Do you know how it feels like wanting to do something so much that it "kills" you? Do you know how it feels to always push what you always wanted aside and try so hard to ignore it? The feeling just kills me. Seriously. Seeing others do what you were suppose to be doing. It can hurt. Hurt really badly. But the only way to get through it, is to be strong. (so cliche) I mean, it's a fact. You can never runaway from it. Letting go of the thought. Letting go. That's the obstacle everyone has to face. It's always easier said than done. Ok. That's out.
When I say I miss people, I really do mean it. Of course I love my family and yes... I miss every single one of them. I rarely see or even talk to some but deep inside I miss them. Seeing everyone around just makes me feel complete. I may be the quiet one at times but actually, I'm enjoying the company. The companionship of everyone.
Missing. Missing my friends too. Not only have I been missing my sec school friends, what's more masque and g1 and malay class and french class and etc. , I have been thinking about my pri school friends a lot lately. After blog hopping from one of my ex-classmate's blog to another, I suddenly remember the atmosphere of the class. I suddenly remembered how we made promises to each other on the last week of school. Oh darn it! I miss 6A'06 a.k.a the Aaaaaliens a lottttt!
Hmm.. ok. Serious talking aside.
Trip to penang, perak & kl was fantastic!
I don't think I will be elaborating much about the trip now. Brief descriptions will do huh?
Penang; penang hill !!!! , shopping, toy museum, shopping...
Perak; cool water theme park, orang utan island, night cruise (!!), eco park, family games on the 1st night + became friends with this really warm family(((:
KL; times square , petaling street
Whooooo! All squeezed into four days. Hahahaha. I miss no. 1 and 2): Oh well.
I know sabrina's backkk. Welcome back to sunny singapore lady (sani)! ;DD (although I know it was raining quite heavily while I was away)
Angklung practice on Thurs! YAY! We're going to shake that thanggggg. (the angklung!!) xD
~Geraldine: You're my gf mann! That's what gfs do(((: haha. awww... I love you too! Ohmy ohmy. At least we will be meeting on thurs! YAY! ;DDD I can't wait to shake that thangggg. ROFL.
~Addie: You planned to do... what? Ish! Get ready for major smacking session if I see that. HAHA. Kidding kidding. You can write your name around, not so huge la. Save paperrrr! We need more trees, not lesser trees! hahaha. Psssst... See you on thurs! woohoo! ;DD & you still have to take care of yourself while you're at your home whaaaaat! haha
~Dini: ohh! I so knew that la. I mean, I have goooood memory. (right??) haahaha
~Jade: YOU! Omggggg. I have not talked to you for ages. Miss miss miss miss. Haha. Ok. Soon soon!
~Frances: Helloooooooo! ;DDDDD
~Aminah: Yo you! No there wasn't any outing): Eheh... I miss you mann. & okay! Soon!
~Farhana: I thought you wanted that school?? No eh? Haha. Then what are you aiming for? Alamak... school's starting and we haven't go out yet! :/ Maybe we should have a lunch date one day okay?? ;DDD cos uhuh... i miss you too):
Ok. This is just omggggg. Everywhere I go, I see people talking about 6653. Pfft :/ Annoyed. Annoyed. Annoyed.
Nurul told me just now, I have to force myself and break myself free from all this crazyyy things going on but yknow, too much is well, too much. I want my mummy now [but she's away for some dinner thing]. I need shoulders to cry on. seriously.
I think I need time on my own again.
I don't think that passenger seat
Has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
I count the colors in his eyes
Don't ever fall in love
He swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair
I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong
And I don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke, I fake a smile
But I know all his favorite songs
And I could tell you
His favorite color's green
He loves to argue
Born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful
He has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him..
I'd lie
He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't I like your walk
Doesn't he know that
I've had it memorized for so long
He sees everything in black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine
-Taylor Swift's, I'd lie. I think her songs are nice. Hmm.. one of my favourite singers? Well, I actually don't really have one but oh well.
First and foremost,
Congratulations Hady Mirza!
Although to be honest, he wasn't the BEST singer but look at it, he has the whole package. He can't sing as powerful as Mau or Mike but at least he can sing very well. The versatility is there((: He has a great commercial value too. Maybe the second song was a wrong choice but hey, despite the criticism, he did his best. [talk about perseverance here! compo! haha]
Never give up. & always expect the unexpected. As seen on Asian Idol. YAY! Congrats to Hady once again((:
Hady's shocked expression was priceless. & the awkward silence before abang, cik ogy, acap, mummy and i jumped was hilarious! I woke my cousins and sister up due to my loud loud screaming after they announced the winner. Awesome manzxzxzx. But they didn't show some parts of the show. Like when Hady sang Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. [watched it on youtube though]
& I seriously wanted to watch agnes monica performed but): I guess there were some technical problems. Oh well. I can't wait for the repeat telecast on Thurs! ;DD
Ok. So well, mummy came home on Sat safely. Alhamdullilah! On the very same day, we went to buy what we needed for school. Fila is just DA BOMB!
I didn't manage to remember the salesgirl's name but she's a great person! VERY PATIENT and promote offers after offers! In the end, we got the membership card and I get to keep it! Whoooo! ;DD Anw, thank you to the fila salesgirl who works at imm! ;DDD haha.
Oh. Back to the point. I looked through the pictures that mummy took and seriously! The Vietnamese are stylish people!! & warm and friendly too, according to mummy. The girls there can ride bikes with even stilettos on! Talk about the price for fashion. So cool.
& I got a Vietnamese traditional costume. Yay yay! I looooooove it a lot! It's really sweet and pink. Haha. But seriously, it's really sweet. Thank you mummy! I love you! I really do ;DDD
Council meeting and ymc outing today. the outing was okay((:
Curie meeting tmr. Painting the banner again! YAY!
I miss my little sissy): I want to go chase her around the house but she's over at Inka's since yesterday. Nvrm. I have Martin! xDD
sorry for this [awesomely] long post.
~Suharti: Okay((: Muacks back at you! haha.
~Addie: Haha. & nvrm. We shall make another date just for it okay? ;DD
~Nat: Hmm... true!

& guess who I saw today! rofl
~Janice: See first? oooh. okay
~Dini: Oh man! No you don't. We all look retarded together!
~Sya: Hmm.. true! Well, if I don't, I might suffer for lit eh?? true true!!
I'm down on my knees
I'm so tired of bein' lonely
Don't I give you what you need?
you hate cos i'm a rockstar! haha. I miss goofing around like this):
Je manque mes amis et mère): Mais je vous manque plus. Je manque toujours ma mère le plus. Je fais vraiment! Revenu rapide! Nvrm. Only a few more days. [i think] :/
I just finished watching antm cycle 9. I'm hooked on it mann. Tsk!
Anw, I'm going to say goodbye to compo and lit hmwk. [i hope] Trying to finish it by Sat.
Today's aim: Get compo over and done with((:
After that, maybe I shall go out and get shoes. Seriously! My slipper broke on tues and my shoe's tearing): I'm a sad kid. Ok. Maybe not that sad but just a little.
Bubble blowing really helps you to be a happy kiddo. It just makes you smile. Or at least, makes me smile :DD
Yesterday's aim to get a book for book review didn't really happened. Although I know I'm so doomed 'cos I've not even borrrowed one book. Yea mann. 20 more days to school! HAHA. I'm really seriously extremely dead. Pfft. :/
Streaming year. Streaming year. I've not even started. People are telling me that they're mugging and all and it just adds on to the pressure. Ahhhh! I want to improve. Badly.
Enough about it. I can't even sleep properly yesterday thinking about it. Sheesh!
Bro's begging me to let him use the com. Shall be starting with compo now.
Mummy's coming back in two days time! Yay!! ;DD
Au revoir!
~Addie: Nooo. haha. I sent the url.
~Hanisah: See! Patience pays off! hahaha. I knowww): I don't care. Make sure everyone comes for the outing. I want to do our happy dance [while blowing bubbles!!] haha.
~Nat: I agree! He's like omgggg. heh. Yep it was! No problemo! And so we really didn't have a picture tgt??
~Janice: Okay. And ahhh! Don't rub it in. hehe. I want to see it though!
PBMC picnic today was better than expected(((: It was awesome and I stole Izzah's camera for the day. hehe. Sorry Izzah!
Cycled with syahirah [sec one] and we were very much crapping while riding the bicycles. Sabb selamat and Nadiah were with us. Great company while cycling. <33
Took jumpshots for raihan, natasha, khaliesah and amira at the coast. & camwhored with them plus syahirah. Candids are still the best! haha.
Breakwater. With Izzah this time(((: Yay! She officially took one emo picture successfully! Thanks to yours truly. ;DD
Went home with a small bunch ; syahirah, izzah, natasha, khaliesah. But we were camwhoring non-stop! haha. So much for going to the bus-stop straightaway.
Ohoh! Told them about the video thing at macs and just showed them the video online. Oooops! Sorry if it will give you nightmares): teehee. I didn't mean to):
~Hakiim: haha. Yo mann! ;D thanks((:
~Gladys: oh hello! yepyep. i miss you too!!
~Janice: Getting better. Thanks btw! :DD
~Leafy: urm... okayyyy((:
~Clara: Yes! The one from 6G / 6H [sorry i cant remember your class): ] but anw.. right right right?? haha. okay!
We'll be together come whatever
Not just staring at the stars
Just remember
That no one else could tell us who we are
[the title's so random but it's awesome! no?] :DD
Alyssa's currently sick but she's getting better. Down with a freaking fever and silly stomach ache. So, I'm here to help her type out her entry.
She went to school and met up with niveetha and adlina. They edited their video and it's finally done. Once again, she reminds you to speak good english! ;D
After that, she couldn't go for her religious class because she found out how bad her fever was.
She was certainly really upset because she couldn't hand in her project as she's been working on it for quite long yesterday):
She rested for quite long before going to her nephew's birthday party. After which, she went to fetch abang ijam and acap and went for ice-skating. [although she was freezing a little and her stomach was in a not-so-good condition]
& now, we're home. Cousins are currently at her house. Sleeping over. Uhuh! Late night movies for them :DD [though alyssa's going to sleep anytime soon]
Acap's in the video. The one in black jacket who appeared "out of nowehere". Haha. Alyssa thinks it's a really goooood job done! :DD & she likes it a lot!!
~Addie: Of course! haha. & we ought to buy donuts for taridra movie-marathon! :DDD
~Asyikin: Okay! Soooooon((:
~Emmy: Haha. it's okay. Oh! Ask her yourself. I'm not suppose to let out anything. :DD sorry babe!
~Nurul: Yay!
~Danny: hello! ((: Thanks!
My love,
Don't you know you're all
That i think of
Hello people!
Current status : Stuck in school with addie, nurul, dini, niveetha and jayasree. I have 10 mins to go before break's over.
So anw, we've been working on some video thing. Make sure you speak good english okay? I mean, some people say that singlish is a singaporean tradition but we have to at least try to speak good english!
I'm promoting the campaign. Work with me! ;DD
From now, I shall try and speak good english. EHEM. I hope. But at least I'm trying... ;D
Everyone's blogging now and I still can't get over the fact that I can read Addie's blog! Nyeahnyeah. Nurul found it too. Ohoh! Speak good english! [ ohmy! it's getting into me ]
Btw, madrasah's sessi buzz presentation tmr. Wish me luck! ;DD
Did you know we had pizzas for lunch? But I'm still hungry. Tsk!
Jogging soon! :DDD
Au revoir!
oh! the irony! :/
-tag replies when i'm home okay?-
When sitira and hazwani are around you add this...
nasi ayam + donuts + step up movie+ camera + maths homework((: + samosas = an awesome study date! YAY! ;DD
First time having a study date with hazwani but it was really funnnn and sitira with her xP Btw hazwaniiiiii, thanks for the C to the D. Haha.
Hazwani's photoblog! I love her bedspread. It's so cute and sitira's peereeeeesaaaaant! Hohoho. Moral support yo:DD Sitira MUST be thankful but I'm also thankful to her mann.
More donut dates + MOVIE marathon :DD
I am "smart" 'cos I found addie's blog
~Farhana: Me too. haha. I love you a lotttttt too! :DD
~Addie: You lazy bum. Pffft. :/ Takpe. I shall kick you from your bed and make you go jogging. I don't care. xP hahaha. & will check it dear! ;D
~Suha: Okay((:
~Raihan: You like that song?? haha. I knowwww. It's an awesome song. Don't be sad raihan. Awwwww): Sorry.
-Sunday's post-
So take a bow, 'cause you've taken everything elseYou played the part, like a star you played it so well
Take a bow, 'cause the scene is coming to an end
I gave you love, all you gave me was pretend, so now take a bow
I am currently addicted to, take a bow, by leona lewis, thanks to kakak and abang who were singing the song during the whole trip. Luckily it's a really nice song((: haha.
Anw, the trip to pulai springs resort is nice though we didn't go out much so the other alternative was swimming((: Not forgetting camwhoring 'cos the place is just awesome beyond words. [cheh cheh] The landscape is fuyooo! Cool! rofl.
I really love it when everyone is together and can spend bonding time! Jumpshots are fun to do and twister brightens up everyone. :DDD YAY! I love my whole family((:
Pictures shall do the talking.
1st night- camwhored with ashraf and kakak;
-Sorry guys. I'm too lazy to upload more pictures- Hehe. Will upload it on my photoblog when I have the mood(((: Should be one of these days okay?
Although I wanted the pictures to do the talking but nvrm. I shall just summarised it as an awesome bonding time for the whole family. ;DD
Anw, today is 031207. Went to the airport to sent off mummy. Will be praying for her safety((: I'll miss you! & keep loving you a whole lot more.
Ohgosh! 2008 is coming too fast. I'm just too scared to face the reality. I'm not prepared to be in the streaming year. Not yet. :/ Nvrm. I'll take it day by day for now.
I can't wait for study date tmr at hazwani's. FINALLY!
Maths- I am so going to get you over with soon enough. Haha.
Ohoh! "If I ajak... you belanja!" hahaha. -sorry. inside joke- :DDD
~Farhana: Yes ma'am! haha
~Sitira: Oops. I didn't mean to. Haha. Aww... I love you too! Really(((:
~Janice: I'm back anw. Haha.
~Addie: I knowwww! Here's your chance ladayeee. ROFL. Eh.. I miss you la. Can we go jogging pretty please??
~Iman: But I don't have the song in my desktop. :O hehe. SORRY!!
~Dini: I did! :DD haha
~Danny: Hello((: Haha. Aww... I'm sorry [well, not really] Haha. okok. But if you need medication or whatever, please feel free to ask... the DOCTOR for medication:DD ROFL. Take care too!