Thursday, 20 November 2008 23:27
hi hi hi!
I'm in india now and currently in my buddy's house, Rhea's house! omg so many exciting things happening right now. hahahaha. & Rhea and I are hyperventilating because... omg hahaha. tskkk! Last night here and then off to jaipur. I miss you guys back in Sinagpore. TAKE CARE!
Okay off to the wedding party now. byebye!
Tuesday, 18 November 2008 22:11
Alyssa, my older sis has gone off 2 india!!!
Anyways, she asked me to write a post for her on her blog for her... I will miss her so much!!! She is a great sis!!! Well the time in india is two hours earlier (not sure if i spelled that right) than singapore! She has five blogs and did not tell me which one to write for!!! So i just have to write the same post for every blog......I guess she forgot?I have noting else to say.... So bye!!!
From her beloved sis,
Saturday, 15 November 2008 10:44
Someday we'll find out ;
Hello hello!
Had council exchange programme with Catholic High for the past two days.
My group was called "WHAT" ;D & it consisted of
-Roslina (exco)
-Vivien (exco)
-Jia Wei
-Chang Zhing (im so sorry i don't know how to spell it right!)
-Dion ( who didn't join us on friday): )
Kana: What's your group's name?
What: What!
Kana: Huh?
What: What!
Kana: What?
What: WHAT!!
Kana: Ohhh!
Thursday- 13 november
It was mainly get to know in the morning. Then Amazing Race in the afternoon. We went to Botanical Gardens, Suntec City and Junction 8. Pit stop was at CH since we started at cgs. I'd say my group did a great job at botanical gardens. Hehe. Our impromtu dance was fantabulous! According to Chang Zhing "it was the most funniest 3 mins in my life" Hahaha! Came in second. Hoorah hoorah! So much for.. "let's eat first and take our own sweet time" Heh.
Friday- 14 november
Met up at bedok first, then to east coast, and I reached 35 mins earlier than we were supposed to. (gf you must be proud of me! ;D) The first part of the day was spent scenario acting then after lunch we had to prepare something for performance. Funny shizzzz! Chang Zhing was more than willing to dance as a girl. hahaha! Oh we played this skipping rope game which I thought was quite fun ;D Abraham kept getting caught in it aww.. haha.
Laila and I had to leave at 7 and we were a little reluctant at first but curfews are curfews. Haha. I think we were the third ones to leave. Anyway, I felt quite sad when we were saying our goodbyes. Although it was just two days, we interacted quite a lot and I'll never forget how the group had to come up with BOTH dances. It was hilarious like abcdefg! hahaha. Hope we'll meet again, someday!
& Deborah Lee, please rest well ♥ Council will always have you in our hearts no matter where you'll go! & we wish you all the best in NJC. Lovelove!
Tag Replies;
~Edbert: Thanks for tagging ;D
~Nurul: I edited it specially to put it in yknow. hahaha. At least your name's featured xP
~Shafiqah: I miss you so much too! Meet up please??
~Dini: Omg I bet you're having so much fun right now! Haha. Don't forget to get what you told me you're buying for me ;D HAHA.
~HamiZANN: Yeah I so get you... totally! haha.
~Putri: Hellooooo! Yeah sure. Miss talking to you babe!
~Aki: Aww dahling! Hello! haha. Hope you're having an awesome time there! Don't forget to memorise your notes. hahaha~
~Sulastri: Yo mann! Wokay ;D
Wednesday, 12 November 2008 16:46
How cool ;
Hahaha this is random but I've been blog hopping and people have been saying how cool their sec 3'09 class will be so I shall say this (too)... 3G3'09 has the coolest people in it. HAHAHA. Heyhey glad there's emmy, afee, shasha, keerthana, hazwani (omg mean[ah]!), laila etc. So yay baby! hahaha.
Although it was my 3rd choice (it was like the most popular double sci choice though, i think) Emmy and I have decided to stay committed. Okay we will/shall/must work wayyyy harder next year!
(yes, my plan to stay optimistic about my given subject combi is working! hehe)
Bio Chem. Bio Chem. Bio Chem! ;D
Nurul said S1 will be cool with her around. Hmm, I have my doubts. HAHAHA. ok kidding kidding! Wurve euu nuwul ahahaha!
Tuesday, 11 November 2008 19:37
Snickerdoodle ;

Sec 3 placement results were out today and omgggg you don't know how nervous I was when I was on the train with Nadiah and Jannatul. Hehe.
The combination wasn't what I exactly wanted (physics chem grr) but managed to get two sciences, two humans and two maths; pure bio, pure chem, pure geog, ss+elect lit, a maths, e maths and hml! Which means, malay Os is less than a year for me =O
Anyway, 3G3'09 anyone? ;D I shall be optimistic about my combination and please stop making me feel so demoralised about not getting my desired combination. *ehem* haha. Thanks mommy for making me feel better and Alhamdulillah your prayers were answered! ;D Yea maybe there's a reason why I end up in bio chem instead of physics chem (:
Moving on... Nurul and Sitifa crashed my house after pbmc today ;D Went for lunch with addie, emmy and shasha before that. (L)
So at my house we talked our day away, surfed (the net) the day away, danced the day away, camwhored the day away. Such girls~~ Hahaha. & sleepover soon pretty pretty please?? After India trip, yes? ;DD
Wokay kids I need to upload pictures to the computer now. Byebyebye
Tag Replies;
~Dini: Omg you're on the plane while I'm typing this right now. Aww... take care while you're there ;D Anyway, haha definitely! We shall have a photo sharing session after our trips ;DD
~Jaya: Yes! Haha & next time we watch, must watch properly! HAHA. Not open and close the laptop aww poor tablet had to suffer with us. Hehe.

The combination wasn't what I exactly wanted (physics chem grr) but managed to get two sciences, two humans and two maths; pure bio, pure chem, pure geog, ss+elect lit, a maths, e maths and hml! Which means, malay Os is less than a year for me =O
Anyway, 3G3'09 anyone? ;D I shall be optimistic about my combination and please stop making me feel so demoralised about not getting my desired combination. *ehem* haha. Thanks mommy for making me feel better and Alhamdulillah your prayers were answered! ;D Yea maybe there's a reason why I end up in bio chem instead of physics chem (:
Moving on... Nurul and Sitifa crashed my house after pbmc today ;D Went for lunch with addie, emmy and shasha before that. (L)
So at my house we talked our day away, surfed (the net) the day away, danced the day away, camwhored the day away. Such girls~~ Hahaha. & sleepover soon pretty pretty please?? After India trip, yes? ;DD
Wokay kids I need to upload pictures to the computer now. Byebyebye
Tag Replies;
~Dini: Omg you're on the plane while I'm typing this right now. Aww... take care while you're there ;D Anyway, haha definitely! We shall have a photo sharing session after our trips ;DD
~Jaya: Yes! Haha & next time we watch, must watch properly! HAHA. Not open and close the laptop aww poor tablet had to suffer with us. Hehe.
Monday, 10 November 2008 14:54
Now I'm speechless ;

Hello people ;D
I'm over the moon, totally! Hahaha. Okay maybe not super-di-duper happy but I mean, I finally went jogging yesterday! How can I not be happy tell me? Hehe. After months of saying "I want to go jogging!" ;DD Jogged with my siblings and they ditched me halfway): Arfynna and Alfian were going at like 100km/h (exaggerating I know but they were really fast!) while Martin was way behind with bibik. So I ended up being alone. HAHA. Anyway, I hope I won't stop here and will continue to jog (:
Training felt really different today. People started getting sick and the rain incident was freaky. I don't know why but the sounds weren't even coming out right! While playing the kulintang, together with emmy, at the back of the room, we could see and feel the difference. It was just... really different from any of the previous sessions. Okay you get my point. Missing notes...not beat...not in sync with kulintang. Sighs. It was as if this was our very first practice. I think it's the room. It needs a make-over! Now who wants to help me think of designs? Cheh cheh! Haha.
My dear friends are escaping to China tomorrow. Please take care of yourself, Afee, Dini, Siti, Nishan and whoever else who's going! Take lots of pictures okay? ;D Enjoy your trip!!
Hmm, I feel like munching on famous amos now. Anyone kind enough to get it for me? ;D
Tag Replies;
~Apilira: I miss you and the rest too!! Love you and hopefully we'll meet on friday ;DD
~Shafiqah: Exactly! & then you might be a part of the most awesomest camp group ever! hahaha. Anyway, how have you been? Have not talked to you for long mann):
~Eon: Yeah, dynamites forever <3 Haha good day!
~HamiZANN: Mmhmm, it sure was fun right...? Hahaha. See ya on friday, hopefully! ;D
~Katie: Omg hello katie!! How have you been? When's our long john silver's lunch going to happen? haha. Anyway, are you coming for my school's musical evening? If yes, tell me okay?? ;DD
~Jaya: You were there, no? haha or maybe you fell asleep already. Don't worry, it's just about us changing our nick to MASQUE. That's all ;DD I love you gg partner <33 style="font-weight: bold;">Farhana: This is the time for you to relax your mind first. Once you get back your results then stress out. Hehe. 'Cos you must think of the school you want to choose but anyway, advice: Don't choose a school because your friends are going there! Choose wisely ;D GOOD LUCK <3>
I'm over the moon, totally! Hahaha. Okay maybe not super-di-duper happy but I mean, I finally went jogging yesterday! How can I not be happy tell me? Hehe. After months of saying "I want to go jogging!" ;DD Jogged with my siblings and they ditched me halfway): Arfynna and Alfian were going at like 100km/h (exaggerating I know but they were really fast!) while Martin was way behind with bibik. So I ended up being alone. HAHA. Anyway, I hope I won't stop here and will continue to jog (:
Training felt really different today. People started getting sick and the rain incident was freaky. I don't know why but the sounds weren't even coming out right! While playing the kulintang, together with emmy, at the back of the room, we could see and feel the difference. It was just... really different from any of the previous sessions. Okay you get my point. Missing notes...not beat...not in sync with kulintang. Sighs. It was as if this was our very first practice. I think it's the room. It needs a make-over! Now who wants to help me think of designs? Cheh cheh! Haha.
My dear friends are escaping to China tomorrow. Please take care of yourself, Afee, Dini, Siti, Nishan and whoever else who's going! Take lots of pictures okay? ;D Enjoy your trip!!
Hmm, I feel like munching on famous amos now. Anyone kind enough to get it for me? ;D
Tag Replies;
~Apilira: I miss you and the rest too!! Love you and hopefully we'll meet on friday ;DD
~Shafiqah: Exactly! & then you might be a part of the most awesomest camp group ever! hahaha. Anyway, how have you been? Have not talked to you for long mann):
~Eon: Yeah, dynamites forever <3 Haha good day!
~HamiZANN: Mmhmm, it sure was fun right...? Hahaha. See ya on friday, hopefully! ;D
~Katie: Omg hello katie!! How have you been? When's our long john silver's lunch going to happen? haha. Anyway, are you coming for my school's musical evening? If yes, tell me okay?? ;DD
~Jaya: You were there, no? haha or maybe you fell asleep already. Don't worry, it's just about us changing our nick to MASQUE. That's all ;DD I love you gg partner <33 style="font-weight: bold;">Farhana: This is the time for you to relax your mind first. Once you get back your results then stress out. Hehe. 'Cos you must think of the school you want to choose but anyway, advice: Don't choose a school because your friends are going there! Choose wisely ;D GOOD LUCK <3>
Saturday, 8 November 2008 11:11
& you got your share of secrets ;
Angklung practice was quite fun yesterday! But I have no positions): Hehe okay whatever alyssa. Tsk! I had fun dancing to the songs they played though, YAY ;D
Met up with Dynamite at east coast after that though I was kind of lost with nurul and zahra initially at bedok. Hoho! Next time I should speak up when there's a need to. Hahaha.
So met up with the rest and they got me into the water! Grr. Although I told them countless of times that I'm allergic to sea water. Talked a lot and sat at the breakwater for sunset (: I must say, it was very pretty. & I realised the sea water caused my dynamite henna painting -points to the picture above- to fade off *sobs* Then, aprilia, ryan and I rushed home at 7+, while the rest went to eat, but still couldn't make it on time. Sorry mommy. Sorry papa):
The outing was still crazily fun though, thank you! KABOCKABOOM BABY ;DD
Btw masque, sorry I was MIA during yesterday's conversation. I read through it though and I've changed my nick so yay? Haha. & I couldn't stay up for sunrise, too tired): Maybe we can do it today? Or tmr? We must find a day where all of us can stay up okay? I still love all of you like how I've loved you guys all these while (L) Muah!
Tag Replies;
~AddieWaddie: Yeah ballzxzxz! Masque is like.. phenomenal love (cheh cheh!) & Thank you so much for the pictures, prince! ;D
~Emmypants: IAY too! -awww- ;DD
~Afiqahfeeweefee: Uhuh uhuh! I keep going to flickr to see the pictures! Hehe.
~Idris: But I say cannot! I'm not so old please. (HAHAHA) & cool! No wonder you know her. She's in rgs now yknow(:
~Dini: Gosh! Sec 1 regrets omg.. hahaha!
~Eon: I shall say, goodmorning then ;D Dynamite ftw!
~hamiZANN: I miss the whole group): & Haha I just saw you yesterday! & since I've updated, it's your turn now. muahaha!
~Faizul(= : We're like family manzxzxz. & I saw you yesterday too! Hahaha.
~Shafiqah: How come you guys were pulled out? Alah.. who knows we might be in the same team!! D:
~Jaya: I'm not sure. Sorry! But haha that girl's not Hannah. Perhaps you got the wrong person. Awww.. sorry jaya!
~Iqbal: Hello sir! Oh haha yesyes my slippers in good condition ;D Thank you for your concern and wokay, I will (soon)!
Met up with Dynamite at east coast after that though I was kind of lost with nurul and zahra initially at bedok. Hoho! Next time I should speak up when there's a need to. Hahaha.
So met up with the rest and they got me into the water! Grr. Although I told them countless of times that I'm allergic to sea water. Talked a lot and sat at the breakwater for sunset (: I must say, it was very pretty. & I realised the sea water caused my dynamite henna painting -points to the picture above- to fade off *sobs* Then, aprilia, ryan and I rushed home at 7+, while the rest went to eat, but still couldn't make it on time. Sorry mommy. Sorry papa):
The outing was still crazily fun though, thank you! KABOCKABOOM BABY ;DD
Btw masque, sorry I was MIA during yesterday's conversation. I read through it though and I've changed my nick so yay? Haha. & I couldn't stay up for sunrise, too tired): Maybe we can do it today? Or tmr? We must find a day where all of us can stay up okay? I still love all of you like how I've loved you guys all these while (L) Muah!
Tag Replies;
~AddieWaddie: Yeah ballzxzxz! Masque is like.. phenomenal love (cheh cheh!) & Thank you so much for the pictures, prince! ;D
~Emmypants: IAY too! -awww- ;DD
~Afiqahfeeweefee: Uhuh uhuh! I keep going to flickr to see the pictures! Hehe.
~Idris: But I say cannot! I'm not so old please. (HAHAHA) & cool! No wonder you know her. She's in rgs now yknow(:
~Dini: Gosh! Sec 1 regrets omg.. hahaha!
~Eon: I shall say, goodmorning then ;D Dynamite ftw!
~hamiZANN: I miss the whole group): & Haha I just saw you yesterday! & since I've updated, it's your turn now. muahaha!
~Faizul(= : We're like family manzxzxz. & I saw you yesterday too! Hahaha.
~Shafiqah: How come you guys were pulled out? Alah.. who knows we might be in the same team!! D:
~Jaya: I'm not sure. Sorry! But haha that girl's not Hannah. Perhaps you got the wrong person. Awww.. sorry jaya!
~Iqbal: Hello sir! Oh haha yesyes my slippers in good condition ;D Thank you for your concern and wokay, I will (soon)!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008 09:20
Look into your heart and you'll find LOVE LOVE LOVE ;
Hello back from CampTeen yesterday ;D
It was way better than expected. This racial harmony camp taught me a lot of things! It's all under my reflections booklet though. Hehe. So let's start from day One. (long post ahead for memory sake)
DAY 1- 1st november
We had to come up with a name starting with D and surprisingly (ehem) half of us thought of Dynamite. Haha. Then it was basically ice breakers(: Our group was most probably the NOISIEST by lunch time. During lunch, the girls decided to give the guys a challenge. Throughout the 4 days, we will see who's the most gentleman-ly person in the group. It all started because the guys served us drinks. hahaha. We did high elements after that and too bad yu feng, I didn't fall down ;D We were cheering Coach Has on when it was his turn although he was posing here and there, funny!! hahaha. Climbed the last high element with nurul and I felt so satisfied reaching the 4th beam! Whoo! After dinner, three dudes from last year's batch came down for a talk and somehow, they became attached to Dynamite throughout the four days! HAHA. By the time the day ended, it felt like as if the whole group have been together for so long! ;DD
DAY 2- 2nd november
We found out our group was labelled "Most Enthusiastic Group" at the beggining of the day ;D Then had a talk about racial harmony and then off to asian civilisation museum. Aprilia practically know the whole place, so cool! haha. Followed by Amazing Race at Chinatown! Our group came in lucky no. 7 and then we played games while waiting. We were so noisy! Haha. Went back to campsite, shines, for lunch and cultural hands-on activities. The ketupat was so hard to make omg! Hahaha. We learnt Mass Dance! Damn fun! Ohoh my group did a Dynamite design for henna painting ;DD At night, we had a discussion for Bash Nite cum Campfire and Project. Awesome much? ;D
DAY 3- 3rd november
Dragon boating in the morning ;D As usual, group cheered before we went on the boat. Hehe. & hussain keep threatening to capsize the boat, luckily he didn't keep to his words! Before our competition, dynamite team up with ignite, dynite, to splash other groups but to no avail. Hahaha! Came in 5th but who cares, we had fun ;D Kept cheering all the way back and we even came up with a Peace cheer to stop people from splashing us. How innovative! Cheh.. haha. Then had Project discussion for 2 solid hours but in between we played with Coach's hair. Omg it's a miracle how it can stay there! hahaha. Rehearsed Bash Nite item after that and yadda yadda yadda it was CAMPFIRE!
Campfire was fun ;D Although the fire went out halfway (haha) but it was enjoyable. Partied the night away and got splashed by coach! Hehe. It was actually revenge because Dynamite came up with a plan to splash coach and it was a success ;DD Luckily I brought extra clothes, phew! Haha. && we found out that our group's Project was chosen! WHOO! So we planned till 12+ and kababoom slept!
DAY 4- 4th november
Last day was really saddening. We had to quickly come up with a skit performance to present to the mayor and it paid off! ;D Our dance was also complimented... awesome! We had the record-breaking feat thing before that. Ate lunch together for the last time and told the guys who won "Mr Gentleman". Hahaha. Finally, it was time to do our Colors of Life! Ahh, they purposely played emo songs. I hope everyone will keep that piece of paper. Before we left we did one last group cheer and hugged. All the girls in dynamite cried): It was such a sad thing to part. We bonded so well in a span of 4 days!! It was so so hard to let go, really D:
Coach Has- A.K.A. Coach Nice Hair! Hahaha. It was so cool to have you as our coach ;D Thank you for always cracking us up and making sure we're on task. ;DD
Aprilia - Best 13 year old leader I have ever met! & you dance so well ;D SOTA baby!
Darshini- You're a funny lady and definitely, going to miss your "okok i'm going to follow you!"
Ernestine- I love your name! & you're a confident lady, I know you are ;D
Edbert- Must sing for the group next time we meet up for projects!! haha.
Faizul- Ehem winner of Mr Gentleman. Haha. You can dance mann, fuyoh ;D hahaha
Hussain- The joker of the group! Omg your expressions are always priceless! HAHA. Going to miss that, definitely.
Hilmi- Thanks for being helpful towards the group especially during meal times ;D
Iqbal- Our "teacher" haha. Thanks for helping me with my slippers mann ;D Haha.
Izhar- Funny dude omg you eat a lot! haha. The camp was not what we expected, yes?
Michelle- You know how to work it girl! ;D Good luck for Fashion Show today ;DD
Nurul- My twin! That was unexpected huh? I can't believe our group got our names mixed up on the first day. hahaha
Qiu Ting- Yo mei! I am jealous that you have really nice hair ): Hahaha.
Sharifah- Adik! Hope you're feeling much better now ;D
Winnie- Dancer! I can't find your friendster... haha. Winnie the pooh took it away? haha.
Wei Wen- So judge, next time I'll cook up food for you okay? It'll the best ;D hahaha
Yu Feng- Gosh! looks can be deceiving! You're a nice dude mann. It's good you've changed, almost. HAHAHA.
Zahra- Pretty lady! Omg follow your dreams, Dynamite's going to support you all the way ;DD
Haiqal- You add humour to the group! haha. Thanks for helping out!
Hamizan- Thank you for all the encouragements and pictures ;DD
Jie Wei- Thank you for your motivation!
Everyone said it was the best camp they have ever attended and no doubt, I've got to agree with that statement.
1 we're dynamites
2 we'll win this fight
3 and ya, that's right
4 more more more
We are dynamites,
Don't mess with dynamites
Boom boom boom

1 we're dynamites
2 we'll win this fight
3 and ya, that's right
4 more more more
We are dynamites,
Don't mess with dynamites
Boom boom boom
P.S. Sorry angklung & kulintang ensemble for missing practice on mon & tues. Really sorry!