I love long train rides. Don't you? ;D It makes you... reflect on life. Haha.
My tpc's batt dying and I have school tomorrrow so let's make this a fast one(:
Today was rather interesting having a last-min meeting which eventually turned out to be a dance practice meet-up. See now I didn't even get to discuss what I initially wanted to :/ Nevermind. I'll call people up soon, I hope! ;D
The week ahead looks bright at the end but on the way there... I really don't know.
Monday- malay test
Wednesday- english + maths test. english oral.
Friday- science prac test + rehearsal (:
Saturday- THE DAY! (omg aren't you egg-cited yet nervous??) :DD
By the way, I need to talk to DHs and excos (people involved should get what I'm talking about) sooooon soooon sooooon so if you're reading this and I have not called/msg you, leave me a message, asap. Thank you! ;DD
Tag Reply:
~Sabreena: Hi! So have you sent in the email? If not tell me asap okay? thanks ;DD
Hey all!
2G1 went to Peaceheaven yesterday :D & the 6 of us in my group played the angklung for the old-folks. I felt really sad when the man who sat in front of me kept tearing when we played oldies ): Just like nurul, I felt like hugging them but I don't think we can. Oh! We sang songs too, which was quite impromptu actually. I miss the old lady I met when I visited peaceheaven last year): I wish I could talk to her again. Oh well moving on..
My class is awesome! Just like any other fieldtrips we go, we'll start cheering in the bus. So we did our G1 cheers then we started singing LOW (!!), nursery rhymes which includes ABC.. and was very close to singing our school song. Hehe. Mdm Yeoh turned around and laughed at one point. Jealous yet? hahaha kidding kidding (about the jealousy part. teehee).
I think I was too tired yesterday. SORRY NURUL for not going online at 11.50pm 'cos I set my alarm at 11.50AM (!!) D:
Psst.. did I tell you that I love SA! (as in, student actions)
DHs: Artrillian & Chyan Wen
Sec 3s: Aisyah, Xi Mian, Ariel, Hui Zhen
Sec 2s: Yi Tong, Dao Xin, me

The smallest but yet such a cool department(: I'll miss how it's so small but I got to accept the fact that the sec ones will be joining in next week.
So to all sec one appointed councillors, Welcome to Council! ;D
Tag Replies;
~Syahreena: Hello hello hello! haha. Yes ma'am I'll tag you soon :D
~Idris: Yo! You tagged in peace? So you left in pieces? =O
~Natasha: Hello natnatnat! :DD
~Sarahrah: Don't be lame! Too bad my name starts with an A. hahaha. Plus, don't worry you're still the mean(ah) to beat! You must lead by example. HAHA!
~Nurul!: I am not retarded or whatever that's going through your mind. Haha. Je suis petite et belle fille. EHEMEHEM. aahahaha!
~an awesome mean(ah): Thanks for the.. personal story? haha. Minahhh! Can we please go out together someday with sarah mean(ah) tagging along?? ILY too!
~Nishan: I shall do that too next time(: By the way, sure! I will soon(:
~Nazihah: Bonjour madamemoseille! How have you been?
~NurulHuda: I soooo totally know why you're spasm-ing! teehee.
~Ermywoof: Hello dog! :DD Alamak I wonder why it's private eh.. tsktsk! haha. Anyway yea sure! I will once I get online (since I'm rarely online nowadays. heh)
~Gaya: Yo mann! Aww.. so if you're bored, you come look for me for entertainment?!? HAHA.
~Shaleen: Oh no it's okay. I collated the names already and sent in. So yeah.. chill. By the way, dance practice on sunday?
~Aqeela: You don't even know how to spell your own name! HAHA. Loser. eheh, I can't wait to go back toooooo! I miss everybody there):
~Sabreena: hey! Yeah sure, soon I hope(:
~Aliah: Twin! I miss you toooooo. AHH! Friday friday! :DDD
Elaborate more on the next post 'cos it's mugging time now baby! :D I miss Mrs Christina Lim. I miss Mdm Tng. I miss Cikgu Sharifah. I miss 6Aliens. Yeah you get my drift... now why do you think that phrase pops up so randomly anyway? OFF! :D
Imagine this: You typed about 4 paragraphs loooong (don't ask me why I typed so much) about the women of the Elizabethan times and the modern women and then suddenly, when you feel so satisfied and want to send it, something like this pops up "ERROR... troubleshoot...". C'mon! Who wouldn't be sad? I spent a hell lot of time (just look, it's 1+ already!) making sure my facts are right and then such simple words like that brought me down so quickly! It is very saddening if you have not realised and now, I have to start typing out everything all over again.
But according to the awesomest mean(ah), there's always something good behing everything. So, I'm hoping for a miracle to happen. Hoping and (still) waiting. Sighs. This won't do any good in getting back what I wrote either):
Sad/Bad things aside. I have another person to thank.
It was enjoyable actually. Lunch was weirdly fun (don't you agree, nurul? hehe.) but it was awesome at the same time! Although it was unproductive but at least we managed to throw away whatever stress we had (: I suppose, it wasn't too bad of a last-minute date, yes? Popular for books and neos; it was fun, really! Besides, we did half of geog so I guess it's really not that bad (: Pictures will be up soon right, love? :D
Hmm, yknow crying won't do any good. I will just have to accept the fact and move on (and type the whole lot of literature stuff again). Till then, I'll be waiting for a miracle to happen while getting myself busy with literature :D
Hello hello!
Yesterday's Project Hearts was really fun! I partnered Adlina (prince charming yo!) Since we could go anywhere to collect donations, we decided to go to the heartlands. Yay! & so, from Dhoby Ghaut we walked to Orchard then go to Toa Payoh (we love toa payoh! teehee) then went back to Orchard and walk down to Dhoby Ghaut ;D WHOO! Thank you to all those who donated <3
I'd say yesterday's YMC session was productive. Managed to learn the first dance and other things were settled. & I fianlly met up with Narisha together with the other scgs people, Zahirah, Aisyah and Sadrina, after super-di-duper long! (:
Plus, if any one else needs a letter of excuse, please sms/call/email/chatwith me ASAP thank you!
Hmm, I'll leave this post with a random picture,
Don't care about me, I just like the colour contrast in this picture. Heh.
Tag Reply;
~Geraldine: Yeah! It totally was :DD & you got to be in a tourist photo. Omggg! hahaha. Aww, so how's your feet now?

Youth Day Celebration today was fun, I suppose. We could wear our own clothes but I didn't know we could wear our own shoes okay 'cos I wore school shoes last year :/ Oh well. Loserfied. Haha.
But anyway, the concert was nice and I think the humanities dept item was so cool! There was Abba, Click Five and Britney Spears etc. haha. I like the part when the teachers literally "stop and look around" for the part in the click five song which goes "..I'm standing still, Jenny.." :DD
Maths test, PE project presentation, PBL formal letter writing (draft 1) all came along after that. Somehow, I don't feel so beat up by it and that's a good thing. Hoorah! & did I tell you how I feel about physics lesson this year? I think it's fun! The wonders of light. Whoo!
After school was awesome! Whoo baby I don't dance. Haha.
PBL presentation yesterday went smoothly well. Alhamdulillah! Yay PLAG! I love you, Keerthana, Geraldine and Gabbie! Thank you for being such awesome group mates. We have a few more obstacles to go; formal letter to write and website(almost done). I am so happy of our achievements thus far. Love you people veryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery much!
PE project today was quite last minute due to pbl but nevertheless, PLAG managed to come up with an impromptu skit. & at least our poster and flash "website" was cool and we had our powerpoint slides in order ;D Good job, PLAG! Lovelove.
Okay Project Hearts tomorrow. Please come down and support! :DD Plus ymc's around the same place so.. yay! Catch up with you soon. Byebye!