Highlight of the day ;
"you're not hot"
"i am! -grins-"
"no, you're not. you're flammable"
She cracks me up. One of the many reasons why I love my mummy((:
& aunty nurul said...
"When you get a boyfriend, show me. As long as I approve can. Don't care if your mummy let or not"
Tag replies;
~hanisah: But i feel like it. hehe. sorry uh. & the new room is at E block 3rd level. ;D I tried cleaning the room with nishan and rachel okayyyy(((: heheh
~nadia: yesssss! Group R is love. love love love((((: haha.
~janice: how to give you the famous amos eh?? Hmm.... one day okay! I meet you after your school ends. & i tagged((: more of spammed. hehe
~fer: nooooo): Eh, faster go reserve a date. Haha. & buy the tickets!! xP
~addie: wokay!
~niveetha: olla!! ;D
Council camp! [25 & 26 oct]
Division 4 da bomb! xD
We ended up doing the skit and the sec 3s doing the "dance part" in the skit. haha.
Ran 5 rounds around the parade square. But it was so cool to see how we actually ran together. & I'm surprised at myself for actually completing it without stopping. ;D
Dance and Skit wasn't screwed cos it turned out hilariously funny. [i know i know] haha!
The dance was awesome but the skit was more awesome! Seriously! xD
Ohoh! We danced to beautiful girls so our dance had bimbotic parts in it which was funnehhh((:
Actually, we shall give the excos around of applause! It's the thought that counts anw. Thank you for the dance!
Ah yes.. which brings me to the points I learn that day.
#things-i-learn no. 1;
Leadership is about service and gratitude.
#things-i-learn no. 2;
Confidence is what a you need [but of course, don't be overly-confident]
-as usual, the list goes on-
& there's four divisions in council. At night, each division was given a letter, and division 4 was "R". We had to come up with a name and cheer.
R [exaggerate the sound]
which stands for respect, resillence and responsibility
Group R. Group R.
What 'cha gonna do,
When we come for you?
& everyone was touched when they heard "there are no stars in the sky today because all of them are here sitting down right now"
Gosh! That made us feel special. Really. Cos the letters given spelled out the word STAR((:
Psst.. nadia kept to her promise! *clap hands!!* ;D
"Morning run" was fun! We ran 10km! YAY! [hahahahahaha] I actually believed we were supposed to run around the canal. rofl!
Then we played powerstations! It was not only fun but we learnt a lot from it. & I really like the idea of us changing shoes.
We must see how is it like if you were in another's shoes. We should understand the situation from their point of view before coming up with a conclusion.
Headed off to sentosa after that for our amazing race. It was exactly like the house leader camp. However, we weren't split up into smaller groups cos we had to go with our own division everywhere we go.
If I could, I would blog about every single little thing that happened [i will but it's not really exactly what we did. haha] but I think by looking at the pictures means much more to me. Although most of it is our clue pictures, it still brings back the memories. & it was awesome!!! 'cos we captured THAT moment that we can't capture anymore after that. [making sense? haha]
The bond between all of us in division four is really much closer now. We got to know more about each other and we're not as shy as before. We're ourselves now. Our good-but-retarded-self;D [well, maybe that's me but i mean... yknow, ourselves as in OURSELVES? haha]
I would say, the Dragon Trail clues were the most exciting to find. To me, that was the highlight of the race.

Division four / group R

{for now, div 4, ask me for any particular picture that you want and i'll send it to you ok?} ;DD
As for now, I remember [actually, you don't have to read it] haha
~my camera was used for the race so i'm gonna burn the pictures into a cd [hahahaha]
~lydia was always asking us to walk in front of her
~stopping for breaks more than we should have [haha]
~the way everyone would run to the clue and take a picture together
~ran up and down the stairs at the merlion to look for this particular treasure box
~was trying to go down the going up escalator
~saw two gigantic birds at IOS
~why gauhrie wore her cap during the dragon trail
~how we were so scared during the trail
~screamed when we saw the dragon squirting out water from it's mouth
~went back and then walk towards the dragon again to see if there was a censor [this was funnily cute!]
~one scream, all scream
~thought there was a snake when actually it was a stick
~screamed when there was a spider hanging in mid-air on it's web
~told vanessa how steep the slopes were and i realised i was slow cos we went down it when we came
~was talking about "what if we fall down"
~overcame our fears by the end of the trail
~got seriously scared when nadia shouted "car" [this was really funny too]
~skyride[d] to palawan beach
~got into the song *smth smth* place
~met div 1 again
~tried jogging to the shaded carpark but stopped halfway [haha. so much for jogging. lol]
~went to the most southern part of spore
~decided to walk to dolphin lagoon
~met div. 2
~passed by some clues and just snapped it quickly [but it was eventually counted! ;DD]
~went into the wrong entrance of the resort
~ran with yong shin, deborah and rosemund to look for a camouflaged staircase
~took pictures of 3 staircases [ahaha. play safe]
~we found it [but forgot to tell celine to just show that picture cos it was actually correct]
~decided to go all the way back to checkpoint cos it's worse to be late rather than not finding all the clues
~it was so cool when the whole council was together at this certain bus-stop [& it was unplanned!]
~a bus broke down so everyone had to board only one bus all the way back to school
~told the retarded joke on the bus
~div 4 was the most liveliest
~was reminded that i would scare people if i did what i did during the joke [ making any sense?? ]
Learnt a lot and a lot from this camp! So,
thank you ms ong, mrs yeoh and excos! ;DD
I think, all the councillors really cherished every moment of the camp and tried to learn and pick up all the values taught. yepyep.
& I finally had time for myself today after camp;D
Walked around while I drank chocolate milkshake = awesome(((: & I bought famous amos cookies from JP for the two at home, my siblings. Lucky twosome! Haha
Ok. OFF!
house leader camp [19-20 oct]
CURIE! My love((:
1st day;
Ok. So we were divided into smaller groups for our amazing race at east coast & my group consisted of
~hui ching
~& me!
We were given clues and supposed to solve and find them and then take pictures of the clues given. We travelled back and forth in East Coast which means we covered at least 20km on bike;D Good excercise mann. I didn't really feel tired then but after that, haha.
Anw, I was the only sec one in my group but it was really great to see us bonding because from total strangers or rather, just schoolmates we see everyday, we actually communicated quite well with each other while finding our clues.
Although we didn't win the game, I think we gained something much more meaningful which is trust between each other. We trusted one another to find their respective clues and also helped each other along the way.
Then, at night, we had to put up a skit about what our whole group did that day and was given 45 mins to come up with a skit. We put in songs into the play and funny incidents and also, exaggerated here and there. Hahaha;DD
#things-i-learn no. 1
There's no barrier between seniors and juniors.
#things-i-learn no. 2
#things-i-learn no. 3
I should really start cycling at east coast again [hahaha]
-the list goes on-
2nd day;
It was more serious but to me, I find out what others think about me and that I learnt how to accept them. 'cos from there, I can be a better person and improve myself for the better of not only others but definitely myself as well! ;D
& I seriously LOVE CURIE and hope that we won't be look down upon as a lousy house but a house which can persevere and fight till the end. Maybe, results don't always turn out the way we want it to but having faith in ourselves doesn't hurt at all. Really.
GO CURIE! I know we can do it. I LOVE NOT ONLY THE HOUSE COMM BUT CURIE AS A WHOLE. So, we will do our very best for next year ok?? ;DD C'mon. We shall have that enthu spirit in us. Gooooooooo curie!
~fer: hmm, who knows what? I can't see you now. But yea la, what's done is done so just look ahead and strive for the best! alrighty 'mate? haha. Ohoh.. & i buy the tickets? EHEM EHEM.
~janice: Cannot! Cos you are cute. xP haha. & you see monkeys in heat? eh?? I don't get you la... pffft. :/ hehe.
~nurul: haha. it's ok dear! Happy hols((:
[cant think of a title] hehe.
Hello people of Earth((:
Ok. I can't seem to remember what I did on Mon so let's go all the way to Tues. Hehe.
Cleaned the new angklung room with Nishan and Rachel. It's non-aircon but still, we have a room for ourselves yo. YAY! ;D Played the kulintang while cleaning it. Hahaha. && Menakah beat me when I was trying to hang up the Angklung banner. grrr... that girl! Heh. Somehow, I miss "bullying" her back when she always pulls my ponytail. Gahhh.
Then, had council dance practice and we managed to come up with the whole dance minus the last 14 secs of the song. Haha. Division 4 rocks mann! & if deb was here then we'll be.. dumbo the ally[ele]phant! Haha. We crapped a lot but still managed to come up with the dance. Yay yay! Tmr's camp! & we're going sentosa on Friday. Go division 4! Go go go! ;DDDDDDDDDDD Ohoh, and xi mian and aisyah said we're so childish! nooooo): We're children yknow[[= & oh yes, there's ah ma and silly yong shin and i don't know what else la but yea... we had a lot of fun. & got laughed at. Nadia's so cute. She laughed at every single little thing we did. :/ Hahaha.
Slacked in classroom yet again. BUT this time, I managed to overcome my fear of carrying hamsters! YAY! I carried Cookie on my hand. Reshma! Be honoured ok? I carried your hamster yknow yknow(((: Wheeee~
Council practice cancelled. Ohmygosh! Our skit!! Ooooohhhh. Tmr tmr tmr!
Ok. Then had pbmc.
That itik arh! Made me accompany her all the way to the G block then didn't take her bag. Tsktsk! && all of us were laughing a hell lot at G3. ;DD
& taridra is AWESOME! Finally! Dance classes! Yay yay! & it's not exactly pure malay dance cos there's going to me contemporary in it((: YAY YAY! Sir ram a.k.a. "SEram" choreographed steps already. So fast! The class and company is greatttt[[= Hanisah tried tip-toeing. Haha.
During break, NURUL was trying to drink at the watercooler and water spurt out of it and got into her nose. Addie and I laughed like crazy people. Then, it happened to addie and I still couldn't swallow the drink cos I was laughing too hard. Hahaha.
Went home with the two plus izzah. & nurul. I love you for listening! ;DDDDDD YAY YAY!
ok. Live the dream is on now. Off I goooooo. The tv's calling me. ADIOS!
OHOH. && I miss F1I! I didn't attend today cos of pbmc. No more French classes! ALAH! I miss my class already. I MISS F1I! Ahhhhhhh!!!!! D:
~mamaliew: cute? haha.
~janice: aww.. they are eh? you too yknow yknow(((:
~fer: you are going to! xP ehh.. no! I'm not. You are, moyang. Nvrm la. You TOO old you forgot you are one. [hehehe] Ok la, I know I rock right? xD My song is jiwang but not the person. The person is super hyper as you can tell. whee!! Ohoh! I don't want cos I'm going off nowwwww. Muahahaha! xDD
~addie: yours too yknow. Like, UDIN! Haha.
~suharti: ok. soon! ;D
Hello people. As said in my earlier post, I will blog about hari raya so here I go. Wheeee~
Met with mummy's side of the family at nenek's house.

Cousins! ;D [ qistina didn't want to be in it. alahhhh): ]
Ok. Then went to the twin's house. My 2nd cousins! ;D After which we went to tuk yang's house.
Met my father's side of the family at my atuk's house.

Father's side excluding quite a no. of people.
Yknow, i went to cik bari's house and they watched this ghost documentary. It scared the hell out of me so I went to the room and watched tv with kak ngah, iqah, arfynna and mummy. kak ngah's son, irfan, is so cute! [he's a toddler! my nephew]. & I think the other irfan, who's slightly older, is handsome. Gosh! I have really cute toddler cousins/nephews/nieces. hehe.
My father's side was supposed to meet at atuk's house so my family went there first and I played with Illyana Batrisya! ;D Chubby girl. In the end, it was cancelled.
So after 5 hrs at atuk's house we went to my neighbours house and so, all of us [my neighbours and i] went neighbour raya-ing. haha.

She's so cute mann! I have cute toddler neighbours too! haha((:
& the two kakaks are really friendly and pretty! The abang thought i was in sec 4. Haha.
Met sitifa, nurul, sabby and danish at je for addie's open house.

Haziq came along later. & addie's room is pink yo! PINK(((: hehe. Addie! Udin is 6 right? haha. can can. ;D hehe.
Then we had maaf-ing sessions!

After that train-ed all the way to pasir ris. Met up with family((: & i so love kakak yayah and abang ijam. They let me rant about stuff and yea mann... i love them! :D haha. & we camwhored a lot and a lot and a lot. heh.

Abg and Kakak were retarding with me in the room((: We go craaaaazyyyyyy!

Silly twin. haha. GOOD LUCK FOR Os! You can do it and no matter what, everyone's praying for you and have seen how much hardwork you've put in. All the best! You go abang! ;DDDD It's going to end before you know it(((:
Went out with papa's side. ;D Seriously. I can't stand Irfan [senior]. haha. Handsome huh? This little one managed to talk with me and played with me! ;DD The toddlers are really growing already. They used to be so shy and now, wow! I actually interact with them! haha.

Arfynna [sistaaa] and Irfan [senior]. One of my nephews name is Irfan too that's why this one [in the above pic] is senior because he's the uncle! haha.
Went out with mummy's friends. It's so amazing how all of them were friends since their late teens. They watched me grow too! Said how big I was already. [although i see them every yr] haha.
& aunty Nora's daughter is sooooo cute! Tara's her name(((:

Cute eh? & she can speak in malay yknow yknow. Her brother's malay so fluent mann. haha.
More pictures shall be up on photoblog. [[CLICK]] (not so soon of course. heh)
I gotta go now. TO GER; GET WELL SOON! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! & i know everyone's falling sick now [& i am sick too] so you people better take your medicine and what not. Ok ok? TAKE CARE;DDD
Au revoir!
~danny: I've been fine. you? & haha. Have been a little too busy to use the com. Yea.
~fer: wah seh! i'm not a nenek you moyang! xPP hehe. & yes yes... I tell you arh, you blanja me popcorn for the movie! ;DDD SET!
~nisa: Olla! ;D
~nurul&muhd: wow! flooded like hell mann. haha. okok. I'm joining some club? & free gift? hmm.... i shall think about it. [hahaha]
Ok. I shall blog about hari raya in a later post cos there's so much to talk about.
Yesterday, the class was exceptionally well-behaved((: Although there were no teachers in class and we were slacking our way through the day, we actually managed to maintain discipline. Yay!
Played broken telephone at the back of the class. Gosh! Emmy! Your eng is simply WOW. & about today, nvrm. We pray that you'll get the marks okay? (((:
Anw, then took malay class picture(((: & emo-ed with nurul but actually it was more of wanting to sleep tapi tak menjadi. Hah.
& singing sessions were funnehhh. I sang okay. Or maybe not really sing cos I couldn't stop laughing. Hehe. But the song is nice in a way((: Meaningful indeed[[[=
Today received back our results. Improvement improvement! Although it wasn't superbly well done I'm happy that I've improved esp in Sci((:
Stayed back for pbmc but taridra was cancelled. So, we waited for the rest. I slept for about 30 mins! I mean, we had about 2hrs till they're done. Heh. Nurul, Addie and Siti were with me so yea... they practically were singing and singing and well, more singing? hah.
Ok. I better run! Ah yes.. I need the Beautiful Girls song. Nadia nadia. hahaha. tsktsk;D a div.4 thing eh? Egg-citinggg! Wokay. Byeeeeeeeee
~aqeela: Oh to you too. Selamat Hari Raya youuuuuu! Haha. Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.
~aliah: Yea! & we won't meet for another month. Pfft. :/ Oh well. & yesss.. Selamat hari raya! Maaf zahir dan batin.
~karel: I didn't have to do maths for you today cos I didn't even come((: haha.
~nisa: oooohh. Sorry! Haha. Ok. Shall relink. Btw, selamat hari raya to you too!
~narisha: Like mine too! Bahasa melayu baku rocks okay! Haha. Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.
~nuruul: Selamat hari raya to you too! Maaf zahir dan batin. && I freaking miss you too! Friday ok? Fridayyyy!!! ;DDD
~darsh: of course it's ok. haha. Thank you((:
~nurul: that's her nickname. her real "nurul" is the same. Haha.
~lynette: you too?? YAY! Go pink yea? Haha. Found another fellow pink lover yo. cool((:
~clara: alrighty! ((:
~nadia: am i supposed to? haha. kidding. Yes. Honoured indeed. Thank you;DD & okay. I shall sing louder next time. I will((: i hope! haha.
~nat: Seriously? So cool! Yep. It was mentioned at a booktalk held for the sec 1s. Let's gasps together... -gasps-! haha.
~ssa: yes ma'am. Hello lizard! I miss you!!!
~fadilah: ohmygosh! I see my elias senior. *waves frantically* haha. Hello!!!
Saya di sini memohon maaf atas segala dosa yang pernah dilakukan oleh saya terhadap kamu. Marilah kami bergembira bersama-sama pada hari raya! ;D
Followed Sitira to the lib and borrowed the books mentioned at the booktalk on Thurs. We borrowed, Skinny, Dough boy and Less Is More. Oh my you people... Ibi Kaslik, author of Skinny, is super pretty mann! She's so hot! Really. Her picture was at the back of the book and sitira and i were mesmerised. She could have been a model mann. haha.
Then went home and I cleaned my room all by myself! ;D YAY! I took 3-4hrs? haha. It's pretty much neater now compared to before. No more books stacked up on my study table and my basket's neater! ;DDD heh. && my PINK curtains look so nice! I love it mann(((:
& karel! Ego ego ego. I'm going to show you I know what's 2-1 on wed((: haha. Apparently, my friend here says I can't count properly. Nooooooo): heh.
Ok. My family's going to start visiting at 11. I better go now. BYE!
~karel: Why? It rocks okay, you ego person! haha. no la.
~emmy: Of course not! It's a story we came up with at the lib when we had nothing to do. So, don't worry kay? ;D
~aliah: uhuh. So sad mann.
~aqeela: tsktsk! Yea! I know you love it right? haha.
~ger: Hehe. No! You can't kill me. I'm still too young. Nooooooo):
~wz: uhuh. Pink pink pink;D Thank you.
~janice: ooooh. okayyy.
A long time ago, in a land far away, 3 people came with a significant motive.
DJ, play the funkin’ music! *Tokyo Drift comes in*
We have recently encountered certain obstacles in life and we would like to express our insightful views on this imbroglio. We feel that situation is awfully Kafkaesque, and are extremely hurt/ annoyed/ taken aback/ etc. etc. etc.
It is about You. Not you or you. Or any of you. But you. Yes, you.
I’m sorry but I’ll have to tell you off, You.
What makes You think that you have any right over who or what the Gang Green Gang (GGG) can and will hang out with?
Well, I’ll tell you something, you little You.
You do not have any major rights over the Gang Green Gang. We do not either but we believe, and will continue to believe, that they are every bit deserving of their own freedom. They should not be scrutinized under your watchful eyes. They should not be your marionettes and be used for your own desires and lust.
You may think that we do not see your true colors but noooo, we know what’s underneath the mask that you have been parading with for so long. So you think that by degrading us to such low standards may somehow upgrade you to a higher one? You know you’re as low as us. Even lower, I must say. You see that dot on the floor; you’re probably lower than that.
You’ve been bombarding us with all these groundless accusations made up merely from hunches that you created during your toilet breaks. It’s ridiculous, You.
What are you, too imbecile mind your own manners and care for other’s feelings? Didn’t your momma teach you empathy? I pity all your mommas.
They way you act, don’t you know that it makes you seem so desperate? I’m every bit sure that that’s not the look that you’re going for. So please, stop this nonsense.
So long and goodnight.
-boards the carriage and flies back to Tiki island –
DJ, you can stop the beat.
I'm in love with that song. Heard it during french class ytd. Gahhh! heh.
What I did yesterday. Hmm...
Had Pbmc. Practiced Dikir. & planned a movie-marathon. We plan to crash at sitifa's house and we didn't even tell her until later on. haha.
Then, after we went to solat me and sabb selamat went to ikea! I wanted to call nurul but I suppose she was already at boon lay. D: Grahh. You arh! heh. Anw, met sitifa and nadia there.
Ohmygosh! Sabb's the cutest! She was finding bdae presents for her parents oh fyi,HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR SELAMAT! [11/10]
So cool right? haha. okok. Anw, we went to the children's section! & me and sabb hyper-ventilated over the pink room. It's awesome! Sitifa and Nadia went to hide and yknow nadia arh..
nadia: je t'aime!
sitifa: je t'aime
nadia: i don't know how to pronounce it la
alyssa: it's je t'aime. YAY! nadia loves me!
nadia: what does je t'aime means?
alyssa: you don't know!? you've been saying it and you don't know!? it's I LOVE YOU.
nadia: omg! hahah
-everyone cracks up-
Sitifa made up a new word... SNICE! I forgot what was "s". hehe.
Ok. Then went for French. Saw only geng jie and qi zhou. Followed by urm, dukhoi (sp?!?!). Sorry. I have no idea how to spell your name. =x Sorry!
So, it was the four of us. That nurul didn't want to come. Grrr. Haha. Anw, received back our results and Alhamdulillah! I passed[[[: YAY!
Watched two music videos. Awesome! The second one was funny la. Hah. So kesian.
Then watched short french movies. I LOVE THE ONE ABOUT DIFFERENCES.
It taught me how I should persevere. NEVER look down on those who are different. Yes. It's true! Cos everyone's special in their own way. It was jsut so saddening to see the small boy in the movie wanting to be like his mother. I wanted to cry yknow!
Then... yea. ok.
Met the curie house comm in the morning. bbq! bbq! Wheeeeeee;DD
We had inter-house games. Took part in powerball.
It's okay! Even if we didn't win, we have the spirit! We win some, we lose some! But we can be more enthu right curians? ((:
Had to do this survey to see what's our learning styles. I can't wait to see our results. But i know, that most of the time, i use both sides of my brain! YAY! ;D Felicia kept offering to play "chopsticks" with me but I keep saying I wasn't in the mood. Hehe. Until the last five min in the hall, she beat me. Awww... sorry! Adelia and I were basically ranting on and on and on about well, so many things. Gahhh! I miss my Semester 1 seat partner! Adeliaaaaaaaa-a(((:
The rest went off first so me, addie, niveetha and ger walked to redhill. Trained with them except addie who went to buy her Raya shoes! Haha.
Today I buka-ed at Swensens!!!! ;DD Buka-ed with aunty rahayu who brought Rauf and Aliah! & aunty zuraidah. Ohmygosh! Aliah and Rauf are the sweetest and cutest manzxzxz. Super cute can't stand them. hehe.
Bought Aliah's stuff at jurong point. I played catching with Rauf. Gosh! That small cute boy is so active. haha. Shall bring him along when I need to run so that he can boost up my energy! haha.
Wow! My study table's still in the ok-ok condition. I'm going to die! It's not exactly clear of books yet. Ahhh! okok. One more day of puasa. Till then, BYE!
i guess i'm trying to tell myself it's ok. BUT why?
~nurul: oh yea! I still haven't explained. haha. okok. tmr! Insyaallah!
~ger: whatever la you! haha. You did that yourself! tsk. heh.
~aliah: we have malay production to put up. yea...
~sitira: nice right?? hahaha. Ok! Wake up call for you!! ;DD
~sabrina: yes! Revoluuuuuuution! rofl. Hmm... sebelum kami berminta maaf dengannya? haha.
~hakiim: uhuh. So you didn't shiok sendiri! good for you, giant tortoise((: haha
~diyanah: wokay! ;D
~lorraine: Thank you((: & I LOVE YOU TOO! haha. poke them? ooohh. rofl.
~tammy: of course I do! okay(((:
This is my 157 post. I miss taking that bus home from rgps. Hehe.
You say that you love me
But baby sometimes
You're just saying the words
If you've got somethin' to tell me
Don't keep it inside
Let it be heard
But if your heart's not in it for real
Please don't try to fake what you don't feel
If love's already gone
It's not fair to lead me on
Cause I would give the whole world for you
Anything you ask of me I'd do
But I won't ask you to stay
I'd rather walk away
If your heart's not in it
How I wish I could take us back in time
But it's gone too far now we can't rewind (And there's nothing that I can do to stop me losin' you)
I can't make you change your mind (If your heart's not in it)
Ok. I'm supposed to clean my room.
Thanks adlina! You my awesome prince charming yo[[: Saya sayang kamu la! & yes... we shall look at bdef keyboardist. Hahaha. <3
So off I go! Shall blog about today another day.
~elin: NILE! haha. ;DDD
~ger: Look who's the loser now?? Go scare away her date. hahaha. xPP && oops! Sorry. I shall link it properly.
~syifa: Ooh. But i'm not going): Combine with which level??
~nurul: YES!!! Dinosaur wannabe. hahaha. ~janice: aren't you already emo? tsktsk! haha.
I'll never let you go
So, never let me go
I will be your journey
And you will be my road
Down the stormy path
Love will never come to pass
It will be an anchor
Although the winds may blow
Yesterday was awesome-di-posesom[[:
I was fashionably late. So, ger and nurul had to wait for me at the mrt and jlib respectively. SORRY! Ger won the date. Grahhh. ROFL. Nvrm. Next time! Next time! I will even win the newspapers heart. HAHA
Saw ger and laughed my head off. She couldn't act like a bung! She looks more like a dancer mann. Ger ger. Considering you and your long hair! rofl.
Anw,went to the lib and instead of doing our project, we were blog hopping and hogging on the laptop. After amendments were made to my blog [ehem. scroll over the banner and you'll know], we decided that we'll do the project individually. So, oh well. Guess it might be easier.
Then, azalea and friends came. One of them was so cute mann.
"remember me? I was from yoru sch last year"
-cricket sounds-
"don't listen to her. she's crapping"
I was actually REALLY thinking okayyy. Haha. I felt so dumb. Tsk.
Went to cck with ger to cut our hair;D Ger trimmed it. Mine is really shorter. Way shorter. Ger was shocked but oh well... my head feels lighter now. Really! ;DD
Niveetha was so cute! She was waiting for our sms cos she wanted to get out of her house asap. Went to causeway with ger and met her. Bought necklaces. && we were SO retarded. After buying the necklace at the 4th floor we went to the main entrance on the first floor.
-walking towards the entrance-
"so where are we going?"
"i don't know"
"but i want air-con"
-turned back around and walked around causeway and all the way back up-
ROFL. Saw niveetha's sister. She's super cute! Looks exactly like her. She's cute. Niveetha's hot. Yea. Can! ;DD haha.
The two wanted to meet but was cancelled cos ger was going home.
Fawaz came. & scared the hell out of us by popping up from nowhere. Turned out he wasnt in white. :/ Heh.
Yadda yadda yadda. Reached home and I think, I just slacked my way through while waiting for buka.
& I fell asleep so early. At 8.50! Haha.
Ok. Pbmc later at 11. & then French at 4.30.
~prince charming / addie: cos you were not online. / ooopss. I fell asleep uh. haha. who's louie? &
can arh! We emo together. But my fringe cannot emo emo. alah): Nvrm. Yes. They so didn't get it. How SAD! hehe. Ok. byebye prince! Miss me(((:
~janice: why?? haha. sorry uh. heh.
~geraldine: ohhh! Wtv! xP haha. I know you love me more right?? ;DD
~nurul: got! I have super power-ed razor knife hands! You watch out later... i cut your leg! xPP
haha. Ger's emo beego LOSER? agree? hahahaha
THANKS GER FOR THE BANNER THINGY AT THE TOP OF MY BLOG! [although a bit ego right eh?] hahaha.
Ok. I've finally created this whole pink thing((((: It was supposed to be blue but oh well... haha.
Ah. Not long from now yo. Sighs. But YAY?
i'm sorry. i don't know why. but i am.
cos manifestly, you're loved.
& did i say EOYs are officially over for us? YAY! haha.
BUT ALL THE BEST TO THE REST who are still having their EOYs!! ;DDDDDDDDDD
I love the feeling when you can run away in the big big fields and just not bothering about anything that comes in your way. Not thinking about what's expected of you. Not bothering about the problems. Just feeling so carefree. Gosh! I want to have that feeling running back to me again. & if only i could run in the fields with you
The pic below was from SBG outing with Prince Charming, Girlfriend and Kelambatan a few weeks back. :DD

I can't find the other picture with ger):
Anw, today went to SBG with Masque! {minus dini, afee, emmy, niveetha} D:
I told Jaya, Nat and Darsh to check when we were on the way there. Haha. I was being REALLY [ehem] crazy on the way there. Oh! & there were Jumanji birds flying so close to the ground. I was so scared that I held on to Nurul's bag so tightly. Hehe. Sorry dude!
When we were just about to start our confession games, the rain! It came pouring down. We sheltered underneath this beautiful white house thing. It's really fairytaily-ish! I can see Prince Charming and Cinderella walking together through the night there. Hehe. Didn't camwhore though. Gahhhh.
Decided to leave when it was still pouring so heavily and we got SERIOUSLY drenched. Our shoes were filled with water. Shirt and skirts/shorts all soaking wet. Haha. Left for JE lib((:
& yesss... we were freezing cold in there mann. Haha. After confessing few other stuff, something rather interesting came across our minds((:
I suddenly miss F1I! Haha. Should I go for the french movie excursion on Thurs? hmm... NURUL FARIDA! you going or not arh prettyhead? Any other F1I people going?? [heh]
This blog shall be updated later on in the day. & i can't wait to read the other's blog laterrrr. Adios! ;DD

Yang Hayden! He's cute, agree? I'm so looking forward to seeing him on Sat((:
i love you. i love you so.
& i want to let you know,
that no matter what that stands in our way,
i'm going to go through it with you,
day by day ;DD
~ger: Of course right?! Haha. & no dear. I didn't hear anything. Wait I did hear the "HEAR THAT?!?!" part other than that.. sorry arh. & yes... jp at 10! i think i'll be trimming my hair tmr. Just trim. Yea(((:
~nurul: we didn't!!! Grahhhhh. Oh well. Heh. Anw, you you you! Send send send okay? YAY! ;DD
YTD!! I was supposed to go jp and meet addie there BUT madrasah was extended. So, I hyper-ventilated with addie through sms. haha. Naza! Naza! xD During madrasah ustad gave us his address and really wanted us to Raya at his house
"We're going together with the boys?"
"Later they see us without tudung so weird"
"yaaaa! Tak nak uh!"
Haha. Quoted from fellow pink-addict. '
& someone was sending out reminders during madrasah. Tsk! [haha]
&& Ger made a MASQUE BLOG! Awesome mann! Click>> [[MASQUE]] YAY!
[This was Fri's post which was not published]
I'm sick and tired of all these lies.
I'm sick and tired of all these cries.
I'm sick and tired of thinking it's alright.
I'm sick and tired of wanting to hold your hand tight.
I'm sick and tired. of me being this way
I feel horrible mann. Seriously. They had lepak-ing session with Shasha and Sofea. Oh! Memories flow back. I miss it how Sofea would want to chase me around or "sheesh" me when I tease her ALOT. & there was retribution cos Shasha would do that to me. Haha. But i miss story-telling sessions!
How can this be?! Grahhh. Nvrm. Mon ok? Mon! ;D
I was supposed to meet iqah at woodlands but it was cancelled last min so i was at the lib alone): Then yea... okayyyy.Screwed-up day
Sighs. But we kept holding on.
Everyone was running around.
Things started to sway.
I needed you right beside me.
But I know I can't stop you from going away.
Now I know. The meaning of... Wait. I don't even know.Emo tak menjadi! Rofl.
Btw today's 07/10/07 so...
~ger: Kueh tutu? noooo! haha. Not cute like you mann. Pfft. Heh. && lastly, you ARE emo. Hear that? haha. xPP & I LOVE THE MASQUE BLOG! good job mann! Awesome!
~Addie: nooooo! We share arh? ROFL. Ok. Sounds wrong. Oops. Nvrm. We still can hyper-ventilate over them okok? ;DD
~aliah: hello! You too((: & my email is... pink_sweet94@hotmail.com
~iman: wahhh! So touched! haha. Salute Iman mann! ;DD
~anonymous: I don't think i ever used the four letter f word other than sh**. Sorry btw.
~nurul: You freaked out by kelambatan? Alamak! Why?? && dia bukan idiot. Dia seorang yang baik hati tau! xD
~janice: yesyes!! & we shall have more singing sessions with you singing and me humming! Set? ;DD wheeeeee!
~dini: ok. can! What date do you want? haha. Shall reserve a high-tea for you. Rofl. && noooo! You're singing is gooooooooooooood((((:
~atika: wokay!
~emmy: you wrote a plot already? YAY! xDD haha. & yessss. maths left! All the best, dear! ;DD
~izzah: i saw you too! xD
~farah: okay!
~danny: yepyep((: One more paper. haha. Thanks! You toooooo((: Believe in yourself dude!
Can we make this something good?
'Cause it's all misunderstood.
Well, I'll try to do it
right this time around.
Blown away. Blown away.
I don't know what else to say.
It's just too hard to believe
But i can't hide from the truth i see.
How? How? How?
I don't want to end this now.
Because my mind's playing games
Or maybe it's just the names
Names playing in my head
& i don't want you to dread
Sheesh! This gotta stop!
If not everything's going to drop.
You! Hello((:
Ohmygosh! 2 papers down and 2 more to go. 2! I got to think positive mann. I can do it! Yes yes. I can!
Lit and Hist was fun to do but urm, challenging. Yea.
Tmr's sci and mon's maths. I need to read through my chem notes again. It's night study for me with the rest, at their respective homes. Haha. Had study session with masque ytd and today. I would say it was rather productive if you can actually not be distracted by storybooks. Ehem. Haha.
Oh yknow yknow, prince charming and i are pro at pushing people. *winks* We're going to snatch people's umbrellas, take their seats and then emo in the mrt
No one voted out from live the dream ytd. Which means revalina is still in! ;DDD Addie! You look like naza! No? Ok. We shall hyper-ventilate again. Yay yay! Rofl.
Ok world. I want to go for a nap now okok((: BYEBYE!
~prince charming: ohhh! It was suppose to mean, I've got another push pop to eat. haha. & what cheh babah-ing eh? haha. :D
~ger: careful? *severe coughing* rofl. My gf is careful?? WOW! hehe.
~kelambatan: are you jealous? eh c'mon la. I'm sick of this jealousy thing. Nvrm nvrm. I let you go out with her once first! can? set! xD
~nurul: cheh cheh. So you're mine la? YAY! hahaha. I let kelambatan go on a date with you. [without your permission]. hehe. xDD
~danny: yea la. I know i know. haha
~emmy: WOOTS! You have a plotline? So cool! ohmy ohmy! We shall tell the whole world about our romance. xD hahaha. Wait... what's THE plotline? [hahaha]
~dini: can arh! You UNsingle and go out with my UNlegal shirt uh! Set set?? xD
& you can sing well... serious like serious seriouslyyyy((((:
Yay yay! So far, today have been productive. History oh history! I think i'm falling in love with you. Haha :D Will most prob meet ger to mug for hist later. She's doing chi now. oooohh. All the best gf! ;D
Shall continue mugging after using the com.
So, this fawaz tagged me. & okok. I'll do this quiz thingy. haha.
Answer the following questions:
1. The person who tagged you is?
danish fawaz
2. Your relationship with him is:
Gooooood friends. :D
3. Your 5 impressions of him:
Smarty-pants. Deep. Crazyyyyy. Nice. Friendly. :D
4. The most memorable thing he had done for you?
Hmm... giving me that push pop + + + ;D haha.
5. The most memorable words he had said to you?
The answer lies in you. I believe you can do it. [cheh cheh]
6. If he becomes your lover, you will?
urm, send him to the doctor to see if his heart is still working? [hahaha]
7. If he becomes your lover, things he has to improve on will be?
Be more optimistic yo((:
8. If he becomes your enemy you will?
Give him a REAL HARD whack [which he was spared from before] heh.
9. If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
Enemy huh? hmmm... i don't know.
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
A really nice guy.
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
Urm, retardingly annoying? heh.
13. The character you love of yourself is?
Give my 110% in everything i do((:
14. The most ideal person you want to be is?
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Thanks for being there for me cos i really appreciate it. I mean it okay! :D
16. pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel about you.
1. Prince Charming! [addie]
2. Kelambatan! [nurul]
3. Gf! [ger]
4. Dini
5. Fawaz xP [you did that to me before right right right.] haha
6. Janice
7. Narisha
8. Emira
9. Darsheni
10. Hakiim
-Who is no.6 (Janice) having relationship with?
Me! haha. Nono. I don't know. Janiceeeeeee who eh? ((:
-No.9 (Darsheni) a male or female?
-7 (Narisha) and 10 (Hakiim)are together, will it be a good thing?
Cheh cheh. oooohh. They don't even know each other la. Haha.
How bout no.5 (fawaz) and 8 (emira) ?
So cute! Can have an english debate everyday. haha
-What is no.2 (Nurul) studying about?
All the subjects taught in school
-When was the last time you had a chat with no.3 (Ger) ?
This morning at 6am:DD haha
-What kind of music band does no.8 (emira) like?
All kinds i suppose.
-Does no.1 (Addie) has any siblings ?
Yep! THE sister eh adlina? haha.
-Will you woo no.3(ger)?
She's already mine mann. Eyer... rofl! xD
-How about no.7 (narisha) ?
I don't mind. hahaha. okok. I'm straight yo(((:
-is no.4 (dini) single ?
Uhuh. Right? haha.
-What is the surname of no.5 (fawaz) ?
i don't knowwww. he doesn't even have one anyway. haha.
-What is the nickname of no.10 (hakiim) ?
Giant tortoise!! xP Slower than slowest of the slow. rofl
-What is the hobby of no.4 (dini) ?
Singing!? [she's damn good at singing i tell you] ;DD
-Do no.5 (fawaz) and 9 (darsheni) get along well?
Maybe if they know each other properly.
-Where is no.2 (nurul) studying at?
Crescent girls' school:DD
-Talk something casually about no.1 (addie) ?
She's my prince charming. We have the same rings. We were from the same school since kindergaten! :DDDDDD loves me & i love her. xP
-Have you try developing feelings for no.8 (Emira)?
ooohhh emmy! we can start writing a story already mann. ROFL.
-Where does no.9 ( darsheni )live at?
-Are no.1 (addie) and 5 (fawaz) best friends?
hmm... they know each other though.
-Does no.7 (narisha) likes no.2 (nurul) ?
I don't think they even know each other. Besides.. they're girls la. heh.
-How do you get to know no.2 (nurul) ?
My classmate!
-Does no.1 (addie) have any pets?
Fish!! [which hyper-ventilates a lot] hahaha
-is no.7 (narisha) the sexiest person in the world?
Maybe? haha.
done! Those tagged you go do this quiz thing ok ok ok? :DD
Somebody cries in the middle of the night
The neighbors hear, but they turn out the lights
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate
When morning comes it'll be too late
Good luck for PSLE my dear! You can do it ashraf. Jiayou! I'm just a phonecall away, so just pick up the phone, dial my no. and talk to me if you need more motivation ok?? I'll be behind you all the wayyyyyyy(((: Al the best! We all know you can do it!
You too iqah! Aim high okay? Don't lose hope so easily cos i know you can do it too((: Believe in yourself alright my dear? Cos i believe in you too. :DD
& to kurniawan adeyanto [i love your name la] & fazri too. Good luck for psle! Jiayou! Jiayou! xDD
Can't wait to meet all of them for Hari Raya(((:
& to that adorable junior of mine, janice! All the best! Just aim for it cos at least you tried. Gooooood luck((:
To everyone else, all the best for EOYs! It's going to be over before you know it. So let's sprint together! ;D
Today was mugging time with masque [though not complete D:] at je. They were all so mean can! They said i have the most unglam pics in their phones. & can win Most / Best Unglam Pics Awards. Pffft. :/
It was 1 against 7! D: heh. But oh well.. We're going to post up unglam pics on masque's blog too. That is, after exams. But as for now:DDDDD [those who weren't there, were spared. lucky peeps yo] haha.
then again. i'm too lazy to post pics for now. Heh.
I'm currently obsessed with Apologise by aaron platt [if i'm not wrong]. Should go and watch THE VIDEO it's freaking awesome. Abstract(((:
Yknow, my sister can be so cute and annoying at the same time! heh.
"hello kakak! -smiles widely- i hate you!....." Tsktsk! See what happens when you don't "investigate" properly and just assume. How to become a policewoman, my dear? haha.
Je ne suis pas lib. Alah alah alah):
~ger: who knows it might one day? Tsktsk. Geraldine arh. You my loser gf la(((: Ohh you? Careful! Everyone clap hands! ROFL. xP
~seri: haha. yea. but it's ok. it's not THAT far. or is it? i don't know uh. HEH. Alah... i didn't get to talk to you laaaaa): nvrm nvrm. Next time ok???? I shall see you and give you a butt-smack((: Hehe. no la. i'm nice. [cheh cheh] haha.
~nurul: Dah update cik oi! ROFL.
~kelambatan: Ehem ehem. Some problems. I think, nurul loves me and not you yea? xDD
~danny: YAY!!! & thank you((: all the best for EOYs too;D
~narisha: insyaallah((: awww... no wonder. If not i could have seen you mann): oh well. Anw, good luck for eoys okay?? xD
~hanisah: dearest hanisah, you don't! xP hahaha.
~syifa: hello syifaaaaaaaaaa!!! ;DD
~janice: YOU! xDD Yes it does. [pink too] haha. ALL THE BEST FOR WED! {wed right?} Haha. You can do it for psle kayyyy? Jiayou! I believe you can((((: