I'm feeling energized now after a really long nap. So BEWARE for a really long and detailed post about what I did in Sarawak. You don't have to read it because it's just for memory's sake.
By the way, I love my roommates truckloads!
Day 1- 20 May
Papa sent me off to the airport and I hung out with my roommates when he had to leave for work. Called mummy, sent out smses ( and I don't know if Masque received it or not): ) replied Qistina's smses and before I knew it I was on the plane.
Plane seating partners- Sarah Bennett and Ammani (: Sorry I kept dropping my things onto your seat, ammani. Didn't mean to):
Reached Sarawak airport and was welcomed by the first batch of people who came in the earlier flight (omg Pearly was so hyper jumping around. haha) and our guides. My bus ride partner Sitira was taking so many unglam shots on the bus while we were off to the Fairy Caves.
It was really interesting learning about the structure of the caves. Stalactites, stalagmites, column etc. SAVE THE CAVES!
Checked-in into our five-star hotel room at Merdeka Palace. Every group stayed in a suite. Gosh it was hugeeeeee!
Plus we watched the final episode of gossip girl! (:
Day 2- 21 May
Woke up and had breakfast at the hotel.
3-hour long bus ride to a Hydro-electronic Dam. ( of course there were stops in between ) The place was wow! Very electronic? HAHA.
Then went to our modernised longhouse hotel in which we had to travel by boat to get there since there's no road leading to it. Eco-Tourism! (: The size of the lake we used to get to the hotel was the size of Singapore! Yes, it was that big.
Learnt to weave mats at night. Sitifa is so good at it! It was really neat compared to mine. Hahaha. Then we practiced our item that we were going to do at the Primary school that we were going to go to 2 days after that.
Walking back to the room was so scary. If Jia Wei wasn't there to accompany Sitifa, Yimin and I back I'm sure we would have ran all the way back since our room was right at the end.
Day 3- 22 May
Left the longhouse to go to a REAL LONGHOUSE.
After the long bus ride, we took a longboat to the Longhouse by going along the Lamanak River. It's simply amazing and admirable how the 40+++ people who live together in one longhouse can live in peace and harmony despite sharing a common verandah.
We had lunch in the middle of the forest! How cool is that? We ate food cooked the traditional Iban way. Using a bamboo! :D
Made friends with a 15 year-old Iban girl named, Ella Tasiah. Really nice name! She spoke to us like as if she was already 30+ or something; very wise. She's going to teach me how to play the guitar if I visit her oneee dayyyy. Yay! Her sister looks so adorable, Osawa Tasiah! :D
Apparently we went somewhere after that but I can't seem to remember =O Nevermind moving on.
Went back to the five-star hotel, Merdeka Palace. Another suite(: Sarah, Michelle, Gloria and urm, another girl (sorry!) bunk in with us. 10 people yo! HAHA. But nevertheless, it was possible due to the arrangement of how we all slept. Awesome eh?
Day 4- 23 May
Left the hotel for the Primary School Visit! We went to Santubong Primary School and everyone was just going goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the little kids. Even the primary six students look really young (and hot) ROFL.
Our performance wasn't screwed. Yay us! Then we had interaction with the kids. We were singing songs and playing mainly Edelwise.
Rafidah and Elfaizah were two very sweet primary three kids. The boys were naturally cheeky! Especially this boy who went around saying "You are very beautiful" to get chocolates and sweets from us. hahahaha!!
Leaving them gave the whole lot of us crescentians a serious heartache. To see the kids smile getting their tidbits from us made me contented. Rafidah waved and high-fived me so many times before I boarded the bus. Ohmann. The students were all outside our bus waving and when the bus move they actually ran behind and kept waving at us.
That was what touched me a lot. I was holding back my tears. If I could, I want to go back and perhaps, help them build a proper school hall? Yeah. I'm sure I'm not the only one (:
Anyway, then we went to the Sarawak Cultural Village. Miss Fair Lady! hahaha. Okay sorry, inside joke. Learnt about the Ibans, Orang Ulu, Bidayuh and Penan culture. Very very interesting! I went down a very steep and high stairs. You should have seen how mr seow was trying very hard to motivate me to go down because apparently, I was too scared. Thank you Mr seow! :D
Checked-in into our Santubong Golf Resort room. It was initially 3 per room but being really bonded roommates, Sitira, Ruth and Gauhrie bunked in with Sitifa, Yimin and I! Whoo!
That night, my group had the BEST dinner bonding session EVER! Sorry Yimin but I couldn't help it. How come your fork can end up in the cup?? HAHA.
Sitira became Mata Kucing and Yimin became Longan. Both of them ahhh. Omg. ROFL. (I'm laughing now thinking about it) Really! hahahaha.
Oh yes. We dared Ruth not to laugh until midnight so that she could get two lollipops from each of us but 2 minutes later she started laughing. My whole group had laughing fits! HAHAHA.
When I woke up, I saw Sitifa staring I almost screamed. Which reminds me, I hope you're getting better now!
Day 5- 24 May
Roommates and I were late for breakfast. Typical! But we weren't the last group to assemble! Cool huh? Heee. :DD
Left for Bako National Park. M-A-G-N-I-F-I-C-E-N-T experience!
Although there were monkeys everywhere and knowing wild boars were lurking around in the jungles (yes, we were in a jungle) it didn't stop my groupmates and I from having fun! :D
Learnt about mangroves. High tide and low tide. Interesting(:
Sat down by the sea for lunch. KFC yknow! Hahaha. Really cool. Then, went for trekking to the Plateu! Whooo! It looked like the moon with all the "holes" which was formed by water. Yay yay! I was so happy and felt superbly accomplished because we were singing, laughing and talking so much while trekking. Heeee. We were said to be very fit people. Then people were mumbling "yes, mass run mass run". Haha!
Then watched the sunset. So pretty! Almost everyone was camwhoring because it was just breathtaking. Ruth and I tried taking a picture of our legs in a deformed heart shape but we failed. Awww... haha!
BBQ for dinner :D Yimin was suddenly so hyper because she was so FRESH. yeahyeah. Haha!
The hostel was really hot and stuffy but we were freezing at night. Someone fell off the bed. Hilarious because they were "arguing" about who took up more space. hahaha!
Oh and that night was so freaky. Gauhrie sleep so cute eh! HAHA. Ruth couldn't help but be saddistic. Grrr. (haha)
Day 6- 25 May
Woke up at 5. The only group which went out to breathe in fresh air so early in the morning. Whoo! Watched sunrise from afar.
Then went to Matang Wildlife Park.
Those who were in Bus 2 didRiver Studies first. We went to find out about the River Discharge of the stream. Everyone was asked to go into the water and try out the experiment. I was afraid of the little fishes swimming around at first but after a while, it was nothing. (yeah right!) HAHA.
After lunch we swap with Bus 1 and then we painted the enclosure/feeding platform of the orang utans there.
Oh ya, I was "flirting" with one of the orang utans named George and then right after I said "...hot" he pee-d! Le-yi started laughing at me. Ohmann. Why George why? ROFL. Ok nonsense aside, I hope George gets well soon! Recover quick and then you can get back in the wild okay? Be careful next time! (i am not weird. but really, it was sad knowing that he was blind for ten years because he bit on an electric cable. he's recovering from surgery now)
After leaving the park, we went to learn about Bird's Nest Drink and Tongkat Ali.
s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g! Bought mummy's present too(: My group, as usual because of how bonded we are (hehe), went shopping together. Yay!
Steamboat and grill for dinner. Sat with roommates, Sherry and Qiao Yi. EH! Which reminds me, someone owes me 50 ringgit!! HAHA. Kidding kidding! It's over anyway): Oh then when we were on our way back to our five-star hotel (heeeheee) Abang (our guide) was reminding us about how it was our last day yada-yada-yada. & mann, I felt like crying. But nope, I didn't.
& yknow, there were 12 people living in one suite that day! HAHA. Yesyes, two groups in one suite, only for our case. It was due to certain reasons but who cares, it was cool mann! :DDD
Gauhrie was laughing like mad at 1 am. I didn't do anything funny okay! AHH): Hehe.
Day 7- 26 May
This time, another person fell off the bed. EHEM. I wonder whooooo. Heeee.
Left ): then went to a Pottery Factory before heading to the airport.
Famous Amos at the airport with roommates(: Had personal reflections with Sitifa and Sitira after we checked in.
Ruth was so cute when she was contemplating about which lollipop she wanted to buy. In the end, she didn't. Haha. Gauhrie was on the phone.
Plane sitting partners- Sarah Bennett and urm, a 2c2 girl. Sorry sorry! I didn't manage to catch your name.
Sarah and I kept reminsicing about our trip especially about the Primary School trip. That one was definitely HARD to forget.
Upon landing, I quickly switched on my phone and THANK YOU to those who asked if I already reached or if I was okay. THANK YOU! :DD
Before checking out, Ruth an I were reminiscing about all the good times we had. Mr seow was behind us and he was right "there's so many happy memories to bring back home".
Acap, Martin and Papa was there to fetch me. Apparently, acap sleptover my house since Saturday. Alahhh): Oh and he's going to perform in crescent in July! YAY!
Now, safely back home.
The experience was priceless. It was definitely worth the $750. C'mon mann, everything's included in the price; five-star hotel for three nights (a suite!), airplane tickets, meals etc. Thank you mummy and papa for letting me go for this trip. I'm really thankful to be fortunate enough to be able to go. Oh and thank you to Sarah Swee too! :D
The trip also made me LOVE GEOG a hell lot. I became so interested in whatever our guides had to say. Learning the Iban culture was also wow! Amazing! I've no regrets signing up for the trip. Especially knowing that I'm going there to help put smiles on the little kids faces and helping the endangered monkeys and the orang utans. I simply enjoyed myself.
I'm going to have a dedication post + tag reply post coming up. (not so soon perhaps) Okay. I shall get moving from here.
I think the other batch who are still in Sarawak are heading towards the Sarawak airport soon. Have a safe trip back home guys! :D
Thank you guys! I love you!
surprise party soon. where's papa?
Hello people (:
The looooong weekend was really fun although I practically stayed home the whole time. Mainly due to the presence of my cousins who sleptover at my house! YAY!
So there were Eight children;
-abang ijam
-inka denissa
-arfynna shakira
-niki ashleya
-martin luth iman
-aura heidejah
3 teenagers. 2 TWEENagers. 2 7-year olds and a 1 month-old baby. I like the atmosphere :D Although it was noisy 24/7 but who cares! It's so quiet now since everyone's asleep.
We went swimming yesterday and well, it's always fun if you enjoy the company(: Movie-marathon till (not-sure-what-time) since I know I ended up sleeping at 1. Haha. Pathetic!
Anyway, today their families came over for the whole day. Family gathering you may say! Whoo! I love times like this because you'll just feel the love yknow? haha. Ahh! I didn't get to play with Aura so much since she needs to sleep for at least 17 hours a day. (yeah, babies need at least 17 hours of sleep!) Heeee.
I'll see them in a week's time. Hoorah hoorah!
& Abang, please take care of my tablet while I'm away. Plus I'm still going to steal your phone or blogskin one day. Muahahaha!
Sarawak humanitarian trip tomorrow. I've packed (most) of my stuff. Really thankful that I was given the malaysian airlines flight because I won't be late in wishing my mum Happy Birthday. So it's a lucky thing I suppose(:
Yes, always TRY and look at the brighter side of life. Because when you think that you're facing the worse problem that anyone could ever imagine, there are others out there who are worse off than you. I hope to at least brighten they day of those suffering due to the earthquake or the cyclone. We should really help them yknow?
Ok a little off topic.
As promised, tag replies on this post. Thanks for tagging :DD
~Putri: Relink soon(:
~Mary: Urm, crapping again I suppose? Tsktsk. haha.
~Aliah: Evil twin! Why can't you make it for the launch? ): Ohman. Darn it! Who's going to dance to Gimme More nowwwww. Booo. & I miss you too. I shall see you in about two weeks yea? :DD
~Arumi's fan: Excuse me. No vulgarities on my blog thanks(: Haha. & yeah! I'm in love with my family. haha. Psst.. Do I really owe you pizza? Oh dang! HAHAHA. One day kaya breado! One day...
~Geraldine: You don't know what UVLEIAC is? How could you? So mean mann. Tsk! Yknow what or not... I also don't know. Pfft! (HAHAHAHA) & the tee shirt eh? I didn't lie. I just didn't exactly told the truth. Wheee!
~Wenqi: Hey wenqi! Oh nvrm if we don't know each other. Let's introduce ourselves! Hi I'm alyssa and I'm awesome. HAHA. I did dance yknow. Not on stage though, backstage. HAHA. Ok wth me? Tsktsktsk.
~Idris: Ohno idris! I am sooo scared! Can't you see my face so pucat already? AHHHH!
~Ilya: Must you remind me? ahahaha. Oh well. But it looked cool like that okay. Cheh cheh. haha!
~Niveetha: okay!
~Qis: Those big red ants are so omgggg... BIG! hahaha. I was so fascinated by them I took a picture of them yknow. Rofl! But seriously! I did! :DD
~Klare: Yo klare yooooo! :DD
~Nat: Ni update pe sekarang. Apeje ah nat. Apejeeee. ROFL!
~Aki: Cool! Okay thanks for posting it up (:
~Farhana: Ohmannn. I miss you too! ): Psst.. Yes ALL THE BEST! Good luck. You'll need it (((: Hope to see you in yellow and blue uniform next year yawwww!
~Hanan: Haha. They're so cool right? Omggg. Nvrm, they'll go to your school one day! :D
~Hehe: Hoho. Haha. Hello! (hahaha) :D Wow, maybe I know you if you type your name down yknow? (: Plus being random is FUN! :DD Yay yay!
~Addie: Of course I won't destroy it. It's sooooo big! Tsk. No faith in your cinderella eh? Ouch I am hurt): HAHA. Oh well. I'll miss you mann!
~Nishan: I'll link you soon okay? & whooo! Well done Nishan. -pats on the back- Okok. Now you must put on the brightest smile everrrrrrr! Wheeee(:
and if i could, i would.
Quick update.
I promise I'll reply tags in the next post.
My sister is mad! She's jumping around the room just because my family's going out for dinner. Ok now she's laughing like a monkey. And now she's like doing push-ups?!?! Mannnn. I have weird siblings actually more of a weird sister. But that's okay. I love them! YAY!
Beat that, arfynna! :D (first to update blog will get a lollipop)
Hey hey hey!
(ok this post was suppose to be posted up on Monday but it wasn't complete. So, here I am posting this on a Friday. HAHA. The post is so long sheesh me!)
From the crew to the performers to the audience; everyone involved made it a success! Before I get anymore emotional let me start my post proper.
(hahaha! sorry, must get into the debating/bahas mood since there's bahas tomorrow and english debate sometime soon)
Anyway, Friday, 090508 was a typical post-exam activity day for most people but not for some of us.
After decorating the hall, the much deserved break was given! & it was the School's Invasion thing :D Sarah and I actually emailed them to come on the exact same day but for CrezAwards but perhaps the arts dept. emailed earlier or they schelduled for an earlier time slot so oh well. Nvrm. There WAS a blessing in disguise afterwards.
Okay back to the School's Invasion. Soo from 987 came down and West Grand Boulevard too (omg yayyyyy!) and urm, this other band. :DD We, as in sarah and I, practically stood up though it felt awkward being the only ones at the back so we ended just screaming for the band while sitting down. (:
Lunch with sec 2 councillors and it was around 3. So I thought the Invasion (thingy) Bus left already but when I wanted to wash my hand ta-da! Saw them there. Luckily Hazwani and mean(ah) came at the same time! So we snap here snap there took pictures with them! :D & we were asked to take jumpshots with the band! Cool or what? xD
Ok yaddayaddayadda, last minute deco preparations after that and then, it was ShowTime baby! Partnered Le-Yi for foyer duty. "Hello welcome. Crezawards? Yeah. What is the colour you bought?" Le-Yi so awesome okay (be honoured) hahaha! Got transfered to ticket duty. Woah stressing okay that job. But everything was cool (:
When it started rolling, I was mainly dancing and screaming with Yitong 'cos apparently Student Territory were the runners and in-charge of taking care of the performers (yeah which meant, both my mean(ah)s ditched me) so it was only Student Actions (whoo the awesome) and Student Services plus half of Student Relations (:
WELL DONE EMMY! You didn't know how proud I was of you when I saw you up there. Really! I remembered last year, you were so afraid to even go up in front of others to sing. ((: I LOVE YOU! (btw, the flower thing. heee. sorry eh!)
I'm out!
"Omg it's 9.50am! Sms Hazwani quick" -
"Ahh! I just woke up. Will be late"

Hello (:
Thank you for always being there for me. Cracking me up every time especially when I'm in my "mean" mode and snatch you away.... Haha. A really adorable girl, who'll never fail to smile even at your lowest. I've never regretted meeting such a kind soul like you. I love you!
Hope you had fun today(:
Today was the last paper for half the class and co-incidentally, it was Darsheni's birthday too!
Went out to celebrate with masque and hohoho, we camwhored, hyperventilated over a super adorable 4-5 year-old kid, camwhored, munch on donuts, truth(ed) or dare(d), camwhored and went home. It's been good so far but not the whole masque went due to certain circumstances.
Get well soon, niveetha! & hope you had fun munching on cookies Afee and Emmy!
Oh yes, back to my point, I think today was really the day to show our love for each other. The clouds even said so! There were Heart-shaped clouds which overlap one another. Really pretty :D (I'll upload the pics once the bluetooth thing is working again)
I shall end my post here for now with an ending note,
Especially, GERALDINE LIM WANYU for sacrificing your time today to be with us so that we could celebrate Darsh's birthday! :D You rock mann, GF!
Our 1/4 date at Bugis soon soon! ( unfortunately not tomorrow ah dangggg): )
& NurulHuda Bte Yussof, the poems were awesome!
Tag Replies;
~Adelia: Hahaha! I meant, smarty pants! Yes, it is a compliment :D
~Natasha: Soooo many people? This is unfair boo hoo! But I'm still your best fan right? Oh of course! I'm too awesome to not be one. HAHAHA
I'll dedicate this post solely for replies of those awesome tags :D Thanks for coming(:
~WeiEn: Hello-singing-in-bus-partner! (that was in pri 4/5? haha!) Anyway, of course I remember you :D You're a councillor now right? so coooool((: & yes I know nurul. Yay! Everyone's friends with everyone else :D
~Geraldine: Since tomorrow's the last day for you, we shall go hit bugis and buy those tees! YAY! I can't wait :DD & You'll finally get to buy superman tee and we'll be the most awesomest couple in town. Hell yeah!
~Jess: Hey hey hey! I know you miss me too much don't have to say my full name. Heee. Plus, I am not a crazy mugger okay. Booo. I wish I was one):
~Nadiah: Butt.er blog? haha. Maybe we should. We need a picture with Carel mannzxzxzxz.
~Aki: What I wrote on your blog wasn't crap. It was called stress-relieving moments. HAHA.
~Darshe: Wokay ma'am :D
~Qiss: Braces is awesome like me. Whoooo! & my psychic powers are returning. I love me! Yayyyyy!
~Siti: Didn't ponteng madrasah on purpose? Really arhhh? Yelah tu. Hmm.. heh.
~Hazwani: Who cares if it's the longest name? It's cool the way it is. Greatttt <33
~Putri: Awww mann that's sadddd): Hmm, Dumb eh? hahaha.
~Suharti: We have an awesome 10 year friendship! :D I love you banyak-banyak WHOO! & haha. Yes we all know who Danish is.
~Danish: Hey ho! :D
~Shaleen: Hellllooooo ! Ok sure I'll link you(;
~Diyanah: Whateverrrr. My exams are (finally) over too. Whoots! Anyway, how are you??
~Nazihah: You saw me at jp and didn't say hi? I.am.hurt.ouch! HAHA. kidding kidding. Thank you for the encouragement! You too okay? :DDD
~Arumi's fan: Thank God you put down the picture. So awesome! Teehee. Someone turned 14 already eh eh eh? Ahhhh! Now I owe you pizza. =O I know, what about you give me some money first. ;D Heeee.
~Farhana: I miss you too! Whatever happened to our bugis trip? hahaha. Anyway, how have you been babe?
~Mary: The pics? Heh. Ok. Once I edited it and all(:
~Natasha: Omgomgomg! I like sooooo totalllyyyy admire you <3
~Shyan: Hello person! So how has it been in robotics? HAHAHA.
~Nadiah: Ok sure :D
~Dini: Wokay madamemoseille! Whoo!
~Adelia: Sureeee annoying smart-ass partner :DDD
I shall be back soon ok? I need a nap(: