Tuesday, 16 December 2008 23:34
Keep it on a roll ;

Hello ;D
Taridra today was wheewhoowahhh! ;DD We did a little of contemporary dancing so egg-citingzzz! Hahaha. Sorry, I'm just elated because we finally started on Taridra. The last dance is so ballet-ish and I miss ballet, terribly. I guess, this can be a substitute for the moment. I won't give up my hopes on resuming lessons one day as it has been 2 years and it hurts :/ Heh.
Moving on, the dentist said my teeth is much better now ;D & I just have to wear it at night for now till perhaps the next time I see her! Haha. It's going to be a little weird not wearing it for a while actually. I'm going to miss it. It has gone through thick and thin with me): HAHA.
Council tomorrow to prepare for sec one registration. Whoo going to meet SA and Mean(ah)s! Sec 1 registration prep................... here we come!
Tag Replies;
~Anony: Erm, hi! haha. Leave your name next time, perhaps I do know you (:
~Addie: Yeah babe! Hahaha mailboy! ;D
~Statickk: Omg totally! I (L) Kulintangklung x1000000000000~
~Suharti: Oh mann... what's up?? I'm here if you need me babe, anytime ;D Alhamdulillah, things have been going smoothly so yeah, thanks! Haha. ;D
Sunday, 14 December 2008 22:52
Even in daylight, shine on ;

Recently came back from Perth on Friday. It's summer but it was cold! Just like in India~ I LOVE the weather(: It's nice although I am freakishly sunburnt): & it hurts quite badly, really! Getting better though, Alhamdulillah!
I'll update more about it on another day. ;D
Homework check! English assignments are almost done with about half a compo (heh) and a book review left. Maths is still nowhere near 1/4 complete :/ Totally doomed. Need to revise Sec 3 bridging course stuff again (!!)
Okay shall get my writing juices flowing now ;D Haha!
Tag Replies (since a very long time ago hehe);
~Shafiqah: "oh yes pretty please. but when seh?"
on the 25th ;D yay can't wait for cousins reunion babe! MISS YOU!
~Nurul: "hahahahhaahah i was kidding! but i love you too!
I love me thanks ;D hahaha
" wah best seh. talk to you everyday also still miss me HAHAHAH EGO XD haha iay beb."
Iay too beb! ;DD
"hahaha i woke up for like 5 mins ok to layan you and your "omg play with me who wants to be a millionaire"--ness lol arent you honoured enough xD"
Fine fine, honoured enough! haha. I'm so nice okay... I give in! xP
~Dini: "wait i forgot what im supposed to give you, but look on the bright side
I got you peeboy!!!
" "but there might not be enough"
hahaha! it's okay(: It's the thought that counts anyway! haha
~Shaleen: "Hello babe ! omgosh,your profile pic is so cute lahh! hee~"
Thank you thank you. I bet everyone looks cute when they were younger. hahaha!
"omgzx, I'mma song! HAHA."
Shaleeeeen! Honestly, I don't know what does this mean. hahaha.
~HamiZANN: "okay i tagged...lol you're a councillor??? haha..cat high lol "
Yes I'm a councillor(: & what's wrong with cat high? haha
~Freda: "alyssa ^^ link me up ! psstt ; imy !"
I'll link you up missy(: Imy too! ahhh remember.. "the kentals" HAHA. So kental omg! heh
~Judee: "ALYSAAAAAA :] how are you deary. eh cool, youre in India. update me yes? :]"
I'm very fine thanks(: You?? & now I'm back! You can read the superbly long post or I'll just cut it short for you... it was splendid! I love love love love love love love it ;DD
~Chang Jing: "hi ! I am the gay guy in ur grp. add me on msn bah
Yo mann! Haha Added(: Eh, I think WHAT was a great team! hahaha I miss our dance xP
~Moon: "yo alyssawissa!!!How's India??U lucky gal!"
Hello moon! Haha who are you? India was awesome awesome awesome ;DDDD
~Shir: "ei! plan a meetup fr sixalien! kay? ;D"
Hmm, I'm so busy now): I feel like a businesswoman or something but I'll try my very best okay? ;D I miss sixaliens mann!!
~ERMYrawker: " YMC! was awesome! pictures up on my friendster, just search "ermy" im one of a kind
YMC IS awesome(: Haha. Thanks for the pictures yo! I've grabbed some of them hehe. Thanks!
~QIS!: " you owe me a BLOG POST ON INDIAA! (:"
One whole long post for you missy! Be honoured yo ;D
"EHHH; you still havent post!"
posted! haha
~Sitifa: "That's the song from A Walk toRemember! I love that movie, and the song too! Woo~"
Yeah I love that movie too! It's really nice ;D
~Ilya: " hiiiiiiiiii
Hiiiiiii! hahaha. How have you been?
~AhMinah: "Heyheyhey. Link me yeh? =]"
Sure thing ;D Miss you babe!
~Lingling: "hey alyssa pretty girl!!!"
Hello pretty dancer! ;D
~Rosemund: "hello alyssa! relink please
Wokay! (:
~Suharti: "Hi Alyssa!
" "India? Mine Cambodia!
" "Imysssssssm! Do you? HAHA!"
Hi my 12 years friend!! Omg 12 years okay ahhhh! OF COURSE IMYSSSSSSSSSSSM too! How can I not, tell me??? hahahaha. How are you?? Omg update me with your life! (or I can just go to your blog which I HAVE) ;DD Please be honoured. hahaha!
I'll update more about it on another day. ;D
Homework check! English assignments are almost done with about half a compo (heh) and a book review left. Maths is still nowhere near 1/4 complete :/ Totally doomed. Need to revise Sec 3 bridging course stuff again (!!)
Okay shall get my writing juices flowing now ;D Haha!
Tag Replies (since a very long time ago hehe);
~Shafiqah: "oh yes pretty please. but when seh?"
on the 25th ;D yay can't wait for cousins reunion babe! MISS YOU!
~Nurul: "hahahahhaahah i was kidding! but i love you too!

I love me thanks ;D hahaha
" wah best seh. talk to you everyday also still miss me HAHAHAH EGO XD haha iay beb."
Iay too beb! ;DD
"hahaha i woke up for like 5 mins ok to layan you and your "omg play with me who wants to be a millionaire"--ness lol arent you honoured enough xD"
Fine fine, honoured enough! haha. I'm so nice okay... I give in! xP
~Dini: "wait i forgot what im supposed to give you, but look on the bright side

hahaha! it's okay(: It's the thought that counts anyway! haha
~Shaleen: "Hello babe ! omgosh,your profile pic is so cute lahh! hee~"
Thank you thank you. I bet everyone looks cute when they were younger. hahaha!
"omgzx, I'mma song! HAHA."
Shaleeeeen! Honestly, I don't know what does this mean. hahaha.
~HamiZANN: "okay i tagged...lol you're a councillor??? haha..cat high lol "
Yes I'm a councillor(: & what's wrong with cat high? haha
~Freda: "alyssa ^^ link me up ! psstt ; imy !"
I'll link you up missy(: Imy too! ahhh remember.. "the kentals" HAHA. So kental omg! heh
~Judee: "ALYSAAAAAA :] how are you deary. eh cool, youre in India. update me yes? :]"
I'm very fine thanks(: You?? & now I'm back! You can read the superbly long post or I'll just cut it short for you... it was splendid! I love love love love love love love it ;DD
~Chang Jing: "hi ! I am the gay guy in ur grp. add me on msn bah

Yo mann! Haha Added(: Eh, I think WHAT was a great team! hahaha I miss our dance xP
~Moon: "yo alyssawissa!!!How's India??U lucky gal!"
Hello moon! Haha who are you? India was awesome awesome awesome ;DDDD
~Shir: "ei! plan a meetup fr sixalien! kay? ;D"
Hmm, I'm so busy now): I feel like a businesswoman or something but I'll try my very best okay? ;D I miss sixaliens mann!!
~ERMYrawker: " YMC! was awesome! pictures up on my friendster, just search "ermy" im one of a kind

YMC IS awesome(: Haha. Thanks for the pictures yo! I've grabbed some of them hehe. Thanks!
~QIS!: " you owe me a BLOG POST ON INDIAA! (:"
One whole long post for you missy! Be honoured yo ;D
"EHHH; you still havent post!"
posted! haha
~Sitifa: "That's the song from A Walk toRemember! I love that movie, and the song too! Woo~"
Yeah I love that movie too! It's really nice ;D
~Ilya: " hiiiiiiiiii

Hiiiiiii! hahaha. How have you been?
~AhMinah: "Heyheyhey. Link me yeh? =]"
Sure thing ;D Miss you babe!
~Lingling: "hey alyssa pretty girl!!!"
Hello pretty dancer! ;D
~Rosemund: "hello alyssa! relink please

Wokay! (:
~Suharti: "Hi Alyssa!

Hi my 12 years friend!! Omg 12 years okay ahhhh! OF COURSE IMYSSSSSSSSSSSM too! How can I not, tell me??? hahahaha. How are you?? Omg update me with your life! (or I can just go to your blog which I HAVE) ;DD Please be honoured. hahaha!
Saturday, 13 December 2008 18:10
Take you with me for the space ;
The Letter A
Are you available?: Hmm, can I not be?
What is your age?: Fantastic Four(teen)
What annoys you?: Me not doing homework heh.
Letter B
Do you live in a big house?: Not big big.
When is your birthday?: 14 February (:
Letter C
What's your favorite candy?: Crunchy (it starts with C too!)
Who's your crush?: Go figure ;DD
When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday, gosh!
The Letter D
Do you daydream?: Yes and I can Nightdream too ;D
What's your favorite kind of dog?: For now, I'll go for BUDDY! Okay it's not a kind of dog, it's a specific dog hehe.
The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?: Sunny side up? ;D
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Close but nope(:
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: Just sit down and stone! Whoo! Easy peasy weasy!
The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?:Uhuh!
Do you use fly swatters?: Nope, why swat when you can snap? (okay doesn't make sense =O)
Have you ever used a foghorn?: Eh? Use a horn in a fog? HEH.
The Letter G
Do you chew gum?: Not my gum obviously but the chewing gum, yes ;D
Are you a giver or a taker?: Both?
Do you like gummy candies?: YES!
The Letter H
How are you?: Pretty fine if maths doesn't flood my mind (:
What color is your hair?: Orange! Heh okay no. Black? Dark brown? (CHEH!) Blonde? HAHA
The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream?: Cho-co-la-tehh ;D
Have you ever ice skated?: Mmhmm, and wants to ice skate sometime soon!
Do you play an instrument?: Kulintang ftw! ;DD
The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean brand?: Urm, I don't really eat them.
Do you wear jewelry?: Sometimes.
The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?: No one, I promote World Peace! Hahaha really!!
Do you want kids?: Not now silly!
Where did you go for kindergarten?: Elias Kindergaten omg I remember my class, K1b, K2A ;D HAHA
The Letter L
Are you laid back?: At times?
Do you lie?: (i have) Lips of an angel~~ Haha rightttt.
The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?: Love (omg it made me cry like abfnjbafagiafn
Do you still watch Disney movies?: Of course!! HSM is like awesome, no? ;D
Do you like mangos?: Err.. okay.
The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?: Yeah.. a lot haha
What is your real name?: Awesome Animated Amazing Alyssa ;D HAHAHA
Whats your favorite number?: 14? (:
Do you prefer night over day?: Mmhmm!
The Letter O
What's your one wish?: Hmm, to complete homework?
Are you an only child?: Nope and am happy about it ;D
The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Erm, got to be about the face mann :/
What are your pet peeves?: When my siblings say.. "...never... never" Heh.
What's a personality trait you look for in people?: Good manners (:
The Letter Q
What's your favorite quote?: Perhaps, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players"
Are you quick to judge people?: At times, hehe.
The Letter R
Do you think you're always right?: I know I can be wrong (:
Are you one to cry?: I can get a little too emotional =O
The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: Sun! With low humidity please.
Do you like snow?: Haven't gotten a chance to experience it.
What's your favorite season?: Winter, with no snow ;D HAHA.
The Letter T
What time is it?: 6.40pm
What time did you wake up?: 8.45am (:
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: Too long to remember. Heh
The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?: Omg duhhhhh!
Underwear or boxers?: What is your motive of asking this? Tsk!
The Letter V
What's the worst veggie?: I don't really eat lots of them so not really sure. Hehe.
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Paris!! or maybe, Perth (again) ;DD
The Letter W
What's your worst habit?: Sadding (inside joke for masqueraders xP)
Where do you live?: On the rooftop of your house ;D
What's your worst fear?: Urm...
The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yepyep! The coat thingy's so heavy.. heh.
Have you seen the x-games?: What's that? The one with the letter X? YES! ;D
Do you own a xylophone?: No but I own a Telephone!
The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?: Haha omg Crescent! Whoo!
What's one thing you yearn for?: Something I can't have? -inserts aww-
The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?: Aquarius baby! ;DD
Favorite zoo animal?: Horses, they're so pretty!
Friday, 12 December 2008 21:53
Something so dear ;
loving you long time
I miss... Shona, Mrunal, Gauhrie, Nurul, Emira, Darryl, Berwin, Chee Yang, Phoon Yi, Aravin, Jiacheng, Marcus, Thanaraj, Zhou Jian, Aik Tien, Kevin and Nathan. Ahhhh):
(trip post still in progress hehe)
loving you long time
I miss... Shona, Mrunal, Gauhrie, Nurul, Emira, Darryl, Berwin, Chee Yang, Phoon Yi, Aravin, Jiacheng, Marcus, Thanaraj, Zhou Jian, Aik Tien, Kevin and Nathan. Ahhhh):
(trip post still in progress hehe)
Thursday, 4 December 2008 16:38
India Exchange Programme ;
Hiiiiiiiii! ;D
I shall finally (after-more-than-two-weeks) blog about my super-di-splendid trip to Delhi, Jaipur and Agra! Get ready 'cos it's going to get very lengthy... (for memory's sake)
Before that, just a little about India first. It's winter time there now, but no snow though. It's about 14 degrees and 10 degrees towards the end of our trip. Their time difference is about 2 1/2 hours behind us (: & oh yeah, there were 6 girls from CGS that went. The other 12 students were from SJI and VS. Okay so I shall start now!
Day 1- 18 November
It was more of just a plane ride to India since our flight was a night flight. After bidding farewell to family and friends who came down (thanks for sending us off! ;D), we were getting to know each other. Since there was 6 of us from different classes, we introduced ourselves while waiting to get on board.Day 2- 19 November
We were up and going by 730.

Day 3- 20 November
Attended school at MSVV! Took the schoolbus there, cool experience okay ;DDay 4- 21 November
Woken up by Buddy, the dog's, barking. Haha. My host mommy woke up just to say goodbye.. aww. Thank you! & Nana (Rhea's grandfather) took a picture with me! ;D haha.Day 5- 22 November
I wore the angklung shirt okay ;D Whoo! Okay so on this day we did sightseeing in Jaipur(: OKAY IT WAS THE DAY, 7 OF US HAD THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME! ;DD Although it was pretty scary. So anyway, first we saw the gates that resembles their God's crown.

Day 6- 23 November
This was bus ride day to Agra! Started off our journey at 9am and we were noisy initially but one by one everyone started sleeping. Sat with nurul for this bus ride and *ehem* this particular song was on repeat eh? haha.

Day 7- 24 November
Woke up early to head off to the Taj Mahal ;D

& that was it... it was the end of the best overseas school trip everrrr! Thankfully though, we make sure that we're still in contact and that we have meet-ups ;D Ohmann, VCI is so awesome ;DD
These are the people who made our batch the most craziest/coolest everrrr ;DD
Nurul- Twinny! I went through a lot with you this year and this trip made us stronger ;D Remember our notebooks? haha!
Emmy- Hunneh, I am so proud of you ;D I'm so happy to see you so happy yknow! hahaha
Shona- Your laughter's the best medicine and omg you can be so hyper! ;DD
Mrunal- The whole VCI owes you big time for being the best Hindi translator! haha. You're a fashionista babehhh! ;D
Gauhrie- Our 2nd overseas trip together and partners yet again. Omg I can't wait for next year, love ;DD
(& me!- the one who always runs for the timer heh. they better be thankful xP)
Aik Tien- I didn't know you used Soz so cool! hahaha
Thanaraj- Joker! I still remember that silly expression that made all of us cracked up! HAHA
Kevin- You're strong dude! Keep it up yo (:
Marcus- Hahah looks can be so deceiving! So much for looking innocent huh? hahaha
JC- Another really sick one but you know where to draw the line so Kuddos! Haha
Aravin- First VCI (other than cgs of course) friend and fine I share a different sense of humour hahaha. Its cool that way okay!
Nathan- Didn't expect you to be a funny dude yo! Haha
Look Zhou Jian- Your surname's cool, no kidding! & another innocent looking one hahaha
Berwin- Thanks for the company! & your general knowledge is over the top mann! I feel like such a loser playing "Who wants to be a millionare" with you hahaha
Chee Yang- Probably the most innocent and matured guy in the group! Naan ftw right? "Mmm... Naan" hahaha
Darryl- Flawless skin omg so cool ah! Must give tips mann ;D
Phoon Yi- Hahaha thanks for flooding us with food during bus rides! hahaha
& thank you Mr Muthi, Mr Sim, Mr Chan and Mrs Lim for accompanying us there. We were sure independant kids, weren't we? hahaha
I took 622 pictures so it's impossible to upload all here. heh. Some of the PICTURES are up on my facebook. (Link 1) / (Link 2) / (Link 3)
Alrighty, that's it folks! ;D