Thursday, 28 February 2008 18:23
attention to all
Day: THIS Saturday
Date: 1st March 2008
Time: 3.30-6.30
Place: Vivocity (just go to wherever you hear screamings coming from)
OH! They're the 13TH GROUP! So try to come around 4? Ok ok?
Carel's in it. (yea, not karel yknow. tsk she has been tricking me all these while) Boo.
Watch out for her 'cos she's superb in dancing. CAREL! I'll call you before I go for my religious class.
Our class, F2.34, will be behind you all the wayyyyy. Or at least, me, nurl, nadiah & mary.
& btw, they're under the guidance of the Fantastic Four, yknow from "The Dance Floor?" Yes. Carel is Gino's sistaaaaa. (their family's just so good at dancing. unfair) hahaha.
TOUS LES MEILLEURS! Nous vous aimons((:
Job done:D
//I think I know why Carel refer to herself as Karel. 'cos of her second name Kate! So caREL + KAte = karel! Hahaha. Yay! Carel & Nurl's not going to call me loser anymore. (i think) omg.. TSK! HAHA.
i've waited all my life to cross this path
Tmr may very well be doomsday.
We're getting back our maths CTs): & according to mr choy, he's already found so many mistakes for the first part of our paper. So, we loss so much marks just for the first part, which was supposed to be the easy part! Ok. Breathe.
Science was said to be quite okay. Mr teo said that I pass but have noooo idea what my marks are. Hopefully it's AT LEAST satisfying.
Ok, I'm going to get myself mentally prepared to get back all my results.
Anyway today, we had cyber wellness workshop. Interesting indeed. (:
It's a matter of time. I have one minute): =O
Tag replies;
~Sitira: Oops. Haha. Well, sorry. NOW I realise how nice it is :D
~Sya: Thanks for forgiving(:
~Nicole: I suddenly think that you're being nice. haha. Good job, nicole! Whoo!
~Hakiim: Too bad la. haha. & thank you! Good luck to you too. Last paper tmr right? Jiayou! :D
~Emmy: I agree! But yknow, I have not watched their music video. heees. I just know that it's a really cool piece of music. hahaha
~Addie: Not much maths? How about.. crushcrushcrush + paramore + (alyssalisteningtoit) = glorious! Not bad eh? rofl.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008 19:03
let your love shine through
TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY OF OUR LIVES! (or maybe just mine)
Common tests are over baby! Whoo! Yeah sure. Maths was killer (for me) but oh well. Nevermind. I WILL and SHALL do better for maths((: I'm going to make sure I'll understand all those algebra methods and whatever else. It will be stuck up there on my mind. ;D Yeah!
One minute of fame auditions for sports day and Sports Heats. t-o-d-a-y
Haha. Dini, Sabrina and I found out LAST MIN we couldn't perform as a group so then to contribute points to our house, we just had to try out INDIVIDUALLY.
+ 10 points for each participant
- 10 points for each participant missing without a replacement
House leaders must lead by example right? Hahaha. So, we danced to soulja boy by ourselves. With our own touch of course.
Dini- her breakdance
Sabrina- the whole soulja boy dance
Me- aerobics
Hahaha. I totally blank out on stage and all I could remember was the soulja boy dance. So when they said 10 more secs I just did aerobics ;DD Hahaha. Seriously! I couldn't think properly. I'm so proud of Curians mann. They allowed other levels to sign up for last min. auditions and we had quite a number. -even a sec one girl signed up ;DD
It was the most embarrasing one minute of my life BUT I felt good. I became crazy after that. Field-bowling. Lorraine and I just did our best and hopefully we can help curie gain points.
Oh! & the sec ones did their best for the 21-legged race. They're really cute too 'cos they painted their face with tiger whiskers and nose. Imagine three strokes of black on each cheek and an orange nose. I LOVE CURIE! Ahh!
"80% heart + 20% skill = energy!" -'Cos CURIE'S DA BOMB and win or lose, we're united as one. We'll bring the stadium down during sports day. Yay yay yay!
Omg. I'm so highhhhh!
Tag replies;
~Nazihah: Haha. Hello hello((: How are you my fair lady? hahaha.
~Murnira: Yay! So I was still right you seeeee. Haha. Okok. & thank youuuuu. ;DD
~Nicole: Uhuh. Luckily our batch had sports day:D & wowee.. why are you so tall? Boooo): heh.
~Hanan: My seat was better! Although I don't exactly quite remember the name. HAHA. Oh! & I DO have the video. I was slow therefore, it was automatically saved. Whoooo! Hahaha xD
~Aliah: Phew! At least you die a bit. Haha.
~Sabreena: Hello! Yes I know you mann. :DD & omgosh high-five! Yea it's an awesome song.
~Farhain: Yes I do I do. Wheeeee!
~Nurul: Yes, I totally didn't get that. Tell meeeeeee, please? Haha.
~Adelia: Sure! & I soooo love your blog mann. It's so pretty!
~Hakiim: His name starts with the letter F, therefore, I put his name first. Haha. Although I just realised Fadhli's name is before Farhan. Oh well. Nyeah. xP
~Janice: Life or no life, seems the same. It's just a.. blog? haha.
Sunday, 24 February 2008 17:01
take time to realise
I might consider getting a degree in cheorography and dance. (inspired by the aerobics instructor) HAHA. Ok KIDDING. I just had an aerobics session [by myself] and I'm loving it.
Didn't want to run at the canal near my house so switched on the d.i.y. aerobics workout thing and followed. It's awesome I tell you!
& papa's so mean. Just because he's an aerobics instructor he don't have to keep saying "so easy so easy" right? ISH! hahaha.
Ok. I'm going to do at least the 10min workout everyday. Yay yay yay!
Five random things:
-Have been hearing crushcrushcrush many times today. As in the song yknow, by paramore. Whoo!
-I'm excited yet scared for 12th March. Ok best. 2 more weeks :DD
-Can I meet bestie soon please please please??
-Admitted to Sitira that THE HEART NEVER LIES is a really nice song (when I initially didn't like it)
-& Nadia (erlyna), I don't owe you swensens treat. You owe me instead! My bus came first. & it happened TWICE! hahaha
Tmr: Bio&Chem + Home-ec CTs
Tues: Maths CT
Then I can say goodbye common tests((:
Back to mugging. ALL THE BEST PEOPLE! :DD
I might consider getting a degree in cheorography and dance. (inspired by the aerobics instructor) HAHA. Ok KIDDING. I just had an aerobics session [by myself] and I'm loving it.
Didn't want to run at the canal near my house so switched on the d.i.y. aerobics workout thing and followed. It's awesome I tell you!
& papa's so mean. Just because he's an aerobics instructor he don't have to keep saying "so easy so easy" right? ISH! hahaha.
Ok. I'm going to do at least the 10min workout everyday. Yay yay yay!
Five random things:
-Have been hearing crushcrushcrush many times today. As in the song yknow, by paramore. Whoo!
-I'm excited yet scared for 12th March. Ok best. 2 more weeks :DD
-Can I meet bestie soon please please please??
-Admitted to Sitira that THE HEART NEVER LIES is a really nice song (when I initially didn't like it)
-& Nadia (erlyna), I don't owe you swensens treat. You owe me instead! My bus came first. & it happened TWICE! hahaha
Tmr: Bio&Chem + Home-ec CTs
Tues: Maths CT
Then I can say goodbye common tests((:
Back to mugging. ALL THE BEST PEOPLE! :DD
Tag replies;
~Janice: Who was the one who insisted I needed to update anyway huh? Haha. & whatever la youuuu. xP
~Murnira: Yesyes. Now you seeeeee. (although I'm pretty sure you could see since you were much much younger) Teehee.
~Hakiim: Hello person(: Psst.. I realise your talent already! Hohoho. Plus, I'm not unglam okay. Then again, mayyyybeeeee =O haha.
~US/Farhan: Hey! (; Okok. I will link you (+ the many who I have ought to link too)
~Nadc2: Bonjour mon petite amie(: Small as in MEANie yknow. MEAN. hahaha. Ok kidding!
~Nicole: Ya, I wonder why they're not having it mann. Sports day is wayyy more exciting, I suppose. Anyway, I'm wearing crescent's p.e. shirt. After that I have to go back to cgs and collect my tablet. ((: Heh.
Tag replies;
~Janice: Who was the one who insisted I needed to update anyway huh? Haha. & whatever la youuuu. xP
~Murnira: Yesyes. Now you seeeeee. (although I'm pretty sure you could see since you were much much younger) Teehee.
~Hakiim: Hello person(: Psst.. I realise your talent already! Hohoho. Plus, I'm not unglam okay. Then again, mayyyybeeeee =O haha.
~US/Farhan: Hey! (; Okok. I will link you (+ the many who I have ought to link too)
~Nadc2: Bonjour mon petite amie(: Small as in MEANie yknow. MEAN. hahaha. Ok kidding!
~Nicole: Ya, I wonder why they're not having it mann. Sports day is wayyy more exciting, I suppose. Anyway, I'm wearing crescent's p.e. shirt. After that I have to go back to cgs and collect my tablet. ((: Heh.
Friday, 22 February 2008 21:43
it was not meant to be a joke
I really hope whatever happened have really stopped. Thank you.
Put your hands in the air and screammmm!
The weekdays are over. Time for a [very] short rest.
CTs ; really unexpected questions came out. History omggg): Nevermind. There's still SA1 to prove myself. Yesyes! I really want to revise right now but I want and need a rest. These past few days have been really hectic!
Yesterday attended Victoria School's student leaders investiture. Went with Htet Maw and Le-Yi. Ahh! Awesome people (((:
I really really love the part when the captains of each cca and student organisations carry their own flag. It's so cool! Each cca has their own flag. If only angklung had one eh? Haha.
"We're alighting at the eunos mrt station"
"Omg! Which stop is eunos?"
"So typical mann"
"We'll just follow the crowd"
-crowd didn't alight at the stop we thought they would alight-
"Omg we miss the stop!!"
"Hurry hurry! Alight at the next bus stop! Ahhh"
When you put three of us together, well it was hmm.. funnehhhhh? Rofl. SUGAR RUSH [due to the fruit punch we drank] !! & I seriously think that the council formal wear is so nice :D VEST!
Dinner with the Tanjong Katong Girls' councillors. They're so friendly manzxzxzx(: Should have asked for email or something. Dangggg. :/
I think my vocabulary's quite limited. I HAVE to read more. Especially for malay! It's been such a long time since I read a malay book.
Projects are killing me. Seriously):
Tag replies;
~Murnira: Hello! & omggg. Nono. That was
way back in P3. It's different now. EHEM. Nanti hujan. Hahaha!
~Janice: Yesyes. Yellow will win. Oh well. Nevermind.
~Adm: Oh hello. (:
~Addie: Aww, thanks prince charming! ;D & it's kain pelekat I think. Haha! I LAP you more. Whoo! <33
~Junior.Joanne: Oh I'm so sorry!! D: I didn't mean to but I'm
urm, telling the truth? Teehee. Sorry! Well, at least I know you now. YAY! :DDD
urm, telling the truth? Teehee. Sorry! Well, at least I know you now. YAY! :DDD
~Nicole: Uhuh oh yeah! Yellow yellow. xP & Yes.. 715. Be
there or be squared! Muahaha.
there or be squared! Muahaha.
~Sihui: Who knows you will become okay! Haha
~Alif: Oh haha. Hello!
~Atika: Hey love :D Yay! See you there then(((:
~Nurul: You made me something? Wait, have you gave me? Teehee.
& omg.. what mary and co. huh? Ish ish! Haha.
& omg.. what mary and co. huh? Ish ish! Haha.
~Aliah: Heeeelllooooooo! :DD & I have THE video. xPP
~Aqeela: It's called cute. Hahaha.
~Idris: Olla! :D
Sunday, 17 February 2008 14:49
reminds us of what we used to be
I couldn't help but look back
& all I could say was "heck"
But we can't go back to where we were
Not now nor here
Never, never there
I was all alone to fight on my own
Regretting- there's no point
I know I'm just another back-up-plan
Moving on, I start to realize
I can reach my tomorrow
I can hold my head up high
And it's all because
-When you look me in the eyes.
Guilt's a bad feeling.
It's just a little too late.
I have no other options, I'm sorry.
Friday, 15 February 2008 22:36
as our heart grow fonder
Rgps is having a games carnival on Saturday, 1st March from 8am - 12pm. I need to get at least 9 people (since I'm participating ;D) to go back and participate in a game. It doesn't matter which level you're in now, as long as you've graduated from rgps. If you are interested, PLEASE tell me asap by tagging on my blog or telling me personally. Let me know by next Wed as I have to get back to Mdm Tng.
Thank you!
Rgps is having a games carnival on Saturday, 1st March from 8am - 12pm. I need to get at least 9 people (since I'm participating ;D) to go back and participate in a game. It doesn't matter which level you're in now, as long as you've graduated from rgps. If you are interested, PLEASE tell me asap by tagging on my blog or telling me personally. Let me know by next Wed as I have to get back to Mdm Tng.
Thank you!
yes, really muscular
Hello ohhh wheeee ooooo!
I didn't know it will turn out so great because it was a longggg day but it did!
I appreciate EVERY little gift, wish and hug that i receive. Afterall, it's the thought that counts right? So, THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU GUYS <333
Special thanks to 2G1'08(the AWESOME ones) and 1g3'08 for singing me a birthday song. :DDD
It's sad how time pass by so fast. I'm 14. && yes, at least I'm not THAT old yet but still.. oh well.
Oh! I revealed myself to my mortal, Mindy! Ahh! She's wayyy taller than me but as talkative as meeeee :D Teehee. We can draw oh-so-WELL right right? *winkwink* haha. But I like the squidward (eheh, how you spell it again? haha) the best! Damn cute. HAHAH
pssst... Mary and co. thanks for waiting for me at commonwealth although I know you're school is nowhere near there. Thank you((:
Aqeela sent this to me for my birthday. -looks down-

Back in P6! ahh! Those times were awesome ;DD & I still love you although I've been bullied badly all these years *sobs* HAHA. KIDDING! ;DD
Once again, thank you everyone for a great birthday on 14 Feb 2008!
Tag replies;
~Idris: So is being older than you good or bad? haha.
~Nicole: Okok. You're cooler than me. But I'm hotter! HAHA. Ohmy! So much crapping. Tsktsk! anw, Thank you! :DD I know I rock too. hahah
~Buannn: Hey ho you! (((:
~Janice: Thank you love! :DD & yesyes, you're niceee. haha.
~Sya: Hmm.. excited? :DD Hahaha.
~Dini: Of course I'm your friend! How can you not know? D:
~Nad c2: Thank you my minnieee friend! :DDD Ahaha. Have fun with... Ish ish ish! You ah! hahah
~Diyanah: Thankssss :DDD
~Junior: Haha. Thank you. Maybe you should put your name so I know who you are? (((:
~Murnira: Correct date. Haha. Thank you!! ;D & yep! See you tmr((:
~Naz: Thank you!! :DDD
~Sofia: Hey you pretty ladyyyyy! Thank you :DDD
~Aliah: Thank youuuuu :DDD
~Nadia: Who turned 14 on the 14. -gasps- She must be awesome! hahah. jkjk
~NurulF: Thank you, my valentine! ROFL. xDD I love you too mann!!
~Aminah: Actually, you did look a little emo but you still look so pretty! Really!! & aww.. thanks hun :DD
~Nazihah: oohhh. Thank you thank you! :DD
~Izzah: Thank you sayangggg. & yes! I want a hug): Nvrm. A virtual hug will do for now. -hug- haha
~Hazwani: Aww.. you're welcome dear! & I love you too ;DD Thanks!
~Suha: Thank you! & it's okayyy((:
Monday, 11 February 2008 20:11
it's just a missing jigsaw puzzle
Hello people who read this blog!
I am finally here to blog((:
PBMC retreat today was awesome. We went to ice-skate. Whooo! Thanks JK ;D
It's good to see everyone picking themselves up after they fall because afterall, failure is the key to success! Yay yay! (I fell flat onto the ice. HAHA)
Ohoh! I slept for 7 mins (yes! exact timing. hoho) during French class break today. & in that short period of time, I dreamt of Hady Mirza singing Berserah to me. Omggggg. Then I HAD to wake up. :/ hahah. Ahhh! :DD
Psst... During ice-skating the person in charge of the place played HAPPY BIRTHDAY song to Hazwani! YAY! Tmr's her birthday.
I would definitely agree that council had brought us closer. Thank you for everything! Yes, every little thing that you do. (teehee) It's really awesome how we actually can hyper-ventilate over EHEM step up.. their grooves. Whooo! You're great the way you are already. I LOVE YOU, HUN! :DD Once again, happy 14th birthday!
& to Syafiq too!
(older doesn't mean you're taller)
But since it's your birthday, I will admit defeat. Haha.
Tag replies;
~Syifa: Hello! ahhh... Who eh? I'm wondering. Haha. ((:
~Dini: Really? Why?? Danggggg): But I'm your friend! -innocent smiles- hahaa
~Nicole: I'm lazy to go online. ahaha. & I'm the only source of entertainment huh?? WOW! I'm so cool. ;DDDD
~Nad c2: I don't know. Excited a bit? hehe.
~Nadia: I'm imagining you're stranded in... North Pole? haha. & yea mann! My birthday coming. :DDD Glad you know. hoho.
~Suha: So, is it relink or no need to relink? Hmm.. haha.
Sunday, 10 February 2008 13:13
in this place called the cyberworld
YAY YAY! I am back in contact with this place called the cyberworld. :D I shall dedicate this post specially for tag replies so YAY! See your tags being replied by me. Whoo! Haha.
~Xueling: Haha. Ohh.. I'm still contemplating. Sorry it's taking so long. teehee.
~Hanisah: Ok fine. Walking faster is like walking 10m/s? HAHA.
~Fer: Who's sombong huh huh? Haha. I'm like sooooo fine (macam fine sugar!) haha. You??
~Nicole: Who ask you to always be so bored? Tsktsk. I know, so sad):
~Syifa: Yes yes! :DD You're going right?
~Dini: Really really? So have you changed blogskin? haha.
~Lukhei: Thanks((:
~Murnira: Uhuh! (: See you at ymc too. I THINK i'm going ah. Hahaha.
~Natasha: No problemoooo! ((: And I think you used to call me prof lame. I called you queen of lameness. I THINK AH I THINK. hahaha. Darn it. We have poor memory. =O
~Janice: I hope you're feeling better now(:
~Klare: Yo! Yesyes. Curie's da bomb! :DD
~Cleo: High-five! I pebble yknow. haha
~Sihui: You have the TRAITS of a future pm whaaaaaaat. Haha. make sure you don't forget me okay?? xP
~Idris: It's good ah?? I think lexmark printer is good yknow! :D
~Geraldine: Nyeahnyeah. seriously? I thought I'm the greatest? haha.
~Farhana: Hey! Okay I will((:
~Izhar: Yo! Yes, coming soooooon :DDD haha
~Suha: hey babe! Yes! 10 years. Omggg... I miss you seh):
~Aminah: Olla! Omggg you look as pretty as ever mann! :DD And oops.. okay, I will relink. teehee. sorry!
~Diyanah: wokay! Haha. Nvrm. Great minds think alike! Hahaha
~Judee: I miss you mannzxzxzxz! Omgg.. how are you?? & yes, I did. I saw my LP! Rui Ling and gang too :D & ahaha, glad you know you owe me big time. ROFL.
~Fadilah: Hey ho! Hahaha. It's been ages since I came here too. haha. How have you been mann??
~Emmy: Aww, thank you! (: Seriously, I'm inspired by your use of superb english! :DD I love you emmy!