Saturday, 21 February 2009 10:48
Not over it ;
Long days. Long week. Long rest. Yay?
Okay scrap the last part. There's too much homework to complete. In addition, there's still mugging to do. Common tests are approaching. Procrastination's got to go baby!
SS, which is supposedly a graded assignment heh, and Chem test yesterday were quite manageable. But teachers were going, "The test was considered easy". Scary much? At least there are things to look forward to after common tests; photo/shopping date with hazwani and perhaps outing with masque or 3g3 ;D Egg-citing!
Cross-country prep has been hectic. Banner's finally piecing up nicely while cheer-off is still a little to the downside. I really hope the participants will come down for practices next week. Cross-country's next friday! *screams* Speaking of which, any ideas for cheer-off, anyone? Hehe.

That said, back to mugging. Wow, only in sec three and life's been like this. Interesting.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009 08:27
The 7th week of 2009 was by far, the best. Three/Four big events happened in a span of three days. It was a really nice way to end of the week (:
13 February
CrezAwards, Masked Valentine's
Despite the technical glitches, I think council really pulled through. Being the phantom was a great experience and I want to thank Si Hui and Laila plus the whole council for trusting me to take up the role (: & not forgetting, Yeo Yitong for being my awesome "Christine". Congratulations to the winners and the other particapants (: & hey, the guest performers were great! West Grand Boulevard's acoustic performance, Ming's take on Kiss Me, Dedi-K-Ted's sleek grooves and Taufik's appearance... council's very honoured to have them perform in CrezAwards.
Another proud event "brought to you by the Student Council" Haha.
14 February
Alhamdulillah, everything turned out to be better than expected ;D This initial non-humorous play turned into a comedy of some sort. It was simply heartwarming to see everyone hugging and encouraging each other to do their best. Drama peeps, you guys were fabulous! Seeing everyone grow and better themseleves since our very first practice gave me this... undescribable feeling. I guess I'm just really proud to be a part of it. Thank you so much to Iman for being the director. Your tips and advices were helpful, no doubt ;DD Taridra, this Gang Gerek is da bomb siolzxzxzx! It amazes me how you all juggle between tarian and props. Never regretted being with this group of people too ;D The bond between the tarianers leaves me in tears. *cheh* hahaha. I love every single one of you!! & to dikir, wow! Seriously, wow! The actresses were outside screaming their lungs out right after we hear the tepuk sepuluh. Superb job you guys. Whoo! Serikandi Purnama baby! Oh yes, how can I forget the backstage crew?? Thank you so much for helping out. The play can never go on without the crew right? Whoo! & also, from the emcee, to the light crew to the camera (ehem Hazwani ehem) crew, everyone did their best. Congrats ;DD I LOVE ALL OF YOU, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU PEOPLE INVOLVED! (L)
Birthday Surprise
Dinner with family plus the two Khairul(s) was fun! Followed by bowling and omg omg omg, I really love my present! Haha. I didn't recall telling them what I wished for my birthday so when they gave me the box, I was lost for words (: I love you mama, papa, arfynna, martin, ashraf and nizam. My day ended off with a blast, thanks to you guys. (L)(L)(L) !!
15 february
Sidetrack a little to 6th and 7th of February.
Youth Leaders' Summit

Motivational and inspirational. Up till today, there's no sense of regret found in me. Feeling grateful that I was given the opportunity to attend this summit. Learned a lot from the speakers. The one on "A leader with a heart" made me reflect on my time back in india which eventually caused me to tear a little. Emotional kid grr. Heh. Made quite a no. of new friends too and haha, sharianty still owes me 75 bucks worth of Chickens! (it was some game we played where I was the stock seller and she was the buyer haha) Quite excited for reunion lunch. See you yls'09 peeps there ;D
What a weekend huh? Enjoyed every part of it (: Since it's over now, I can only read this post and look through pictures for memory's sake. As for now, it's back to more Chemistry (!!!!!!!)
Sunday, 8 February 2009 20:30
Convince myself ;
Prince Charming... aisey mann ;DD
Masque will always be supporting you all the way. I have faith that you guys can make it far. Just look at where you guys are now. A house exco member, a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. So proud of all of you, really. MUAH MUAH MUAH!
Prince Charming... aisey mann ;DD
Masque will always be supporting you all the way. I have faith that you guys can make it far. Just look at where you guys are now. A house exco member, a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. So proud of all of you, really. MUAH MUAH MUAH!
I went back to Inda's old blog and found a post for her graded malay assignment.
"Saya rindu akan kehadirannya. Semuanya tidak sama seperti yang dulu. Saya menganggapnya seperti kakak saya sendiri walaupun usia kami serupa. Saya berharap dan sentiasa akan berdoakan untuknya agar dia berjaya dalam apa sahaja dia inginkan dalam hidupnya itu."
It was last year's post but I still cried while reading it.
Dear Inda Nabila, I miss you so much! I really hope you're doing fine now. Please know that I'm still here for you, NO MATTER WHAT!
Still loving and missing you (L)
"Saya rindu akan kehadirannya. Semuanya tidak sama seperti yang dulu. Saya menganggapnya seperti kakak saya sendiri walaupun usia kami serupa. Saya berharap dan sentiasa akan berdoakan untuknya agar dia berjaya dalam apa sahaja dia inginkan dalam hidupnya itu."
It was last year's post but I still cried while reading it.
Dear Inda Nabila, I miss you so much! I really hope you're doing fine now. Please know that I'm still here for you, NO MATTER WHAT!
Still loving and missing you (L)
Sunday, 1 February 2009 13:37
Her special day ;

(sorry this is one day late)
Hey cheesepartner, I love you so much and know that I'll be there for you, no matter what. (everything else is written in the card hehe) Sorry I couldn't attend your mini-birthday at Ludo Park yesterday): Hope you had a blast though!
p.s. All of you have got to watch her dance one day. She's so graceful yknow! ;D
p.s. All of you have got to watch her dance one day. She's so graceful yknow! ;D