Sunday, 24 August 2008 14:41
If only I could bring yesterday back around

27 more days to FYE. 2G1 can do it! I think everyone's feeling the pressure already and of course, too late or not, our bond is much much stronger than before. I LOVE 2G1'08 x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~~!!
I love yesterday (:
My morning was spent with the Bestfriend (haha). Had brunch at vivo and rooftop for fresh air. So sorry 'cos someone *coughcough* sang and it started pouring. Awww... xP
Then I thought madrasah was quite fun. Someone magically appeared after solat eh? *coughatiqahcough* hahaha.
Family ngaji was 3 hours long. It still felt like 2 hours though. ;D
Hmm, there's 6 children in my house now. Either using the com, playing jigsaw puzzle or... pinching each other (!?!?) HAHA. Yes, that's what happens in my house during weekends. Lucky siblings, they have friends that live so near.
Oh yeah, I went to Hortpark, Labrador Park and Kent Ridge Park just now. So we had an excursion for geography and history, family style! Whoo! I shall post up pictures in another post. Till then, au revoir! ;DD
Tag Replies (I have tags from 21 July! haha. Am I pathetic or pathetic? TSK SORRY PEOPLE!)
weiyun: omg yes! need meet up man! ;D
~Uhuh! This Friday, aliens are having an outer space gathering at rgps! :D hehehe. You better come!
dini: YO. Long time since i've been here, how are you long lost friend.
~My dear long lost friend, I've been great! :D How about you???
HILARY: of course i miss being a taitai. ): HAHHAHAA,we still got next year and the year after to be taitais. ;D
~I miss being a taitai too): Now my money supply is low. How? HAHA. Yes, there's next year! I am so looking forward to it. HAHAHA!
HILARY: of course i miss being a taitai. ): HAHHAHAA,we still got next year and the year after to be taitais. ;D
~I miss being a taitai too): Now my money supply is low. How? HAHA. Yes, there's next year! I am so looking forward to it. HAHAHA!
FELICIA(: hello you still owe me SOMETHING!!!
~Oopsies. Yesyes, I promised before school ends remember? (((:
~Oopsies. Yesyes, I promised before school ends remember? (((:
shirlynn: stay chio okay~ meet up soon{: anytime anywhere!
~YOU stay chio okay?? This Friday, I can't wait, really! :D
Gabbie: hello!:D yar! i want the PLAG shirt too!:D it will be like SO COOL!
~I want a PLAG shirt too. AHHH): I miss how we always sit together on Thursdays laughing at each other's randomness. Sighs.
~YOU stay chio okay?? This Friday, I can't wait, really! :D
Gabbie: hello!:D yar! i want the PLAG shirt too!:D it will be like SO COOL!
~I want a PLAG shirt too. AHHH): I miss how we always sit together on Thursdays laughing at each other's randomness. Sighs.
:): Hello
~Hey there!
Nishan: PEACE:D
~We come in peace, you go in pieces! haha
~We come in peace, you go in pieces! haha
farhana: your profile. -.- angklung, angklung, angklung. hahaha! :] miss ya loads!
~Hehe. Semangat angklung! I really hope you'll make it to crescent, dear! :D
Adelia: ALYSSA! Havent seen you so hyper since don't-know-how-many-years ago! Ever since home econs ended! ):
~Nevermind. You're still my lab partner! Whoo! Remember, lab sessions is crack-your-brain sessions! Hahaha
ERMYrukmana: YMC <3333
~YMC rocks my socks! haha
danny: aly <33
~Dan! ;D
Amzar: cos i so don't wanna go to sch tomorrow lol. do you still have authority to give excuse letters?
Amzar: cos i so don't wanna go to sch tomorrow lol. do you still have authority to give excuse letters?
~If only I could eh.. haha. So sad.
aliah: TWINTWINTWIN! We should have an outing togetherrr.
~Twinnnnn! I miss euuzxxzx! D:
nazihah: hello hello!! ;D it's okay xD
~Hey hey hey!
dini: Everyone collides! YAY. Sec 2 YMC 2008 PERFECT OWNNN !
~You Me Collide. *Kaboooooom!*
Adelia: HEY ALYSSA. Please please please do our PBL survey!! Thanks thanks thanks!
~Did it! You're welcome :D
Afee: psst psst. HELLO CHEESE PARTNER!. LINK ME. teehee. -grins-
~Say cheeeeeese! Whoo! Oh sure thing! I'll go find your url first. hahaha
eliqah: zomg HELLO ALYSSA ! after launch , ive been seeing a lot of my name -.- wooooooo . my name is mentioned (((((((((((:
~I bet you feel so honoured right? hahaha
Ameera: ehhh you! hellooo, link me kay?
~Sure thing! :D
fer: hi there *waves* ingat lagi tk?? HAHA, helooo
~Of course I remember you, nenek! haha. Hello hello
nat: hi girl! yaa i know man! im good, stressed but still okay(: youu? take care prof((:
~I'm doing fine. Yay! You take care too, queen! :DD
fer: HAHA. no i dont you are the one who owe me that
~My movie treat! I'm still waiting yknow! hahaha =O
Ameera: ehh, your birthday is on vday? thats cool.
~Yeah, it is. Cool? Haha it's quite common actually. I know a lot of people who's birthday's on 14 feb.
dian: yo AL! hello ali baba so long since we talked you wanna talk eh wait no i got stuff to do now so byeeee nice skin btw.
~yo DI! di di di an(t)! Thank you for dropping by :D
SADRINASCOOLERTHANICE: ALYSSA! haha. youre born on 14feb? Im born on 12feb! awesomeeeeeeeeee. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! LINK ME SYGG.
~Eh awesome! :D Next time we shall meet up on 13 feb and celebrate! Hahaha. & wokay, will link you :D
Liyana: eh awak, kitorang nak Ymc punyer baju-ju-ju-ju-juuuuuu ): kalau dah habis suruh diorang reprint ah ): SEDIH SEH DAH LA NAK GRADUATE HAHA
~Oops sorry sorry. Idk ah, you ask the kakak or abang? (i sound pathetic I know) SORRY D:
hanan: WHOSE GAY? YOUR GAYYYY! hahahah. dude your dagu is still there
~What's gay gay? HAHAHA. I know, my dagu is nicely found on my face. Yay yay! Jealous aye? hohoho
~Uhuh, fi-na-lly huh? WHOO! & next up, FYEs. AHHH): I'll rather have common test babe. Sighs.
nurul: hahahhaah FRIDAY
nurul: hahahhaah FRIDAY
~Nurul ahhhh! hahaha
Hadi: Hey tag yo =]. Lolz, that is what i love about maths and physic, They need skill like art (which i hate)^.^
~Weird. But nevermind. Fair explanation. hahaha
sulastri: Hello Cuzzy! How you doing?:)
~Cuzzy <333
Iqah: Alyssa! Ohgawd, imissyou truckloads lahh cuzzy. Link me tawwwww .
~IMY too, hun! :D Yes, I'll link you okay? ;D
~GERALDINE AH! Tsktsk. So ego beego lego! HAHA
nadiah: HEY ALYSSA SHAHIRA!! sry random
~Hey Nadiah Aqilah Bte Bohari! :DD
Alyssa: I change my mind. I love NurulHuda Yussof the MOSTESTESTEST xD
~This is so not me, once again! Hohoho. NurulHuda Bte Yussof ahhhh!
Addie: ME?
~It's okay addie. Since you're not ego, I love you the most. HAHAHA
Jannatul: LINK ME. :}
~Yes ma'am! ;D
Sya: omg since when you used ttm?!I never knew anyone else who used ttm before : OOOO
~Really? I don't really use it, Sitira does! Now you know ;DD
Monday, 18 August 2008 21:01
Love that's undefined
This deserves priority on this post;
(all pictures courtesy of our Sarawak trip in May)
Thanks for, again, 1001 things! As I've mentioned before, not on this post though, you're really and inspiration to me. I really aspire to have brains like you and be such an awesome kakak to your adik-adik. I love you for being there for me through the craziest, happiest, wildest and even the worst of times.
Looking through our sarawak photos, it brings back so much memories! How you became mata kucing, how you always sleep on my shoulder in the bus, how we tried camwhoring in the bus but I'll end up taking candid photos of you while you're busy reading Twillight/sleeping. It just made our bond even stronger!
I LOVE YOU TTM (yay learnt this from EHEMyouEHEM) and I mean it! ;DDDDD
Today was quite fine.
Rather happy with my Malay CT marks though I was a littleeee pissed with my percentage. It always happens for malay yknow! Tsk. Other than that, I would say French was fine too. At least I managed to absorb what was being taught again. (:
Oh yeah, congrats acs(i) + bestie for winning the rugby challenge shield on Friday :D Great job!
Ehem, yknow someone owes me an outing and I wonder whoooooo. HAHA.
Alright, that's all for now folks. Goodbye ladies and men of Earth.
Thursday, 14 August 2008 18:28
On my hands I wrote ;

I was relatively happy doing both papers. Really excited sitting for them. Weird? No(:
Literature was a little funny. I couldn't think properly and surprised myself with the analysis I came up with. Heh.
I hate the fact that no matter how much I mug, I just can't seem to do the paper properly! I mean, seriously, I've been mugging for maths for the longest time I can imagine and I really really hope my hours & days of mugging will pay off with that 1hour paper. Insya-Allah!
Design & Technology ct (!!)
[oops, this part of the post looks like it came from geraldine's blog] HAHA
Yeah you guessed it, D&T left. I have to memorise the workshop rules. So pretty please brain, absorb all the information I need(: The marks are essential to pull up my overall CA marks. Please please please!
Okay enough reflections. I hope I can end off this stressful week with a bang! ;D
Oh look at the time! I'll update this blog soon enough with all the tag replies (: For now, I've got to run some errands. Whoo! Goodbye world.
P.S. Go ishraf! Go ac! victory shall be yours(: