Sunday, 10 May 2009 22:54
Tell me what to do woah-oh ;
Blogger's lagging so this shall be a quick one;
I love you two the most (L) (L) (L)
I shall be stranded at a place called Pulau Ubin for obs till Friday. So, goodbye everyone! Yay obs here i come! & Hellooooo Watch 1 ;DD
Saturday, 9 May 2009 12:07
Playing all superhuman ;
So anyway, after obs (yay omg can't wait!) & nacli briefing, met up with masque to head down to plaza singapura. It's a pity not everyone came. Jaya, Emmy, Afee and Ger couldn't join us): Rafusecul update meeting with Nurul, Ahmad and Amanda while the rest roamed around. Sorry guys!
Met up with them after the productive meeting and walked to cathay. Then we randomly ended up at city hall's underground place where there were people dancing beautifully! I am jealouszxzxzx. Head to Mrs Field's for prim-and-proper tea session while nurul and darsh ditched us. Haha. The muffins are to die for *melts* Esplanade's rooftop for cheery camwhoring session (: What would I do without my crazy friends? Hehe.
For now, my sister thinks I have forgotten all about her birthday. Her present's in my bag though (: Hahaha. Can't wait to see her expression during her birthday dinner!
Au revoir!
Looking back, I think I could have done much better. But there's no point thinking about it right? It's not like I have supersonic powers to change my answers.
So anyway, after obs (yay omg can't wait!) & nacli briefing, met up with masque to head down to plaza singapura. It's a pity not everyone came. Jaya, Emmy, Afee and Ger couldn't join us): Rafusecul update meeting with Nurul, Ahmad and Amanda while the rest roamed around. Sorry guys!
Met up with them after the productive meeting and walked to cathay. Then we randomly ended up at city hall's underground place where there were people dancing beautifully! I am jealouszxzxzx. Head to Mrs Field's for prim-and-proper tea session while nurul and darsh ditched us. Haha. The muffins are to die for *melts* Esplanade's rooftop for cheery camwhoring session (: What would I do without my crazy friends? Hehe.
Au revoir!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009 22:55
Stuck in love with each other ;

The historians in my class have one full day to mug for emaths but it's okay, we, lit students, shall make full use of our 3 hours given before our paper. Thank God we are not tested on the Whale Rider! (okay I can feel the glares coming from the pure lit students hahaha)
Loved my bus ride home with Dini (uncle) rawiri and Sitira (koro) apirana. Plus the time spent with frenzzzz at the library before malay paper.
"I may be a bimbo but I have brains okay!"
"That defeats the whole meaning!"
"Okay I know... you're the most feminine"
Hahaha. This is so amusing.
Wait, I'll end this post with Izzah's random geeky pick-up line moments today,
- "Will you be my dictionary? 'cos you bring meaning to my life"
- "You're so hot... you denature my enzymes"
Okay this is the part where you start laughing. HAHAHAHA!
Friday, 1 May 2009 14:56
Lost all defense ;
Dear microsoft-learning-gateway,
We, crescentians, need you to get well really really soon. Our notes and practice papers are there! Hope you'll be a kind erm, soul (:
Fortunately, Moy Hong sent some amaths practice papers. Thanks dude! Completed one of it and ohboyy... recap session, anyone? Amaths, please don't be a killer.
Since amaths decided to have a break of its own, should it be emaths quiz or geog now?
Hmm all signs point to emaths!
(reminder to coolest 3G3: quiz is due this sunday -inserts ahhhh-)