Let me hear you say HEY HEY HEY!
How have you been you, you and you you you? Less than 2 weeks to MYEs but make sure there's time for yourself to relax a little okay. Just a little time for yourself makes the whole world seems so much brighter! (cheh cheh)
Anyway yesterday was International Friendship Day.
Here's the time to thank those friends I've been blessed with
Thank you...
2G1 -we rock like no other
Malay classmates -kita sentiasa batu dan cikgu adalah matahari
French classmates (F1I and F2.34) -je manque mes camarades de classe
Madrasah classmates (Kbm 2A) -ustad gave us sweets!
Council -who knows what miracles, we can achieve...
Curians (esp house comm dearies) -never looked so good together
MASQUE -all ten of you, we're going to get our heads in the game(:
CCFFOS --i like big butts and I cannot lie.
Cryptic Quadrilateral (omg I miss secret hideout!!) -a trip back would be fun aye?
we're-going-to-make-the-coolest-jackets-ever people -what if it's sold out? ahh!!
Angklung(ers) & Kulintang(ers) -shake it (or hit it) like a polaroid picture!
YMC -siapa kata kita semua tidak awesome awak mati! HAHA
Penantian Crew -tiga teriak, tiga teriak, tiga teriak Pbmc! punggung punggung hooray!
6Aliens (6A'06) -we come in peace, you go in pieces :D
& Those people whom I really care about; Putri, Ishraf, Fer, Suharti
(yeah and it goes on)
Just know that every one of you mean something to me(: Whoo!
So today was good. Je lib(ed) with art project members was better than expected. Quite aberrant and it's all because of one silly reason which made me laugh to myself while they ditched me for the toilet. =X
Sad thing is that I missed madrasah and some girl there missed me too much(: Aww.. Sorry I won't be coming next week too [ again!!): ] It's okay Sarmini. Luckily, there's such thing called the SMS. Kan kan kan? Hahaha.
Hmm... I think I shall get on with Science now. Au revoir mon amis!
Ohoh & thank you Qistina and Kana for the chocolate on Friday <3
Tag Replies;
Geraldine: Yes more bus and train rides together. Let me tell you ah, one day I'm seriously going to make you walk up and down the bus/mrt with your comb and mirror if you say that you're the best again. HAHA. & I didn't make you cry. TSK!! Geraldine QUACK! HAHAHA!
~Nicole: It was somewhat free period so yes. If not, don't even bother going on the internet unless told to do so (what a good girl I am right?) hahaha.
~Nadc2: That's what friends are for(: ILY!
~Natasha: But you did came eventually. WHOO! & our high-five thing totally rocks! duh, it's us mann((:
~Niveetha: Today was hilarious. You made me laugh all by myself when you guys ditched me for the toilet. Hahaha.
~Aki: I listen to him okay! cheh cheh. haha. But science is a fun topic. Not only for certain chapters okay! really! ;DD
~Nadia: You didn't check properly. Really there is! I think at archades also have. Yknow, Para-para (more). Yeahhh! How can you be so outdated?? tsktsktsk!
~Adelia: I wanted it to love me. Aww mann. One more week to annoy your partner day. Damn! xPP
Hello world!
The class is so quiet now since everyone is doing research. MY GROUP HAS DONE OUR RESEARCH on hypertension. (:
Oh so I'm having malay test later. Trying to get the imbuhan right.
m,n,ng,ny,r,l,w,y Pe..an.
k,t,p,s Pe(m, n, ng,ny)..an.
b,f,p,v Pem..an.
c,d,j,t,s,sy,z Pen..an.
g,kh,l,a,e,i,o,u Peng..an.
k pengK..an.
satu kusu kata Penge...an.
Ok the class is not super quiet anymore although it's not super noisy. Whoo! Disciplined aye? Haha.
Dear malay test, please don't be so hard. Please make me love you. Heeeeeees.
& did you know, hypertension is known as the Silent Killer. Sighs. Plus, it doesn't mean that emotional stress will lead to hypertension yknow. && there's a lot of risk factors. Ok so now you know. SO STAY FIT AND EXERCISE REGULARLY!
Recess soon and back to mugging(;
Tag replies;
~Geraldine: Awesome or not awesome who cares! I rock ;DD Hahaha!
~Nicole: Thanks(: Ooh.. heavier responsibility now.
~Syahirah: I love you a lotttt! Really! Touched?
~Daoxin: Okay!
~Kana: I'm free on fridays babyyyy! Heh. Oh ya, chocolates. Ehem ehem.
~Hanisah: No problem. That's what friends are for~ :D
~Izzah: Seriously? =O sorry!! Okok. I will soon!
~Shirlynn: Thanks(:
~Miss Booby: Omg atikaaaaa! haha. Yes I remember! Duh! I love you too! Meet up soon please??
~Weiyun: Soon okay? Sorry!
~Mary: I say you owe me chocolates. Haha. Kidding la.
~Aki: Soon soon((:
Omg I miss you so damn much!
How now?
Comment ca va? Je suis bof. Mais, la vie doit passer. Oh well.
NJC's pementasan yesterday. & Dini's so cute with her new braces! "I can't say Ssssssss" Haha.
Dinner-ed with Sitifa, Sitira, Syahirah and Nadia after that at KAP.
Sorry Dini and Hazwani because they couldn't have dinner with this awesome bunch): Teehee.
So, I was carrying a hockey stick...
"You look like your boyfriend's a hockey player" (i don't have a boyfriend btw) :D
-then syahirah held my hand-
"Hah. I'm a bung now."
"But you're carrying a handbag!!"
-passes handbag to Sya and walks off with hockey stick-
"Now you look like caveman!"
Do I seriously not look like I play hockey? HAHA.
Syahirah went home with meeeee((: She missed her busses to take the same bus as me. -everybody say AWW- We tried camwhoring in the bus but to no avail. Sad. Blame it on the lighting. heeee.
I'm uploading the rest of the pictures on Photoblog now.
Tag Replies;
~Arumi's fan: Hello kaya breadooooo ;DDD
~Syahirah: Yelah yelah, I lappzxzxz you too! Haha. I LOVE YOU NUR SYAHIRAH!
~Natasha: Was that sarcasm or was it really productive? hahaha. But hey! At least we resized every picture. Whoo! & alrighty. Shall do the survey(:
~Emmy: You were looking at the website yknow the photos were all damn cute and funnehhh. When they were so much younger... Heh. Nvrm.
~Annabella: Awesome! I didn't know you'll be so highhhh. Haha. Can fly up high?? Teehee. & NP assignment? You mean your npcc stuff?
~Rowena: Heyhey! Of course I remember you! :DD Oh, my email's pink_sweet94@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you soon love!
~Now I know whos Ryan ross: ROFL! Slow ahhh. Hohoho. Actually we don't have I'm just saying. But I want to eat pizza. Ohoh! Yesyes. When can we make the jackets? But hopefully the kain still there ah. Kalau tak.. sedih ah):
~Nadia: I miss youuuuuuuu and now SA is so small dangggg): I want an SA outing or smth! Must must must !

credits to Hazwani for the pictures <33
Hello everyone!
I shall make this a proper blog post and not some random whoo whee waa one.
Let's start with COUNCIL INVESTITURE, 1 April 2008. But it was not a joke okay(:
After months of preparations made by the sec threes, it finally arrived. The day when we, the sec 2 junior councillors, were officially promoted to being a (proper) councillor and sec 4s + excos stepped down thus making them senior councillors. Sighs. Definitely a bittersweet memory.
The school I was suppose to host didn't come so ended up talking with the scgs people! Christine (omg i miss you fellow lamian!) , Zahirah and Umi. I was nice enough to bend down while taking a picture with someone yknow(((: Hahaha. Anyway, thanks for coming you three! :DD
I'll miss Felicia Lew, oh buddayyeeee! Thank you for guiding me through my junior councillor journey. I was one of the lucky few who got a sec 3(last year) and now sec 4 as a buddy but you couldn't pin on the badge for me): Ahh there's so much to say! I know! Letter letter :DD Psst.. Thanks for the colouring book. I loooove it okay! Seriously. I'll have fun colouring it but I still miss youuuuuu): It's been so not the same already 'cos I can't bully you (actually more of you bullying me right right?) Haha! The soulja boy dance; promise before you graduate from crescent :D I love you felicia!
I love Hazwani and Sarah Swee too okay? Thank God Sarah came that day(: Although she freaking tricked me about her vommitting on the day itself. (what can you say! it was April fools day) Boooo. But sorry about the video, Sarah.
& Hazwani saya sayang kamu banyak-banyak! You stayed up with me all the way till 3+ the day before just to do the video. I can't thank you enough. Council has definitely brought three of us soooooo much closer. So unexpected eh? Anyway, when's our pizza date? Teehee.
Psst.. Thank you Masque for believing in me too! I wouldn't have made it through without your support. I know it was hard at first accepting the fact that I was in council but I'm glad your mindset has changed and that you guys are really helping me and being very supportive now. I love every single ten of you!
We've been through so much as a sec two councillor but we'll keep persevering and achieve the best for council and school. Afterall, leadership is about service and gratitude! Council 08/09 we can do it! Per aspera ad astra :D
I love council(:
Let's see, tomorrow's going to be a busy busy day. Aww.
-Claymation project
Three places in a span of about 10 hours. Awesome!
Finally tag replies coming up. Chao!
Btw, Adlina's not retarded okay? Haha. She was just so high. ;DDD
Hope you had a sprinting (spledid get it??) 14th! (haha. sorry couldn't help it)
See you at the next ymc session yo! Hopefully!
Tag Replies;
~Dini: You're Lindsay Lohan? Ok, can I be just the Lohan? :DDD
~Nicole: It's so brown right? So nice mann!
~Sitira: Haha. Yesyes! & you love me forever too just like gossip girl right? Aww... I'm so touched!
~Izzah: Don't be. Ahh! Sunday sunday! Camwhore again uh confirm! hahaha.
~Janice: Sorry didn't answer your call yesterday. Fell asleep so early, at NINE! =O
~Shirlynn: Cool. Okay!
~Raihan: Alamak you. Haha. Hey there adorable one! :D
~Nadiah: Thank you! I lappppp you too! Whoo!
~Farhana: Good luck for the dsa thingy(: I really hope to see you in crescent mannzxzxzxz!
~Natasha: I do? Maybe it's just me not the tie. Hahaha! Kidding kidding
~Adelia: I can't annoy you now since it's not officially annoy your partner day. Oh well. But just know, you're going to sufferrrrrrr next week! Muahahaha! (imagine me laughing evily) & I know what's SPAM already. YAY YAY!
~Nishan: Hahaha. The video's sick but oh well. Peanut butter jelly time! Yay!
~Adlina: Fine fine. Ok sorry. Don't merajuk ah):
~Syafiq: Hahaha. Hello tall person! :D I look the same / older (boo) Haha. & thanks for tagging. Will link you soon((:
~Jess: Look who's retarded now =O Sick but still so high. I bet you miss me right? That's why you became hyper when you come to my blog *winkswinks* Hahaha!
Hello hello!
Adlina's retarded.
K thank you very much :D
OH! IT'S ANNOY YOUR PARTNER DAY! Adeliaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :DD