Everyone left already): & yea.. I dropped my phone AGAIN in a public transport [again] but this time, a taxi. Grahhhh. I'm so d.e.a.d. Anw, i don't feel like having phones for now. HEH. But of course i still want my phone back. Oh pretty pretty please... i hope the taxi driver found it!
On a lighter note, today we had dance prac! YAY! ;DD I love masque! I really do.

Ok. So it's...
Plaza Singapura. 11am. THIS Sunday. 2nd Sept. Go Masque! Go Crescent! ;DD
Ok. Today is teachers' day so...
Thanks for all your guidance and support you have given through this learning journey. I love my teachers! I do okayyy! ;DD
Ohoh! Had to do mass dance((: heh. Go Curie! "must be positive!" Xiang Liang kept repeating that and although we didn't win we put in our utmost effort right, curians? [i hope so] ;DDD It's ok. We'll outdo the other houses one day. I'm sure we will. We will win champion house. We will work our way up to that no. 1 spot!
hahaha. But I mean it okayyy! I really do. xP
The concert was nice. & seriously mann, the backdoor couldn't close la. Pffft. :/ Until Juniper slammed it then it did. Heh.
Went back to raffles, i miss CIKGU!!!! That was the first teacher wanted to meet. But of course i missed mrs lim and mdm tng too! Met them first before cikgu. Mrs Lim's hairstyle change again! haha. 2nd time this year right mrs lim?? haha. & she said there's one student who reminds her of me! ;DD I know you miss us too much right? heeees. & Mdm Tng missed 6A's spirit! Cheh cheh. I LOVE 6A'06! The 6Aliens! YAY! ;DDDD I love each and every one of them. Yes i do(((:
Have to go for now. Wanna update later to prove that i still remember each Alien! So watch out for that! ;DDD
[tag reply soon ok?]
I'm the O in kiddo cos i can go ooooooooooooooooooo :DDD
Yipee yay! Have typed out all my notes on pwpt for home ec. Gonna read through it later. Why must we do so much memorising for home ec): I still have not memorised the physiological role and what not. Grahhhh. Unit 4, 5 & 8 here i come (later)! Pffft. :/
Ok. Let's go all the way back to Friday.
Malay oral was hfuashfaign. D: I managed to speak bahasa melayu baku though (i mean we always do) Heees. So then after meeting the rest at G1, had to rushed off for french. Controle wasn iaohnognaerg. It was seriously more difficult than i expected it to be. & qi zhou, if you fail... omg omg omg. Don't tell me i'll get what... 9/80?! Booooooooooooooo): Sniff sniff.
Had a talk with mummy at night. & i really don't know what to do now. I mean, of course the future is beyond our control but what if it's important? What if more opportunities arrises from it? These what ifs never seem to end. Sighs.
Okok. Push friday away. Sat was better. & i mean better((:
Had practice in the morning at darsh's. SORRY guys for coming late. Woke up at 835 when we were supposed to meet at 845. D: At least i lived the nearest to darsh if not... oh my. I'll die! HEH. I was minah for the day and nurul was the mat! hahaha. :DDD
Finished up 2nd verse. YAY! We're almost there *bebehhhh* (ROFL) :DD Krumping! Krumping! Gagagaga. It never fails to excite me cos all our anger are let out through it.
After eating chicken rice, it was delicious yo, zooomed home. Then it was madrasah.
Madrasah that day was lovely. "My heart was always skipping a beat" ((: Everyone was feeling happy and was in a good mood. Ustad occasionally cracked jokes & i feel so satisfied knowing how to do those arabic questions. (cheh cheh) && mummy let me go for the madrasah camp! YIPEEEE!! Saw the itinerary and there will be really fun activities happening Syafiqahhhhhhhhhhhh! Please say you can go(((:
After that went to taufik's house. & i so envy qistina's room. It's so beautiful. :/ heh. Mummy mummy, buy me those pink stuff and tiara that qistina owns pretty pretty please??
Ohoh! & abg ijam wore what i wanted to wear but due to time constrain, i went there straight after madrasah. He wore the same colour combination i wanted to! Omgggggg. It's a twin thing huh? ROFL.
The same thing happened the other time when we went to nenek's house quite sometime back. Ffffffrrrrreeeeeaaaaaaakkkkkkyyyyyyy. Oh well. hah.
Ok. So, i have been doing the slides since morning. I know i can do it. Mug mug mug. At least pass mann! Just look at abg ijam... cheh cheh. haha.
GOOD LUCK KAKAK FOR TMR'S (criminal law??) TEST!
Peek-a-boo... i'm gone! :D
~raihan: Jealous huh? hahaha. I'm so mean. & THANK YOU!! :DD
~split a second: whaaaaaat?? Can't resist of overworking your body? Tsktsk. Since you're still feeling dizzy, why not stop working for a while mann. Gosh! You gotta know when to work and when not to. Not work EVERY SINGLE time! (hah)
~cia: Thank you((: & i realised i made the same mistake before. Pffft. :/ heh.
~ger: I don't need any eye checks. My eyes are in perfect condition thank you very much. hahaha. Stop living in self-denial. It's super bad for you, you know! tsktsk.
~khaliesah: It's khaliesah whaaat! What do you expect her not to be? She IS kental. ROFL. (i'm being mean again) hahaha. I've been mugging and doing so much work. Booooooo): & i don't think so la... cos you're obviously prettier than me! Don't argue! Muahahaha.
~jess: ok!
~addie: YEA MANN! hahaha. Sad sad sad and krump krump krump(((((:
~darsh: rofl. i don't know. it just happens to be that way. haha. why donkey, sotong??
~narisha: I have no idea. Most prob in the afternoon i suppose. && what shall we do, hmm... give her something? sing her something? write her something? ...... haha
~aminah: HELLO!! :DDDD How have you been???
So what’s the point in all of this?
When you will never change
The days have past
The weather’s changed
Should I be sorry? Could I be sorry?
I did it all for you
Hoping you would see
Your eyes are dull, your hands are clenched
Are we ready?
But you think about yourself
Only but yourself
But what about…
Un-lonely nights, romantic moments
The love
What about them
Throw it all away
You know me well
You know it’s wrong
Then what is it you feel?
You hide behind those perfect smiles
It won’t fool me because you already did
But you think about yourself
Only but yourself
But what about…
Un-lonely nights, romantic moments
The love
What about them
Throw it all away
The perfect dates, the sweetest kisses
What about them
Throw it all away
-will you EVER learn? will YOU?
I attended a musical at the esplanade ytd and it was awesome! It was an excursion with schoolmates to watch the musical, the king and i, as a part of our music lesson((: Nice nice. Well, in my opinion and dini's, it's nice! Heees. Fantasizing eh? Etc. etc. etc. and so forth. ROFL. The king is so scientific! HAHAHA. It's funny mann. The show was nice nice nice. :D
Morning surprise at the escalator, ehem, woke me up in a way or another. HEH. I mean it was totally unexpected! & ger was admired by.................. hahahaha. [only WE know] & maybe that adlina. rofl.
Today was fine i suppose.
Addie and i were hyperventilating at the back. haha. But CANNOT be too complaisant. I shall continue to strive for at least that B3 i have been wishing for, for fyes. I need it badly to pull up my science marks.
Ended the day with the usual, masque. YAY! We're so not bonded. hahaha. That's a lie if i were to say so. We retard like there's no tmr. GOSH! I LOVE ALL OF THEM!
Addie and her never stop sadding while dancing. Darsheni and her sotong acts. Darn cute! hahaha. They're really really really nice nice nice nice nice bunch of people mann. ((((: Not forgetting afee, emmy and niveetha... you're a part of masque too okay!
French controle a.k.a. french exam tmr! Malay oral tmr! Oh my oh my. What a day it will be. No wonder i somehow can't wait for sat. Weekends, please come faster and leave slower. But wait, be careful for what i wish for. ok. nvrm. Just come faster. Heeees. Ok. Crapping to myself again.
Hmm... someone's dao-ing me. Boo you, ish. rofl. It's known as having high-self esteem, not a big ego. [learnt that from aqilah. thanks aqilahhhhh!] haha. I'm miss mean today! :DD Sorry dude. It's my turn. lol. okok. Stop stop stop. heh.
Well, stressful day tmr. AHHHHH!!! Get ready for one heck of a roller-coaster ride mann.
~split a second: you too? Get well soon okay! Ehh, i told you to stop when you reached your limits right, have you been doing so? hahaha. Btw, yep. Improvement in health. You?
~janice: maths? easy? woah! good for you mann! :DD
~dini: yea! The musical rocked etc. etc. etc. and so forth. hahahaha!
~liyana: i do? haha. okayyyy. [but i don't think so eh. i mean. from my point of view. haha]
~ger: indonesia! STOP living in self-denial my dear. Tsktsk. Not good okayyy. It was you la. ehem was looking at geraldine lim wanyu! xPPPPP
~suharti: HELLO!
& even the best fall down sometimes. even the darkness seems to shine.
i love you. but i hate you. i can't stop thinking of you. i'm stuck on you.
i wish i could turn back time. go back to when we first met. but i don't know what to do. it's too late.
Tag replies;
~hanisah: but it rocks!! you canNOT deny that. HEHHHH.
~aqilah: omggg. you and hanisah. hahaha. Well, i like chem since, the start of the semester!! YAY! :DD P.s. aqilah misses me too much that she keeps denying it. [HAH] Bad aqilah. tsktsk.
~weiyun: Of course i remember you! omgggg. Why so many ex-rafflesians think i don't remember them. & you're like from 6A! You were my classmate! A part of 6aliens!! How could i forget?? hahaha. Yep. I'll relink!
~dini: alrighty!! :DD Btw, i blogged in the morning la. I was kinda alright in the afternoon that's why we krumped like crrraaaaazzzzyyyy!!! hahaha.
~huda: heh. a tag reply dued a looong time ago. heeeees. SORRY.
~hazzie: I WANNA LEARN BIO! But my friend said it's scary in a sense you have to memorise a gazzilion things. Is it true? heeeeh.
~ivy: you're another one! Pfft. :/ hahahaha. Of course i remember you duddette! We did almost every single project together!!! HAHA. :DDD Anw, thanks. YOU TOO!!
~darsh: -another tag reply which was due a long time ago- heeees. sorry!! Btw, it's good that it was productive. I can't wait to put everything together. Now, that we have the krumping part in progress. :DDD
~myra: HEY HEY!! :DD
~sitira: true!!! btw, i have not gone to school with you for how long eh? Seems like forever yknow. heh.
~tessahhh: I DO! I DO! haha. My links are coooool yo. Just scroll over it and it will turn pink! You must be patient tessa. hahahaha.
~su: moyang! <3333 imy tooooooo!
~addie: uhuh. she was ytd. oh welllll.... let's krump yo!!
~huifang: thank you! & yep. i'm coming tmr.
~janice: thanks!! && sorry for not answering your calls. will get back to you soon aye???? SORRY, MY DEAR!!!!!
~narisha: thank youuuuu! & yes.. coming back on tchrs day. It's like a must for sec 1's to me. heh. I miss cikgu!!!! don't you?
~izzah: thank you sweets!
~jess: taken :DD
Can someone bring me to school!! D: Stupid stupid headache just don't want to go away. Grrrrr. It's bugging me mann. I just feel like throwing something on my head to make it go away but no. It will very well make it worse. Pffft. Ok.
So i woke up in the morning thinking i was fine till i felt that exact same feeling when i was sitting for maths ct ytd. Sheesh mann. I didn't even sit for maths properly. So had to back out halfway. argh. Why oh why must the headache come now when exams are a few weeks away! I bet i'm missing so much today. There's sci, maths, hist and malay oral prac! AHHHH!!!!!!!!
I'm feeling slightly better now. But still giddy. Pffffft. :/ ok. Maybe i shall stop ranting. [but that's why i wanted to blog. heh] Wanna go and rest now. TAKE CARE PEOPLE!
& to addie, afiqah and emmy.... get well soon!!!!!!
[tag replies another day aye? my headaches killing me]
First and foremost, i want to say THANK YOU & ILY SITIRA for making me look at this from another point of view. I mean yea, it's true. It's all a waste of time. Nothing to be affected by. Heh.
Cos it's just plain contradicting. & seriously, i'm trying my best not to be bothered by it. So just s.t.o.p. it okay?
Well, push all those negative things aside. Today was niceeeeeeee. Slacking day you may say. haha. [it's rare since exams are so freaking near] No chem. No maths. So, our first 4 periods of the day were wasted. Ok. Actually i made good use of it. ;DD I did my malay brochure thingy. & i think my group's brochure's nice nice. ;D haha.
History today was awesome. I paid attention. Surprisingly. ;DD My class is really into gender politics. Hmm... i see future politicians. ooooo. Can i be one of them? hahaha.
Got back my malay CT. I don't know how i'm suppose to feel if i compare it with my sa1 results but of course there can be much improvement made.
Global warming video. Sighs. Reality hit me hard. The world may sink cos of the rising water level. I'm feeling so scared i shall start practising more good habits which can save the earth!
After school was DA BOMB! Spent time with a big bunch of great company. ;DDDD I'm feeling like a happy kiddo again. I think it's cos of how high we all got after listening to hsm repeatedly.
We're all in this together;
Maybe i'll be ryan! Eh wait no... cinderella and retard sifu's ryan. NOOOOO!! hahaha.
Awesome company [ger couldn't come. boooooooooo] ;
Adlina, Afiqah, Darsheni, Dini, Jayasree, Niveetha, Nurul and Natasha. We danced to HSM like there was no tmr. hahaha. & guess WHAT i ec [rofl], Darsheni's ROOM! like omgggggggg. It's super-di-duper nice! Neat. Pink. Gosh! It's totally different from mine okayyyy. My room is NOWHERE near neat. Pathetic. But it's not my fault i HAVE to study with my table all messy cos i can't seem to study with such a neat table. Seriously. That's how i study better. heeeees. What's your way?
Ok. So tmr there will be the lit presentation & my group's still not sure about whatever we are supposed to do. Gosh. Hopefully we can pull it through!
& tmr's THE DAY! :DDDD
GOODBYE MY FELLOW READERS; till next time(((:
~ger: Yeayea. REAL smart. EHEM. Later we fight in the middle of the dance, how? hahahahaha
~split a second seconded: haha. Linked.
~tessa: I miss you too and 6a! DUH! It's so diff to meet up mann. We all live all over singapore. Boo hoo hoo. & just scroll your mouse over the links it will turn to pink. Then you can see it better. :DDD hahaha. I've linked you btw.
~huda: hudaaaaaaaaaa! haha
~hanisah: chem rocks! chem rocks! xPP hahaha.
~addie: ANYWHERE?? rofl.
~dini: just when we thought our study date could go on smoothly. heh.
~putri: rofl= rolls on floor laughing. You're a girl too?? wow!!! i didn't know that!
~aqilah: EH! Who's living in self-denial now!?? hahahaha. anw, it's the normal length la. I used to wear it that way too. Pfft. HAH. How biiiiiiiiiiit is your a bit huh? haha. & yesssss... chem rocks although i'm not really good at it. heh
& how i feel mean.
Knowing how it may hurt her.
Knowing that it was hers.
I'm trying to let go.
But i don't want to.
How do i make all this go away,
but at the same time not leaving him astray?
The agony she went through.
I can't bear to watch it anymore.
I can't bear to live with it anymore.
Yknow, the phrase "Love many. Trust few. Hate none." is really true. Don't hate people although it's natural that we somehow will tend to do so. It's just taking up those space in your heart. It's useless. Wasting up those spaces in which you can filled it up by loving more people. & to trust few, it's up to you who you want to trust. It's all up to the individual. These few can be anyone but the people obviously must be someone you know very well. & love many. As they said, love makes the world go round. Well, yea. It's not impossible to achieve world peace? Yes? No? That's up to you on how you want to see it.
& the other one is "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you". I totally agree on that. You can't possibly mourn about someone gossiping about you if you gossip about others too.
Chem rocks! ;DDD
Heh. I'm being totally random right now. Ok. OFF!
~iman: Waalaikumsalam. HEY HO HELLO! ;DD
~afiqah j. : hahah. So? You flirt with them? -shakes head- afiqah afiqah. hahahaha.
~aqilah: no way hose! You're singing that cos you're missing me. I'm singing... eerrr... actually i'm not singing. Just saying that i don't miss this girl name nurul aqilah who thinks i misses her when actually it's vice versa. HAHAHAHA
"How could the same guy made me so mad but still turn around and kiss me so soft? & if he leaves me, i wouldn't be sad. No, i won't. Cos there's a blessing in every lesson and i'm glad that i had the chance to love him. I'm glad that i get to know him. It's love. Just the way he thinks, the way he speaks. From personal to universal, it's unconditional." -written by someone. EHEM. haha
Madrasah today was lighten up by those guys. HAHA. Although they knew they were being damn annoying but the whole class was constantly cracked up by them.First was the arab book and i ACCIDENTALLY spoiled their plan. Actually not only me okay! The other girls too. rofl. Then it was the akhlak book. Page 20 huh? More of 40 mann. [sorry, inside joke] & the clock!! TSK! hahahaha. I know the mastermind. Points to ehemZFehem. More of mr zzzzANNOfffYING. haha. Not making sense. tsktsk.
Ok. So i managed to compile all my chem notes gonna read through it again tmr. ;D I don't know why but i feel like a happy kiddo. heeees.
i'm trying my best to forget.
what has been gone.
ok. Nth more to say. Other than, i'm missing kakak yayah right now! [hehe. random] Can i pinch you kakak? PLEASE!!!! heeeees.
~janice: ;DD
~aqilah: I miss you?!? heh. More of you missing me. hahahaha.
~ger: Oh rigggght. Someone here DAMN smart whaaat. Knows how to get to queenstown mall. hehehehehe.
~nervewrecker: thanks anw! misses too.
~hf: hihihihihihihihi! ;DD
~afiqah j. : I miss those times too!! Tsk. You la. hahaha. no la. Is your class invaded by crazy people? rofl. jkjk
~sitira: someone's just HIGH huh? haha. Kekekesiannnnn.
~nishan: YO! ;D
~sitifa: Oh.. cos got the lock thingy. hehe. i send to you okay?
This week has been alright. I mean, c'mon! Two days of sch. ;DDD
Wed was awesome! Well, the school spirit was over the top. Compared to when i was in pri school. Angklung performance was a little screwed. The curtains open even before we were ready. hahaha. & we didn't know when we should leave the stage. hahaha. But it was ok. ;DDDD
Joined my class after that. && community singing is super cool. We were retarding with our lovely cheorography while singing super enthusiastically. hahahha.
Then everyone was wondering where to go for lunch. Spent so much time on that but finally decided to go KAP with my cinderella. It was nice nice!
adlina: eh the band’s performance just now was nice.
alyssa: yeah i know! it was.
adlina: but, i thought you had that council thing?
alyssa: yeah, i did
adlina: then, were you even there at the parade square?
alyssa: no
& so-and-so was initially known as algae but it sounded just too wrong. So it's graffiti! hah.
ADLINA'S GRAFFITI. did i hear adlina sighing. no?
Yes! We shall have another outing soon. ;DD
Watched it from home. && You know the jets... EVERY YEAR they will fly past my house. So cool mann. I should have taken a picture of it. The jets were flying so upclose. tsk. Silly me.
Ok. I'm currently at inka's house. & it's their turn to use the laptop now. So... ADIOS!
~janice: good good. ;D See ya at the open house. heeeees.
~dini: ;DD
~ger: wtv mann! & omggggg. 181!!!!! That's freaking tall. Tsk. How you guys gossip mann? Haha. If i was gossiping, i think i'll give up halfway. LOL.
~putri: haha. no la. It was alright!
~addie: YA! MUST!!!!
~adelia: alrighty mate! ;DD
Today was nice. Was kinda moody in the morning but chirpy in the afternoon. [what can you say when nurul's there!] haha. Mood swings. Tsktsk.
Met up with nurul, who didn't bring her hp [pffft. heh], at je and shasha came late. -shakes head- hahaha. I was actually a little late too so no worries. haha. I'm not angry. haha.
Reached vivo for the fund raising. Saw ___ tong [sorry! i don't know it right. hehe] and charmaine. 1-5 shift. It was tiring but really fun! That feeling for helping others who are worse off than you is really wow... undescribable. ;DDD With the great company of nurul and shasha. Ohoh.. not forgetting hui ting [ i think ] and urm... darn! I forgot their names! hehe. okok.
Those two girls were funnyyyyy. Who's teritory arh?? Who said it was yours??? TSK. haha. {sorry, inside joke}
&& guess who came. Putri and co. -grins- That nurul had to drag me there. But anw, to nurul, THANKS A MILLION for moral support. ;DDDDD You can ego now. haha.
Yknow, at the mrt station... hyperventilates! Remember nurul?? THOSE people. AHHH! -grins- haha. shuddup alyssa! Pffft. :/
Ok. So then, my family came. Walked around vivo. I'm so happy ok. Damn happy although I was being a nuisance for a while. HEHE. sorry. Crapped a lot with martin. It really gets me thinking about what i crapped about cos i kinda forgot. haha.
Sighs. PBL's ending. I'm feeling rather upset [ thanks to ger. jkjk ] cos she told me how bonded me and my group mates are now compared to when we first met. How we struggled to finish our work on time and complete it by deadline. How we all tried our very best to meet up. Those bitter-sweet memories. Ok. Shall not emo cos my project involves us not to be emo but to be more optimistic. So yea... mend-a-heart is LOVE okay! ;DDDDDDDD The love is specially sent to ger, adelia and hui fang(((((:
Ok. That TALL person [ darn it. i'm shorter!! D: ] is waiting for me. So i better go now. TOODLES! ;DD
~afiqah j: haha. okok!
~dini: YAY! ok! OMGGG!! okok. Thank you for letting me know. ;DDDDDD
~aqilah: honoured? haha. whatever for mann? anw, yes i will write it down. Just hope that i'll remember to bring it tmr. hehe. oh yes... THANK YOU FOR LEADING US THERE! ;DDD hah.
~sitira: it's ok. There's still next month! ;D


MY GROUP! :DD We bonded in just 3 hrs! ;D

& we thought we were late.
More pics shall be updated on PHOTOBLOG
Anw, today was awesome though tiring.
Had Pbmc from 9.30-11.30. I'll be in Taridra for production. :DD Haha. So much for, "i don't want tarian! i don't want tarian!" lol. Nurul, addie and siti's in it too((: Dini's in props cos she has really really good desigining skills. Seriously.
Maybe i shall ask her for more fashion tips!!
After that went for pbmc lunch. It was like a class outing. lol. Finally bought my batteries for camera so guess what we did after that, hahaha. Camwhored! [duh!]
Train ride was awfully long with raihan and aqilah as our "cikgu's" and nurul as "monitress". haha. I was "asst. monitress"! YAY! [ok. retarded] & we started panicking when we saw that it was 2.25 and we were still not at bradell cos it starts at 2.30. Enthu people you may say. [mainly cos it was our first ymc session]
Got to the place and nope. We weren't that late cos it didn't really started. Though we had to list down 6 positive attitudes that we potray. haha. After that we were split up into groups.
MY GROUP ROCKS! KITA BATU! :DD Cheh cheh. haha.
Other than addie, dini & sitifa being in my group, there were 4 others from other schools. Raudhah, Aqilah, Maria and Seri. You can call my group enthuuuuuu. hahaha. Had to memorise each other's name and my group memorised... full names, schools, cca and the place we lived in; jurong, woodlands etc. Call us good or what??? -grins
Today's session was about leadership. The activities were fun. & at the end, my group was the only one that connected our food boxes together to form this....

Nice right??? :DDD haha. It was sooooooo last min. Oh well. I lost the paper i wrote their emails in. Pffft. :/ pathetic mann. So, i shall ask from dini!! DINI!! heh.
OK. Tmr will be another long day. So AU REVOIR! :DD
~putri: up to you.
~geraldine: ehhh.. what gay were you thinking about huh huh huh? tsktsk. HAHA. && yea, you're the winner. I'm the champion! [ok. not making sense] hahaha.
I miss retarding with cousins. D: && look where i am, at blogger! haha. Have not blogged for quite some time.
Well, things have been really confusing for me. It's one moment this then one moment that and to "top" it off, she just had to behave that way. Tskkkk. Can't it get anymore annoying? heh. ok. Enough ranting.
Let's see...
Went for yoga class which mummy attends. It's so FUN! I love Yoga! :DDD hehe. I want to go for more classes. I mean, the excercises really relaxes your body although you may not get to do everything right, one day you will. Yes. It's true. Cool huh? ;D
Then went to watch Love Is Cinta. Nice movie. I teared a little. Heh. Typical me. It was supposed to be only me and mum but arfynna and martin wanted to tag along. haha. So yea... it was only martin who tried really hard to understand certain parts. He's so cute!!
History CT! & he didn't come when i was hoping he would come and got myself ready to pay close attention to what he would teach us. Heh. But it's ok. It was not THAT bad.
Study session with ger. haha. Some loser with a gay voice. I totally forgot that mika song i wanted her to sing. Pffft. :/
Got back hist. test [not ct]. I did okay. I actually passed. Surprising though cos i stared at the paper for 10mins out of the 20mins time given. heh. My mind went totally blank at that point of tim. Tsk.
& chem is getting really confusing. Boo. D: Another study session with ger. This time, the place was noisier than usual. D: The more i couldn't understand what i was trying to revise. Pfft. So, ended up re-writing my untidy notes onto a neater sheet of paper. heh. Got some facts in though. ;D
Lessons were alright.
Lit was omgggggg. Assignment! Assignment! You could tell everyone was panicking when it was almost 45 mins. heh. That includes me. The 2nd question was a little tougher than expected mann. Nvrm nvrm.
Continued watching Phantom Of The Opera for music! YAY! Left with 10mins++ of the movie till the end. Seriously, that show is awesome. Loveeeeeeeeeee it. && it really makes your mind constantly wondering about the characters past and present.
It's really nice how they put COLOURED pictures for PAST and BLACK & WHITE for PRESENT. Shows their creativity mann. haha. && the songs are stuck in my head. heh.
Lunch at tiong with awesome three. Addie. Nurul. Ger. Haha. We retarded like as if no one was there and did a good deed too! ;DD
French class today was good. I understood today's lesson! It's a big accomplishment for me okayyyy. ;D heeeees.
Someone didn't sit to my right today. Luciano did! haha. Although it can be a little frustrating to see him finishing his test way earlier than me while i'm still struggling to finish it. heh.
[i know nurul wished she could sit with her BEST FRIEND. who arh?? hahahha.] & he doesn't want to tell me what those spanish words mean. Hmmmm... i'll find out one day okay, luciano! I know there's singapore in it somewhere. hahaha. [ok, that's obvious la] Ohoh, we MUST take a class picture on friday! We've finally somehow bonded as a class, as F1I'07! Both ehem FORMAL and the ever famous informal pics which we'll definitely be a success. No doubts about that. [i hope] hahaha. So, come on fri alrighty???
j'aime mes camarades de classe((:
ohoh, secret hideout is love!! Went there on sat. ;DD

YEAHHH!! & that ger just had to go home earlier and sleep. heh.
~janice: ohhh! hahaha. okok. Where to take it? lol
~nervewrecker & putri: it's ok people. hahaha. take it easaaayeeee.
~ger: chill ok! :D Btw, i ain't doing that dare! MY PRIDE!!! xP