Saturday, 25 April 2009 02:57
Nothing to a love like what we've got ;
Reading compos now. Hazwani too! I can't believe we're still awake at this hour although we'll be stepping foot at a place that we call our "second home" in a few hours time. Heh. Chem class at 830! See ya G3! ;D
" But even superheroes need saving themselves
'Cos after all they are only human, nothing else
It's who they are and what they do that makes them superhuman
Not because they were born like Wonder Woman "
Exams starting on Wednesday.
All the best, everyone! (:
Exams starting on Wednesday.
All the best, everyone! (:
Wednesday, 22 April 2009 22:57
Just SHAKE it!
To my favourite performers in the world:

Because in our eyes, we know that we have achieved that feeling of satisfaction that we wanted to. We have attained OUR gold standard. Perhaps in the eyes of the judges, we are a silver band but we have achieved more than that . Don't let the disappointment overwhelm us too much okay?
(I'm going to start with the remember thing again hehe) Remember when Ms Fadila went to watch us on one of our practices and she said "I don't feel the bond"? But then... remember the camp we had one week after that? Remember how we had so much fun and bonded really quickly? Remember how everyone was just like "I LOVE CGS ANGKULS!!"? Remember how everyone was showing their love for CGS ANGKULS all over msn and facebook? Remember how everyone started smiling and bouncing and swaying to the songs we play? Remember remember? Omg I can go on~ Hahaha. See! It's after all, the process that counts and regardless of what people think of us, I know you know I know that we did OURSELVES PROUD!
Look what Mdm Nisa said on her facebook:
"Nisa Mustikawati so PROUD of my C_A_K_E (Crescent Angklung & Kulintang Ensemble). I'm satisfied!!! Love you!!!! Good luck 4 your exam."
I SHAKE I SHAKE ANGKLUNG!& here's Mr Very's :
"Very Agung Madrianto I wish for the best... competition is not about competing each other but to see how hard we try"
How can we not love our instructors, tell me? ;DD
L-O-V-E each and every one of you (: Muah!
P.s. I hope you still have the teeny weeny note that was given before we left for rp ;D
Sunday, 12 April 2009 18:47
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love ;
Did I tell you how happy I was on Friday? Rafusecul meeting was quite a success and thank you everyone who came down! (: We have faith that it will work out. Remember, positive vibes~ hehe. RAFUSECUL'09 FTW!
Countdown to SYF: 10 days.
Countdown to MYEs: 17 days.
Whoop whoop! It's time to shift to gear (insertsthefastestgear.perhaps5?) ;D
Hahaha what I really mean is that I can/will/must work way harder 'cos... SA1 here I come! HAHA.
On a sidenote, All the way mommy!! Tomorrow's her last day being in the masters class and after that, it's graaaaaaduation! All the best for your final piece of assignment, mommy. After going through nine other modules, I know you'll do well in this one too. LOVE YOU! ;DD
Sunday, 5 April 2009 12:26
Bring the fire ;
Let the passion be passed on. Keep the flame burning (:
Council Investiture 2009 took place on 31st March, last Tuesday. An exciting yet emotional event. Before we had the exco walk-in, Deb almost cried because she was so proud of the seniors/sec 3s/juniors walk-in. & I almost cried too 'cos it was just such a proud moment for everyone. For surviving another year in council / getting invested into council. But of course, I had to control my emotions to look cool and calm HAHA.
Walking down that small alley to get on stage was... indescribable. It never occured to me that I would sit on the chairs placed on the stage when I was back in sec one. When Christabel and Joey passed down their duties to me, symbolized by the badge-pinning, I was trying so hard to hold back my tears. Sorry, I'm emotional when it gets to this kind of things. hehe. Oh yes, WELL DONE EXCO 08 09 10 for managing to overcome all odds and completing the dance. Backstage was hectic I tell ya!! Haha.
Ohoh and THANK YOU MASQUE for giving the standing ovation. Omg love you guys x10000000000. Thanks for the hugs and screaming and jumping after invest (L)(L) & well done Mean(ah)s for making it all the way to exco. Who would have guessed, all three? That's sure an achievement! We'll make it through this journey. Muah!! -inserts heart shape hand thing- (:
Seniors, thank you so much for all the advice and guidance! I'm going to miss all of you, really): Plus, I'm still touched when you all came to my rescue before the dance. Thank you very very much!
Juniors, congrats for making it through! I'm proud of all 37 of you (: It's sure a big lot so take advantage of it alright? Work together and be there each other till the end of sec 4, hopefully ((:
Sec 3s, so all our sweat and tears was worth it. It was the event we've worked on for quite sometime. We have come far since our sec one days and Thank God for the bond we share. Exco or not, we're close as a batch and I wouldn't want to change it for the world. Lovelove ;DD
Exco 2009-2010, our journey has started. Let's cherish it and do council proud. & Congrats Gauhrie! I'm so proud of you, sarawak outreach groupmate, India immersion programme roommate and current classmate! ;D
Thank you everyone else for the "Congratulations". I'm deeply honoured. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. I'll try my very best not to let anyone down. THANK YOU!! ;DD
Council Investiture 2009 took place on 31st March, last Tuesday. An exciting yet emotional event. Before we had the exco walk-in, Deb almost cried because she was so proud of the seniors/sec 3s/juniors walk-in. & I almost cried too 'cos it was just such a proud moment for everyone. For surviving another year in council / getting invested into council. But of course, I had to control my emotions to look cool and calm HAHA.

Thank you everyone else for the "Congratulations". I'm deeply honoured. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. I'll try my very best not to let anyone down. THANK YOU!! ;DD
Be the Fire. Inspire!
let's do this.