"simple words is different from simple actions"
Well, this week SO FAR have been intensive mugging mann. Study dates have been productive. Tests have been ... no comments. Ok. Maybe i want to comment! haha.
Science was alright((: Got back my marks and satisfied for bio and happy for chem [though it was all silly silly mistakes. grrrr]
Maths was no comment.
French oral was alright(((:
French written exam was no comment.
Music exam was wow! okay. I didn't know the scholars thingy and the PP and dono what else la. HEH. I came up with some silly answers....
Well, one of the main characters for phantom is Ralf {right??} and i forgot. So i was thinking of names.. cos i know it's a short name. I kept thinking... nick? sam? tom? I think i didn't put any answers for that one.
On tues i went to queensway with gf! & we walked from queenstown station! Like WOAH! Cool mann. It was really fun! We were laughing and wow-ing a lot along the way. xDD I gotta learn survival skills from the man. ehhh! ger! What's the show called again? [hehe]
At queensway, i hyper-ventilated over the shoes! I want the lime green one! It's SUPER woahhhhhh!!!! & i don't mind the pink with stripes. They look so pretty! I want those pretty shoes mann. I want! I want! xDD Anyone sparing at least $100 for me? hehe.
I can't believe i'm still on the com when malay's tmr. tsk! i should be going to sleep now. heh.
i don't know why. i think it's just me. but i can't stop myself from feeling this way. i just can't. it's like the distance is growing. a lot. i don't like it that way. cos i will miss out. it's not that i want to always be in, but i want to know what's happening. i'm not going to see you so miserable. no i'm not. c'mon. i'm going to pull myself up.
Ohoh! I finally found the song mummy and i were singing in the car! yknow, we only know one word.... HILANG!! rofl. At least we made improvements. We know the chorus! YAY! haha. xDD I love my mummy mann. I really do(((:
Seribu penyesalan
Hilang harapan ku impikan
Bahagia kuidam bersamamu
Kasih yang kuserahkan
Hilang meredah luka dalam
Hatiku luluh parah keranamu
Yknow ytd, i slept super early! At 845! & i wanted to mug): pffft. Oh well. Maybe my body needed a lot and a lot of rest considering i slept at 230 the day before. heh.
I'm feeling really tired now and tmr's malay. Oh gosh! Malay! Malay! So well... TOODLES(((;
& i fell in love with a sweater today! xDD haha.
~ger: oh yea! We didn't sms her back! oooops. darn it. our mission failed): Anw, you are emo doraEMOn. See! I emphasized correctly this time!! xPP
~haziq: oohh. haha. hello. bye. & i thought spongebob's dead? Oh gosh! who's that then?? ohmygosh! nooooo!!! Haziq! who who who??
~patrick: i'm scared of your friend, spongebob. ahhh!
~nurul: rofl. hmm... can arh! No la. I wasn't the one who had a crush on her, was i? I was thanking then her/him a lot and a lot and a lot. Now i know her/him is a her... how?? Oh no!!! heh
~narisha: it's on 17?!? Oh no! I can't go!! None of my schoolmates can): We got a production to put up. Nooooooooo!!! Narisha!!!!!! D:
~pearly: You!!! HELLO!!!!!! xDD soon okay?? :D
~retard [sifu]: okay! Hello retard!! Eh no... retard not nice. Name it smth else! xDDD
~danny: fawaz! i know! thank you. haha. ;DD you too!! xD
~addie: you did? haha. awwww.... then were you going to report us missing if we didn't go to sch the next day? haha
~jasmine: hey you! Spastic huh? haha. so you people were blog hopping la! ooooohhhh.
~afee: i think you're REALLY BOTHERED! bothered by me not being there for you): hahaha. wait... i always am whaaaaat((:
~sitifa: why? haha. not used to it huh? yea... but it was very random!
~giant tortoise: ehhh?? I thought you were turtle? Oh well. nvrm. Which means you claim that you're slower! ROFL. Good good(((: && the siput is at least FASTER than the tortoise! NO? ohmygosh! no???
People! People!
I declare myself physicsrupt. [yknow, like bankrupt??] hehe. I totally forgot a lot of physics stuff! oh gosh! oh gosh! I gotta read up again mann. ahhhhh):
darn it. i'm tearing listening to, if your hearts not in it. at least i'm not crying((: Nurul, you da bomb! xDD
Anw, today had study date again. Though didn't memorised my cme stuff. & my exam's tmr! Dead or dead? Pffft.
Ohhh! I was too nice not to give fawaz a slap although ger kept asking me to before handing over the push-pop she bought for him. && it was cuteness when farhan and ger gave each other the same type of lolipop! [she said is for the fun of giving people things] HAHA. Tsktsk. Emo ger.. okok. No.
&& she's my gf again yo[[[= ROFL. Niveetha was grossed out when we did the patch-back-together thing again. hahaha!
Hopefully tmr won't be a killer mann...
Bio test.
Maths test.
CME exam.
French oral.
YEA MANN!! :/ Ok. Stop doubting my capabalities. Strive for the best[[[=
Ok. Wheeeee! Off peeps(((;
~danny: Thank you(((: && Yes! It IS superb yo. I'm so proud of you mann. GO YOU! xDD haha
~aliah: YAY! ;DD Hello hello((;
~ger: haha. rigghhhttt. HEHE.
~nurul: but you did it in the end anyway! haha
~narisha: oh mann! You arh! tsk. heh. I hope so too!! xDDD Miss you la dear
~nazihah: hello hello((;
~farah: Yea mann! High-five! xDDD
~putri: okay(((:
Emmy tagged me so let's start!
Rules: Each player will have to give away six weird things about themselves on their blogs. After that, they will list down the name of six others for whom they want to tag. And the tagging goes on.
Weird things about me:
1) I listen to rock songs! [weird to some since i don't look like one who would] haha
2) I cry listening to certain songs [ok. a lot of songs]
3) Play teacher2 by myself although i'm already 13
4) Says the word "loser" often when i feel nervous or thinking deeply and don't know what else to say [so, if i ever do that to you, sorry!]
5) Can go googoogaagaa over the pretty pretty accessories for ages
6) I have enough secrets to last Postsecrets a year [just like emmy and addie!]
Three things people call me:
1) Ally
2) Lisa
3) Alyssa
Three most important dates in my life:
1) 14th Feb. My birthday. ((:
2) 26 June - it's stuck on my head [haha]
3) Smth smth september ((:
Three most favourite songs as of now:
1) I'll be
2) Broken Hearts Parade
3) My Sacrifice
Three things I've done in the past 33 minutes:
1) Memorised stuff for bio
2) Smsed
3) Stoned at my study table
Three ways to be happy:
1) Get hyper!
2) Talked and tease some person
3) Laugh along with friends
Three people I miss in my past:
1) Childhood friend): [so near yet so farrrrr]
2) Fawriza
3) Keisei [& other japan friends whom i met last year]
Three of my favourite hobbies:
1) Dancing
2) Getting to know you~ ((:
3) Spending time with family
Three places I wanna go for a holiday:
1) Spain [& meet uncle manuel and aunty lorenna again!!!]
2) Gold Coast
3) Paris
Three of my favourite cartoon characters:
1) Blossom
2) Patrick
3) Spongebob
Three Girl/Boy names:
1) Adelina
2) Adrianna
3) Ryan
Three malls I always visit:
1) Jurong Point
2) Vivo
3) [no idea]
Three favourite fast food restaurants:
1) Burger King
2) Long John's Silver
3) KFC
Three favourite drinks:
1) Iced Milo
2) Plain Water
3) Tea
Three things in my bag:
1) Books
2) Pens
3) Wallet
Three of my favourite colour:
1) Orange!
2) Lime green
3) Pink
Three events I look forward to:
1) The day when i can resume ballet lessons!
2) Hari Raya! [i want to meet all my cousins and nephews and nieces!!]
3) Another outing ...... .....
I tag:
1) Nurul!
2) Dini!
3) Fawaz!
4) Geraldine!
5) Janice!
6) [okok.. everyone else who reads this blog] HAHA
Sorry for not updating for about a week. Ok. Maybe i shall start my post about the note to alyssa;
Excuse me miss/mr, please do not try to act like someone you're not. You are not me, alyssa shahira. & if you are reading this, i'm blogging now right? Ok. You were given chances to stop acting that way and it's either you own up or stop acting that way. I mean, maybe your name can be alyssa, spelling and wtv is like mine, BUT do not tag on this blog pretending that you're the owner of this blog. Ok? I would like to say THANK YOU if you could co-operate with me.
Woah! Quite a no. of things happened this week.
For wed's music lesson, the malay girls in my class taught the class how to dikir. ;DDD && jaya showed us how to do the hindustani dance. She's so pro in it la!
Thurs went mugging with mr dont-know-how-to-stay-calm. Haha
Fri was eng exam. Ok. No comments about it. But after that, ger, addie, nurul and i didn't know where to go. Dini had to go home. Wanted to go cryptic quadrilateral but decided that botanical gardens was the best choice!
It was confession time. I have the greatest bunch of friends mann. Nurul talked to an ant! Addie was learning the wrong chpt for sci. (haha... prince charming arh!) Ger was emo but she sat opposite me and it was so cool when we were like mirror reflections. We did the same thing! haha.
Addie and Nurul climbed the tembusu tree. So cute! Then went for french.
Ok. YMC yesterday was interesting. It was about globalisation. This time, we could choose our grp members and they were;
nurul, sitifa, dini, sabb azmi, sabb selamat, syifa, aliah (??) and idris!
Two cedarians and the only ri guy. Haha! & when we all stand as a group, the height diff between all the girls and idris was hilarious! rofl.
We did role-playing though it screwed up here and i still love my group(((: Go gay club! xDD
Buka-ed with Rg, Ri and my fellow cg retards xDD
So it was quite a big group;
Nurul, Dini, Sabb azmi, Siti, Farah, Nazihah, Murnira, Danish, Idris and Haziq.
Then they took neos without meeeeeee): Hahaha. Nvrm. A walk around far east was great i suppose looking at the many shoe shops. Heh. But it was FUN! ;DD Friendships were made! YAY! xD
& dear nurul, i shall keep to your words((:
Ok. I guess I shall get going for now.
Bio test and French oral on the same day! Ahhhhhh! ok.
cos you made me crazy
~janice: ok. But why are you confused hun?
~syahirah: YAY! xD haha. You too((((:
~danny: gosh! Are you ok? haha. You have REALLY goooood calculation skills. Rofl!
~frances: ooops! haha. okok(((:
~aqeela: that girl arh! haha. she could recognise you mann! Good good(((:
~adlina: Thanks dear! Updated;DD
~farah: Yes it was((: Ok! ;DD
Hello hello!
Ytd was nice nice nice((: Wouldn't trade it for anything else(((:
Today had malay test. & grahhhh! I already wrote "bagai ayam bertelur di padi" then i changed to "bagai ayam bertelur di tanah". AHHHH! Carelessness. Pffft. :/
ok. Anw, for eng arh... omgosh! fnairhfanwoinrdakgmdfpovg. But addie stopped me from being so pessimistic so thank you, prince charming!! ;DDD I won't. Cos I know I will improve if I just believe that I can do it. Cos then my body will tell my mind that I'm going to pass eng very well. & so I will. I will. I can do it((((((:
Ohoh! I hyper-ventilated over addie's pinky finger during lit. It's so darn cute omgosh! I can't stand it. ROFL. Really. Although our hand size are about the same, her finger is so grahhhh... so cuteeeee!!! HAHA. Oh prince charming, i love your PINKY FINGER! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Study date in the afternoon with ger and d. faaaaawaz. At least while they were crapping, i managed to memorise stuff about alkali! YAY! hahaha. xD They were being so mean cn): I know you people are TALL la. Pffft. But being my height is just nice okayyy. Acceptable height for a 13-yr old(((: YAY! heeees.
Ok. So eng is in 4 days time. [more like, going to be 3 days time] Omgosh! I can't believe it mann. I need to improve in my compre. So half an hour more on the com then i will go away from this place mann. Awayyyy. [well, at least for now] heh.
cos dory gave me strength to move on. so near yet so far):
~dini: My WOOL?! hahahaha.
~addie: fine prince charming. As you say so. But but... i'm your cinderella. Can't i just insert the evil laughter when i feel like it? hahahaha. & what's the cheh bahbah for? heh
~danny: thank YOU! ;DD & yea... i will take a break mr evil fawaz. haha. okok. Alrighty... you take care too! :DD
~nishan: i hope you have handed in already((:
Oh my oh my! mlg is hating all of us now): I can't access it. nooo!!! My book review's due today and I have not submitted it. AHHH! oh no! oh no! I'm deaddddd): Let's hope it will work later on. Please mlg. We all love you and need to have access to it ASAP. 1g1 needs to hand in our book reviews. Oh please mlg..... ;D
& my marks have been really depressing so far. eng... french. Sighs. Nvrm. I'm gonna work hard and prove to myself that i can do it. Go alyssa! You can(((: [self-motivation doesn't hurt, do they?]
During CS they were blog hopping i think. Dini and I helped nurul out in making her friendster. & she doesn't want to put my name in her password. Boooooo! HEH. Oh! & you can obviously tell, those two sememek twins spammed my blog. haha.
our cs teacher wants us to join some competition. & well, yea... we want to! ;D It's after exams so it won't intefere with our studies. ;DDD
Ok. It's time for hardcore revision mann. AHHHH!!!
~nurul and dini: Hey you sememek twins! I know what you did last summer [CS lesson] . Tsktsk! Muahahaha. *inserts addie's evil laughter* hahaha!
~emmy: you kpo for a while only? rofl! Hi emmy!!! ;DD
~jade: alrighty! ;D
~janice: yea mann. Anw, how was ytd's listening compre?
~danny: riiggghhhttt. Nothing better to do huh? haha(((:
Hello you people! ;D
Had pbmc ytd. We did dikir. Dikir's fun but it's a hell lot of work. But it's still fun. Esp with the EXCLAMATION MARKS coming out from THEIR pockets. Hilarious! heeees.
Today was home ec practical exam. My agar2 set just nicely((: I love the shapes. Hehe. Although it would be COOLER if there was a mould with cartoon characters. Maybe powerpuff girls?? So that we can fight all the bad germs and shoo them away! YAY! haha. ok. crapping.
I finally finished hist. project with the rest. YAY YAY! ;DDDDD
Prince charming and i are the best fairytaile couple who CAN BEAT BOX and will make it BIG! ROFL.
Ohoh! exam stress is starting to hit me real bad now. AHHHH! Like e.g. sci...
next week chem test.
next two weeks bio test.
next three weeks SCI EXAM!
& 8 more days to eng exam. NOOOOO! D:
Then french oral is in two weeks and my conversational skills (in french) has to buck up ALOT AND ALOT AND ALOT AND ALOT. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! okok.
I shall go away for now.
DORY!!!! ;DD
Tag replies;
~nuruul: Imy hottie!! D: Anw, okay! ;D
~ger: not anymore. she doesn't. Awwww. hahaha.
~adlina: YAY! I love sweetnerd. haha. & yes... we'll make it big mann. We will! ;DDD
~danny: yea. sweetnerd. xP haha. I don't know. && you use the com so early to tag and say that? haha.
~dini: boo you. tsktsk. flirt eh flirt. hahahahaha. Then you flirt with our grp members somemore. Aiyoh dini... ROFL.
~seri: SERI!!! Hello hello! ;DD ok. i shall((:
~nat: yay! ok. pinky promise(((;
~aminah: very addictive right? hahaha.
~putri: okok((:
First day yesterday was not bad. Found out our new pe teacher. Though I still miss Mr Samat. He'll be calling me his one and only "ali" (haha). & of course I'll miss his lessons. ( cheh cheh he said we're his best pe class yo ) ROFL. Anw, have a great retirement sir. 1G1's already missing you!
ok. Urm, moving on, the long awaited history lesson i've been wanting to sit for went down the drain when i realised i wasn't really paying attention): Stayed back to do history project though! & we're almost finishing it. YAY!
OK. Today. It was kinda slack mann. Seriously. There was no bio ( although i really wanted to sit for bio lessons ) it was a blessing in disguise cos I managed to mug. Adlina and I were mugging together. Oh! I love this prince charming / seat partner of mine((:
Alyssa: Aww... you're my sweetNERD
Adlina: Nerd?! See what mugging does to you. Tsktsk.
Haha. I had no intentions to say it yknow cos it was supposed to be sweetheart but adlina said just push the blame to the mugging cos it made me psycho. I was seriously hyper singing HSM2 songs and trying to beat box (which adlina said i failed) heh.
Yknow yknow I managed to pay attention during history today. YAY! ;DDDD I understood the lesson mainly cos it was really interesting(((:
Cikgu didn't come so we slacked. Nope. I didn't mug this time. Heees.
Journal writing during assembly. We had to write about our goals. & i want to build a dance studio / organisation for the poor((: Really. It's been what I've always wanted to do since P5((:
I'm gonna post up pics later I suppose (for a photo entry!). That's what i was supposed to do on sat with the rest. OOPS. hehe.
Anw, I'm doing home ec portfolio thingy now so I shall fly far far away from here.
Tag replies;
~danny: Good luck for term 4 too((: & ya! I'm one of their victims too. So sad so sad. Hah.
~khaliesah: There's nothing wrong being high! :DD Cos I'm high toooooooo. & yesss! HSM2 rocks rocks rocks. Ia BATU! ;DD
~dini&ger: thanks for spamming. ROFL. eheh... is ger still having a crush on you, dini?? HEH.
~annabella: haha. thank you. & anniebellie is super adorable yknow yknow! ;DDD
Hello there awesome people! ;DD
YAY! I have finished eng, bio and maths (not counting the mock papers) !! ;DD At least hmwk aside I can enjoy the rest of the night. (Rigggghhhttt) A few more hours to school. Oh well.
Ohoh. Everything's settled today. Really. So wowwwww. Ok. I'm happy for you. ((:
Dory! ROFL. "just keep swimming". Yknow what, I'm crapping so much now. Seriously. Heh.
America's got talent is so cool uh. Omggg.
&& tmr's school. Oh no oh no. Term 4 would be really fast and the stress would be really aoirahrain. But nvrm. Must think positive.
Gonna catch up on sci and hist.
I'm so hyper now. Really. So high. & Khalie's feeling so high due to HSM2. haha.
Oh well, guess this is some really random post. So, tata!
~danny: YAY! Fawaz it shall be((: Btw, it's not true ok. Not true): heh. && you supporting nurul?! Fawazzzzzzz!!! :/ haha.
~adlina: that's not a good thing okay): & it's not true):
~ger: no no no): it's not true): && that's not my trademark! hahahaha.
~nadia: hello! haha. YA! I still can't believe she fell for it. ROFL.
~nurul: i dont owe you pushpop. xP cos it's not true): haha.
~siti: haha. yea....
Thanks for always being there for me okay. Hopefully everything will work out right for you and always keep that positive attitude you always have & that all your wishes will come true too((:
So today we were supposed to do "history project" but it wasn't history project. Haha.
Aft p6 open house, sarah, me, ger and dini met at redhill. The rest went to esplanade's rooftop first. Upon reaching esplanade, sitifa appeared. HAHA. Then when we were at rooftop, dini thought nurul and addie not coming but then they blurly popped up. hahaha. SO CUTE! So, yea. Dini know that we were celebrating her birthday, one week in advance((:
Had fun retarding yesterday. Catching (?!!) and what if's. Heh. & there was one point of time where all the guys answered the phone at the same time. It was so cool uh. One by one take out their phone. hahaha.
Ate pizza. Pizza! Pizza! heeees.
Went home around 630 i think. Yepyep. Overall it was quite fun la. But next time, MUST really plan games in advance and not stick to one and said it's games. ROFL.
Mass convo was hilarious. Although it made me giddy. But nvrm. I didn't really talk 3/4 of the time there. HEH.
Ok. So I know dini and ger have been spamming quite a no. of people's blog. & i spammed izhar's blog. I don't see the point of passerby labelling us as flirts. As syahirah said, there's such word call, socialising. & if you hate us you may very well go ahead as long as I know that we didn't flirt around. So passerby, please think twice before you say anything. Thank you very much.
THANK YOU SYAHIRAH, JANICE, DINI & NURUL! (btw, i don't attract guys la. tsk!) ILY! ;DD
ok. Sister's wanting to use the com. OFF I GO((:
Tag replies;
~izzah: yea((: heees.
~nishan/sister/brother: heh. It's ok la. We had fun dancing anw((: But thanks for your unconditional love and support! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
~nat: haha. Thank you thank you((: && this nenek has genes of a 13 yr-old eh? ROFL. & oh yea! chocolates. Oh gosh. I remembered that. hahaha.
~khaliesah: thank youuuuu(((: haha. I'm not good at many things la. Everyone is good at something right? ;D
~izhar: spastic! haha. Yea la, go laugh somemore. Then can belanja somemore. Haha.
~cia: thank you hun! ;DD really, thank YOU. Ily mann. thx(((:
~janice: heh. You arh.. tsktsk. ohoh. thank you too. & I so didn't influence you. xPP
~danny: hello fawaz. shahira here((: haha
~siti: no idea. heh.
~dini: haha. oh well...
~nurul: thx love. oh btw, i really don't attract guys. So don't need to mention the fiction. hahahahaha
~aqilah: i can seeeee. hahaha
Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime
Another color turns to grey
and it's just too hard to watch it all
slowly fade away

I think HSM songs are nice nice nice. && considering i've got HSM 2's soundtrack cd thanks to lovely friends who gave me support to go up to the stage and dance to win the cd(((: Abg ijam and I were singing the song, Gotta Go My Own Way, sung by gabriella a.k.a. Vannessa, over msn. Haha. Abg ijam... YOU are kental not me. xPP Thank you very much. Oh be jealous! & your house is 82725640 km away over at pasir ris. :/ Heh. But we shall see if i can go there((:
Ohoh! I was bored ytd and so, i decided to help izhar make his gay blogskin(((: I'm a happy kiddo! I get high seeing it cos it's sooo yellow. Yellow and pink to be exact! Hahaha.
Dini arh! Don't get invovle in your planning of your birthday anymore. HAHA. You silly goose. Make sure i see you at JE today okayyyy! ;DDD
Yknow yknow ytd, i read up on bio but i think i need notes from mr goh cos not everything's found in the book. But i did research on the internet as well so hopefully that's enough for now.
I'm starting to think "Ahleesa" is cool((: haha. I've been so random these days no wonder, sometimes, people don't get me when i chat with them on msn. Heeeeees.
&& aqilah (frm tkg) loves dancing too! YAY!! She's so cute la! ;DD
Fendi got into top 10 for live the dream! So cool so cool! Heh. His singing is so smooooooth((:
Ok. Shall go email-ing now. Ahleesa says TATA! ;DDD
~sitira: how certain are you that they weren't gays?? Hmm... heh!
~dini: really?? cool. okay! && yessss.. maths driving me bonkers too):
~ger: You have manners?? Seriously?? hahaha. jkjk. Yes! You see! It's already thurs and i'm still not done with all my hmwk):
~izhar: No prob! ;DD & she sure spammed! Pfft. Haha
Yes. I'm confused too):
Anw, hello earthlings!
Today was relatively fine. Had maths in the morning. Followed by run-through for P6 open house. [janice! be there or be squared!] haha.
Went to IMM with rini and sitira to get rini's adidas shorts which she eventually didn't buy. Heh. && i want those shoes and shirt quite badly!! Anyone kind enough to spare me money? Maybe someone who just got ehem$200ehem? Haha. Jkjk.
I have been craving for donuts and papa bought it although i didn't tell him i want to:)) YAY! haha. Arfynna bought me prata too. She's the sweetest seriously although she and martin loves to annoy me with their crazy antics. But they're still the cutest! I love them mann. No one can replace my siblings. NO ONE! I can't stand it when the house is too quiet without them singing and running all around the house. Gagagaga. Now they're obviously asleep. So it's peace and quiet other than the vehicles which goes by the expressway. heh.
Ohoh! Bestie's turning 13 soon! Yay! But but he's catching up with me in terms of height): Grahhh. But i can't stop that since guys do grow faster. Boo you ishraf. xP heh. & he still rocks cos he's sticking to his dumb status..
you're the harmony to the melody says:
omggggg! i'm hsm addict
you're the harmony to the melody says:
midget indeed. says:
is it a bandd
[after some time]
midget indeed. says:
i was dreaming
midget indeed. says:
Darn cute la. So,"wildcats", everyone, what does hsm stands for? Haha. That's why we are called dumb eh? Yea mann. High-5! Rofl.
Oh yess.. today's lunch hour was supposedly to be used for discussing about history project but we kinda got carried away. Heh. BUT we still did manage to plan out what we wanted to do and stuff to bring on thursday's meeting so that's still good! heeees. & i'm still amazed at the rate we, addie, nurul, dini, ger and me, talked cos i know we did so for like 2hrs! :DD Hmm... hopefully our boardgame will turned out as planned((:
Tmr's homework day! Gonna finish up maths mock paper, at least draft out compo and read up on bio. Woah! That's a lot considering that I had to go back to school ytd, today and have to go back on thurs and fri. Which leaves me with Wed and Sun since i have madrasah on sat. Ahhh! Ok. Maybe the word's pressure and not stress. Aren't they almost alike? No? Eyer... Sec ones are stressed out too mann. Grahhh. Can't imagine the other levels. Gosh! okok.
Good luck to everyone in completing their homework! We can do it((:
1..2..3.. I'm gone!
~adlina: yea mann! Yoink it! Yoink yoink yoink! rofl !
~ger: you do!! Stop denying it. You're supposed to say thank you! Where's your manners? tsktsk. Rofl. & don't worry. one week is damn fast. Seriously. Pffft. :/ It's a good and bad thing. Gaaaaah.
~dini: You did?? Haha. okay! DINI IRONED TWO OF THE SHIRTS! YAY! hahaha. && whaaaaat? Flood my tagboard tmr? Diniiiiiiiii!!!! :/ hah.
~nishan: Uhuh! Downright confused! Haha! Ok. I be sister you be brother. Or do you want to be brother i be sister? Or shall we be either sister or brother? hahahaha! Thank you Nishan! I love you mann! THANK YOU!!!
~danny: awww. Haha. I don't have to suffer. Thank you thank you((: hah.
~janice: no! you did! xPP muahahaha
~spastic: yea! i also know who you are and you know i know who you are! YAY! Btw, i watch the videos on your blog. Hahahaha! Damn spastic mann!! But it's hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing. Heh!
~nat: That's why he's my silly twin. ROFL. Ohoh... i miss crapping with you yknow yknow!
Ok. Finally no one to disturb me and shove me aside while i'm on the com. Haha. But somehow i miss spending my day or shall i say NIGHT [hahaha. sounds wrong i know. sorryyyy] with the three. Dini. Nurul. Addie.
&& her aunty's so nice nice nice! I want to meet alif aziz please??? hehe. aliffffff! ROFL. Okok.
On Sat, we went IMM at around 8pm+ close to 9. Haha. Just to get those pretty pretty hairbands. It's blue and pink! YAY! :DDD Then rushed back home. Close to 10 i suppose. Ooohhh. Hah. & we had our umbrella with us. Muahaha(((:
Played the com, as you already know we won $1,000,000 using that adlina's name [& we won at exactly midnight! so cool!] and watched 13 going on 30 while nurul designed our shirts. She's got talent in it mann. So cool! Shall post up the pic of the shirt one day(((: After watching 13 going on 30, we hyperventilated watching SCHOOL OF ROCK. hahaha. We know we were supposed to be sleeping but we were still designing stuff last min. So yea... haha.
Then ended up going to dini's room. omgggg. I was freezing! haha. && dini's cat was playing hide and seek with us in the room. It was super cute though i kept screaming. Heeeees. Adlina's a good physcic. She predicted i would sleep first and yea... it was true. Dini and Addie disturb nurul when she fell asleep. So mean! hahahaha. Next day or shall i say that morning, woke up around 6. I was the first to run to the door to iron our clothes and all! Hehe. Although addie did all the ironing in the end. HAHA. Yaddayaddayadda.
The rest came around 6.45-7. Tied our hair. Make-up. Dressed up. My gf looked hot mann! Stop denying it ger. Heh. You look good with suspenders okayyyy! xPPP
Breakfast with team [so cool!!] at jec. LJS. After that, jaya was so funny! The door for mrt was closing then she went in and she had to wait for us at clementi. Hahahaha. Hilarious. Reached plaza sing at 1030 for registration.
Prac more then reported at 11. Briefed about the dance competiion and then it was time to go around the backstage area. Auditioned "live" at plaza sing at 1130. Like omgggggg. The feeling was awesome! Although there were few crescent supporters i would like to personally thank...
Sarah Swee
Siti Nur Atiqah
Nurul's family
Addie's sis and mum
Darsh's family
Ger's parents
& everyone else including my family [who came late. haha] FOR SUPPORTING AND BELIEVING IN US! What team? CRESCENT! What team? CRESCENT! What team? CRESCENT!! :DD
We managed to pull through despite the fact that we didn't have a cheorographer to help us, i think we did great. I LOVE MASQUE!
& me
Niveetha, Emmy and Afee too ok? (((:
& after weeks of sacrifices and hard work, it all paid off ytd. Going through this with your good friends is just AWESOME. I wouldn't want to swap what happened ytd for anything else. Cos i know, even through the smiles and energy we had on stage, behind it lies the fear and nervousness you all kept inside. It's ok. We did our best! & i know that even if we make it or don't, we were satisfied with what we did. We did our best for us and for the school and for everyone else who counted on us. I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU. & I REALLY MEAN IT(((((:
OK. Moving on....
Stayed to watch the rest. Yaddayaddayadda.
Met muhd and haziq. Retarded mann! Sms-ed when we were just about 3m away. Tell me are they wasting money or what? hahahahaha. && addie was angry cos someone was so freaking tall. HAHA.
Then went back to dini's. Stayed there till 8 then went home. Lights out at 930 mann! hahaha.
Today had maths. Then self-study with gf at jlib((: It was productive((: OK. Back to hmwk-ing i suppose. BYE!
~sitira: they are NOT gays! xPP
~nat: haha! He's my twin((: heeees.
~jasmine: Hello! Thank you!
~janice: cos i was influenced by you! hahahahahaha.
~khaliesah: online! (((: YAY! I'm chatting to you know. haha. && it's maths day mann. :/ My head's spinning. hahaha.
~aqeela: YA): Sighs. I'm trying to. Well at least i think i am. Heh.
~nishan: hello sister! eh i mean brudder! ROFL!!!!
~suharti: yes of course!! :DDD Btw, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!
~izhar: you're just jealous mann. xPPP hahahaha.
~someone: urm.... imy too?! haha. Chill mann((:
~danny: haha. Yes. It was me! Sry for the trouble we caused. Hahaha.
~ger: chill la. One week pass by very fast! Really!! :DDD
I AM AT DINI'S HOUSE!!!! SHABOOOOOOOYAAAAAA!!! yeah! whee!!! I love dini! whee! :DDDD
Nurul's here too! && she's "menyangku-ing" at the chair! Like battery hens mann. OMG!!! SADDING IN PROGRESS!!!
okok. Waiting for Addie's arrival. HEH. i love dini again!! hehe. :D I wrote that. :D Dini didn't write that. SERIOUSLY. :D lol
whee!!! ~dini~ awesomeness ;))))
GO DINI! yay!
I don't like myself. :D hehe. I onlt like DINI and HUDA ;)
okay I better stop now. hehe.~dini~ anw, alyssa, nurul and adlina are sleeping over at MY HOUSE! :D yay! We're gonna PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG !!!! YAY! wheeee!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
(edit later) dini's cool yo. :DDD