Hey hey hey!

i love gf! ((:

Oh, did i tell you that i love them oh-so-much?! ;DDD
Yea mann. Ger and Sitira are so love!!! ;DD
Ok. Updated [[PHOTOBLOG]] ;DDD
Haha. I just scared the insurance person. OMGOSH!!! I thought she was my mum that's why i said HELLO so weirdly and she was startled. Ahhh! Sorry sorry!! Malu-ated. Luckily my sweet smile managed to calm her down. hehehe.
Oh yes! According to nurul, on her blog, she said i hyper-ventilated so much during the buttons one. haha. && me and addie confessed of hitting her like every part of the dance. So, here's a SORRY FROM US TO YOU! SORRY NURULHUDA!!!
Ahah. This one, afee wrote to us;
i think...
-horses are cute! neigh!
-bunga is pretty! flowers
-cheesecake is sotong!lob!blob!!
-donkayyes are adorable!
I'm so upset cn! *sobs* "obviously, there IS a meaning behind all of this and yeah its real sweet(: " Haha. Yea la. Sweet eh? hahahahahha. omgoshh. I sound like a protective mother again. Pfft. :/ heh.
~dini: haha. Oh. Congrats anw! ;DDD
~nat: ya! haha. I'm half you and khalie. Hmmm... cool combination. Ok. that sounded sooooo wrong! hahaha
~cia: Awww... maybe you should bite little kid next week or something? haha. Deprived?!? Omgosh! Tsktsk. lol. Uhhh... bite me eh? No way hose! xP hahaha
the hardships slowly came by
we stood strong and had never said goodbye
& although the disputes we had
we tried living with no regrets
Hello hello!

Ahh yes! Spotcheck was cuteness. The councillor was super cute cn!! haha. Seriously. She's cute! "really! her hair is brown!" haha. I got caught for having brownish hair. So have to get parents letter by tmr if not i'll be d.e.a.d. So, alyssa shahira, please remember to bring the letter tmr! MUST!
Oh yea. Today's train ride was so disheartening. D: Tmr shall be better!! (((;
&& home-ec was okayyyyy la.
Angklung was da bomb! Ms asmah taught the sec 1's how to play the kulintang! YAY! I played the melody. It was cool yo. lol. Thanks to aishah for helping me and nurul! :DD
Mummy fetched me after cca. Went to eat. ((((: Then waited for mummy in the car and seriously, i almost wanted to call 5718! Just couldn't press that button la. heh. Instead sitira called which is better i suppose! haha. ;DDD
Raihan said i look half khaliesah half natasha. haha. Wonder how?? hehe. OK then. OFF I GO! BYE! ;DD
~izzah: Don't be too upset okayyy? Cheer up izzah! Think positive!! (((((: -hugs-
~clara: okay! :D
~sitira: haha. good good! i have not discussed yet. lol.
~emmy: hahah. hello!!
Ok. Today was simply awesome!! ;DDD
615 train ride with sitira was super awesome. haha. ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *Innocent waves* ahahaha.
Lit was cool mann. ms vicky wanted to know what we all hated and our class has super many weird stuff to say. hehe. Music was YAY! It was so fun! ((((: English was mostly administrative work but i think it's going to be a nice.
The lovely three stayed back with me((: Actually, more for nurul. haha. Ok. So, we crapped a lot and i can't imagine myself doing that VOICE again when we sat near the avt. Silly me! heh. Met syahirah along the way.. yaddayaddayadda.. left school around 2.
Went to kap with her to meet naz and ishraf. Syahirah is love la! ;DD She's so VAIN! hahahahaha. Her bag was full off rubbish cn. hehe. Then, we waited for an HOUR, no la, about 30 mins before they came. Exaggeration! Anw, i think it's either them who were too quiet or me who was too talkative. I think it was me. Sorry guys!
Syahirah! My name is the one with a diff spelling which makes it so damn unique & i'm the hottest la please!! The SUN!! xP heh
Ishraf had to go off first. i should have followed! So that those two have some quality time. haha. & we should have compared our heights right ishraf? You la. So quieeeeet. hahaha.
Anw, went home alone. Sms-ed 5718 who only replied around 8. Thanks arh! LOL. actually, i do that sometimes too. hehe.
Ok. So, there's home-ec tmr! Exciteddd. I'm off!
~sitira: yesyes. For once i'm not denying it. haha. Both of us owe you la! heh. Wait arh... wait. haha
~nat: haha. i don't want to not grow anymore. :/ haha. it's ok. i grow, you grow. we shall be of the same height!! hehe. ;DDDDD
~aqilah: heh. you mean my fringe now makes me look emo or what??? hah. eyer.. i'm not anywhere near emo la please. heh.
~ger: i didn't! ok, maybe i did. ahahaha. No don't! it's not my fault!!! pity me please!! [heh]
~aqeela: so, you're trying to say i'm not cute la? haha. duh! cos i'm hotness!! hahahahaha
~ishraf: haha. me too! ((:
~khaliesah: i may be slightly taller than you but i'm not some monster. boo hoo hoo. hehe
~hudaa: ahaha. chill la! breathe mann! haha. khaliesah's taller than you?? but the last time we compare, i'm taller. heeeeeeeeheeeeeeeee
~emmy: YA! That was super hilarious! They made my day too!!! hahaha. ;DDDD

[ignore my face. i seem to look like abg ijam in this pic. ahh! heh.]
Anw, Yay! You're 6! I LOVE YOU OH-SO-MUCH! ((: & i promise to take care of you, always be there for you and protect you from whatever. You're my one and only cute bro who's so into dancing like me! Psst.. we shall start a dance group! haahah. Anw, i hope you'll be strong and that you'll have a wonderful life ahead! Once again, happy birthday! ILY, martin luth iman!! ;DDDDD
Today was nice nice. heh. School was good la.
Started with chem which is so far, fun fun fun although you have to memorise stuffs here and there. No one wanted to volunteer to sing or dance or wtv after introducing ourselves so mr goh just decided to start off the lesson. haha.Have not started anything on history yet. Today was basically get-to-know-you sessions((: Finally, i said what i've longed to say(((: Felt a little better. yay!
Btw, thanks aqeela! i love you!! yea. It sure is annoying but heck la. hah.
& aqilah, i am NOT, let me repeat, NOT EMO. ahahaha. Who knows? It is you who's emo. You okay??? (((:
&& khaliesah. Don't worry! I'm not that tall anw. Grahh. Nat's taller than me! hehehe.
Hmm, had project date with ger after school. It was awesome!
alyssa: "yknow, like lobsters"
ger: "yea! gosh. it goes like this" -does crab action-
alyssa: "that's crab la"
ger: "how do lobsters swim?"
haha. frankly speaking, i'm nt sure either, loser. hehe
So, we managed to plan out the whole pbl website thingy. Now, we just need that com to start! YAY YAY! ;DD
& i realised. I've been an unfair person to 5718. Really really unfair. So, i'm really sorry. I really am. D: & i shall say that you are love. ;DDD
& i love sitira to bits! She rocks cn! ;DDD
Woah! This post is mainly going out to those mentioned and it has nothing to do with the title; "it's personal; myself and i". haha.
ok. OFF!
~ putri: haha. i was kidding! ehh, woman! you don't have to go on a diet! You better don't arh! If not.... hahahahahahaha. wo ai ni! (((:
~addie: haha. good for you?? No? hah
~hudaa: ahh! not that one. hehe
~sharifah: no i don't call him that. i don't even know him la please. hahahaha. but obviously i know who's 155 right? lol.
~cia: your son so did. tsktsk. so disappointed in him mann. [& again, let me remind you to punish him] hahahaha. kidding kidding!
~ asyikin: ish! you arh. -shakes head- hahah. loves... ((:
Ok. Putri, i really don't know mann. Ahh! I think it's just me. Really. heh.
Guess what? I have not grown since the beggining of the year! Omgosh! Still standing at 159. But i know i grew! I know i did! D: Pfft. :/ So, who's going on a diet with me?? hahaha. okok. Kidding.
So, my dear syahirah, we are on the same boat. D: heh. Nvrm. Anw, his not 157! His actually 155! hehehe((: && you're only going with DAD on fri eh? hahahaha. Get it? dad? LOL. ok lame. haha. Is.. is.. that 155cm person going? HEEEHEE. omgosh! i'm so pfft. extra. :/ haha.
okok. So, today, i met a gazzilion people who i have not seen for so long. Met cheesecake in the morning. Then, sherdale, jieru and wait.. who was that other person? sorry sorry!!! hehe. Then, my lovely twin cousins, farhan and fikqri. Followed by several ex-rafflesians. & then, cheryl quek! That talkative fellow 6alien of mine! Ahhh! I miss her crappiness! heh.
ohoh! It's going to be 8! omgosh! I need to go now. Hmwk time! ((:
Angklung today was fun! Esp when we had to play bengawan solo. hahaha ;DD Angklung and kulintang ensemble rockssssss! ahahahahaha
~cia: Haha. aku pendek juga perr. [ahaha. alyssa spoke in malay! see addie! hah] ahah. Finally! thanks. I love you too! ((:
~aqeela: yep. oh well. Thanks anw! LOVES! ((:
I don't know. I really don't know. I just feel like breaking down. I pity martin more than i pity myself. I mean, that's obvious right? He's so young. & i can't, i can't take it anymore. Pfft. :/ shut up alyssa! shut up! Sighs.
Ok. Stop all these emo stuff uh. Sheesh me!
Anw, hello hello hello you people!
girl, i know you're going through a hard time. You know, it's just a matter of words that you're going to say now. I know very well i'm not the best person in all these stuff but just to let you know, i'll be there for you. I really mean it. & no matter what you want to do, just say what's from within okay? Don't keep it bottled up. Not good. I love youuuuuuu!! (((:
Ok. So, anw, school's starting tmr! Back to the normal school life. Filled with morning dates with sitira and crappiness with gf, retard sifu and sadding partner. Ahh! I somehow can't wait but i can to at the same time. ahhh... wtv la. heh.
Anw, i can't believe it kayy. Bestie has grew to a height of 157cm! OMGOSH!! You grow like so fast now. Pffft. :/ But, IT'S A GOOD THING KAY. You dumb person((: Don't brag about it too much later you can't grow again. hahaha.
& now that feeling towards xyz is coming back again. why? why? ahhhhhhhhh!! -faints-
Ohoh. Watched one minute of fame at chinatown point today. It was nice((: Ahah. Arfynna and martin should have joined mann. Seriously. & now, acap wants me to join with him if there's family category again next time. Rigghhttt. We shall see about that. hah.
Ok then. Sososo, i better get going. BYE!
I added a whispers column right above the tagboard to put up like song lyrics or poems i feel like putting up. So yea. & the feeling for xyz is gone again? haahahaha. YAY!? lol.
~khaliesah: ya!! haha. btw, thanks. (((:
~putri: haha. thank you. that dumb bestie of mine is really dumb. [like me la] haha. I love you too((:
~narisha: haha. i will! ((:
~debb: alrighty!! (:
~emmy: oh the horror! my IQ just dropped to 5. It really wonders me how i know what to type. hahaha. Cya tmr! Misses((:
~raihan: OK! ((:

that one extra spot was meant for someone eh? who arh? heh.
the neoprint in which putri panicked when she erased off everything! haha. She's damn cute la.
Ahh! It's 2+ already. I gotta sleep mann. Madrasah exam tmr. Update you guys more tmr. BYE!
~sitira: haha. you seem like one. haha. YAY! ;DDD
~putri: I love you many more! ;DDD haha. [ahh. gf won't see this right? hehe] Ok!
~hudaa: random la you. haha. HI HUDAAAAAAAAAAA! ;DD lol
~ger: ahh!! S.T.O.P. don't tell me anymore. Sshhh. I'm jealous enough. Grahhh. heh
Ahah. Finally! A blogskin created. :DD haha. I have not add the background YET. Got to use the laptop for photoshop!
Anw, I can't wait for later. Finally going to finish up ALL my hmwk. Meeting sabby and putri! :DD Yay! Yay! PUT TO THE TREE! I miss you so. D: The four of us must have a date [which we planned a loooong time ago]kay; you, me, sabby, ishraf. kkkk?? :DD
If only I could go east coast today. Winks at gf. GER! It's unfair! Grahh. heh. Addie would definitely want to go too. Haha. It's a fact okay. Pfft. :/
So, how's everybody been! School's starting in 3 days! For semester 2, I'm going to work hard and strive for much better marks! You can do it alyssa! :DD [self-motivating, if you'd excuse me. heh]
& ohmygosh! I have to hand in my madrasah assignment tmr! Ahhh!! Ok. I better get going. bye!
~jemie: linked! ;D
~cia: linked too! hahaha. loooooong indeed.
~nat: haha. Me too! I think it's cos everyone's missing everyone else and at least we can manage our time more properly? hehe.
hey hey hey!
This blog will be dead anytime. hahaha. Sorry. Have been soooo busy with hmwk. Left with Lit and Compo! Yay!? no? heh.
Arfynna: haha!!!!!!!!!your blog is going to be DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe....kidding la......well......well......well................*#$%!@#$%^ygygygygygygyg......F.Y.I [censored] hehe.... [KIDDING!!!!!!!!!]i am very bored now because kakak is doing her hmwk and i have nothing to do....besides playing the laptop!!!!!!!! k back to nothing! haha!!!!!!!!!!!!this world has too little things to do besides going out..............................well we will go for a short break in "news/let's play tonigt"
haha. wtv arfynna! xP lol.
welcome back to "News/let's play tonight" and now to ten ten tedeh..... ten ten tedeh....the a......a......a....a......a.....a......... amazing arfynna annoying alyssa..... hehe... Now to the annoying alyssa!!!!!!!yeah you are annoying! yeah you are annoying!!
pfft. what has my sis done here? heh. what's this news/let's play tonight?? eh eh?? haha. okayyyy.
Ohoh. I would like to wish MANY THANKS TO DUMB BESTIE AND PUTRI!! You guys are loved. ;DD
These past few days have been pretty much mugging! Grahh. Nvrm. I can do it! & i have received the YMC letter. Even mummy wants me to join... so yep! ;DDD
Ahh! Back to hmwk now. :/
~sitira: haha. I thought you have finished all your hmwk by now. Btw, our usual morning dates are still on right?? ;DDDD
~dini: Haha. We shall suffer together!! heh. good luck mann!
~hudaa: ok. mr lame 2. ahaha. BORING eh?? lol. it's okay.
~ger: i can't mann. & i'm so jealous. ahhhh.... you evil! Grahhh. heh
~addie: yaaaa! hot hot hot. lol
~putri: i'll relink ya! love ya too! blame it all on your buddy. haha. sooooo busted eh? haha
Study date today was TOTALLY AWESOME! ;DD i felt honoured when i found out that they really really wanted me to go! I miss you guys alot too!!
I managed to finish quite a no. of my hmwk. ;DD
1 book review down
Step ahead 2 down
Phrases down[find a few more]
Maths assignment down
Maths junior division paper[last pg left]
Left with..
2 book reviews
Lit essay
Newspaper articles
uhuh! oh yea! I know i'm the one that didn't do the most hmwk but it's an accomplishment to finish up some of it. It seems so little from here, but nah-uh-uh. Esp maths and book review. It's grrr. heh
Met with the rest and had brunch at kfc. Ger took the LONGEST,as usual, to finish up her food. She bought only cheese fries but finished the last. Pfft. hahaha.
Off we went to jurong lib.
Then it was STRICTLY MUGGING from 1.30-5. We listened to 987 while doing our hmwk and "sang" retardedly to songs we knew. Crap around a bit but managed to mug at the same time. Is that awesome or awesome? hahaha.
Went off at 5. Felt hungry thus we went to macs. Crap ALOT. ;DD Saw someone who looks like some person and panas-er person. haha. Addie was being a GOOD girl mann. I'm proud of her! lol.
[watching anugerah now. awwww... hot person's out. heh. but it's all about THE VOICE right? So yea... vote for those who can sing!! ;D]
Anw, went home and ARFYNNA SURPRISED ME WITH A GIFT! ;D I quickly gave her a very looooooooong hug. She bought me a phone/mp3/camera/money POUCH. Cool or what? What's more, it's PINK! Gosh. She's love la. So sweet of her. She said she bought for me, with her own savings, cos i've been a very nice sister to her. WOW! I LOVE YOUUUUU!! ;DDD
Ok. Now about my trip.
Reached johor at night. We stayed at cik sham's relative's[I THINK] house. Don't know cos we had that beautiful house to ourselves.. It's just WOW! seriously. Damn nice. ;DDD Since we reached there around 8, we had to stay in. Camwhored. Watched incredible tales which freaked me out. hehe.
Swam at the swimming pool and stayed in. Thought about hmwk ALL DAY LONG. Freaky or what? hehe. Movie-marathon with abg izam and acap.
Drove off to malacca. The kampung really really is love! Although, i got bitten by mosquitoes, [over 40 bites kayyy] the most as i was said to have the SWEETEST blood. HAHAHAHAHA. I really think PEKAN IS DA BOMB. it's like the best hangout place. & it sells the best chendol everrrrrrrr. ;DD
Went around kampung taking pictures. haha. Seriously, kampung is th BEST place to camwhore. You can take happy, silly and emo pictures everywhere. It's super cool cn! ;DDD
Chill around somemore and then went home. Reached home around 8. Check my phone and received like 12 or so sms-es. Mainly from nurul, addie and hot gf, ger. [don't be aneroxic arh!!! tsk!] They called a million times to see if i was in s'pore. So sweet right?? Gosh. I feel so honoured to have such sweet and caring friends! ;D
Ok. So, it was really a relaxing trip. VERY very relaxing. At kampung, time goes by so slowly. & i kinda dread when i had to go home to the hectic life in the city. heh. But, life must go on.
Ego partner is back! YAY! ;DDDDDD
Grrr. Back to hmwk now. BYE!
~afika: haha. okokok. ;D
~hudaaa: thank you retard sifu! ;D You too!
I'm back! It's a good journey back to kampung. Ok. Shall post tmr. Too tired now. bye.
~narisha: haha. sorryyyyy. okok. I will tag NOW! ;DD
~sitifa: no. haha
~nisa: hihihi! ;D
~falee: no prob! ;DD
~ger: yes i will! tmr! YAY! can't wait for study date. ;DD
~nurul: thanks. now i'm back safely. ;D
~addie: hehe. Cool or what? no evil smirks mann. ahaha.
~baohui: hello! yepyep. how are you??
~sitira: haha. of course! I'm like DA BEST. LOL. unfortunately, not your no. 1 fan. hahaha
~nat: Alhamdulillah! ;DD
~janice: YAY! finally. how are you??
~hazzie: WHAAAAAAAAT!? ehhh... my true love yknow. *sobs* Hazwaaaaaniiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! DD: [hehe]
~dini: yepyepyep. Me too! ;DDD
Hey ho hello!
I have not completed like 3/4 of my hmwk and I'm already off for holiday tmr till Mon! Sheesh!
No choice but have to bring it along. SO MUCH OF A HOLIDAY! DD:
So, today was awesomezxzxzxz. Went out for bowling! Like yipee! Have not been bowling for ages i tell you. Pfft. heh. I won the first game but Martin did so in the second game. Can you imagine that? A soon-to-be-6-yr-old beat me in bowling! Grahhh.
But anw, let's say if you give the winner 3points and the 2nd, 2 points and last, 1 point.
First game:
Me- 3points
Arfynna: 2points
Martin: 1point
Second game:
Me- 1point
Arfynna- 2points
Martin- 3points
So in total, all of us are winners! We all scored 4 points each! See. Always look at the brighter side of life. [
Camwhoring with martin can be really fun mann! ;DD Arfynna's so pretty that I'm jealous. :/ hahaha. Ohoh. I need to pack my stuff now. [yes. i have not done so. heh]
Before that,
HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO FALEE [in advance]!!! ;DD
[tag replies soon.]

"simplicity at its best"
The blog seems dead. HEHE. sorry peeps. Have been busy lately unfortunately, NOT BUSY with hmwk. :/ However, I've planned out a timetable to finish up at least 1/2 OR 3/4 my hmwk by Malacca trip this coming Fri! Yay for me! ;DD
I know. I've been lazing around these past 2 weeks trying to clear my mind off things before I can really concentrate. So yes! Finally. Although not really but forget it. I NEED AND MUST concentrate. C'mon alyssa! You can do it! hehe. [don't mind me giving myself some motivation. heh]
So, what have I been doing these past few days? Well, quite an adventure actually. I find this june hols one of a kind. I've been, more of, me and my cousins have been sleeping over each other's house. Switching the places each time. HEH. Acap and Inka have, SO FAR, broken the record, during the june hols, of sleeping over my house for 4 days 4 nights. Yep. They just went back about 15mins ago. & acap and I managed to finish up the assignment we wanted to do! YAY! Finished Eng compre stuff. -that's all. heh. Pathetic ain't I? lol
Reminiscing time! [actually, i've always been reminiscing in my posts. hah]
Marina square and esplanade trip with Arfynna, Kakak Yayah and kakak's dearest Abg Wan. haha. We watched Shrek 3[again! ;DD] and I only paid for the popcorns and drinks. He paid for all our tickets. Cheh cheh. Hahaha.
After that, went to LJS. Then, off we went to Esplanade's rooftop! NICE NICE NICE PLACE! We did our hmwk. Yes! At least I managed to almost finish one whole maths wksht. hehe.
Camwhored. I mean, what do you expect? When kakak's around [and me. haha] and her camera... it's definitely camwhoring session. LOL. Shall post some pictures soon! She was fascinated when she managed to edit the pictures. haha. CONGRATS ANW! hehe.
Went to Wild Wild Wet with Martin, Tashrif a.k.a. chip[hehe], Arfynna and papa. Fun.
FINE! I'll admit. Arfynna can be braver than me AT TIMES. hehe. She dared to take that "skateboard" thingy with papa and I didn't. okok. Laugh. Sheesh!
Dinner was great. Chip wass being a gentlemen. COUGHCOUGH. Although he's only P5, haha!, he just acted like he wasn't. Pffft. HEHE.
Arfynna's VERY FIRST band performance! I'm so proud of her. ;DDDDD I wouldn't miss it for anything. I mean, it's her very first time performing in the school band! Although, she sat at the back, I managed to take loads of her pics cos the audience could crowd around the band.
CHEH CHEH. Her very first performance was at Jurong Bird Park. Cool mann. & omgosh la! She so totally looked like ALYSSA Ho. Yes. They somewhat look-a-like. Although, alyssa is way cuter than me. D: haha. But yea, they are like twins! What's more, they love to tie their hair in two ponytails! Cool or what? haha.
Acap & Inka were there too. Walked around JBP after that.
Went to Jurong East Swimming complex. Poor Martin. The water playground's under construction. Awwwwww.
Anw, something annoying happened and I shall not mention anything. Just forget about it I guess.
Went to jurong lake park for a while. I'm still afraid of the spider-web thingy. Afraid to climg all the way up. HEHE. I was the only one who didn't climb that high. Hmph! It's not my fault I feel scared okayyyy. :/
& now, I'm home. -as you already know
Haha. So yep. Had enough fun already. MUST get on with hmwk before Fri. I've also been editing pictures since I downloaded the trial run for photoshop. hehe. WILL post it up soon. So, BYE!
[finally updated! heh]
~amirah: Sure thing hun! :DD
~afifah [afee's sis]: hello! Ok! & I would want you as my junior too! I shall see you next year in Crescent alright? haha. I know you can make it in! Study smart! ;DD
~hudaa: I miss you too! like loads! D:
~aqeela: Really? Oh my. I never knew that. hehe.
~addie: Yep! I can tell. ;DD
~nuruul: Who you calling beylo eh? hehe. YES THERE IS MAKCIK! tsk. Mm told us during our last lesson before the hols remember? haha. I have not completed it yet. ahaha.
~yun yrn: hello there! YES! i definitely remember you. You're VERY tall right? haha. How are you?g
~atika: Hey! I miss you mann. I'm fine thanks, you? ok. sure thing!
~afiqahg3: ok!
~sitira: updated my dear minah! ;DD
~sitifa: ME TOO!!!!!
I know i will. sighs.
I'm feeling seriously bored.
Omgosh! I want that Jodi Picoult book. I want! I want! Read the summary thingy at the back & I could feel the emotions. I really really want it. Shall go and find it soon.
Why do all good things come to an end? I really don't know. But of course I would like an answer. But how? Why? All those questions just lingering up there in my mind. Yep. I know it's annoying. But WHY? grrrr. I seriously need to stop it. Be strong! Yes I will.
anw, THANKS GER! Loves loves! :DD
I shall and will be strong. I just need time.
Oh stop the crap alyssa! Grrrr.
Oh. Had a very funny conv. with Mr lame guy [who don't want to admit millions of things] heh.
Ok. This is contradicting. His funny but lame. HEHE. {i deleted some parts of his display name to protect his identity}
try to turn the tide says:
i was acting minah-ish
try to turn the tide says:
uncle greg said i'm playful #9 says:
i think you are
try to turn the tide says:
but puh-leaze. i WON'T want to be one
try to turn the tide says:
try to turn the tide says:
you know what minah means or not?
uncle greg said i'm playful #9 says:
try to turn the tide says:
uncle greg said i'm playful #9 says:
minah la
try to turn the tide says:
try to turn the tide says:
try to turn the tide says:
it means PEREMPUAN
try to turn the tide says:
GOTCHA! hahahaha.
try to turn the tide says:
then you're a MAT la..
try to turn the tide says:
hello mat!
try to turn the tide says:
: D
uncle greg said i'm playful #9 says:
hell no
Ok. So #9 admitted he's not a male. Hahahahaha. ok. The rest of the conv. was even funnier. Wtv la. Live in paris huh? WOW! He knows French! -hyperventilates- -stops- He forgot all about it already. :/
So now you see how bored I am. I think I shall start with hmwk now! heh. BYE!
Be strong
Hold on
Don't give up
It's not the end
Don't look back
Typical words I will hear
& will always be kept in mind
Haha. Loser's a.k.a. gf is beside me now! OMGOSH LA! She's such a loser. *sobs* I don't even know why I chose her as my gf. Tsktsk. HEH. & Ger is a meanie. BOO!!!
Anw, currently doing pbl with ger at jurong lib now. Sheesh. This lady going town later. BOOO. Sighs.
Oh! Bonding sessions with Arfynna didn't turn out that well cos she was sick. Vomitted quite a no. of times and had a high fever. eeeeekkk. Get well soon sweetie! :DDDD
Anw, watched Shrek 3 with acap and arfynna on Sat night. YEP! Right after cikgu's jemputan. The movie was DA BOMB mann. FUN FUN! Initially, arfynna didn't want to go. So, it was only me and acap. As we were about to leave this house then Arfynna literally shouted to tell us to stop. So we already missed the 630 show.
Once there, found out that the 700 show will only start at 730. The cinema at Jurong Point is awesomeeeeeee. [first time there. heh] arfynna practically slept 3/4 of the show. But I don't blame her. She was feeling super giddy. So I enjoyed the show thoroughly. Talked about it with acap the whole way home.
Mum decided to fetch us and guess who came along... abg ijam! ;DD He slept over for a day. Played twister, cluedo movie-marathon and then I slept. Hehe.
Family time ytd at Ibu's. FUN FUN! At night we watched, Qabil Qushy Qabil Igam, NOT the hindustan show. This is a malay production. I LOVE THE STORY. I seriously think they should make it into the box office la. It would definitely be a BIG HIT! The first part was super funny. Who would expect it to end in such a tragedy? I think the producer and script writer, same person who did both the work, is so creative! The storyline was just magnificent and the script was omgosh! So goooood.
She could twist the audience emotions veyr well. Like from a happy mood to a super sad mood.
Tears rolled down my cheek in the second half of the movie cos that was when the super sad [not that kinda sad addie] part started. I really think those who watch will DEFINITELY cry. It's an awesome show and I would recommend it to everyone. But it's in malay la. Overall a 5 out of 5!! FABULOUS! A must watch! [how sad it isn't in theatres D:]
AHH! Where on earth is that camera now!?!? I need to upload those pictures like, ASAP. I think it's in the car. hehe.
ok. OFF!
~narisha: haha. ok!
~izzah: ya! ahaha.
~ger: The internet connection was so poor la. D;
~addie: haha. OMGOSH! I MUST show you something like asap. heh.
~hudaa: you retarded sifu of mine. Heh. & my hair was really messy that day! D: Anw, happy hols to you too!
~raihan: ok! Shall upload them soon.
The obstacles are harmless
Overcome it, be fearless
Be your own superhero!
& don't always think about being zero
YAY! Acap and abg Izam's sleeping over today. Currently having a movie-marathon [while i'm using the laptop. hehe]
The jemputan I went just now was such an adventure actually. Went with those sweeties, Syahirah, Addie, Nurul, Sabb and Sitira. Initially, we got lost but found the place like about 10 mins later! :D
Dini and Shasha came a bit later cos of cca. Dini! You're so pretty mann. Don't live in self-denial! hahahaha.
Cikgu, as usual, look prettyyy. But prettier today, of course! Took pictures! BUT shall upload them later.
Nowadays, I find it hard and feel restless to do my stuff. As in, the things I want to do e.g. hmwk. I WANT but I don't know. Maybe it's just plain laziness but I don't think so. Tsk. It's annoying! Go away mann. You irritating feeling. Sheesh!
why aren't you saying anything?
why aren't you the same-old-you?
why aren't you that fellow i wanted to know so badly?
give me the reasons & then you can leave this heart to ache.
please and thank you.
~addie: But that doesn't mean you can't think bunga? Haha. Buuuuuuuuuuluuuuuuuuu. ok. Shall tell you soon. heh.
~dini: yep it was! Thanks for the ride home anw! :DD Ahhhh yes. You and your teddy bear! :/ haha
If you could only see,
your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much,
I'm yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
forever yours I'll be,
baby won't you come and take this pain away.
Ok. So sleepover was funnn! We lepak2 like crazy. Hahaha. & now, acap's here, at my house! :DDD So yes. Lepak again. heh. But gotta get on with homework very2 soon!
Going for 2 jemputan later. Attending cikgu's first. CONGRATS!
Had a nice chat with Nurul last night. Hahaha. A very random conversation. She's love la. "So, what is lamb and sheep? Which one goes... BAAAAA?" hahaha.
Sentosa trip with acap's family and cik ogy's family was LOVE! :DDDDDDDD Took quite a no. of pictures but shall upload them later. Lisa is like some baby doll. Hayden is super-ultra cute though I forgot how many months old he is. heh. Eian don't want to take pictures with me :/ hah.
Oh wells.
And with a broken wing
She still sings
She keeps an eye on the sky
With a broken wing
She carries her dreams
Man you ought to see her fly
~huda: I know you can't wait to meet me! :D Oh wtv! IM DA BEST DAMN THING THT MY EYES HAVE EVER SEEN(: hahahahahahahahahahaha
~dini: WHAAAT!?? you're not going? Alah.... I wanted to give you the book. D:
~emmy: haha. thanks!
~Ger: Stop being ego. I don't owe you anything. xP hahahaha. Anw, the pics were super duper nice! :DD Ah yesss... I won! muahahaha. Told you, you were a loser. Don't know which train to take to go back home. hahahahahahahhaha. ok. shit. I am evil to gf. Not good. tsktsk. LOL.
~addie: Awww. addie, it's ok. Think BUNGA! THINK BUNGA! hahahaha. & you were the best damn thing that my eyes have ever seen?!? Wrong! I'm da best! ;DD
~aqilah: Who's going on 30?? lol. It's ok. We shall be random together! BUNGA! heh. ok. nvrm.