Monday, 16 March 2009 23:43
My only weakness is you;

So it's been a while since I've been here. I'm undeniably a lousy blogger so pardon me (:
Received common tests results last week. Big shocker for both maths (quite happy for emaths but I shall not get complaisant!) and a not-so-big-shocker for my sciences :/ Huge disappointment for hml, although it was just a small margin from the passing mark. Os this year, it's like a rule of thumb to get an A1! Pretty nerve-wrecking I must say.
Grades aside, my Friday was spent rather gayly with the WSI crew. Headed to the Botanical Gardens for our picnic. While others brought snacks and concentrated water solution drinks (haha bio), I bought mineral water. Happy to say, it was worth it! HAHA. Just had that psychic instinct that they were going to need a hell lot of mineral water to quench their thirst yknow *winks*
Anyway, team up with a group called ITIK(duck). Ran around SBG for our treasure hunt. The clues were in malay and I especially like the clue that read, "MAKCIK ____ DI HENRY J" or something along those lines. If we rearranged all the letters, it's actually Jackie Chan Ricky Martin. Hilarious! Btw, itik won(: Teehee. PBMC FTW!
As for today, I was a little sad because I woke up a tad too late. Hence, couldn't tag along with my family. The Sister's attending this Man Utd (like seriously, the real Man Utd FC) football course for this whole week and she surprisingly clinched the title, "Player of the Day." Now who says girls can't play football? (: Really proud of her! I'm praying that she will be selected for Top 6. Go Arfynna! Kakak's supporting you all the way ;DD
School 's up on Tuesday. Chem lesson followed by Council. Double Cs! Heh. & it's someone's birthday too! Maybe make it two. One's this really adorable council-mate of mine whom I've bonded so much with over the two years. And the other is some dude who plays the guitar. Haha. Birthday post coming up.... soon (:
Au revoir!
(Yikes! I have yet to reply to all my tags. Sorry mates!)
Saturday, 7 March 2009 23:16
Gramatically speaking you're adorable ;
Thursday marked the end of Common Tests 1 for the secondary threes! 9 papers in a span of 4 days. A special week indeed. Haha.
Birthday date with Hazwani after emath paper on thurs. It turned out to be an excercise date instead because of my irresponsible act. While I tried so hard not to be careless for maths, unfortunately I didn't do the same for my wallet and phone. So yes you've guessed it, my phone and wallet's gone into the hands of ______. I don't even know :/ My parents were quite supportive of me though (lucky kid) because not long after, they made me get a replacement ezlink and sim card. No phone though so haha
Before my parents fetched me, I called mommy, using Hazwani's phone with its battery life expectancy of 1%, to tell her about the loss.
"Mum, you're going to be really disappointed in me..."
& no, it was never completed. Can you imagine getting such a call from your daughter? A thousand different thoughts would be racing through my mind. Nope, not calming thoughts that's for sure.
A day filled with drama but the muffin and brownie was good, yes? Sorry Hazwani! Hopefully we'll have a proper birthday date again okay? This time, with no valuables being carelessly left aside (:
Learning Journey with G3 on friday was exceptional. Although I was kind of disappointed because we headed to the place some of us went for history's fieldtrip last year, but I must say, g3 made it worthwhile! We took class pictures at every place we went. How amazing! I love my class ;DD
Hockey match. Supported them with masque + siti after our respective learning journeys. I thought it was a good game played by crescent hockey. Well done guys!
Danceworks at Plaza Singapura to watch ffdc compete, particularly to watch acap of course ;D Despite not advancing to the finals, I think you guys did really well! It's only your first attempt at it so shouldn't be too demoralised (: There's still many more to come! By the way, the video that I've been uploading onto youtube is taking forever. Sorry! & I met Inda Nabila (!!!!) It's been almost a year since we've last met. Co-incidentally her close friend's in acap's crew too! What a small world huh? ;D
Hmm, this song has been stuck in my head for the whole day. The tune is fabulously cute!
i got birds in my ears
and a devil on my shoulder
whats a crush to do?
whats a crush to do?
when he cant get through.
and a devil on my shoulder
whats a crush to do?
whats a crush to do?
when he cant get through.
Hey if you're free from 3-6pm today and thinking of where to go...
Reason being, (one of) my favourite cousin a.k.a. acap a.ka. khairul ashraf is competing and I'm helping in the publicity of his crew. So go down and support them okay? ;DD
(he is loving me so much for this HAHA)