in this mindless state
you pulled through
just when i was falling
i realised, you were no hero afterall
The previous post was done in school with bestest minahs, i meant MATS and MINAHS, typing crap. hahaha. We laughed our head off mann.
Anyway, today was fine. Morning train delayed and missed ger's cheesecake. D: Nvrm. Next time, next time! :D
Racial Harmony celebration was quite fun. I salute the upper sec, esp the sec 4's, for wearing their traditional costume. :DD
Anw, then lessons were as per usual and i don't get it okay.
Why ME?! That's just so biased. Don't judge ONLY me. Cos that's just plain unfair. Seriously.
Ok. sorry about that.
Malay was ok. I read so monotonously during my presentation. Sheesh. D: But i like my group's final product. It was nice(((:
JP with sitira and ger then lib for study session. Somehow, i kinda forgot a little of chem! SHUCKS! Recap. recap. :/
Ok. OFF!
~asykin: haha((: Ya! Totally agree!
~addie: muahahahahaha. & yes, too cute. Is that wrong? heh.
~putri: Yep. I WAS a dancer. Not in dance anymore but i still count myself as a dancer. :DDD hehe. & NO! I'm not emo. It was for some project. hahaha.
~sitifa: why? anw, MY BATT. I need to go buy to upload! D:
~janice: yea! It's so difficult to talk to each other on the phone now. grahh. anw, you better keep out and not in. HAHA. How are you anw?
~frances: YAY! Ok. Shall check again. haha. & so, how was your pbl? heh.
~aqilah: YA! So coooooooooool.
~sabrina: R.A.N.D.O.M. haha.
~nervewrecker: hello!! ;DD thanks(: Urm, who are you??
~cia: haha. What "got nothing to do"? i'm seeeelohhh. HEH.
~ishraf: hello dumb-dumb(((((:
MINAHS ARE LIKE BESIDE ME! OMGOSH!!! talking about adlina, nurul anhukitdxt4u8 ;p- emira, dini, afiqah.
Emmy says that they should all beware of her because she knows the supreme dangerous act of ORIGAMI!
lal is the smexier version of lol.
(some random post in sch)
Addie and Emmy are winking partners. Lal
tak pe!
dini says nvrm. & then she laughs and said WAIT WAIT.
she wants to do skit.badly.
adlina zolkifi is a gay MAT. this mat likes eh eh.
hell yeah.
Emmy: Yo Dini! Waddup dawg?!
Dini: 'Sup
Emmy: You ready for the lowdown at the downtown for you joke-thingamajig?
Dini: *wad? *facepalm*
Not original version though. Aliff sang this one. ;DD
This one's for you. NICENICE! ((:


Haha. This blog is not updated for a week. HEH.
So anw, PBL presentation on Tues was alright I guess. To me, we did our very best and that's what matters. Nothing can bring us down as a group cos we're going to stand strong and have the determination to do our very best for our website.
French was ok. Nothing special happened other than eating the YUMMY biscuits MME aka madame, gave to us which she bought from france((:
I couldn't go for cca but i sacrificed my time for IT. So, i think it's okay(((:
Went home with SYAHIRAH. I know MY name is very unique cos of the diff spelling. ;DD hahaha. Bus ride was awesome can! heh.
Sec 1 launch for ymc. It was like what aqilah said, THE BOMB! ;DD
Met up with the rest and headed to the old-parliament house. The place was just marvellous! & we were the first sec 1's to arrive. hehe. Omgosh! A! A! *winks* okok. Shuddup. heh.
Group B won! yay yay! Made friends with the 2 cedarians sitting beside me. They were nice nice people!
I love the great company after we all had to go off.
Sitifa (gf for the day! hahaha. oops!), Nurul, Addie, Nadiah aqilah, Jannatul, Dini and Sabrina azmi. ;DD We camwhored at this wonderful tunnel. It was damn cool! & when i get the picture from addie, i shall post it up.
We took this pic and it seemed like as if we were a BAND or something. Damn cool uh. hehe.
A! A! okayyyyyyyyy. sssshhhhuuuudddduuuuupppp! LOL.
Lunch at marina. Nice nice. && i have a great sense of direction! I lead them back to the mrt station correctly! SEE GER! I'm goooooooooood. xPP haha.
Met papa at tanah merah aft that for martin's REAL birthday celebration. Played bowling then had games. (((:
Went abg ijam's house aft that. HAHA. I watched that video which made me laughed the hell out of me. HAHA.
Ok. Today has been alright so far. Going out with family later so better get going and finish up my hmwk. TATA.
OH YES! PICTURES WILL BE POSTED SOON!! ;DDDDDDDD Esp, A! A! hahahahahaha. ok. whatever. BYE!
~iman: haha? haha. Big bird? hahahahaha.
~fer: good! Must try not to be ok? & thanks. ((: Credits to the c div canoeing people mann! ;D
~sabrina azmi: ok!
~sitira: ehh! I know i am a winner okayyyy! Pfft. :/ hah
~janice: i know. Mr ong's wedding was shown on the news right?? haha.
~putri: haha. okayyyyyy. If tues date still on, just msg me alright? ;DD && sadding partner is addie, my classmate. & sadding is not what you think it is. HEHE. Yes? What you need to talk about eh?
~mcwings: urm, who are you eh? hehe.
~cia: hehe. i guess i didn't. lol
~justin: I think we're not! HAHAHAHA. Eh, justin! I saw you ytd in pink! Like, that's so awesome! hahahaha
~radhiah: ok! ((:
~ger: wth? haha. So rich eh? How many fbts you have already mann! heh
~addie: ya la she! heh/
~aqilah: definitely! ;DD
~tabitha: alrighty! ((:
Yesterday was fun.
Went to support the bahas team at tpjc. Cgs vs. Rgs. && seriously, i think cgs bahas team was wayyyyy better. Not kidding. & i'm not saying it cos it's my school but it's a fact. Unfortunately, rgs won. D:
But, to the cgs bahas team people, you did your best and we're all very proud of you guys! ;DDDDD Congratulations for doing your very best ytd! ;DDDDDD
Anw, after that went to TM. hahaha. I heard that itik, sharifah, blushed eh? I didn't know itik[s] can blush. LOL. Ate at ljs and reatrd at the neo shop with sitifa and nurul, the only sec 1s who went to support the bahas team with me. Took pictures like those typical.......................... hahaha.
Aft that went to vivo with syahirah. We bought her that hoola-hoop!! ;DDD Play with it whenever you feel bored cos it's still not too late to be a child yknow! We're by right, still a child! hehe. ;DDDD
Lost our way around. haha. Typical cos i have GREAT sense of direction. Camwhored then went off.
I'm such a nice friend and i don't bite. Alighted at boon lay with the rest. & sorry sya!!! DD:
Btw, thanks to sitifa, nurul and syahirah for making my day greatttt!
Wanted badly to call TALL person and so i finally did, for a while. heh.
Left for NENEK's. Celebrated acap's, martin's and nenek's birthday! Acap got that nike bag!!!!!!!! Abg ijam's jealous. hurhur.
Thanks to my whole maternal (right??) family for ending off my day super-di-duper awesome!!! ;DDD
Btw, 07072007 was PAPA'S BIRTHDAY!
Darn it. PBL PBL PBL!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Tuesday, please come slower. D:
~sitifa: yepyep! Will upload it on photoblog! ;DDDD
~geraldine: no! Mine is! hurhur. ohoh... i'm gonna send the script and powerpoint today. like SOON!! [although the script is not completely done. sighs]
~sitira: your hotness is not even on par with mine what's more with the cheesecakes?!! HAHA. ok. we're being meannnnn. lol.
~suharti: Hey youuuuu! ;DDD I didn't forget about you guys la. D: In fact, i miss you people like crazyyyyyyy! Btw, yes! We should have a gathering.
Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
I love nurul to bits. She wrote that song to me that time((: & you can count on me to keep those..... ok. Je t'aime! xD
Urm, angklung was fun ytd. Went 2hrs earlier! ahahaha. Found out how to do the counting and stuff. Yay!
Today was pretty much alright. CHEM TEST!! At least this is one science test i can put a smile on my face. [well, at least i hope] Although i know, i'm not going to score full marks due to some carelessness, i managed to do the paper smoothly. Alhamdulillah. I want to work extra extra hard this semester mann!! My overall marks needs to be pushed up like crazyyyy! heh.
Someone backed out last min just now. But i can't do anything right? BUT BUT i got hugged. Aww... spread the love. Oh, talking about love...
WEAR GREEN TOMORROW & SUN!! Support Live Earth and show that you love the earth ok ok ok?? I mean, isn't earth where you're living on? So yea! SAVE THE EARTH!! ;DDD
Well, my group got selected to represent F1I , that french class which rocks more than batu [not making sense AT ALL! hehe], at wed's drama competition. Surprising though. HEH.
YAY for our supposedly group members, geng jie and qi zhou, who will represent F1I too! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Karen, Melissa and Justin are simply the best! Cheh cheh. I love *Justin* okayy? [psst.. it's NOT a guy. seriously. haha]
Anw, nurl told me to rest more. Awwww. Have been sleeping darn late due to pbl and we are just average so far!!!! Darn it la. The latest was at 3am that day & woke up at 5am. What's more it's a school day. HURHUR. Wah seh... for the sake of PBL mann! haha.
Group 5; I'll try my utmost best to email you guys the script today okay? Let's just hope i won't find myself sleeping halfway. Hehe.
~iman: True whaaaaaat!? haha. HI SYAHIRAH! ;D
~hudaa: Of course can! haha. love you too!! ;DDD
~justin: Haha. stop it la. I'm sticking to BRAD! Cos like i'm brad and i'm hot! ;DDD hahahaha. Oioioi... i doubt i have red shoes. Will go find it tmr or smth kkkk?? ;DDDDD I still can't get over the way our whole class laughed. hehe.
~sharifah: ehhh, itik! hello hello! ;DD Eyer, everyone undergoes that phase. Nvrm. You will love it SOON. hahahaha. Esp with me here. LOL. egoego
~asyikin: no i don't! why do you say so eh?? I walk damn fast okayyy! HAHAHAHA
~geraldine: I don't talk to myself. Pfft. :/ You all left me alone la please. HEH. && 615 cheesecake is still hotterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. hahahahaha. dover date? LOL
~sitira: ya! self-denial. you agree with me 615 cheesecake hotter right?? haha.
Today's pbl was funny funny. Adelia and her "multi-taksing!" & geraldine and her "i am emo!" ahahahaha. Gosh. Group 5's the love! ;DDDD I can't wait to put up my emoooooo backgrounds i did for website. HEHE. [read from the bottom]
alyssa: i didn;t. && ad
4 Jul 07, 14:16
GERALDINE: ALYSSA TALKED T HERSELF AT BUGIS LIB! she wnt shaking her body ! woohhooo
4 Jul 07, 14:15
Alyssa: HAHA, sorry that was a retarded post posted by ALYSSA (:
4 Jul 07, 14:15
4 Jul 07, 14:14
Alyssa: HAHA. I'm hot too (:
4 Jul 07, 14:14
adelia: I'm hot (:
HAHA. Guess who is who! We mixed around our names. hahaha. It was damn hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing when we're trying to avoid each other from tagging and playing that icy tower game. hahaha.
Ohoh. Finally. French was alright for the first half. After the break, got a little restless but the best part was when we had to come up with a script for next wed's drama contest:
I LOVE NURUL FARIDA'S PART! IT'S DA BOMB CN!!! (sabo-ed her & she sabo-ed me back. hahaha. she rocks mann!!)
"mon copain m'a quittee!" (sniff)
awww. hahahaha. At least not as bad as going "ALLO!" very hysterically with eyes wide open and jaw dropping like as if it's going to fall apart. :/ HEH. omgggg. The embarrasement! haha.
Ahah. pbl pbl pbpbpbl! lol. *ring a bell* hahaha. Actually, i'm happy with our group's accomplishment. Seriously. Ger! BREATHE OKAY? BREATHE. (&& don't breathe out! hahaha)
~cia: You know, i love you too! haha. Urm, OHOH! is it cos of yesterday's match?!? Grahhhh. Not fair not fair. :/ hahahahaha. Anw, thank you for the choc!! ;DDD
~hudaa: My lip gloss is COOL! my lip gloss is popping! hahaaha. OKOK. What is it la seh?? You think i'm what, physcic(sp???) ? lol. ;DD
~iman: Eheh, i know i am! Thank you. && not mentioning, you're a loser too! (oh wait, was it me who was the loser??) haha. Ok. Not making sense. LOL. So so so, you like it cos there's IMAN in it right? haha. Stating the obvious. hahaha.
~sitira: haha. nvrm nvrm. Another day then!
~nisa: yepyep! ;DDD
~nat: YAY! hahaha. Omgosh! Yknow i saw you before i leave school and i forgot where i put the letter then when i checked, it was in my wallet. :/ hehhhhhh. I am seeeeelloohhhhh. haha
It's really true. Je suis grande! xPP heh. Ego ego. okok.
Anw, today's mass run was omgggg. I finally get to run after how long! ;DDD but i almost vomited after that cos of stomach aches and the rashes were uncontrollable. Sheesh. Ger left me running alone la. So mean. :/ heh. But nvrm nvrm. HEH.
Chem was awesome! I managed to memorise the 20 elements and the definitions! YAY!! ;DD
[ wth?! YOU! yes you TALL and
Yep. So history was interesting. Realised i do have a lot of memorable events especially last year when my school dance group, which i was in, represented Singapore in the Asia Pacific Dance Competition. ;DDDD It was really an enriching experience although we didn't win. SYF SYF! Silver silver! Hopefully the next ballet batch can clinched gold. Then, sentosa and cstd concert! Speech day and p1 orientation. woah! last year was the highlight of my passion for dancing mann. I wanna go back to my dancing days!! D:
"ALYSSA! You are not supposed to look back! I know there'll be more dancing opportunities for you in the coming future. Yes. I have confidence."
Yea. I shouldn't look back. Sighs. Thank you mummy! ;DD
& ishraf, thanks for caring. really. thank youuuuuuuuu. ;DDD
[ don't get too emotional alyssa. breathe. ]
HEH. ok. I was editing pictures for pbl. YAY! I realise my design skills get better after each design is done. ;DDDDDD
Ok. Now, i need to go back to completing french hmwk. So, avoir!
SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY TO SITIRA!! SORRY SORRY SORRY~~~ ok. i shall next time sacrifice for my super awesome friend. Ok. i'm admitting to the whole world that next time, i'll choose you over THAT person. YES I WILL! i even told ger the same thing. & this is serious business cos i mean it. I WILL!!! SERIOUSLY!! So yes. If tmr you're going to come late, i'm going to wait for you. really really. NOT KIDDING. As i said, i really mean it. [this ain't a joke la please] ok. So yea... Anw, want to go out shopping with me? I have not been shopping for ages. hehehe. omgosh! reminds me of vivo trip! ;DDD
okok. ger is a loser cos she dono what to bring to sch tmr. [more of today. it's already 12+] heh. i love my super dumb gf cn! haha.
~hudaa: yes. i brought it! ahaha. && i ca so imagine addie saying that in malay. haha. xDD
~rachellee: haha. thank you but i'm not laaaaaa. heh. You are HOT HOT HOT okay!! Seriously!! Woots! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
~janice: you're speaking in that manner again. hurhur. ok. went to sentosa and saw him. took pic with him. yea la. ;DDD haha
~nisa: hehe. awwww. nvrm nvrm. who knows, you'll see him in the coming future!! ;DDDDD don't be too disheartened mann. ;DDD
~izzah: omgosh! that was the most embarrasing thing that happened this month. Seriously! AHHH!! malu malu malu. hehehe
~narisha: ya! SOON! hahaha.
~addie: you mean CHEESECAKE? lol. ok. no similarities at all. HAHAHA. urm, i know! KUDA KUDA GAGAH BERLARI! is it? i forgot the lyrics. AGAIN. very typical of me. ahahahaha
Ok. I know it's late but anyhooos, happy youth day! ;D
Today was mainly pbl [ing]. heh. Went to bugis lib. Camwhored for the project. YAY! We survived taking emo pictures without laughing! heh.
& you play the guitar well la please. Chill cn? haha.
Ohoh. Just realised that there's maths test tmr. :/ First test for this semester. Oh well....
Back to pbl [ing]. I officially declare today pbl day [at least for now]! LOL.
~putri: really?? COOL! Haha. It's damn kecoh when everyone meet up right? hahaha.
~ishraf: best cousins whaaaaaat. hahaha. should be thankful to have such a lovely cousin like her yknow. ;DD
~sitira: awww. anw, RMBR... i gave SOMETHING at 615 THAT DAY. heh
~sarah: hello there!! ;DDD
~nat: wow. co-incidental. haha
~izzah: -hyper-ventilates- YA! ahaaha
~ger: thanks but i'm not la. YOU ARE kayyy?!?!?!?! xP
My father has 10 siblings and today's outing... 8 of his siblings plus their family [with my whole big bunch of cousins] came including atuk. && kak long's, kak ngah's and kak mok's family [my married cousins who have children already] came with their family too! So can you imagine how big the group was today??? ;DDDD
[don't even think about hari raya, total kecoh-ness but I LIKE!!! hehe]
Anyway, today, 1st july, was FUN FUN FUN! ;DDDD && they are thinking of having family gatherings, like the one i had today, about once a month! ohmygosh! YAY-ness!!! ;DD All i know so far is that we're having one on 9th sept.
Pssst... i don't mind being the next organiser cos i love coming up with games!! hehe.
Ok. Met the rest at sentosa and kak long, cik man and cik ahmad organised the games. ;DDDD It was real fun!! The popping balloon game was hilarious! hahahahah. [hyper-ventilates] hehe. sorry.
Then, went to take the skyride and luge. SUPER AWESOME! ;DD && guess who we met once we were done...
TAUFIK... ACHA... AND IRWANSHAH!!!!!! omgoshhhhh!!! HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT PEOPLE!!!! hahaha. [& now i'm sending the pics to many of my relatives. haha]
this is LESS THAN HALF of who came, seriously;
[& co-incidentally, i'm listening to, berdua lebih baik, by acha. haha]
Went to vivo after that for dinner. Abg didil, yes! The children, which means those who are around their teens or going to be adults soon, shall have an outing together one day! [but that will mean a lot of us la. heh] ok. But yea.. we must! :DDD
Anw, pbl meeting tmr. Shall sleep right after sending the mass pic email to beloved relatives. <333333333333>
Oh to YOU, i really am SORRY. seriously. Will call you tmr morning okay???
~nisa: hello!!! WOW! you counted?? hahaa.
~putri: i didn't even go there. hehe.
~narisha: it's a gooood idea! SERIOUSLY!! We shall meet up soon kay??? ;DD
~ishraf: haha. my eng is not THAT good anw. pffft. haha
~hudaa: oh yes!! okok. tues!!! ;DD
~addie: eh? gay? lol. haha. yellow pages, YOUR LOVE! lol
~yuching: okayb!