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Saturday 24 October 2009 23:01
I'm leaving your town again ;

I guess it's about time~

See you there! ♥

-wired up

Saturday 16 May 2009 01:09
There's something about OBS that stays with you for life ;

Eng Soon ♥

I'm back from OBS and still in one piece ;D

Best moment: Definitely both the land and sea expeditions (:
Worst moment: When I felt sick but had to be stronger for the whole fleet during sea expedition.
Commitment statement: I want Crescent Council to make an impact to the school.
Watchmates <3 : Sindie, Joanne, Aish, Sarah Bennett, Sarah Teo, Karyee, Yiqing, Niveetha, Clare, Nishan, Regine, Meritta and Amla

YAY! Going there with a positive attitude really does help, right Hazwani? Haven't seen you since Monday =O Haha.

Anyway I shall blog about OBS quickly before my eyes shut. I'm actually sitting on smooth ground now. What a change :/ Heh.

Day 1: Trust fall + Belaying. Got to know more about the other people in ENG SOON (L) Instructor Kiah was fun fun! Everyone enjoyed dinner because we had rice haha. & it turned out good ;D Watch mates thought I totally brought the council spirit into the team. Cheh bah... crescent council ftw!

Day 2: Climbed the Indianna! Whoo! I actually made a pact with niveetha to try everything out and yayee we overcame our fear of heights ;D Kayaked to camp 2 while doing capsize drills. Hehe capsizing was really thrilling! ((: Actually, we more of drifted to camp 2 rather than kayaked there. Haha.

Day 3: Land expedition to public campsite! Kiah said that our chances of meeting a wild boar were very low because our group was simply too noisy. HAHA. Sang our FAVOURITE SONG known as the "Beer song" Its a song where we countdown from 100 to 0 and what started off as being the most annoying song ever turned out to be the best song I've heard! Hahaha. We sang HSM + Tarzan + Hi-5 songs too! Oh and we did our incompleted cheer. hahaha. Visited an "Aunty's Farm" along the way. Was suppose to assist Dhanabalan Watch but I hope everyone's doing okay now (: Hope Charlie a.k.a. Bidin's fine too! Told pick-up lines at the Peak of Pulau Ubin. Funny!! Kiah's exact words, "Is this place really romantic?" Haha! Screamed and cheered once we reached because we successfully completed our 8+ km trek (:

Day 4: Sea expedition. Got to admit being one of the navigators was nerve-wrecking. Thank God I have an awesomepossum navigator partner named Priya who gets high eating oreos! Hahaha! We reached Camp 1 amazingly fast. Kayaked 13km in 4 hours how much cooler can Camp 1 Alpha get? ;D I'm so proud of ALL OF YOU, seriously! Well done ;DD I almost lead them to Malaysia because Priya and I got confused at Che Jawa. Heehee. & Regine drowned in beer because we sang the Beer song many times over! Haha! Jetty jump was fantastic!! Celebration dinner was freaking good especially when we got high eating oreos while cooking dinner. There's something about Eng Soon and Oreos that you just can't seem to separate. Haha! We refused to sleep even after pitching our tents so we told more pick-up lines (Karyee is like non-stop pick up line machine haha) and told stories of different genres ;D I love Eng Soon.

Day 5: Trust fall-like activity but we had to say a commitment statement. Hmm... we will help one another to achieve what we said okay? (: Sat in a circle to give out our pretty group picture and certs plus a recap of every activity. Honestly, some of us were on the brink of tears. Ahhhh Eng Soon's so fabulous hehe. Cheered and cheered and cheered and said one last pick up line to Kiah before heading to our boat to be sent back to reality. Heh.

Overall, OBS was a camp that allowed me to try many things that perhaps I'll never do on my own. So YAY OBS!

Three cheers for Eng Soon, Camp 1 Alpha and every other crescentian who went for OBS!

Hip hip hooray!!

p.s. Pictures + proper picture of group shot shall be up when I get them (:

-wired up

Sunday 10 May 2009 22:54
Tell me what to do woah-oh ;

Blogger's lagging so this shall be a quick one;




I love you two the most (L) (L) (L)

I shall be stranded at a place called Pulau Ubin for obs till Friday. So, goodbye everyone! Yay obs here i come! & Hellooooo Watch 1 ;DD

-wired up

Saturday 9 May 2009 12:07
Playing all superhuman ;


Looking back, I think I could have done much better. But there's no point thinking about it right? It's not like I have supersonic powers to change my answers.

So anyway, after obs (yay omg can't wait!) & nacli briefing, met up with masque to head down to plaza singapura. It's a pity not everyone came. Jaya, Emmy, Afee and Ger couldn't join us): Rafusecul update meeting with Nurul, Ahmad and Amanda while the rest roamed around. Sorry guys!

Met up with them after the productive meeting and walked to cathay. Then we randomly ended up at city hall's underground place where there were people dancing beautifully! I am jealouszxzxzx. Head to Mrs Field's for prim-and-proper tea session while nurul and darsh ditched us. Haha. The muffins are to die for *melts* Esplanade's rooftop for cheery camwhoring session (: What would I do without my crazy friends? Hehe.

For now, my sister thinks I have forgotten all about her birthday. Her present's in my bag though (: Hahaha. Can't wait to see her expression during her birthday dinner!

Au revoir!

-wired up

Wednesday 6 May 2009 22:55
Stuck in love with each other ;

2 more papers! I can feel the joy of ending exams setting in already (: Literature tomorrow followed by Emaths on Friday. Aren't you psyched? Hehe.

The historians in my class have one full day to mug for emaths but it's okay, we, lit students, shall make full use of our 3 hours given before our paper. Thank God we are not tested on the Whale Rider! (okay I can feel the glares coming from the pure lit students hahaha)

Loved my bus ride home with Dini (uncle) rawiri and Sitira (koro) apirana. Plus the time spent with frenzzzz at the library before malay paper.

"I may be a bimbo but I have brains okay!"
"That defeats the whole meaning!"
"Okay I know... you're the most feminine"

Hahaha. This is so amusing.

Wait, I'll end this post with Izzah's random geeky pick-up line moments today,

- "Will you be my dictionary? 'cos you bring meaning to my life"

- "You're so hot... you denature my enzymes"

Okay this is the part where you start laughing. HAHAHAHA!

-wired up

Friday 1 May 2009 14:56
Lost all defense ;

Dear microsoft-learning-gateway,

We, crescentians, need you to get well really really soon. Our notes and practice papers are there! Hope you'll be a kind erm, soul (:


Fortunately, Moy Hong sent some amaths practice papers. Thanks dude! Completed one of it and ohboyy... recap session, anyone? Amaths, please don't be a killer.

Since amaths decided to have a break of its own, should it be emaths quiz or geog now?
Hmm all signs point to emaths!
(reminder to coolest 3G3: quiz is due this sunday -inserts ahhhh-)

-wired up

Monday 27 April 2009 23:42
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror ;

I want to be a geologist! :D Well, maybe. Haha

So it's midyears now. ALL THE BEST! :D
Till 8 May 2009.

-wired up