg. I know! I must go and revise! YES YES! hehe. But I am resisting it. Hehehe. Don't worry mann. I will revise once I switch off my com! Yes i will!! : DDDD
Aujourd'hui était bien. Je suis allé pour le déjeuner avec (snag), sabb et les amis. Au début, je n'ai pas voulu aller mais après la très beaucoup de persuasion du repos, je suis allé. Tsktsk! Aisyah, Sabb et Sitifa sont allés à la bibliothèque pendant que me et Ger est allé pour le déjeuner ! Bien, le genre de déjeuner. Hehe. Omgosh! En route à lj, nous avons rencontré Inda et ruiling ! ! : DD C'était une telle coïncidence ! Nous parlons si beaucoup de que je me suis senti mauvais pour les amis de Inda qui attendaient. hehe. Désolé ! Oh ! Inda peut savoir que qui est aiguicheur ! Donc refroidir juste ? Yay yay ! La sensation haute~~ :DDD Cela est pourquoi, 615 rochers de train ! hehe. Je ne suis pas deux fois bien Ger. Vous arh! Tsktsk ! hehe. Ruiling était super hilarant comme d'habitude ! Vous huh d'amie de Inda ? Hahahahahaha ! Alors, Ger est le mien ! Omg ! Je ne peux pas croire que j'a dit juste cela. heh.
Alors est allé de toute façon à lj ! Yay ! Le plaisir de Ger me- pour le moment. Heh. Rien n'est mieux que faire le cri de Ger pendant le déjeuner ! Haha. C'était si drôle bien. Je n'ai rien fait mais elle a continué à rire et rire. Nous avons eu des conversations faites au hasard et je pense que cela est l'amour ultime ! Après cela, nous avons traîné pour à peu près dix minutes parce que ger n'a pas voulu rentrer. hehe. Nous avons vu un atelier qui a vendu jerseys pour $17 ! Grahhh!! Donc alors, nous avons appelé le repos et ils étaient sur leur façon à jp pour leur déjeuner ! ! Ger a voulu obtenir haut avec eux et si nous avons rentré à jp. Inititally qu'ils ont voulus manger à lj mais a changé d'avis et est allé à kfc. Omgosh ! La chose la plus fraîche est arrivée à kfc! ! ! LA CHOSE LA PLUS STUPEFIANTE la plus FRAICHE EST ARRIVEE ! ! Bien. Je parlerai dans l'anglais maintenant.
ok. english.
I MET AZALEA! I cried okayyy. Omgosh omgosh omgosh! okok. This was what happened.. -flashback-
At kfc
Me: -so engrossed in reading the newspaper that I was anti-social for a while-
-sabb's friend came along and she brought her classmate-
Ger: She so anti-social la!
Sitifa: Ya! Oh ya, you know, social studies is *edukasi* sosial or something like that?
-i don't know what else they said. hehe-
Me: -Finally lift up my head- Hmm, lend me your phone! -turns to nurul's direction-
Omgosh! Omgosh!! I know you! I know you! I know you! I know you! AZALEA!!!!!!!!
-tears were welled up in my eyes cos I couldn't believe that I am actually not dreaming-
Azalea: You! Urm.. you! Urm.. ALYSSA!
Alyssa: Cool cool cool!! (i promise I said it like thousands of times the whole time we were there. hehe)
Azalea: Ya!! (i think she teared a bit too)
Alyssa: YAY! Finally mann. This is sooooo cool!
-started talking-
-end of flashback
THIS IS SUPER COOL! It was such a co-incidence. Sabb's friend had brought along her classmate who was my kindergaten bestie!!!!!!!! : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
We finally re-united! Although, not so complete. Farizah is still "missing" though. Nvrm. We can find her somehow, someway! AHHH!! This is so so so so cool. hehehehe. Sorry for hyper-ventilating too much. LOL. But I mean, after like 6 years we finally re-united!! This is super cool. hehehe. & Azalea finds it super fascinating about how sitifa looks almost like her senior. Haha. We shall have an outing after exams! Yes yes! MUST! & they thought Ger is a eurasion! I promise I saw Ger blushing okayyy! Omgosh! Ger, don't ego can? hahahaha! Lame la youuuuu. hahahaha
oh well. Then I went home to get french stuff while s.n.g. went to jlb. Met them there after I collected my stuff. Yaddayaddayadda. Had so much fun after ehem ehem, studying. Haha. Blablabla.
French class was kinda interesting today! Hehe. Learnt the directions and stuff. Fun fun! Ok well, I better get going. So, toodles people! : DD
Lizzy in pink.. out!
snag is love! : DDD
~asyikin: wokay!
~dini: Don't rub it in okayyy. *sobs* heh. nvrm. It's natural for people to hyper-ventilate when they see an A1 in their report. Congrats anw! (:
~janice: Omgosh! You need outing with me! Like, after exams! MUST! hehe. Chill kayy. okok. breathe. Don't! Please! I beg you, DON'T!
~klare: heyyy! I think I know who you are cos I smiled at you couple of occasions! (((: Nice knowing you anw! :D
~niveetha: Yes ma'am! But where's the link? hahahahahaha.
Thursday, 3 May 2007 22:19
Geog was okay. Haha. & you should have seen us before the exam! So chaotic mann. heh
LIT TMR! OoOoOo~~ Hmm, did most of my revision already! : DD
Omgosh! Mummy was funny. "dia cantik??" hahaha. okok. sorry! inside joke.
& I shall link those people VERY SOON like tmr kay kay?? sorry sorry...
Urm, nothing to blog about actually. So well.. bye!
Lizzy in pink... out!
~khaliesah: hahaha. Think pink! Always pink! yay yay! & think of you... hmm...
~aqilah: awwwww. so sweet! <333 yay chocoloates for both of us! Good luck for exams too! :DD
~durga: yo!
~dini: I guess you managed to aced through it right? hehehe. Good for you! :D
~janice: ahahahahaha. yesyes! & stop doing "stupid" stuff can? LOL.
~ger: Whatever it is... it's 615 train! xDDD
~huda: I didn't mean to talk about dreams coming true in the toilet!! hahaha. I meant, dreams do really come true! :DD s.k.y. #2 loves s.k.y. #5 too!
~fikachu: heh. Why sould I listen to all those crap when rezeki in front of me!? You arh. TSK! Hahahahahahh
~frances: hehe. sorry sorry! okok. SOON!!
Tuesday, 1 May 2007 18:52
& dreams do come true

& dreams do come true
Hey hey hey!
Ok. Fever's gone. Soar throat's back. Bleagh! Itchy itchy throat. Sighs.
Darn it! I have yet to revise for geog. As in, yes I have but not everything! Tsktsk. & it's in two days! Noooooo!
I can't believe I am currently sitting beside ger! Oh the horror! HEH. I made her cry due to laughing so hard.
"ssssheeeesh..... i cn't blive tht i am sitting next to alyssa!
BECOS OF YOU. u and ur jokes"
-ger'dine's blog
whaaaat? ahahahahaha. I did not remember me being a funny girl! Heh. I am honoured to make ger cry for more than 4 times that day : DD & i won't want plastic surgery to have the same face as you! I like the way I am! ((: Anw, i don't like what you said after the above quote. BOOOOOO!! nvrm nvrm. i shall not elaborate on it *coughcough* -real coughing-
It's so contradicting mann. I mean, it's so eyer... I am being mean to myself to think of this. stooppppp!
On a lighter note, you make me smile (even though you wouldn't know it). Just thinking about it, I will feel calm and you keep me motivated. Many thanks to you.
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end?
-all good things by nelly furtado
Anyway, thanks to everyone for the get well wishes! I love you guys lots! THANKS!! :DDD
lizzy in pink.. out
~raihan: i looked scary? omgosh! hehe. sry sry. anyway, THANKS! :DD
~Izzah: ahahahahahah. THANKS! :DD
~aqeela: then try to make it stop. hehehe. kayabread rocks right?? hahaha
~dini: lol. eheh! geog geog! helpppppp!!
~sitira: Ok fine. hehe. You're a NICE KID TOO! LIKE ME! (((: & THANKS! :DD
~ger'dine: Ya!! & I am stuck sitting beside you till exams are over! Ehhh, but it's a good thing! You can think of me even during exams!! hehehehehe. (((:
~debb: alright!! & you rock too!!! xD
~falee: okay! THANKS! :DD